Moshi Campus News – 19 Oct 2024

Moshi Campus News – 19 October 2024


Upcoming Events

Ben’s Corner

Residential Life

Diploma News

MYP News

Outdoor Pursuits

Sports Update

PYP News

EC/P1 Class

P2/3 Class

P4/5 Class

P6 Class

Back in Motion

I hope everyone enjoyed the break and was able to do everything they wanted to do. Welcome back, and to the few new families joining us, welcome to Moshi.

We are back in school and back in motion. As you can see below there is a lot going on already as we look to our first full week back.

I would in particular note that this term has our annual Halloween events, the Week-without-Walls trips, Project Week, Evening of the Arts and of course Sports Weekend.

Please note that secondary students’ classes finish at 12:10pm on Tuesday for conferences. On Thursday secondary classes will start at 11:20am to allow conferences to take earlier in the day. The primary school conferences took place last quarter and so the PYP schedule will be as normal.

Bob Cofer – Head of Campus

Upcoming Events

Primary Halloween

Secondary Halloween

They’re Back!

Friday November 1st the UWCEA Moshi Haunted Houses return. More details to follow.

Ben’s Corner

I hope that everyone enjoyed a safe, restful and/or productive(!) break…like the proud people pictured here! Hongera sana to the hugely successful Mount Kilimanjaro mountaineers. Over the break, a group of intrepid students and supporting adults headed for the summit. The trip was the culmination of months of commitment and training. I know they have all made memories that will last a lifetime. What an achievement!

Quarter 2 promises to be as fulfilling as ever with things happening at every turn and some exciting events on the horizon…Secondary PTCs, Farmers’ Market, Cultural Café, Primary Athletics Day, Swim and Athletics Meets, Halloween, Week Without Walls, Project Week, Sports Weekend, TedX, Evening of the Arts, OP trips and so on. Rehearsals for the latest production will also ramp up between now and the December break. There is never a dull moment!

Please be sure to keep an eye on/bookmark the calendar and monitor these newsletters closely to see where you can take part, be involved and help out. As I have previously mentioned, in our relatively small community, so many wonderful experiences are available across the age ranges and this only remains possible if everyone continues to support each other by volunteering their time, expertise and adding value to the community.

Of course, there are the “big ticket” events where our school’s Guiding Statements are clearly evident but it is in the daily interactions, away from the cameras, where they really live and breathe. The school is a mission-driven organisation and the staff are certainly key drivers of that collective aim, empowering and supporting the students to act and take responsibility as internationally minded, global citizens both here at school and beyond our walls. As I am sure you can appreciate, for the UWCEA staff, the working day does not end when lessons finish. Many teachers and EAs are involved in countless events, activities, clubs, CAS, trips both after school and over weekends. We are very fortunate to have you all.

Asante sana kwa wote.

Ben Morley – Deputy Head of Campus

Residential Life

Dear UWCEA Community,

Welcome back to Quarter 2! I hope each of you had a restful and rejuvenating break, whether you were spending time with family, exploring new places, or simply recharging. As we dive into this next quarter, I’m excited to reconnect and to see the energy and enthusiasm you bring to our community.

A New Chapter, New Goals
As we begin this next phase of the school year, I encourage you all to reflect on your personal and academic goals, especially the ones you set for yourselves at the beginning of the year. The break provided a great opportunity to pause and consider what worked well in Quarter 1 and where we can make improvements. Now is the perfect time to renew or set intentions for the remainder of the semester, whether it’s in your studies, extracurricular activities, or personal growth.

Residential Life Highlights for Quarter 2
We have some exciting events and initiatives planned for Quarter 2 to help you make the most of your experience here at UWCEA:

1. Community Building Events:
We will continue to offer opportunities for students to engage in meaningful activities together. Look out for new weekend programs, dorm-based gatherings, and initiatives that will foster deeper connections across our residential community. Our MYP dorm reps will be soon setting these in motion for MYP and our DP dorm reps have already started planning events for their houses.

2. Wellness and Support:
Your well-being remains a top priority. As we enter this busy quarter, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for support. From academic pressures to personal challenges, we are here to provide guidance and ensure you feel supported.

3. Leadership Opportunities:
If you’re looking to take on more responsibility, there will be new leadership opportunities coming up soon. From dorm representatives to new student government, we want to empower you to take initiative and make a positive impact.

A Reminder of Our Shared Values
As always, I want to remind everyone of the importance of respect, responsibility, and integrity in our community. Living together requires kindness, understanding, and a commitment to supporting one another. This is sometimes easier said than done and it requires dedicated work, not only when it comes to interpersonal communication, but also when it comes to treating the environment and the spaces around us: picking up your garbage, keeping the Duka area clean, returning your plates to the dining hall, etc.  So please, let’s continue to uphold these values as we navigate Quarter 2 together.

Looking Ahead
The weeks ahead promise to be both challenging and rewarding, and I have no doubt that each of you will rise to meet these challenges. Whether you’re settling into new routines or preparing for upcoming assessments, remember to take care of yourselves and each other.

I’m excited to see what Quarter 2 holds for all of us. Let’s make it a memorable and successful term!

Adnan Mackovic – Head of Residential Life

Diploma News

We warmly welcomed our diploma students back this week after the much-needed October break.

Many D2s had a working-vacation and are preparing to submit Extended Essay drafts, IA drafts and University Applications in the next few weeks. The D2s have two more weeks of the semester before heading into Catch-Up week (4 November).

The intention of Catch-Up week is to give students time off-schedule to devote to polishing drafts, getting ahead with upcoming IAs, organising notes or thinking ahead to their upcoming assessments. Students will be meeting with me to finalise their IB registration and with Ms Margaret for their CAS interviews. We hope this time sets them up well for the beginning of Semester 2. Catch-Up Week also marks the end of the semester for the D2s and reports will be issued around 15 November.

The D1 Kiswahili students had an amazing experience this week where they took their learning into the real world. They visited Bi. Rose, the fruit and vegetable vendor, near our school. The class impressed both their teachers and the vendor with their use of diverse vocabulary, grammar structures and pronunciation while purchasing food. Special thanks to Ms Linda, Ms Silvia and Ms Happiness for accompanying the students. This activity has been included as part of their formative assessment for individual orals.

Lastly, a reminder that Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday this week. Please try to sign up with the link sent to you earlier this week.

Catherine Dowie – DP Coordinator

Project Week

Students have been finalizing their plans for project week. Over the next few days you will receive a message via Life asking you to approve their trip. Please read the information shared and discuss it with your child. They have organised this and so know much more than we do.

MYP News

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a restful break and managed to make memories! I have been given the privilege of attending the IB Global Conference in Budapest under the theme Inspiring learners, realizing potential. The conference this year is placing ample emphasis on the value of students through various lenses. Obviously, I am taking part in all the MYP related sessions, and I am happy to say that it feels so great to be able to share our MYP stories with people from all over the world and feel so proud of our students, our team and of course our school. I learned that this school in tiny Moshi is doing a wonderful job in nurturing MYP students into becoming self-directed and adaptable human beings (skills that are must haves) in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. Combined with our UWC mission, we are taking part in showing governments around the world what education can do, and this will go a long way in fixing this mess in the world soon enough.  In every session, my “Aha moments” were names of students in the MYP who simply fit… not one student but many until I got through the whole list in my head. Each student is inspiring and has immense potential, and this inspires me and all our school community.

MYP Week Without Walls
November is approaching, and preparations for our Week Without Walls experience are in full swing. All MYP students are expected to join the trips scheduled from November 4th to 8th, 2024, alongside peers from the Arusha campus. These 5-day/4-night experiential learning journeys include hands-on and outdoor activities, aligned with the curriculum. Attendance is mandatory for all students.
This experience combines learning, recreational, and cultural activities, offering students experiential, challenging, and inclusive local experiences beyond the classroom. Trip letters containing all the details are being dispatched to parents/guardians early next week.

Please review them and ensure completion/update of the following on our Life platform:

  • Permission form (opens Wednesday)
  • Medical records
  • ID documents (passport or government ID; non-Tanzanians require a Student Pass)
  • Contact information

All documents must be current. Upload copies by logging into and selecting the Passports tab. For permission passes, sign in at, access their account, and select the Trips tab.

M1-M2-M3 MAP Tests
All MAP results were sent out early this week. Students will sit for round two in the second half of this academic year. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or clarifications.

M5 eAssessments and PP on IBIS:
Thank you to all parents and guardians for the diligent effort in making sure we get students’ registrations in on time. We have registered all M5 students for Personal Projects as well as everyone who opted for the MYP eAssessments option for May 2025.

MYP Dates To Remember:

  • October 22nd – Secondary PTCs 1:00-5:00 pm
  • October 24th – Secondary PTCs 7:30 -11:00 am
  • November 4th to 8th Week Without Walls (Details to be sent this week)
  • November 22nd to 24th – Sports Weekend
  • December 12th – Semester 1 Reports Released
  • December 13th – End of Q2 Classes end at 12:30 pm

Farah Fawaz – MYP Coordinator

Outdoor Pursuits

The OP team has had a busy October break. First of all, huge congratulations to the Peaks Challenge on a successful ascent of Uhuru Peak. The students were a credit to the school and a big thanks to Mr Mateusz and Mrs Kacey for supporting this expedition. Full write up next week!

The OP store has had a refresh over the break and is looking fantastic! Further (grand) plans are in discussion on how the OP store can be improved further for future use.

As we move into Quarter 2, please review the upcoming trips below. We are particularly excited for the first PADI certification course departing next week to Emayani Lodge, Pangani. Please check information for details of trips, costings and sign up on Life.

  • Oct 25th-29th  Reefs Adventure – Pangani
  • Nov 16th-17th  Peaks Discovery – North Pare
  • Nov 29th – 1st Dec  Mindfulness Discovery – Amani Light
  • Nov 29th – 1st Dec Rides Exploration – King’ori

The team is also excited for the upcoming ‘Week Without Walls’ week and has been very busy helping organise the logistics for the different groups. More information to follow soon.

Finally, the team met this week and have updated the OP trip calendar. This includes the addition of a few more trips to Quarter 3 and Quarter 4. Please keep an eye for the updated calendar on the school website.

The OP Team

Sports Update

Leopards on the Move!

Students have returned from break and are already back at practices.  Some upcoming events include:

  • U19 boys basketball versus adult community team Saturday morning in Khall
  • U16 boys football and netball versus Masoka Secondary School 4:30-6 Tuesday Oct. 29
  • Primary inter house track meet Oct. 31
  • Primary Swim Gala at SCIS on Nov. 1
  • Secondary Swim Gala at SCIS on Nov. 2
  • Primary Track Meet at UWC Arusha Nov. 14
  • Secondary Track Meet at UWC Arusha nov. 15

All MYP students – the minimum requirement for all MYP students is to participate in a minimum of 3 club sessions per week.  Students should fill out this form and attend their clubs each week.  If they need assistance finding clubs they can review this club schedule and talk with their mentor or Coach Pickell.

Coach Pickel

PYP News

I hope everyone enjoyed the October break. Welcome back to another happy and productive quarter in the primary school. Primary clubs will start on Monday. Please sign your child up for clubs on Life if you have not already done so. Many thanks to those parents and Diploma students who are offering a club for Quarter 2.

The optional PYP Halloween celebrations will take place on Friday, 1st November 4:00 -6:20pm. M1 students are invited to join us for the trunk or treating. If you would like more information about the format and history of trunk or treating please see here

Parents, you can help us by doing the following:

Help your child to put together a costume.
Purchase a Halloween meal ticket for your child (6000 Shillings from the class teacher).
Sign up to decorate your car for the Trunk or Treat – the sign up sheet is on the board next to Mr. Morley’s office.
Donate some wrapped candy to the front office to be handed out at the event.

Dates for your diary for this quarter:

  • Thursday, 31st October – Primary athletics day (more details to follow)
  • Friday, 1st November – Swim meet at SCIS. Coach Sabini and Coach Pickell will do their best to get participants back on campus before the trunk or treating starts.
  • Friday, 8th November – Primary Gathering (EC/P1) Please note the change of date
  • Friday, 14th November – Primary Track Meet (more information to follow)
  • Friday, 15th November – Primary gathering (PE)
  • Friday, 29th November – Primary sharing assembly
  • Thursday, 5th December – Last day of clubs
  • Friday, 6th December – Primary Gathering (presentation by Daycare Centre)
  • Wednesday, 11th December – Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Friday, 13th December – Primary Gathering (French) and Last day of classes

Deborah Mills – PYP Coordinator 

EC/P1 Class

The first three-day week of the quarter was full of fun. We heard exciting holiday recounts, welcomed Adannaya to our class, and began our swimming lessons. Swimming photos will be placed in our shared album.

Next week, we will kick off with our new unit.

Transdisciplinary Theme: How the world works
Central Idea: People build things to meet a need.
Lines of Inquiry:

  • Geometry and measurement when building or creating
  • Connection between size and purpose of buildings
  • Finding and using resources to build

In math, we began exploring shapes by discussing straight and curvy lines. Next week, we will explore two shapes; circles and squares. You can go on a shape hunt around your home looking for these shapes.

Home learning will be sent home on Monday.

Mboka Mwasongwe

P2/3 Class

Boom! Pop! Zing! Our short week was filled with lots of SOUND. We talked about onomatopoeia words and wrote sentences and stories using them. We created soundproof boxes to absorb sound and we experimented with different homemade stereos to amplify sound. We did a Sound Hunt around campus to listen for different sounds and describe them as high or low and loud or quiet. I would encourage you to talk about these concepts at home. Next week we will begin our study of Light and I’m quite sure that the students will enjoy the hands-on activities. PLEASE: if you have a flashlight (or 2) that you could send in for the week, that would be super helpful. I can label it and keep it in a safe place and your child will be able to use it during light activities. Thanks!

Our schedule in Q2 remains the same- Library on Monday, PE Swim on Tuesday, PE and Home Learning returned on Friday. Thank you for your support. As you know, Q2 is the time of year when it begins to get hot. Please send your child with a water bottle and hat.

Kacey Buckley

P4/5 Class

It was lovely to see the children return to school full of news about their adventures over the October break. We have written “Holiday Headlines” using alliteration and have displayed these outside the classroom.

We have started a new unit of inquiry: “Human survival is connected to understanding the continual changing nature of the Earth”

Lines of Inquiry:

  • How the different components of the Earth are interrelated
  • How the Earth has changed and is continuing to change
  • Human response to the Earth’s changes

The children have learned about the inner and outer core, the mantle and the Earth’s crust. On Monday they will make a play dough model of the Earth showing these different layers. The next few weeks promise to be very exciting as we learn about tectonic plates, earthquakes, volcanic activity and extreme weather.

In maths we are practicing mental addition and subtraction strategies. Next week, the children will bring some spelling words home for home learning. Please remember to send in a clear, colourless plastic bottle or medium sized jar so that the children can make a calming jar as part of their lifeskills class. After school clubs start on Monday. Please see the PYP newsletter for details about the optional Halloween celebrations on Friday, 1st November.

Deborah Mills

P6 Class

Welcome back! I hope you had a terrific break with your family.

It has been a short but busy week for P6. As you can see in our photo, the growth of our bean plants has been very exciting and proved our theory that plants actively seek light to grow. In Maths this week, P6 created their own surveys using Google Forms and emailed them to their classmates. Next week, they will analyze their data and create graphs to present their findings.

We are also starting a new Unit of Inquiry:
Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Express Ourselves
Our Central Idea: Media helps us to create, extend and challenge our perception of the world.

Lines of Inquiry:

  • Forms of media and their role.
  • How persuasion influences the way we see the world.
  • The power of visual communication.
  • Our responsibility in virtual environments.

Have a great weekend.
Natasha Berri