Moshi Campus News – 5 Feb 2022

Moshi Campus News – 5 February 2022


Exciting News


Ben’s Corner

Diploma News

Residential Life

MYP News

From the Counselors

PYP News

EC/P1 Class

P2 Class

P3/4 Class

P5 Class

P6 Class

Week Without Walls

A Quiet Campus

This week the campus was, as I hear it, very quiet. With the MYP students and most D1 students off on different adventures the campus was mostly just D2 and PYP students. The D2 were working through the Mock exams. Their major formative checkup to see where they are and what they need to work on over the next three months.

For the MYP students I have heard a bit about the trips and it sounds like there were a lot of fun times. For the D1 students there were really a variety of experiences and hearing from 4 groups already, the experience was well worth it. Over the next few weeks we will be sharing more about these trips but there are a few pictures at the bottom of the newsletter.

Starting the 13th the campus will change from quiet to quite busy. We will have the IB/CIS/MSA virtual accreditation visit and with this, parents, students, teachers, administrators and the board will have different zoom meetings as well as virtual tours of campus and class visits. While we will try to keep it all as unobtrusive as possible, there will be some alterations to class schedules that will happen.

If you are on campus this weekend you will also see that the new playground structure is taking shape. I will include a picture in next week’s newsletter so you can see.

Bob Cofer – Head of Campus

Exciting News


Ben’s Corner

A Week Without Walls is becoming a regular feature for many international schools across the globe. In essence, the idea is that students have the opportunity to engage in a cultural, personal, interdisciplinary and interpersonal learning experience over a number of days off campus. The weeks often incorporate environmental or service learning elements.

I feel that the walls at UWCEA are already pretty flexible and learning is often not confined to the classroom. However, having just returned from walking with the Hadzabe tribe in the Lake Eyasi basin, I can safely say that there are not many schools out there who could match the experience of a Week Without Walls at UWCEA. I am sure there will be far more shared in upcoming newsletters but I cannot imagine a more authentic, meaningful and impactful learning experience than the one I just shared with our M1s from both campuses.

Again, far more details will come but I wanted to share one aspect here that may be overlooked in upcoming reports but is, certainly, worth celebrating. We talked to the students at length before we set off about ‘setting an example,’ ‘being ambassadors for the school’ and so on. I only returned late yesterday afternoon but have already received so much positive feedback from teachers about how much they enjoyed spending time with the students away from the campus setting, how they were “absolutely brilliant” and “a real delight to be with.” The students on my trip were also an absolute credit to the school and themselves. This week is such a unique opportunity for teachers and students to get to know each other a little better and on a different level and this can only have far reaching implications when we return to classroom learning on Monday.

So, so much work went into organising and facilitating these wonderful experiences, so, please do say thank you, recognise and appreciate how fortunate we are to be able to experience such life-defining learning. Send an email, catch someone in the breezeway or drop them a WhatsApp message. It does not take long. Same again next year everyone?

Ben Morley – Deputy Head of Campus

Diploma News

It has been a very interesting week, highlighting two very different parts of my job.

The D2 students have been doing mock examinations. These are the ultimate formative exam experience. They are a chance for students and teachers to find out what they know and for students to discover if their study habits work. It is also about the style of the exam papers, the formality of the seating plans and the instructions. We want to remove the stress of the structure of exams by making it familiar. The students’ behaviour has been amazing, there have only been a few late arrivals and all only by a few minutes. Students have in the main worked for the entire exam. Teachers will be marking these and then returning them to the students and reports with the grades will be issued later this month. For the School Supported Self-Taught students, it was mainly an opportunity to sit the exam, many have reported it was a shock having to write in their mother tongue. While we are trying to find ways to assess them, these grades are not official and so will not be reported.

A big thank you to the primary students who have supported the D2s by being quiet around Rafiki. There are still exams on Monday in Rafiki and on Tuesday in room 27 (next to my office).

On the other hand, D1 have been experiencing project week. They sound like they are having an amazing time. The joy I see when I meet the ones on campus is fantastic to see. Those off campus are emailing or messaging me daily. The photos look wonderful, and they all seem to be enjoying themselves. These are all student led projects and the learning of non-academic skills is immense. More details of each project will be sent next week.

Margaret Brunt – DP Coordinator

Residential Life

A week in Residential Life during mock examinations, Project Week and Week Without Walls? Well, what can I say….I was not there. However, as I write this, I am reflecting on the fact that this is the very first time I have been away from Residential Life for the entire week since my arrival. In addition to this, I write this with fifteen M1 students singing loudly at the back of the bus as we drive back from Karatu having spent a week in Lake Eyasi visiting an array of indigenous tribes. More on that to come later, but what an amazing logistical feat. Every MYP student was out of residence and exploring their backyard and a majority of D1 students were off campus too. Our PYP and D2 students held the fort in very different settings.

Before I let Mapalo and Tendo briefly outline their perspectives about Residential Life on campus in Diploma, I would like to reach out and thank all the Residential staff who stayed behind to accommodate our students as well as our amazing mentors who did double shifts to make this incredible week possible. Asante Sana!

Tendo (D1):

Residential life during Project Week has been both a learning curve and a fun experience. My group’s task for the week was to create the diversity video. The point of the project was to raise more awareness on the large number of cultures in school and the beauty in each of their differences. As a group, we were able to learn new things and create better bonds while doing it. Residential Life was quieter, with a touch of stress from our older D2 peers.

Mapalo (D2):

Residential life during mock examinations has been an interesting experience. It has been a real eye opener, actually. Along with the stress and nervousness, the mocks interestingly have further developed the amazing camaraderie within our D2 class and across all the houses. It was quite fascinating to pay attention to some of our peers during this period; with some people only going to sleep three hours before the 7.30am exam start time, and others wearing religious clothing in the hope that “God will help them do the math exam”. It is always a heart-stopper when your friends are talking about a back page you did not know existed, but that feeling is quickly countered by their laughter. Seeing the D1 students that stayed on campus very relaxed progressively got more irritating as the exams went by. With the mocks coming to an end, we look forward to the rest of the year and ultimately, our graduation in May to triumphantly say that we survived the IB.

From me, looking ahead brings much excitement to all involved in Residential Life as Kijana are to host our semi-formal dinner on Valentine’s Day which will be a nice finish to the week following the vast array of experiences had by all.

Simon Johnston – Head of Residential Life

MYP News

MYP Success Stories
Growth Mindset Episode #12
“The flutter of a butterfly wing can cause a typhoon halfway around the world”

Service as Action is an integral part of the MYP journey. The MYP community, mainly parents and students, are in constant inquiry mode about the latter. In this week’s edition, we would like to help make this topic more accessible to all.
Service: Making a postive difference in the lives of others and the environment
Action: Learning by doing
Service as Action: Making a positive impact and learning through those actions

What do students learn by engaging in such learning experiences? (each activity focuses on at least one)

Awareness – Become more aware of their own strengths and areas for growth
Challenge & New Skill – Undertake challenges that develop new skills
Initiative– Discuss, evaluate and plan student-initiated activities
Perseverance – Persevere in action
Collaboration– Work collaboratively with others
Global Value – Develop international mindedness through global engagement, multilingualism and intercultural understanding
Ethics – Consider the ethical implications of their actions

What are the types of service in the MYP?

  1. Direct Service- direct interaction with people or the environment that students intend to help
  2. Indirect Service- though actions will benefit the community or the environment, there is no direct interaction
  3. Advocacy- raising awareness about a cause to inspire others to act
  4. Research- carry out research that provides information about the underlying issues regarding a cause.

MYP students engage in all of the above through applying knowledge from and during the unit as well as through whole school initiatives.

We will have an upcoming info session to dig deeper into Service as Action in the MYP to help further respond to many queries.

We will also be starting sessions with the new M4 and M5 students soon so they better understand the structure, language and assessments in the MYP. 

Remember small can mean big, so small actions do in fact change the world. Coming up next week: the wonderful wonders of our WWW.

Have a great week everyone.
Farah Fawaz – MYP Coordinator

From the Counselors


D2 university acceptance letters are coming in daily. In total, we have 53 acceptance letters already in from the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. We are very proud of our D2 students as they earned their spots at top universities. For students who have received acceptance letters from US Colleges, 97% of all financial aid awards are full-scholarships covering tuition, room, meals, and health insurance. We are just at the beginning of the admissions decision letter process as many admissions letters will be received in March. It’s exciting to compare offers as some include enrollment fees, books, flights, and visa fees depending on the needs of the student.

Students applying to Europe should begin preparing for application processes to open in March and April.

From now, our rising D1 should research summer programs, volunteer opportunities, or ways to enhance their resume/CV in preparation for college applications. There are many summer programs still offering virtual sessions, which are perfect for international students who want the opportunities but maybe cannot afford to travel. Other things to consider are conducting job shadow experiences where you are able to see the day-to-day tasks in a certain field(s) you are interested in, reading books, articles, and blogs to stay current on the trends happening in your field or becoming knowledgeable about who are the leading thinkers in your field of interest. Students can also find a job back home. Employment gives students a great way to build soft skills (commonly known as transferable skills) that can show a university representative that you have the skills they are looking to further develop on their university campuses.

Additionally, D1 students should begin to research the Davis Scholar Partner Colleges. In late February, D1 students will have a presentation on the ‘Finding the Right College Fit’. This will give students information on how to determine the criteria they will use to identify likely, target, and reach colleges to build their list of 10 colleges. Students and parents will receive a google form to be completed acknowledging and agreeing to the UWC East Africa Guidelines and Expectations for the Class of 2023 soon.

M4 and M5-Career and Skills Symposium

Sign up today to share your career knowledge and skillsets with M4 and M5 (9th and 10th grader) students. There are opportunities to engage students through different formats such as a presentation, networking, or a panel discussion. Give 15 minutes to 1-hour of your time to enlighten students and answer questions about your career field or skills that should be acquired on the pathway to that career. Sign up here:

Andrea Kitomary – University Counselor

PYP News

Thank you to Ms. Elisha and the Student Voice for taking the trouble to organise the Movie Night on Friday. Unfortunately a poorly timed power cut meant that the movie could not be screened which was disappointing for everyone. This event will be rescheduled and details will be shared as soon as we have firm information.

Our new playground should be going up shortly. The children are very excited to see the new changes. Please make sure your children do not cross the safety tape outside of school hours.

Upcoming dates:
Friday 25th – Monday 28th February – Long weekend holiday

Mboka Mwasongwe & Deborah Mills – PYP Coordinators

EC/P1 Class

We had a busy week exploring shapes as well as going through the stages of recycling paper. The photos will give you a snippet of our week.

We are looking forward to welcoming Hattie on Monday. She will be joining EC2. Karibu sana Hattie and family.

Mboka Mwasongwe

P2 Class

This week we reached the end of our transportation unit with the students thinking about what improvements can be made to their modes of transport for the future. The students completed their posters, and we’re now ready to put them up in the classroom. They will share these posters with you during Student Led Conferences which will take place towards the end of the quarter. We began to explore fractions this week by cutting apples into halves and quarters, and sharing a bunch of bananas amongst us all.

Next week we will start delving into our new unit of inquiry on space. Information regarding the new unit has already been emailed to you, along with the long-term home learning that goes with it.

Elisha Jaffer

P3/4 Class

Welcome to the Year of the Tiger! The highlight of our week was celebrating Chinese New Year with a fabulous feast. Many thanks to Pearl for her generosity and enthusiasm. The class enjoyed trying new foods and learning more about the symbols important to the holiday.

We have started our Exploration Unit by looking at the traits of being a Risk-Taker and an Inquirer. This would be a great season for your family to watch some documentaries together about explorers or nature! We enjoyed learning a bit about the exploration of the oceans.

On Monday we will return to a classroom that has had a deep clean and I feel confident that we will be able to control the trouble mentioned in the emails sent to parents this week. Let me know if you have any questions.

Kacey Buckley

P5 Class

This week the P5 children finished their unit of inquiry into human body systems. Many thanks to all who attended our primary gathering. The children enjoyed sharing their information writing and impressive models with you and the other PYP classes.Our new unit, “Our voice is an important form of expression to communicate different emotions, ideas and feelings” is underway and our lines of inquiry are:

  • Ways in which people use voice
  • How communication has changed over time
  • Ways voice influences others (positive and negative)

We look forward to writing poems and persuasive writing as well as participating in readers’ theatre and presenting speeches to the class. I will be working closely with Mr. Samuel Wilkinson during this unit and he has some great activities planned for music class.  In maths next week we will revisit multiplication and division. The children may mention that  I am hoping to take them camping at some point during the week beginning 21st February and I will share more details about this soon.

Deborah Mills

P6 Class

The central idea we are studying at the moment is, “Understanding energy transformation allows us to utilize its power.” The French and Kiswhahili teachers are working collaboratively with me on this unit. Next Friday, February 11th, we are going on a class field trip to the TPC Power Plant to provide first-hand experience of energy provision. Letters were sent out on Friday: please check, sign and return them.

We’d like to thank Mr Afzal for telling us all about the school generator and answering questions the students prepared for him. We will visit the generator itself soon at a time when it’s not in action. We’ll also be sending home questionnaires about energy provision in the students’ homes; it will help our studies if as many of you as possible can complete and return them. We also enjoyed the activities in the P5 primary gathering (see photo). Finally, well done to Irene and Zoe who are settling in very well.

Hywel Davies

Week Without Walls

Some images to hold you over until next week.