Greetings UWCEA Community,
We take a moment to pause and once again reflect on what has been lost and what we have felt during this time. Events in the world are constantly changing, and some are causing people to experience emotions that they have not felt in a long time, or grieving traumas that they believed they had moved past. During times like these, we have to find something to help us remain positive and see a brighter future ahead. In response to this, we want to spend this week focusing on the importance of experiencing and spreading JOY.
A simple word, but it can truly change a moment, a day, a life. When you know that joy is possible, you seek ways to create it, even during a difficult time. The phrase, “Joy comes in the morning,” has a spiritual base, but is a message that can resonate with everyone. We know that when you are going through something that is less than ideal it is essential to remain hopeful and optimistic that it will not last forever. Believing that your joy will come in the metaphorical morning helps people believe in a better future even during some of their darkest hours. Recently AISA offered a webinar on a related topic with Dr. Suzy Green that delved into the essential elements of positive psychology. View the webinar on this link, and open up to the possibility of injecting your life with a little positivity. Although the primary focus of the webinar is on leadership, the resources and insights she provides on the concept of resiliency are messages that can resonate with everyone as we can all be positive leaders for those around us.