| Back on Campus We are back on campus and things are quickly returning to normal. With our newest members of the community the campus will have over 350 students this semester as we continue to grow and thrive. As you read through the newsletter you will see many things coming our way over the course of the next few months, there are trips for GISS and MUN as well as the campus Production, Book Week, International Day, the PYPX, Personal Project exhibition, and Diploma Art exhibition. Along with this we still have sports and a series of exciting OP trips. Please do keep an eye on the calendar so you do not miss anything. For our D2 students, they are in their last 3 months of classes and are finalizing work and preparing for exams. In about 3 weeks they will sit for mock exams as they start to prepare for their IB exams in May. We wish them the best in this final push. On Monday we will have the welcome back assembly at 10:30 in K-hall. Parents you are welcome to join us. I hope everyone is well rested and I am glad to see you here on campus. Bob Cofer – Head of Campus | | Join the Hash Walk This Sunday! Are you ready for an exciting adventure? The Hash Club is hosting a Hash Walk this Sunday, 19th January, at 2:00 PM. This is your chance to enjoy the beauty of nature, challenge yourself with a fun walk up and down the hills, and relax by a stunning waterfall. What to bring: - Hat
- Water bottle
- Comfortable shoes
- Comfortable clothes
Please note: A 5k fee will apply if you sign up but do not show up on the day. Otherwise, the event is free for everyone! Also, do not forget to mark your calendars for our next Hash Walk on 16th February, and stay tuned for more updates. If you want to learn more about our activities, you can check out the New Hash Club board outside Dr. Wade’s classroom—it will be decorated soon. We look forward to seeing you all! Mina, on behalf of the Hash Team | | SAMO 2025 Register Now for SAMO 2025 – South African Mathematics Olympiad! The South African Mathematics Olympiad (SAMO) is back for 2025! Open to students in Grades 8-12, this prestigious competition challenges your problem-solving and analytical skills. Registration opens next week, with a fee of around $5. Students, watch your email and be responsive! | | Ben’s Corner Happy New Year! Quarter 3 (and Semester 2!) is off to a great start and the campus is in full swing already. The teachers started a little earlier than the students with a day of professional development (PD!) on Arusha Campus with our UWCEA colleagues. Ongoing PD is part and parcel of being a teacher and is important for so many reasons. | Teaching is such a dynamic and ever-changing vocation. Teachers need to keep up to date with developments in teaching and learning, exploring new pedagogical strategies and staying abreast of ‘best practices’ for diverse learning environments, such as UWCEA. Days outside the classroom allow space for teachers to collaborate, share experiences, discuss challenges and learn from each other’s successes. This helps to foster a sense of community which enhances the overall teaching environment. | | The focus of Monday’s session was on creating impactful connections with the students in our care, concentrating on empowering us in our multifaceted roles as Mentors and unpacking the idea of boundaries within this role. I always find PD days invaluable, allowing me to constantly reflect on my practice, assess what is working well and what I may need to consider adjusting in and around the classroom. An additional element of this week’s training was the notion of our own mental health as educators, thinking about our resilience and work-life balance, helping us continue to cope with the very real pressures of the profession and avoid burnout. As we start a new year, let’s hope we can take this training into the new year and enjoy a successful 2025 living and learning together, where our dreams last longer than our resolutions! Ben Morley – Deputy Head of Campus | | We loved welcoming back the Diploma students this week. It’s been a positive week of learning and reconnecting. D1 The D1 students are well and truly immersed into the diploma now. They are beginning to explore the Extended Essay and are considering their subjects and topics. The Extended Essay is a 4000-word research essay on a topic of their choice and is a great example of the IB’s philosophy around giving students voice and choice in their learning. They have begun an exploration of their optional theme for Theory of Knowledge (TOK) where they have selected to focus on an area of interest. They will be exploring questions like: - How does language shape our knowledge?
- What is the relationship between knowledge and power in political contexts?
- How do religious beliefs and systems influence knowledge?
| | Although students don’t need to make decisions about Universities yet, we will meet with the D1 class next week to begin discussions around University applications. These first dates apply to D1s regarding the final days of school. Please book flights accordingly. D2 The D2s have returned to school in high spirits for their final semester of high school. In February, we will run a set of mock exams for students to prepare for their final exams. They are a wonderful group of hard-working students and we are confident that, with continued focus, they will thrive through the exams. Also, the date for Prom has been set! We are looking forward to celebrating with the students. | | This second set of dates apply to D2s only: Diploma Parent Zoom We are excited to host our second Diploma Parent Zoom meeting on 29 January 2025 at 9am (Tzn time.) The current agenda includes a Residential Update, Upcoming Dates, Graduation & a University Update. If you would like a specific topic to be discussed, please complete this form. The Link for the Zoom will be sent later this week. Please let me know if you don’t receive it. Looking forward to seeing you again. Catherine Dowie – DP Coordinator | | Residential Life Dear UWCEA Community, Week 1 has flown by very quickly. It was marked by student arrivals, introductions to mock exams for D2s, assessments, and other deadlines for the rest of our students. To kick off week 2, please join us at the School Assembly this Monday, the 20th, at 10:30 am in Karibu Hall. I know we have just arrived back on campus, but February break is around the corner as well. This break, all students are welcome to stay on campus if not traveling. We will have our support staff covering the duties, so both MYP and DP students are able to stay on campus. Please fill in this form by February 10th to let us know if you plan on traveling or staying on campus. Adnan Mackovic – Head of Residential Life | The first week of Semester Two is already behind us, and the campus is buzzing with energy as MYP students dive back into their daily routines. Classrooms are filled with collaboration, creativity, and curiosity as students explore new units, engage in meaningful discussions, and tackle exciting challenges. It’s shaping up to be a vibrant and productive semester ahead! M1 French Bonjour ! Nous sommes les M1. Voici notre collège. Notre collège s’appelle UWCEA. | |  | | | | M4 French Capable In M4 French, students stepped into the role of travelers and wrote postcards to classmates, recounting their unforgettable December vacations. They described destinations, activities, and emotions, using vocabulary words learned in class. This creative task allowed them to practice writing skills, enhance vocabulary, and share imaginary adventures in French! M5 French Capable M5 French students have started exploring the concept of technology, reflecting on its uses and potential misuses. As they begin this journey, they are engaging in discussions to consider how technology influences our lives and society. This marks the first step in an exciting unit filled with discovery and reflection! | | M3 I&S Students demonstrated their understanding of the term “revolution” by drawing a sketch or cartoon to represent it using the information they reviewed as well as their own ideas. The Challenge: Include the concept of change in the drawing! Thank you Mr. Andy, for such a fun activity! | | |  | | | M1 PHE M1 students have kicked off their swimming unit with enthusiasm, diving into lessons that focus on building confidence, technique, and endurance in the water. Beyond being a fun and engaging activity, swimming is a vital life skill that promotes safety, fitness, and discipline. This unit not only strengthens their abilities but also encourages lifelong habits for health and well-being. As a school we value swimming and all MYP students engage in the swimming unit each year as we strive to have all students to be competent and comfortable in the water. MYP Dates to Remember - January 20th – Whole School Assembly
- January 20th to 23rd – M5 French Mock Orals
- February 12th to16th – AISA GISS Conference
- February 20th to 24th – Long Weekend
- February 26th to 28th – M5 Mock Assessments
- March 3rd to 7th – Book Week
- March 8th and 9th – MYPX Setup
- March 10th – MYPX (Personal Project Exhibition)
- March 18th to 21st – M5 French Final Orals
- April 2nd – M3 Science Fair
- April 5th to 21st – Holiday
- April 22nd – Classes Resume Q4
Have a wonderful week back! Farah Fawaz – MYP Coordinator | | PYP News Welcome back. We are looking forward to a happy and productive semester in the primary school. Our P6 children had their PYP Exhibition (PYPX) retreat this week. The PYPX is the culminating event of the PYP learning journey and gives the children the opportunity to showcase their talents as they present their research into an issue of both personal and global interest. We wish our P6 children every success as they embark on their Exhibition and look forward to seeing their presentations on March 26th and 27th. On Friday, 24th January, the P4/5 class will present in the Primary Gathering. This will take place on the grass outside the primary classrooms. You are very welcome to attend. Clubs Primary afternoon clubs will start on Monday, 27th January. The finishing touches are being put to the schedule but it’s not too late to offer a club if you are interested in doing so – please send me an email. A sign up link for clubs will be shared with you early next week. | |  | | | Production T-shirts You should have received an order form for a production T-shirt. The winning design was drawn by Luna (P5). The cost of a T-shirt is 15000 Tshillings. Please return the order form and money to your child’s class teacher by Monday. If you do not wish to purchase a production T-shirt please can your child wear a black T-shirt for the performances. Production rehearsals and performances for primary children - Saturday, 25th January, 2025 rehearsal 10:00-12:30 pm.
- Sunday, 26th January, 2025 rehearsal 10:00-12:30 pm.
- Wednesday, 29th January, rehearsal 2025 2:00- 4:00pm.
- Thursday 30th January performance – primary chorus to be at school 7:00-7:15 pm for a 7:30pm start.
- Friday 31st January performance – primary chorus to be at school 7:00-7:15 pm for a 7:30pm start.
Please note: The P2 – 6 children are likely to be tired on the morning of Friday 31st January and will therefore be able to come to school for a late start at 9:40am on that day. If preferred, they can still come at the regular time of 7:30am and participate in some quiet activities instead of the normal timetable. Swim meet – Friday 24th January On Friday, 24th February, we will be sending a swim team to participate in a swim meet at Kennedy House. The students will leave campus at 9am and will return by 3pm. Coach Pickell will send out the invitation on Life. PYP Day Hike Saturday, 1st February As an introduction to the school’s OP (Outdoor Pursuits) programme, Mr. Isaac Foya and Ms. Deborah will be leading a hike for P4, P5 and P6 children on Saturday, 1st February. The hike will be to the Mweka gate. We will set off at 10:00am. This trip is intended for children who enjoy walking. The children will need to wear sturdy footwear and bring a small backpack with a full water bottle and a packed lunch. More details will be shared nearer the time. P5 and P6 – Maths Competition Two of our D1 students, Lily and Alvis, are working with Mr. Julien and collaborating with the South African Maths Foundation (SAMF) to facilitate the participation of some P5 and P6 students in a maths competition. This competition is designed for primary school learners in P5-M1 and it is an excellent platform for the students to display their mathematical and problem-solving skills and also have fun. Please email me on deborahmills@uwcea.org by Friday, 24th January, if you are interested in having your child participate. The school will pay the registration fee. This link will give more information about the competition. Deborah Mills – PYP Coordinator | |  | | | | We had a lovely first week back. We shared holiday news and each student was able to share their best highlights. From Ski school to lounging on the sofa, we all had a restful break. We read The Cat in the Hat and had mixed feelings about it. Some of us thought that the Cat in the Hat was a bit crazy and shouldn’t have been allowed in the house without mum being home. Others thought that he was so fun and would love to invite him in the class to play. He should definitely come with his tidy-up machine. We also took time to review the letters and numbers we worked on last semester. EC’s will continue exploring numbers 6 to 10 while P1s will learn addition strategies. Next week, we will begin to explore our unit of inquiry. Transdisciplinary Theme: Sharing the Planet Central Idea: The world is full of living things. Lines of Inquiry: - Defining living vs nonliving things
- What living things need to survive
- Ways in which people interact with other living things
We will read, ‘We are going on a lion hunt’ by David Axtell as part of our first look at the unit. Mboka Mwasongwe | |  | | Splash! What a wonderful start to our new semester and our new unit. Students returned with an eagerness to learn and to be together again. We had a terrific time with hands-on investigations of water. We tried out many materials to see what can absorb water and what can dissolve in water. Students made predictions and then tried it out! Next week, the fun will continue at home. Students will be asked to conduct a similar investigation to see what materials float in water and what materials sink. Here are the Lines of Inquiry for the new unit: - The Water Cycle
- Conservation, usage and pollution of water
- Responsibility regarding water
Please remember to send in money on Monday for the Bucket Tree t-shirts if you choose to order one. The whole school is getting excited about the upcoming production. We will begin singing the songs from the Primary choir everyday in class in order to be best prepared for the performances on the 30th and 31st. Kacey Buckley | | Ms. Catherine and I were very happy to see the children return to school on Tuesday and we enjoyed hearing all their news about the holidays. We quickly settled back into our routine and have spent the week working on similes, reading groups, balancing equations and completing calendar art. Next week we will focus on metaphors and personification and will write some poetry. On Friday we enjoyed a double birthday celebration – many happy returns to Jeremy and Thomas. Please be sure to read the main PYP newsletter for details about clubs, production rehearsals, t-shirt order forms, a swim meet and so much more! On Friday, 24th January, the P4/5 class will present in the primary gathering and will share their slideshows about natural disasters. You are very welcome to attend. Deborah Mills | | Welcome Back! Despite the short week, P6 has had an action-packed start to the term. Our retreat at Kishari House was a great way to kick off preparations for the PYP Exhibition. Time was spent exploring what makes a good Central Idea before P6 created their own, based on their chosen topics. We also talked about the importance of academic honesty. However, it wasn’t all serious learning — there was plenty of fun, too! Activities included tie-dye t-shirts, swimming, hiking, a movie night, and games (Mr. Emmanuel and I even picked up a few new ones!). | | Next week, the focus will shift to writing Lines of Inquiry and diving deeper into independent research. In Maths, we’ll review fractions and start an exciting new unit on decimals. A special shout-out to Imanuel who with his family was climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro during the break and made it all the way to Kibo Hut. What an incredible achievement — we are so proud of you! Natasha Berri | | Outdoor Pursuits The OP team has been busy finalising the sign up for numerous trips this week. On Thursday 23rd January, 24 keen students will begin their ascent of Tanzania’s second highest peak – Mount Meru (4,562m). This will be a challenging trip and students have been training in preparation over the December break. We wish them well and please keep a close eye for the student review in a couple of weeks’ time. Unfortunately, the Rides Adventure trip to Namalok had to be removed due to low sign up and we apologise for any disappointment. Students have also been confirmed for the upcoming Kilimanjaro trip in February. Climbing the highest Mountain in Africa is no easy feat, and whilst this is a wonderful adventure students will need to be prepared both mentally and physically. As part of their training, students will attend the school’s weekly CrossFit training at 5:45am on Thursdays, run by Ms Val and Friday afternoons will be fitness training with Mr Baden who has also signed up for the challenge this semester! This quarter is once again a very busy one with 10 trips planned. Please remember that student confirmation on OP trips will be communicated normally a week or two after the sign-up window has closed. As a team, we are excited to get more students outdoors and gain some incredible experiences. Please get in touch if you have any questions. The OP Team | From the Counselors Happy new year!!! The Wellbeing Department welcomes all new and returning students and families of UWCEA community to Quarter 3 for the 2024/25 school year. For the new students and families across the school, we take this opportunity to introduce you to our wellbeing, guidance & counseling support available on campus. We have two socio-emotional counselors available throughout the week and on Saturdays (10am-2pm). As school counselors, we provide a continuum of preventative, developmental, and intervention services as well as facilitate referral to available community resources with an aim to help address the emotional needs that young people can have in response to life experiences. Socio-emotional counselling in school is an effective source of support for students, enabling them to function better both in and outside school, enhancing their resilience and giving them resources to manage any present difficulties and empower them with tools to help navigate future difficulties. Below are our contact details. Our office is room 18 (directly opposite the staff room). Our availability schedule is posted on the office door for reference. Feel free to swing by to say hi when you get a chance. We wish you a year of endless learning and hope that every decision you make in 2025 will lead to growth and fulfilment. Let us celebrate Q3 with hope in our hearts and dreams in our minds. May you turn your can’ts into cans and dreams into plans & action Ms Frida fridamarealle@uwcea.org calendly.com/fridamarealle Ms Keziah keziahkamau@uwcea.org calendly.com/keziahkamau | Sustainability Committee Sharation | Project Sharation On December 11th our students involved in environmental projects hosted the first project sharation at UWCEA. There were many enthusiastic projects and budding leaders on display with a communal opportunity to expand and proudly share their work. Overviews are still available on the project sharation webpage (see QR beside). | | It is difficult to pick a highlight from the day, so here is a brief account, the sustainable fashion show from D2 Sarah and her models was a truly memorable first and marks the start of a new project called ‘Sustainable Fashion and Jewelry’. The Tree Project service shared their experiences with the mapping and networking they had achieved in semester 1. The sustainability committee were on hand to demonstrate their history and re-emphasize their mission. This was the last event for the current D2 members, and they deserve great credit for their efforts over the past year. Environmental service groups shared their many gardening endeavors, designs for the recycling program, and M1-3 successfully hosted a clothing swap shop. Garments that were leftover and in good knick were donated to an orphanage in Dar es Salaam and distributed by our very own D1 Bernard. | | Smokeless kitchen demonstrated a great initiative and provided a muddy example of positive service for the Moshi community. This inspiring project is headed by Julien Munier with a dedicated group of student volunteers. Find out more on the overview page. | | Women’s Health Empowerment provided great detail in their plans and efforts this past semester. This new service group is on the lookout for upcycled fabrics, in particular swimsuit material, to repurpose for their project. If you would like to find out more or would like to donate, please check out the overview page and email sustainabilitymoshi@uwcea.org where you can be connected. | | Community Clean-up service was enthusiastic and detailed in their presenting of this hands-on endeavor. They have been working within and beyond the school walls and continue to beautify our community and organize solid waste on behalf of all of us. The Reefs project presented a well detailed account of the project and are keen to reboot this project. With some networking ahead and efforts towards expertise and partnerships there is a buzz of motivation in this presenting pair. | | Lessons in Conservation shared activities and skills they picked up through the Cape Town to Kilimanjaro program they completed last semester. They challenged participants to spot virtual wildlife and shared plans to engage their educational materials with local schools. We look forward to seeing more from them this year! A big thank you to all of the students involved for their efforts and service mentors. We extend the utmost gratitude to all who attended and thank you for taking time to hear about the great work being done. | | | |