Moshi Campus News – 21 May 2022

Moshi Campus News – 21 May 2022


Ben’s Corner

Brownie Garage Sale

Residential Life

MYP News

PYP News

EC/P1 Class

P2 Class

P3/4 Class

P5 Class

P6 Class

Sports Update

Outdoor Pursuits

From the Counselors

The Stage is Set

As you can see below, we had an excellent group of parents and community members in over the last few days getting ready for Graduation. Around and through all of this the D2 students also ran their rehearsal for the big day. Last night the D2 students took the opportunity to say goodbye to the staff and faculty in a dinner they hosted. It was full of laughs with some tears.

Today we say goodbye to the D2 class as they leave us to prepare for the next stage of life wherever that may be. For most that will be university, and for some it is a gap year to learn more about themselves. No matter where they end up going and no matter what they end up doing, I do hope they remember Moshi fondly as we will remember them.

Bob Cofer

In the next few weeks we will be sharing photos and videos of Graduation particularly for those that were unable to join us.

Ben’s Corner

Our community has been a place of mixed emotions over recent days as we celebrate our graduating Class of 2022. With one eye on the future and all that is yet to come, we also look back on an eventful, sometimes challenging but, ultimately, successful year of living and learning together.

On Friday evening, the D2 students organised and hosted an “Appreciation Dinner” for the teaching staff. It is fitting that this event took place on the day of the final exams and the day before Graduation. In the midst of celebrations, it is all too easy to get lost in the occasion and forget the people who have worked so hard to help us. After all, no duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks. It was a lovely event.

On Friday, the D2 Life Skills teachers also distributed thank you letters across the community. Each D2 student was invited to write a private letter (or letters!) of appreciation to someone in the community. Someone who has been there for them over their time at the school. Someone who, perhaps, went above and beyond. It was heartwarming to see letters handed out to all corners of the campus, teachers, counsellors, residential parents and mentors, fellow students, Uja parents, coaches and so on. Remember, it takes a village and an end is only a beginning in disguise.

Ben Morley

Brownie Garage Sale

The UWCEA Brownie Guides (Girl Scouts) will be organising a garage sale on Saturday, May 28th, from 10 am to 1pm in Karibu Hall.

If you would like to have a table please see Ms. Grace or Ms Agnes in reception (30,000 Tshillings) It’s also a great place to pick up some bargains; toys, books, shoes, kitchenware and bedding, etc.

Residential Life

This week’s update is presented to you by our Kimbilio students who hosted their first ever Residential dinner and Omar, who was a member of the Residential/School trip the Uru Coffee Plantations on Friday.

Kimbilio Special Dinner:

The Kimbilio Special Dinner was a night to remember. It was a great farewell to our D2 brothers and sisters, and a lot of effort was also put into it with handmade cards for all the Residential D2 students. There was also speeches and dancing. We enjoyed delicious food and listened to an amazing music selection, and the evening finished with a fantastic dance to Yope.

We thank our boarding parents and the Peer Support committee for making this event successful.

Solomon & Kudzai (Kimbilio)

Fair Trade, Uru Coffee Plantation Trip:

On our trip to the Uru coffee plantation near the foothills of Mt.Kilimanjaro, a combined group of Geography Higher Level and Global Politics students with Mr. Simon and Ms. Sanna went to explore the production of coffee and the challenges the farmers face.

Arriving at the plantation and being introduced to the farmers, they told us the process of selling coffee, through what is known as ‘fair trade’ which adds extra price on the coffee bags coming from these plantations to get the farmers a bit more revenue, as well as cooperatives that help ‘fund’ and ‘support’ the farmers through marketing their coffee.

After navigating through the land, we reached some of the farms where coffee is growing. We were told about the challenges they face from the changing climate as the rainy and sunny seasons keep shifting. It is unclear to them when to start planting the coffee as it must be exposed to sunlight before rain, and in addition to that, the coffee plants don’t seem to be adapting to the change in climate. It must be noted that the migration of the young generations from the coffee plantations to the city to have a chance of getting a good job has an impact, as it was mostly elderly people working in the plantation.

It was an exciting trip and it showed us the regional context of people and societies, climate change, migration flows and another gem in our backyard.

From me, this weekend is for our D2 students, and I wish them the very best in their next chapter. It has been a pleasure being a part of your journey and I wish you all the very best for the future.

Omar D1

Simon Johnston

MYP News

More and More MYP 
Growth Mindset Episode#24

End of Year Summative Assessments – M5 Edition

M5 Summative Assessment Week Schedule

Guidelines for M5 Summative Assessment Week:

Tuesday, May 24th. 2022 is a study day. Students are expected to come to school and study on campus. This will ensure access to teachers should there be any questions prior to the summative assessments as well as provide a serious, “study-oriented” environment to make maximum use of their time.

During assessment days, students will be allocated designated study rooms on campus (after the summative assessments end) in order to study and prepare for the next day.

The aim of this summative assessment week is to practice effective self-management skills in terms of:

  • Organization skills (time management and study skills)
  • Affective skills (managing their state of mind in a formal assessment setting)

The summative assessments are based on MYP subject objectives and the MYP assessment Criteria as per the table below:

Good Luck!

Farah Fawaz

PYP News

What an epic friendly soccer tournament that swept through this Friday. Well done to our teams that played. Thank you Mr. Kaburu for organising this fun event.

This coming Friday (27th) will be the Gathering of Gratitude. All the PYP children will be sharing short presentations to say thank you to members of the school community including you. The gathering will begin at 7:45am and will take about an hour. There will be tea and coffee for you afterwards.

Dates for your diary

  • 30 May – P5 class visits Arusha Campus for overnight trip
  • 31 May – P6 visit PYP Exhibition on Arusha Campus
  • 3 June – Day camps for EC/P1 and P2
  • 6 June – Primary move up day (P6 will join M1) more details to follow
  • 15 June – Fun sports day
  • 17 June – Last day of classes (normal finishing time)

Mboka Mwasongwe & Deborah Mills

Student Voice

A reminder that Monday 23rd May is the last Spirit Day of the year. You can come dressed up in ANYTHING you want! Please come dressed up and show School Spirit one last time this year!

EC/P1 Class

Please mark the 27th of May in your calendar. The children are going to present something short for the Gathering of Gratitude. This will be during our normal gathering time in the morning and you are very welcome to attend.

The 3rd is nearing and we are gearing up for our day camp. You will receive an email in the coming week with all the details and slips to fill in. The children are excited about this. It will be a full day out of class.

As the weather changes, please pack an extra jumper or sweater in your child’s bag just in case they need one.

Mboka Mwasongwe

P2 Class

The P2 students have been exploring shapes in math this week. It’s been great to make connections between shapes and art work. The students are beginning to think about how we can use shapes to make pictures by using pattern blocks to create different things.

We have also continued working on our unit on art. We further explored Yayoi Kusama; focusing on her use of cultural outfits to show pride. The students have created beautiful city and beach scapes with pictures of themselves in cultural clothing.

Please remember that Monday 23rd May is a Spirit Day, and Friday 27th May will be the Gathering of Gratitude in Rafiki Hall at 7:30. Please come watch your child perform.

Elisha Jaffer

P3/4 Class

We’ve jumped right into our new unit this week and students are already excited about how much knowledge they can bring to the discussions. Feel free to discuss more at home about where goods come from and how they come to be in Moshi.

Next week we will carry on with decimals and division in math. We are also looking at money, calculating a sum and making change. We started an art project looking at folk art and architecture and we will continue on with adding detail and color.

Coach Sabini and I hope to see more children in the pool on Tuesday! Don’t forget that Monday is Spirit Day. In class, we talked about all the potential options- Pajamas, Backwards, Twins, Superheroes. The list goes on and on so please encourage your child to be creative and come in special clothes on Monday!

Kacey Buckley

P5 Class

P5 students have been writing acrostic poetry. They have also been looking at when to use me and when to use I in a sentence. Our reading groups are going very well and the children are growing in independence, setting their home learning and  deciding how many pages to read each evening. In maths we are busy with decimals and have learned a quick way of multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. Tejvir celebrated his birthday and we all enjoyed a slice of cake. We have started a weaving project which will keep us busy for the next week. On May 30th we are visiting Arusha Campus for an overnight visit with the P4/5 class. Please return the permission slip and send in the money for food next week.

Deborah Mills

P6 Class

It’s that time of year where we start looking back at what has happened; yet activities continue apace. We’ve had government systems jostling for supremacy in class in a dynamic class debate; decimals being multiplied left, right and centre and our extended sentences extended into short stories. It was great to see our residential students demonstrate their talents in the Kimbilio evening last Friday: dancing, singing, speechmaking and more. Well done to Otis, Rhea and Vicky who participated in the Mini Swim Meet on Wednesday: mixing with the MYP and DP students can only help them develop. Friday saw our football teams compete in an inter-schools tournament. Monday is Spirit Day: it’d be great to see everyone getting into the spirit and wearing something different. Next Friday is our Gathering of Gratitude and we’d be happy to see you there. Finally, on Tuesday 31st May, P6 will visit Arusha Campus to watch their PYP exhibitions; we leave at 7.30am and should be back around 2pm, more details next week.

Hywel Davies

Sports Update

This week has been a busy one for our budding sportsmen and women. On Wednesday, our Swim Squad hosted a fun-filled mini-swim meet to finish the year and celebrate the graduating swimmers. Maria B and Sil K have epitomized everything the swim team stands for: hard work, discipline, drive and determination. They have been role models for their peers, and will be sincerely missed. We wish them good luck in their new chapter.

We also hosted a netball match  against Moshi Technical School on Thursday. And then on Friday, students from Bridge, Hope, Kibo Shanty and Paradise descended on our school for a primary football tournament.

A huge thank you to all the coaches who organized these events, and to the parent and staff volunteers for a job well done!

Upcoming events

  • Saturday 28th May – NTSAA U9 & U11 Netball Tournament at Kennedy House
  • Weekend of Fri 3rd/Fri 4th June – U15 Boys & Girls Basketball Tournament at UWCEAM
  • Wednesday June 8th – NTSAA U9/U11 Touch Rugby Tournament at UWCEAM
  • Saturday 11th June – U13, U15 & U19 Touch Rugby Tournament at St. Connies
  • Wednesday 15th June – Primary Sports Day
  • Thursday 16th June – Secondary Sports Day

Gilbert Kaburu

Outdoor Pursuits

WOW!! Is all I can say after a fantastic Reefs Level 5 trip. It blows me away seeing the progression the students make in their diving skill and knowledge from the beginning of Level 4 to the end of Level 5. The level 4 trip saw students nervous and tentative while setting up their dive equipment, putting it on, jumping off the boats and descending into the deep blue, however, by the end of the Level 5 they were confidently and quickly setting up gear, checking all the safety procedures without prompts and diving comfortably under the sea, controlling buoyancy and sorting out equalisation issues with ease. This all leads to very efficient service work where we continued to create artificial reefs. We also created a swim through which we planted coral onto in the hope that it too will one day become a permanent coral reef structure. A very rewarding and fulfilling achievement. Here is what one student thought of her experience.

Level 5 Reefs Adventure

How are we team? 🙂

As we all know, Mr Marsh likes an early start and the leaving morning set the tone for the rest of the trip. We were all up and working well before the sun rose every day. This trip was certainly no beach holiday, and we did many service dives. Using the raft that was built by the Coral Reef Service, we took a car body and coral balls out to sea and sank them to the ocean floor. The plan is to attach new coral to these items to regenerate coral growth in the reef. Unfortunately, due to stormy weather conditions, we were unable to attach the coral this time…..but this gives me another excuse to go again. Even with all the child labour, it was a fabulous trip and if you haven’t been a part of the Reefs OP or service projects, I would highly recommend getting involved.

Lyra M4

The last trip of the year for our OP department is Reefs Level 2 – Friday 10th June to Monday the 13th June – Note date change

Robin Marsh

From the Counselors

Congratulations D2 Students

The college application season is coming to a close and our D2s are off to countries around the world.  Data shows currently that we have over 23 million in scholarships this year. Our D2 are well congratulated on their academic, leadership, and service accomplishments that have contributed to the numerous scholarship offers.

D1 Virtual Parent Meeting-May 26th

Parents of D1 students are invited to join the Arusha and Moshi campus University Counselors on May 26th at 8 pm EAT to address the topic: How Application Systems Differ Around the World. This session will answer questions about what is involved in applying to colleges around the world, what are these colleges looking for students to achieve academically, expectations in extra-curricular activities, and when does the application season start. There is no RSVP required to attend this session. If you have questions you would like us to consider please send them to

This meeting will be recorded and posted on Managbac for those who are unable to attend.

The zoom link for this meeting is: