| We are Back It was very nice to see so many familiar faces on campus this week intermixed with all the new faces. The buzz was great as a school just does not feel like a school without the students there. While we have only been back four days it is amazing how quickly everyone drops back into their routines. In the next few weeks we will start the various after school programs including service, clubs and sports. Also upcoming we will be having a few opportunities for parents to get involved starting on the 19th with the Primary meet the teacher. We also have an upcoming MYP meeting and a general Parents’ Coffee Morning. In addition to those events on campus we will also have some Zoom meetings for those many parents that are further away. You will see below that we will have the first Farmers’ Market of the year in two weeks and on September 19th our students will be hosting a TEDx event here in Rafiki Hall. More information about that will be coming out soon. To keep up with events please see the calendar page on our website. Bob Cofer – Head of Campus | |  | | | | We have lift off! After countless hours of planning and preparation from many, many people, our third year as UWC East Africa has officially started. We have all had to adapt to an ever changing landscape. We have had to be understanding, patient and flexible, making accommodations along the way and we will probably need to continue to. Still, we are here, we are together as a community of learners and there is so much to look forward to. We have welcomed many new students across the school this week, from EC right through to D2. Indeed, a huge congratulations to our dedicated Student Orientation Committee, who gave up their time and energy and put in so much effort to make these early days so memorable for our incoming cohort. The first days of any school year are designed to allow returning students to reconnect with the community and, of course, to welcome new students and give them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with new faces and a new environment. Making these connections is so important and, over the coming weeks, it is paramount that we keep looking out for each other, being open, communicating and offering our support where needed. | | Lastly, “congratulations” to our new teachers who have survived their first week! In fact, many of them have been in-country for a few weeks now, involved in an orientation programme of their own. We hope you enjoyed meeting our students and are starting to feel part of the community. We feel very lucky to have you. We are all so happy to be up and running again. Sure, there will, almost certainly, be more bumps in the road but at least we are moving forward and it feels great to be back. Ben Morley – Deputy Head of Campus | | Diploma News It has been great to see the D1 students settling in to class. They have now met all teachers and some have made changes. This is still easy at the moment. We have spoken to them about service. Next week when they have hopefully recovered from jet lag we will talk more about the full details of the diploma. They are making friends and are starting to find their way around campus. The D2 students have been reminded about the deadline schedule and we reviewed as a group where they are with the Extended Essay, Internal Assessments and CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service). It is important that they plan their time well and that they talk to me if there are any problems. As we told them the best way to avoid stress about deadlines is to meet them. The deadline schedule can be viewed here. Margaret Brunt – DP Coordinator | Residential Life For this week’s update I think it is pertinent to outline one of our guiding statements which encompasses the theme of our residential houses; “A sense of belonging, acceptance and tolerance.” To this regard, we have successfully completed a wonderful orientation programme for our Diploma One students and have welcomed back almost all our Diploma Two students. For now, our focus has been on building relationships with one another, adjusting to residential life and getting to know our teaching mentors who have re-joined our residential programme in each house. Their expertise and new energy have instilled a new life into the houses and our students have been excited to learn about their experiences and their array of personalities from night to night. In our MYP dorms we have officially opened the new Kiongozi dorms and welcomed an array of students from M1 to M5. The weekend ahead is now their orientation with many exciting games, trips, and activities for them to familiarise themselves with their surroundings and their peers. Kimbilio is almost completed, and we are hopeful to have all our residential students on campus for the week ahead. We range from ages 9 to 20 and from every corner of the globe – International mindedness in its true form. Finally, I want to reach out to thank all our residential staff for their tireless efforts in making our students feel at home away from home and to our orientation committee for giving up time in their holidays to welcome our new students. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Or in Swahili, Asante Sana! Simon Johnston – Head of Residential Life | MYP News Week one has been a wonderful week of discovery! Students and teachers are getting to know each other, setting expectations and introducing the courses according to IBMYP standards. The M1 team is still working on ensuring a smooth transition for the students in terms of academic requirements as well as life skills and their general wellbeing. We are almost finished with the selection of courses for our M4 and M5. Students have had a change of heart with some of the Arts’ courses and decided to switch from Drama to Music after trying them out. Our Language Acquisition placement tests are in progress, and we will use the results to place the students in the proper language level for this academic year. Our first parent information session is coming up on Wednesday, August 25th, 2021 from 7:30 to 8:30 am. This session will be about the MYP framework and how it works in terms of academic expectations, requirements and assessments. I am looking forwards to seeing you there. Farah Fawaz – MYP Coordinator | This week we have had the largest sign up of students for OP trips in UWCEA history. We have Reefs trips overflowing, the Tanzanian Plains will be packed with students not wildebeest, the Peaks will look like ant hills covered in UWCEAers and our bicycles will be worn out on all our Rides. It is fantastic to see so many of our students being risk takers and throwing themselves into our OP Plains, Peaks, Rides and Reefs trips. The keen Reefs students have completed their 200m swim and 2-minute tread water test for the level 1, and we have had a record number successfully complete the test. | | Our logo development is coming to completion with the latest development very close to what we want. Robin Marsh – Experiencial Learning | | From the Counselors What a wonderful first week of school! It has been lovely seeing students back on campus, all filled with a mixture of every possible feeling and ready for a new school year of learning and growing together. So who is your new socio-emotional counselor? I am Frida Marealle and I am originally from Sweden but have called Tanzania my home for the past 11 years. My background is in social welfare, mental health support, and school counseling. My focus this week has been on being present and available around campus to let students know who I am, what I do, and where to find me. Next week I am looking forward to spending more time in PYP classrooms and get started with the amazing M4-D2 students who will be involved in the Peer Support Group that meet every Wednesday to explore ways to safeguard and support their peers and their wellbeing. My door is always open, please do not hesitate to come by or reach out if you have any questions or concerns! Frida Marealle Socio-emotional Counselor fridamarealle@uwcea.org calendly.com/fridamarealle It has been delightful to begin work on the counselling team as the University Counselor. I am Dr. Andrea Kitomary and I am from the US, but have strong family ties to Tanzania in the Arusha area. My background is in higher education working with high school and college students on best practices for transitioning into and at the university. I hope to engage with students in multiple ways as we partner together on their college inquiry journey. This week, I had the pleasure of meeting many D2 students as they are eager to get started with pre-university planning. I also had some interaction with D1 students and look forward to learning about their interest and how best to prepare them for the college application process. SAVE THE DATES - September 8, 2021 CIS Sub-Saharan Africa Fair from 12 pm-3 pm
- September 14 and 22 UWC Davis Scholar Partner Institute Fairs
Andrea Kitomary University Counselor andreakitomary@uwcea.org calendly.com/drkitomary | Teachers and other staff members are currently undergoing two different types of first aid. We have the more traditional first aid to support sports, OP and residential life. As well, we have a mental first aid course running that provides more tools for teachers to aid students who are facing challenges and need someone to listen to them. | | Sports Update My name is Gilbert and I am happy to join the UWCEA community and build on what has already been done. We have been working on the sports and activities roster for this quarter. I would like to thank the teachers, parents and students who have signed up to lead or assist in the activities. The signup forms should go out on Tuesday, and start on Week 3. In Primary, please discuss the club choices with your child and fill in the form by Thursday. Swim Team Swim team activities will start next week. See below for more details. There is a lot in store this year. Should you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me on gilbertkaburu@uwcea.org. Gilbert Kaburu – Sports and Activities Coordinator | Welcome back all swimmers and swimmer parents to a new 2021/22 swimming season! For those who are new to UWCEA Moshi campus, we have a swimming club for our primary and secondary swimmers. If you are interested in signing up to join our super team, please contact me: Debbie Bachmann on +255 757558744/debbiewilk@gmx.de for further details. As soon as we have the new training times, which will hopefully start next week on Monday, I will post them on our Leopard Sharks Whatsapp Group so, if you need to be added, please send me your name and number so I can add you to our group! Membership fees for the year: - Primary swimmers (P1-6): USD 40
- Secondary Swimmers (M1-D2): USD 120
For those who have still not paid up for last year’s training fees, please kindly do so by 31 August and send your proof of payment to Christine Brandsma: christine@oasis-yp.com Coach Sabini, Coach Gilbert & I look forward to seeing you all at the pool very soon! | | |  | | | We have had a very enjoyable week in PYP. The children have been settling into routines and getting to know their teachers and classmates (see photo). We welcome you to ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening on Thursday the 19th of August. We will begin at 6pm with tea and coffee on the green outside the P5 class (room 16). At 6:15, we will break up for the first 20 minute session. After a break of 5 minutes, we will break up for another session of 20 minutes. Our evening will end at 7pm. These two sessions are designed to allow parents to visit two classes if needed. On Friday morning, the 20th of August, we are hoping that the P3-6 children will listen to a talk by Greg Mortenson. He is the author of “Three Cups of Tea” and son of the first principal of our school. He will be talking about his work regarding setting up schools to provide education for girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This event is still tentative and further details will be sent out once it has been confirmed. Parents are welcome to attend. Please wear a mask inside Rafiki Hall. Our first primary gathering of the year will take place on August 27th at 7:35 in Rafiki Hall and will be led by Mr. Morley. The sign up link for clubs will be sent to you this week. Please discuss the club choices with your child and fill in the form by Thursday. Deborah Mills & Mboka Mwasongwe PYP Coordinators | | What a great start to the school year. It is great to have the class bursting with playful voices and questions. Thank you to all who filled out the parent survey. If you haven’t done so already, please do as it is imperative that I have your emergency numbers at hand. This coming week, we will start talking about our family and specifically, the people who live with us at home. You can begin these discussions at home as well because we are looking at the relationships we have with the people around us. EC will begin phase 1 of letters and sounds. P1 and a few ECs will begin phase 2 of letters and sounds. Home learning will be sent home this coming week. This will mostly be reading and sight word work for some. These will be due on Friday. I am looking forward to meeting you all on Thursday during ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening. Mboka Mwasongwe | | It’s been a great first week for the P2s in their new class. They’ve been settling in well, and are getting in the groove of our morning routines, and classroom expectations. The children have enjoyed creating the different banners and “math about me” humans which can be seen inside and outside our classroom. Next week we extend our morning routine to include guided reading and writing, as well as looking at patterns in math, and what humans need to survive for our unit of inquiry. Elisha Jaffer | | The kick-off to the school year in P3/4 was a success! Ms. Catherine and I are so pleased with the class and we are looking forward to lots of learning. We had a focus on getting to know each other and settling into routines this week. Our first unit of the year will be HEROES! Central Idea: Heroic figures have an impact on communities and cultures. We will have fun this week looking at Superheroes as a starting point for understanding what it means to be a hero. Then we will look at heroes in our community and heroes from history. I hope that all parents can come on Thursday evening to Meet the Teacher Night! We will gather in front of the P5 and 6 classrooms for tea and chatting at 6:00. At 6:15, you can come to hear about the plans for P3/4 this year. Reminders: - Monday- library bags returned if still at home from last year
- Tuesday- swimsuit and towel, goggles are optional.
- Thursday- PE shoes
- Friday- return Home Learning folder
Kacey Buckley | | We have had a lovely week settling into P5. We are very happy to welcome Kudzai to our class. The children have done fingerprint art, carried out a maths investigation, written about their holidays and completed some assessments. Next week we will start our Unit of Inquiry, “People have rights and responsibilities that develop and protect their well being and the well being of others.” Our lines of inquiry are: - Rules by which people live
- The connections of rights to responsibilities
- The importance of developing children’s rights
Please email me to let me know your preferred address for correspondence if you have not already done so. The class will visit the library on Monday. Please send in the fabric library book bag from P4 if your child still has that at home. Deborah Mills | | The P6 has kicked off the year in an amazing fashion. They got to make new friends, learn new procedures, and get introduced to a new schedule. The plant unit is already underway with the class exploring plants. They have been practicing scientific illustration drawing flowers and seeds. They dissected a flower and learned about the flower parts that help make seeds. We also started an observation activity to see how the roots and sprout come out of a seed. Next week we will be planting seeds, so if possible please send in any small plastic cups that we could reuse like small yogurt containers. Another item that needs to be brought in are library bags. If you see one at home from last year, please send it in. As for the weekly schedule, students need to bring in PE equipment (hat, water bottle, and good shoes) on Tuesday and their swim kits on Wednesday. I look forward to seeing you next Thursday. Ms. Sarah Brummel | | | |