You may not know this but earlier this year, the Board of Governors approved our new, revised Guiding Statements. Every school has a set of Guiding Statements that basically describe the sort of institution that we want to be.
In our case, a long process which involved feedback from parents, students in all classes, teachers, support staff, administrators and alumni, was completed and a small group of us set to work in putting together a set of Guiding Statemets that represented the wishes and hopes of all our stakeholders.
Crucially, we also took the Guiding Statements from our former school International School Moshi and those of the UWC Movement into consideration too.
Last week another group of us created an action plan to roll out these Guiding Statements. We want every member of our community to be reminded of these statements on a regular basis, particularly when decision making committees are in action. So, our Board for example have made a resolution to refer to the Guiding Statements every time a decision is being made. The same is true of campus management team meetings, PTA meetings and others.
We also have plans to make the Guiding Statements visible through posters and in the newsletter. We will translate them into other languages and make special versions for our Nursery and EC children to understand! All in all we want to recognise how important it will be for EVERYONE to remember what our values are and how to stick by them!
May we present our Guiding Statements 2020/21.