Arusha Campus News – 3 Sep 2021

Arusha Campus Newsletter Friday 3rd September 2021

Dear Parents

I have been starting our weekly newsletters with an image that best describes one of our UWC East Africa Values. (Image top) We have a list of ten values that we as an institution have agreed to place as a priority. So for example, this week, my chosen value is No 10 – that we have agreed to prioritise the happiness and well-being of our community in everthing we do. I shall share all ten values over coming weeks.

The motley crew in the picture above certainly look as though they are happy and that their well-being is NOT in immediate danger!

Our Meru climbers successfully summited Socialist Peak last weekend whilst our M1 Camp Crafters had a great time at Themi Waterfalls. A report about Campcraft will follow in next week’s newsletter.

Lots to read about this week so I will keep it brief and wish you all a peaceful weekend.


PYP News

Early Childhood (above) having fun making mandazi

Home Learning!
Home learning is often the subject of a heated discussion amongst teachers and parents. Some teachers and parents love it, and some hate it. However, it helps students in many ways. It teaches children to be independent and to be responsible for completing a task. Home learning can boost confidence in independent problem-solving and in handling situations alone in the future. Home learning gives an opportunity for parents to see their children’s academic progress. Home learning allows children recap on the skills, concepts and information that they have learned in class.

Our school handbook says
P1-2 10 minutes of reading 10 minutes other
P3-4 20 minutes or reading 20 minutes other
P5-6 30 minutes of reading 30 minutes other

How to help with Home learning?

1. Create a home learning-friendly area

Having a dedicated space for children to do homework will help them stay focused. Make sure it is well-lit and stocked with everything they’ll need for their assignments.

2. Routine Study Time

A regular routine helps children get used to working at home. Some children work best in the morning, while others may prefer the afternoon. Work out a routine where your child is at their most productive.

3. Make Sure They’re Learning

Homework is important, but only if children use this time to learn. If you do the work for them, they’re not going to see any of the benefits. It’s important you’re there to support and help them understand the work, so they can do it themselves.

4. Praise Work and Effort

Recognising the hard work that they’re putting in and praising them for it is a great way to get children to respond positively to homework.


Maths (above) in P4/5 was especially fun this week. They used manipulatives for place value and addition and played the strategy game ‘Totality’.

Early Childhood are visited by the Dentist!

The EC children have been learning about how to look after our teeth. We invited Swathi a dentist who came into class and told us amazing facts about teeth as well as how to keep them healthy by brushing regularly and making good food choices. After that we had a fun activity of sorting foods that make our teeth happy or sad.

Primary Student Council

MYP News

M5 Personal Project

As today’s MYP students mature, they will be increasingly called on to shape the world that they inhabit. To prepare students for this responsibility, middle-level education must cultivate students’ motivation, agency, and capacity for lifelong learning. The personal project provides an opportunity for students to undertake an independent and age-appropriate exploration into an area of personal interest. Through the process of inquiry, action, and reflection, students are encouraged to demonstrate and strengthen their ATL skills. The personal nature of the project is important; the project allows students to explore an area that motivates and interests them. Students choose what they want to focus on, which can be an existing or a new interest, choose how to achieve their goal, and create their own success criteria for the product. The project provides an excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly personal and often creative product and to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning in the MYP (Personal Project Guide, 2021).

The M5 students now have their PP supervisors. They are encouraged to book appointments and meet their supervisors. Some of the projects involve parental support so all M5 parents are encouraged to hold candid discussions with their children and plan accordingly.

Please do not hesitate to email us if you have any questions.

hamidrezayi@uwcea (MYP Coordinator) (Personal Project Coordinator).

Language and Literature at UWC East Africa Arusha Campus

Students in M3 English are kicking off the year with an exploration of personal identity, reading mentor texts by Jason Reynolds, Maya Angelou, and George Ella Lyon. Below is a beautiful example of a ‘Where I’m From’ Poem by Miriam Taylor, who uses different poetic devices to share both her culture and individuality.

Second-year Diploma students have been busy exploring non-literary texts to get ready for their final internal assessment, the Individual Oral. All students are practicing analyzing infographics from the World Health Organization, political cartoons from The New Yorker, and street art by Banksy. Practice IOs will take place 28-30 September to help students organize their ideas and analyses in preparation for their finals in the second quarter.

DP News

This Friday, the D2 students showcased the first TOK (Theory of Knowledge) Exhibition in the Performing Arts area (above image)

The TOK exhibition is the “new” assessment task for the 2022 syllabus replacing the TOK presentation from the 2015 syllabus. It is an individual task that involves students choosing 3 objects and one of the 35 IA prompts to write a 950 words commentary to demonstrate how TOK manifests in the real world.

Students are able to pick a prompt amongst some of the following examples:
What counts as knowledge?
Are some types of knowledge more useful than others?
What features of knowledge have an impact on its reliability?
On what grounds might we doubt a claim?
What counts as good evidence for a claim?
How does the way that we organize or classify knowledge affect what we know?
What are the implications of having, or not having, knowledge?
To what extent is certainty attainable?
Are some types of knowledge less open to interpretation than others?
What challenges are raised by the dissemination and/or communication of knowledge?
Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs?
Is bias inevitable in the production of knowledge?
How can we know that current knowledge is an improvement upon past knowledge?
How is current knowledge shaped by its historical development?
In what ways do our values affect our acquisition of knowledge?

The objects chosen by the students for their exhibition:

should have a specific real-world context, and not be generic examples of something
can be physical or digital – such as a photograph of an object, or a Tweet posted by a person
can be something students have created, but not for the exhibition
should have a clear reference to their provenance

Well done to the D2 for completing their first big internal assessment and a big thank you to the D1 students and UWC East Africa community for attending the event!
The second and last assessment forTOK is the TOK essay which students will be working on this term.

Nathalie Vignard

Outdoor Pursuits – Peaks Level 4 Mt Meru

WE DID IT ! We climbed Meru! Not without pain, sickness and complaints! Climbing a mountain at night and witnessing a beautiful sunrise from the summit is a unique experience that none of us will ever forget. But climbing a mountain is not only a physical challenge, it takes a strong mindset to summit. I feel so lucky I had the privilege to share that tough but crazy adventure with 8 amazing D2 syudents. Each of them pushed their limits far beyond to climb all the way to Socialist Peak. I have seen Collins cope with his first experience in the cold by being the most fashionable hiker. I have seen Assaf putting on more layers than it is possible to survive the strong cold wind, I have seen Shrishti walking 6 hours and still joining us at dinner with her big smile and good vibes, I have seen Rida’s unique way of stretching.

We will for sure have a different feeling when we see Meru through our windows in the morning !

Miss Coralie

Outdoor Pursuit Trips Semester 1

Piano Lessons

My name is Gabriel Kalamata with many years of experience of teaching music theory,practical piano and voice lessons. I follow the ABRSM (The Exam Board of Royal School of Music)curriculum from the UK whereby students can learn theory of music,voice and piano grade 1-8. Piano students can take part of ABRSM exams once or twice a year, but this year all exams are cancelled until next year. Exams are not compulsory, it is entirely the student decision.

Here are the times available at the moment.
Monday 3:30-5:00 pm
Tuesday 12:12:30 pm and 2:30-3:30 pm
Wednesday 3:00-3:30 pm and 3:30-5:00 pm
Thursday 2;30-5;5;00 pm

One lesson is Tshs 20000 and for one hour is 30000 payable at the beginning of the term. Parents who are interested to develop the talent of their children in music can call me on 0753 341076,0786 250226 or email me

UWC East Africa Health Guidelines August 19th 2021

UWC East Africa Health Guidelines are based on research and school best practice including input from UWC International meetings and expert personnel and have been adapted to best fit our climate and campuses here in Tanzania. These guidelines, and our accompanying self-screening protocols, apply to all members of the community regardless of whether individuals have been COVID vaccinated or have been previously infected. The

General guidelines
1. Students and staff who are well (healthy) should attend school every day.
2. Symptom self-screening checklist are in place for secondary residential students (residential parent screening for primary students) and parental screening for day students. Checklist will be provided for all students.
3. Symptom self-screening checklist to be completed daily by all staff before reporting to work.
4. Students and staff with underlying, related health issues MUST report these.  For staff, to the Head of Campus. For students, parents need to update the medical forms with this information.
5. If any students or staff – or anyone they live with – develop Coronavirus-like symptoms, they will be asked to stay away from school until they experience four, symptom-free days.
6. Facemasks are permitted but not required, for students and staff.
7. Students or staff who leave the country are now no longer required to isolate before returning to school PROVIDED international travel protocols, as stipulated by the Tanzanian Government, have been adhered to.
8. Staff, students and parents are reminded to take sensible precautions when travelling within Tanzania.
School and classroom setup guidelines
9. Hand washing stations at the entrance and across the campuses for all students as they enter.
10. Keep classroom doors and windows open to encourage air flow.
11. Students and staff are reminded to respect appropriate social distancing where possible.
12. As much outdoor teaching as possible.
13. Assemblies to be held outdoors where possible. Whole-school, indoor events postponed.
14. Timetable and room allocation manipulated to minimize student movement.
15. All students and staff required to hand wash/sanitize regularly. At least every time they arrive and depart from the classroom.
16. Hand sanitizer in every classroom, to be used every class change.
17. Staggered mealtimes will be continued, making use of indoor and outdoor spaces.
18. Housekeeping to disinfect classroom surfaces and door handles regularly.
Activity guidelines
19. Excursions/OP to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment.
20. External CAS partnerships to be evaluated and/or adapted on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment.
21. Sporting events and PE to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment.
22. Class trips will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment.
23. After school activities will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis looking at location and physical contact.
Guidelines for Parents and Visitors
22. All parents and visitors must wear masks inside school buildings.
23. Hand washing stations at the entrance of the school for all parents and visitors. Parents and visitors must wash hands before entering campus.
24. Parents and visitors should only enter school buildings by appointment.
25. All delivery vehicles will be stopped at the gate. Where possible offloading will take place at the gate.
26. Community activities as approved by the Head of Campus.
27. Outdoor facilities accessible during posted times but the changing rooms are limited to students only.

19th August 2021


Click on any month (below) to link to the live School calendar on our website



