| Waiting For The Rains As we enter November it is hard to believe how fast the year is going. As always you can see what has happened below. The students and staff have been involved in many events recently and one of the biggest for Moshi campus is just two weeks away. Starting on Friday the 18th we will be hosting the annual Sports Weekend. This year we are expecting about 750 student participants from both our campuses and 10 other visiting schools. Students will complete in 8 different sports through Sunday afternoon. This weekend is a great opportunity for sport, but it also allows students from all over Tanzania to meet and get to know each other. In addition to the sports the Farmers’ Market team will be running a special market on Saturday from 11:30am. If you are nearby, please stop by to cheer on the various teams and do some shopping. In addition to this, students will be traveling on other weekends for athletics, basketball and football not to mention OP. As I write this we have two groups out, one biking on West Kilimanjaro and another off to Tanga for dive training. We still also have a Peaks trip before the end of the semester. On Monday the PTA will be having their annual AGM at 5pm on campus at the Director’s garden. They will be looking back at their activities and looking ahead at the rest of the year. I look forward to seeing some of you at the above events or the talent show on November 11th (see article below) and hope you enjoy the weekend. Bob Cofer – Head of Campus | | Talent Show Do you play the trumpet, are you a comedian, or do you have another amazing talent you would like to share? UWCEA will be hosting its very own Talent Show on the afternoon of the 11th of November from 3 p.m. to 5:30 pm! It will be a place for people to share what they are passionate about and shine. Everyone is welcome, from PYPs to parents and the outside community. To sign up, students will get a form through their emails. Everybody else can sign up in the reception, breezeway, or staff room. We are so excited to see you all there! | Ben’s Corner There are many benefits to being part of a “through school.” To clarify, a “through school” is a school that combines at least two educational stages-typically Primary and Secondary-in one establishment. These schools are becoming more prominent for a number of reasons but, oftentimes, they are spread across multiple campuses. | There are many advantages for different stakeholders in through schools. For example, our Primary learners have access to Secondary facilities and expertise to enhance their learning experiences within certain units. Younger children can also benefit from the leadership and mentoring of older peers. The benefits extend to Secondary students as well. For students moving from P6 to M1 or, later, M5 to D1, they do not have to go through such a difficult period of transition, so, in theory, they do not experience as significant a shift in enthusiasm or achievement. These students often move up with an established group of friends and are familiar with the environment and many of the teachers, allowing them to focus on their learning. At the same time, older students have opportunities to mentor and be role models for the younger students, developing confidence, resilience and character. | | As teachers, following a student’s learning journey across multiple years allows us to positively support them as learners and allow for targeted intervention and tracking. The model also affords us opportunities to share best practice across phases and learn from teachers we might not otherwise have the chance to collaborate with. However, for me, the most impactful benefit is the overwhelming sense of community and family that are prevalent in a through school or, at least, in our through school. This is a benefit that extends beyond the school day as we have countless opportunities for students of multiple ages to support each other, share experiences and, often, interact. Last Friday’s Halloween extravaganza was the perfect example of this. Moving from the wonderful Trunk or Treat on the pitch in the afternoon to the unparallelled off campus experiences in the evening. Ben Morley – Deputy Head of Campus | | Diploma News We finally have all 152 Diploma Students on campus after two students, delayed by paperwork, have arrived. Two things this week have made me very proud of how supportive our students are of each other. We are planning an activity with our self-taught students where students will work on a text in their mother tongue, for some students their country peer does not do Self Taught but when asked to help the response was “I’d love to”. Secondly, we found out our countries for the East Africa Model United Nations Conference, which we will attend in February and all three countries are ones we have students from. These students have already helped us come up with ideas for resolutions and are willing to support us throughout the process. The D1 students have chosen their projects for project week, and we will get back to them with questions and then let them know their groups next week. Then the real planning starts. They will be allocated a supervisor, whose role is to ask questions not to give answers and we will give them some time in Life Skills to work on their plan. Transport, accommodation, food, activities, external contacts are just some of the things they have to think about. The D2 students have started working seriously on their Theory of Knowledge Essays. The titles for these were issued by IB in October and students have been discussing their ideas in class. Last week we gave them a chance to work with a teacher on a choice of two titles to unpack them in detail. Now they should have committed to their title and the AOKs (Areas of Knowledge) they will work with, and they need to come up with examples. They will meet with their teacher regularly to discuss their progress. We have started the plans for the mock oral examinations and the provisional schedule will be shared next week. We try to run the mock oral examinations in the same way as the final ones so the students get used to the experience. The only difference is there is no formal mock oral for Self-Taught. If students are leaving early, it is important they let me know. The registration details were shared with students in October, it is important that any problems are identified before the 15th of November as that is the date they are submitted to IB. | On Wednesday 2nd November the More than a Drop Service group went to visit the girls at the centre. They work with them to teach English and plan a variety of other activities. Margaret Brunt – DP Coordinator | | During the upcoming, we are going to be sharing some interesting learning experiences happening in the MYP classrooms. That is where the “real magic happens” by our creative inquirers! What happened in M1 this week? Early Humans time traveled into our I&S classroom! As part of our unit, “Early Humans”, students have been exploring the three periods of the Stone Age: | | – Paleolithic – Mesolithic – Neolithic They were asked to create a “Stone Age Human Bag” which included tools, artifacts, food and anything that could inform 21st Century learners about the stories of previous hunter-gatherers. Students showcased their ability to communicate information and ideas with clarity as well as organize that information and their ideas effectively for the task. Stay tuned for what M2 has to share with us next week! Farah Fawaz – MYP Coordinator | | Residential Life What a week in Residential Life! No other phrase can match that as we had a weekend filled with activities already outlined through this newsletter. However, a special note to highlight was the successful MYP residential dinner which was planned, led, and organised by the students in Kivuli. They decorated the dining hall, hosted the evening, and gave prizes to the best dressed. As always, these moments bring us closer together and allow us to connect and engage with others of all ages who we may not do so on a regular basis. Thank you Kivuli. In addition to the dinner, this weekend we have a primary cycling trip to Jack Fruit, MYP bonding time at Courage Café, a DP trip to Honey Badger Lodge to relax by the pool, disconnect and have a break from Campus. I am also thrilled to see our students leading more initiatives on Sunday that involve celebrating traditional and cultural holidays combined with an opportunity to join our community Hash run in the afternoon. Lastly, speaking of culture, I was thrilled to see our first cultural evening of the year hosted on Sunday by Arsine and Narek, from Armenia and am excited to hear who will be hosting next Sunday. Thank you to all those involved in preparing for this evening and making it informative, engaging and of course, we cannot forget the dancing and wonderful Armenian dessert. Arsine: My D2 and I organized an Armenian cultural night for our friends and teachers on Sunday. We were very happy to introduce our culture to others. Most people don’t even know about the existence of our country, although it is one of the ancient ones. It was an honour to share our national heritage and have a little traditional dance with everyone in the end in order to bond us even more. Simon Johnston – Head of Residential Life | Outdoor Pursuits The OP level 2 peaks trip was located in the beautiful region of Lushoto. The trip, getting there was long, taking us 9 hours from Arusha. Our school driver Frankie did an amazing job covering the distance and navigating the winding roads, ensuring his precious cargo reaches its destination. Our first day was a transport day, we arrived in Lushoto, set up camp and enjoyed dinner together next to an old beat-up Toyota. This was a great chance for Moshi and Arusha students to get to know one another before the upcoming two-day hike began. The next two days were challenging and incredible, the trail took us through the Usambara mountains area passing, local villages, local crops, potato harvesters, cattle, goats trails, pine tree forests and a local weekend market. We climbed steep hills and gasped at the amazing views at the tops of these hills. Our first hiking day was 15km, the second was 16km. Our stop over point was at a catholic monastery deep in the mountains where hikers were rewarded with cold water showers and a hot pasta meal from trip leaders Isaac and Salimu. By the end of the second day, hikers’ feet, legs and shoulders were hurting but we were all smiling having experienced the beauty of Usambara. Big thanks to the staff, trip leaders and village guide for their support, direction and hospitality on this amazing level 2 peaks trip. Baden Dowie – Experiential Learning Coordinator | Sports Update Last week was full of sports events. Below is a quick summary of the sports events. The U15 and Open Netball team had a fantastic, friendly game against Moshi Technical Secondary School, preparing for Sports Weekend. Big Shout out to MTS. The U13 Football boys’ team had their tournament on Friday at St. Constantine’s International School, placing third. We had a squad of 12 students from P6 and M1 students. They played their matches brilliantly but were unlucky with penalties. Nevertheless, we are very proud of their accomplishment. The secondary swimming team currently has their swimming gala at St. Constantine’s International School. More news will be an announcement next week. Next week we have Athletics Meets at UWCEA Arusha. Primary will be on the 11th of November, and Secondary will be on the 12th of November. The journey to Arusha is long, but we look forward to the opportunity for our students’ to compete against students from other schools. Some of our young students will only be participating in one event, and you might decide that it is too far for your child to travel for a relatively short time of active participation. If that is the case please can you let me know as soon as possible so that numbers can be finalised. Sports weekend is in 13 days. If you have any questions regarding the event please contact me at mostafarihan@uwcea.org. Mostafa Rihan – Sports & Activities Coordinator | From the Counselors I am so proud of our students as many dedicated themselves to applying for universities during the first early application round that had a deadline of November 1st. We had 29 students apply early this cycle compared to less than 10 last year. Applicants who applied early should know their university decision on or after December 15th this year. Now, I turn my attention to students who want to apply for regular decision or early application II. For these students, the admissions process will also include their semester grades coming out in early December. The internal deadline for ED II and regular decision submission of paperwork is December 28th. In-Person and Virtual Events - Monday, November 7th from 10:15 am-11:20 am EAT, In-Person visit by Bennington College in Rafiki Hall. Snacks and drinks will be provided.
- Tuesday, November 8th from 7:30-8:30 pm EAT, Hamilton College: How to Write Supplemental Essays virtual presentation.
- Tuesday, November 8th [DATE & TIME CHANGE] from 8:30-9:30 pm EAT, Financial Aid: Part II: FAQ on the CSS Profile and ISFAF for US schools. D2 families are highly recommended to attend.
This session will focus on frequently asked questions regarding filling out the CSS Profile, ISFAF/ISFAA, or school-specific financial aid forms that may be required for US colleges/universities. This is a general overview of the US financial aid forms with attention to the meaning of how certain questions are asked. These documents, although for international applicants, have very American-centered questions. For specific questions regarding your circumstances, an appointment can be made with me, or you can email me your questions. Help can also be sought from your local Education USA Office. - Thursday, November 10th from 7:30-8:30 pm EAT, Lake Forest College virtual presentation
Andrea Kitomary – University Counselor | PYP News Some of our P6 and M1 boys competed in a football tournament in Arusha on Friday. Congratulations on reaching the semi finals. Some secondary students are organising a talent show for this Friday, 11th November in Rafiki Hall 3:30 – 5:00pm. Any PYP children that would like to participate should inform their class teacher or sign up on the breezeway or in reception. On 11th November we will be sending a team to the Primary athletics meet on Arusha campus. The permission slips were sent home on Friday. Please return these to school as soon as possible so that we can finalise numbers. The Student Voice are organising a back to front, inside out dress up day on Monday, 28th November. Upcoming events: - 18th November – Primary gathering presentation by the Daycare Centre
- 25th November – PYP Sharing Assembly
Deborah Mills – PYP Coordinator | Of the various buildings we explored this week, the children loved the laundry room the best. They were fascinated by the large washing machines and dryers we found in that large room. ‘They are so large that one child could fit into one’. The staff were very kind to put the machines on while we were there so the children could watch them as they spun. The poles and wires that were used to hang wet clothes were so long that the children wondered where they could get clothes to fill them all. Next week, we hope to visit two more buildings which are not ‘typical’ buildings as well as start learning about the shape of buildings. Mboka Mwasongwe | | Whew, it was HOT spending so much time focused on Deserts this week. The class was very interested in some of the adaptations that plants and animals need to survive in the desert. We even dubbed Wednesday as Camel Day because there was so much to learn! Next week we will be looking at Forests and Rainforests. In Math, we have had fun with graphs- making them and reading them. We will continue for another week with the focus on long A patterns in our letters and sounds because it’s tough knowing when to know -ai instead of a_e. We will be looking at irregular past tense verbs. Most students use these words correctly when talking but writing them is trickier. Please keep up the great reading practice at home. Every student is making progress with their reading. It is so exciting! Kacey Buckley | | This week had a volcano focus in P4/5. The children finished their volcano models (see photo), they wrote acrostics about volcanoes and carried out an investigation with Vitamin C tablets to see that a build up of gas and pressure can make things explode. They were busy making playdough so that next week they can construct a model showing the different layers of the Earth. Next week we will start inquiring into wild weather with a focus on hurricanes and drought. During our IT sessions, the children have been learning to open a Google doc, name it and save it. They are typing up poems and changing the size and style of the font. In maths the children have been using nets to make 3D shapes and are learning the properties of pyramids. Next week we will focus on prisms. Deborah Mills | | After school Friday saw some of the class celebrating Scarlett’s birthday at the pool while five class members were away representing the school in an under 13s football tournament- well done on reaching the semis-finals, boys! Prior to this, there were the usual weekday exertions as they kept on learning. Maths saw more problem solving while language was persuasive writing techniques and some applied spelling work. Throughout the week they presented their home learning tasks on their media unit: again it was good to see the quality and range of the content but just as important is their assurance in presenting to the class. The quality of the listening, questions and peer feedback shows they are maturing as active listeners too. Next week, they will be presenting a commercial they have made in IT- highlighting media techniques for promoting products; and this will be assessed as we bring the unit to a close. Hywel Davies | | | |