Moshi Campus News – 22 Sep 2024

Moshi Campus News – 22 September 2024


Upcoming events

Residential Life

Outdoor Pursuits

PYP News

EC/P1 Class

P2/3 Class

P4/5 Class

P6 Class

A Great Day

At 2pm on Friday we started our annual 24-Hr Run to raise funds for scholarships. For 24 hours people walked and ran for donations but also contributed in so many ways. The preparation, however, started long before that. Thank you to the parents, teachers and staff who worked very hard in the planning and promotion of the event, particularly Brigitte, Marieke, Val, Julien, Ben and Ingrid along with our Student Organizers. Thank you to the PTA for their support as always with school events. Thank you to TPC for their kind donation to the fund again this year. It’s wonderful to see members from the wider community joining in with our fundraising. The Kilimanjaro Mountain Club also entered a team and contributed to scholarship funds.

I would also like to thank all of the gardeners, cleaners, cooks, maintenance, op staff and others that spent the last week getting ready and will spend this week breaking things down. Thank you as well to those from Arusha campus who drove down, and back for the event extending their 24 hours a bit. This really is a team event. I am sorry to anyone I missed in my thanks, it is such a large list that I may have accidently done so.

Not just in the lead up, but also on the day, the students contributed to the scholarship efforts. They ran cooking stalls, donated their hair (both for the scholarship but also to the cancer ward in one case), worked as DJs and were involved in many levels. Again this year there were multiple students that ran or walked over 60 kilometers to help raise funds.

The current total raise when I was writing this was over $14,150 with more that is not counted in yet. If you are still interested in donating, you can use this link to the webpage that has ways to donate.

The photo below is of the last lap of the 24 hours.

This week we will have more going on around campus and in particular on Friday we have primary football matches, the blood drive and the Farmers’ Market. We hope to see you there.

Bob Cofer – Head of Campus

Upcoming events

Residential Life

Dear UWCEA Community,

Welcome to the long-awaited 24-hour run day! While the day started by looking a bit gloomy, we were all excited about the event and were happy to welcome so many of you on campus.

If you joined us virtually, please remember that you can always donate online as well, even after the 24-hour run.

As a reminder, if you have not yet, please fill out the October Break plans by September 25th.

PYP/MYP October Break Departures and Arrivals Form

DP October Break Departures and Arrivals From

Have a great day today!
Adnan Mackovic – Head of Residential Life

Ujafamily Update

Our Ujafamily Programme has begun, with many UjaParents taking advantage of the long weekend to meet up with their Ujachildren. Here are a few of the photos that were shared this week. Many thanks to everyone involved with the programme, you are, indeed, giving our students a much needed “sense of home, away from home!”  Asanteni sana

Latin America in Moshi

Last September 15th, México, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica celebrated 203 years of Independence. Also, Chile is celebrating the independence day on the 18th.

Therefore, all the Spanish speakers of our Community, teachers and students, gathered at my place and we shared a beatiful day of food and laughings.

As you can see in the picture attached, it was a nice opportunity to share and enjoy our common roots.


Outdoor Pursuits

The OP team have been busily supporting the 24-Hr run this weekend with all 55 tents being loaned out alongside nearly 200 roll mats! This is a huge effort to ensure all equipment is cleaned, prepared and ready particularly as a lot of the equipment was only returned last Tuesday. Thank you to Mr Salimu and Mr Isaac for going above and beyond.

Upcoming trips next weekend include Peaks to North Pare and Rides to Simba Farm. Once again, these have been very popular, particularly the Peaks trip to North Pare. Therefore, it has been agreed that this trip will run again in mid-November, please sign up on Life.

Departure for both trips will be Saturday (28th) morning and return on Sunday (29th) afternoon. Please keep an eye for further communication with confirmation of timings.
Final plans are also in place for an extra Reefs trip. This will be an Open Water PADI certification trip and run at the end of October. There will be a short sign-up period from the start of next week.

In other news, externally, the OP store has been painted and now looks a lot fresher! Plans are in place to get a local artist to come and add some artwork. We will keep you posted on progress.

Reefs trip and M1-M3 campcraft review will follow next week.

The OP Team

PYP News

It was great to see so many PYP children participating in the 24 hour run. Well done to everyone that took part! We also had a great turn out for Wednesday’s Crazy Hair Day and 24 minute run. Thank you to the primary Student Voice for organising this fun event.

The P4 -6 classes will take online MAP assessments in reading, language and maths next week. These assessments will provide useful information about the children’s progress and will inform planning of the next steps for each child to move forward. There is no need to do anything special to prepare for the MAP assessments – a good night’s sleep, a nutritious breakfast and a healthy snack are the only preparations that are necessary. The results will be shared by email at a future date

On Tuesday 24th September, some of the primary children will head to Kennedy House for an athletics meet.  The children have been invited through Life. Please confirm your child’s attendance or withdraw them from the trip so that we can make the necessary plans.  We wish our travelling children the very best of luck.

Clubs will finish on Thursday, 26th September.  If you are interested in offering a club for the PYP next quarter please email me or Coach Pickell ( This is a commitment for one afternoon a week 2-3pm. Thank you to those parents and Diploma students that offered a club for this quarter – without you it would not have been possible to offer such a varied programme. As always, thank you to the Educational Assistants, who support all of the clubs.

On Friday, 27th there will be a friendly football tournament with Kibo Shanty, PPA and Hope starting at 1:30pm. The last Saturday football of the quarter will be Saturday, 28th September.

On Monday, 30th September, the P2-P6 classes will travel to Arusha for some friendly games including a bean bag race, a sack race and paper aeroplane flying. This is a great opportunity to build connections between the primary classes on both campuses. We will leave at 7:30am and will return by 3pm. Permission slips will be sent home next week. The children will need to wear a house shirt and running shoes and bring:

  • A packed lunch and snack
  • A full water bottle
  • Sunscreen
  • A hat

Please ensure that all of your child’s items are named.

On Wednesday, 2nd October, we will have the Primary Goal Setting Conferences. Parents, child and teacher will  meet to discuss learning goals for the rest of the semester. A sign up invitation will be sent to you shortly. There will be no classes on that day. Thursday will be a regular day and then on Friday the Student Voice members have arranged a Pyjama Party for the afternoon. What a lovely way to end a very happy quarter. See the poster below for details.

Deborah Mills – PYP Coordinator

EC/P1 Class

We wrapped up our discussions about emotions, feelings, and strategies to help when we are upset. We shared pictures of how emotions look on the notice board outside our classroom. Please take a look during drop off and pick up times and ask the children questions about them.

We created block graphs this week, looking at what colour T-shirts everyone wore. We seem to have clear favourites. The data we collected will be posted in the classroom.

This coming week, we will examine at-home activities more closely. A challenge will be sent home on Monday. Look out for that. We will also be creating a piece of art and we will need your help to complete it. Please be on the lookout for the instructions on Monday.

P1s are wrapping up their review of letter sounds this coming week. They will then move on to more intensive reading and writing sessions. They are very excited.

The picture shared is of the winners of crazy hair day. What a fun day we had. Everyone was happy and tired after the 24-minute run.

Mboka Mwasongwe

P2/3 Class

This short week was filled with good things! Crazy Hair Day was a blast, and we all enjoyed the 24-Minute Run! In class, P3 Maths took on the challenge of rounding 2 and 3-digit numbers while P2 Maths made strides in addition. The whole class took time to reflect on our Friendship unit. We also spent time discussing how and why to give an apology. I’d like to encourage you to take some time to talk about this more at home. We discussed how an apology should include these things: “I’m sorry for….” And “Next time, I’ll try….”

We are excited about our new unit of Light and Sound. The Lines of Inquiry will be:

  • Sources of light and sound
  • Properties of light and sound
  • Manipulation of light and sound

Next week, we are back on schedule for Library on Monday, PE Swim on Tuesday and regular PE on Friday.

Kacey Buckley

P4/5 Class

This week the children have carried out research about a simple machine of their choice. They will use this information to make posters. The children have started rotating through construction activities. They are making pulleys, spinning tops, buggies and catapults. They will continue with these activities next week. We hope to have a presentation on the breezeway before the end of the quarter where the children can share their learning with you. I will share more details with you later.

We all enjoyed crazy hair day – there were some very creative styles! The 24 minute run was also lots of fun. Thank you, Student Voice.

On Monday we will start the online MAP assessment and will begin with reading. On Tuesday the children will take maths and Wednesday will be language. Many of the children will miss the Tuesday MAP because they will be attending an athletics meet at Kennedy House but there is no problem because they can take the assessment on Thursday instead. The IT lab can get cold but if I turn off the a/c it gets warm and stuffy so please send your child with a jacket.

Deborah Mills

P6 Class

Crazy Hair Day and the 24-minute Run brought a lot of excitement to our week! P6 waltzed, crawled, jogged, crab-walked, and more around the pitch in an event organized by Student Voice, designed to get us moving and raise awareness for the 24-Hour Run. With their wild, wacky, and creative hairstyles, P6 fully embraced Spirit Day (check out our photos).

As part of our current Unit of Inquiry, P6 did a fantastic job of presenting their oral presentations. The children also had a great time reading to their buddies—thank you to Ms. Mboka and EC/P1 for joining us.

Next week, P6 have their online MAP testing. No preparation is needed, and the schedule is as follows:

  • Monday: P6 Reading
  • Tuesday: P6 Maths
  • Wednesday: P6 Language/ Maths make up from Athletics
  • Thursday: Make up tests
  • Friday: Make up tests

Have a great weekend!
Natasha Berri