| Arusha Campus Newsletter Sunday 28th November 2021 |  | | It was all smiles for the Arusha Rhinos at Sports Weekend last weekend. Arusha Campus travelled with 120 students and perfromed heroically in all sports. | | Dear Parents |  | | The Arusha Campus Under 19 Boys football squad created two teams for the Sports Weekend. That both teams won their groups without conceding a goal all weekend underlines how well they played. Here pictured above are both teams ‘sharing’ the victory! Apologies for the lack of newsletter last week. Sports Weekend was my excuse, but as one parent pointed out to me yesterday, the bi-weekly newsletter has become quite the norm! Very sorry indeed! I am terrifically biased of course, but my U19 Boys football team were spectacular in their sports weekend performances as described above. This was replicated by big wins for Arusha in Volleyball, Basketball and Swimming. A big thank you to Bob and everyone on Moshi Campus for organising yet another Sports Weekend. This was the 20th version of this annual tradition! Also I have to congratulate Miss Caitrin and all the Arusha teachers and staff who gave up their weekend for the festival of sport. Some people were left behind on Arusha Campus even though they would have liked to be selected for the weekend. To me, these students deserve every bit as much praise for the dignity in which they received the disappointing decision. Thank you. The idea of giving up something that you think you are enttled to has been preying on my mind for a while now. And I spoke to the residents en masse about it on Wednesday evening. The environmental disaster unfolding around our globe is a sure sign that our lives have to be different from now on. We have to STOP using and buying plastic bottles. The Christmas Fair that we are enjoying in our car park as I write is creating piles and piles of plastic waste. Not the organisers’ fault nor indeed the school’s. The consumers must change their habits. So, from January 1st 2022, I would urge the whole community to challenge anyone bringing a plastic botlle on campus, whether its Phil or Caroline or anyone at the 2022 Christmas Fair! We’ve got to get serious. If you are here in Arusha, then please enjoy the marvellous Christmas Fair that we are hosting. If you are further afield then our thoughts are with you as anxiety grows about the latest pandemic restrictions. Phil | | Dates for the Diary Sunday 27th November – Arusha Christmas Fair hosted in the car park of Arusha Campus Friday 3rd December 7pm – ‘Freaky Friday’ drama production Saturday 4th December 7pm – ‘Freaky Friday’ drama production Monday 6th December – ‘Top of the Pops’ Primary lip sync Wednesday 8th December – Last day of School Monday 10th January 2022 – First day of School | | What kind of week has it been? |  | | This week started with many people on campus worn out after a busy Sports Weekend, it ended with an energetic show, a colourful display of national pride, and a Christmas fair! Value #4: An education in a global context that promotes an appreciation and understanding of multiple perspectives Starting Monday, our campus celebrated our first-ever Cultural Spirit Week. M5 Sstudents are shown above celebrating national colours day on Friday A combination of a traditional spirit week with a focus on the various cultures present at our school was a fantastic celebration of our diversity. A HUGE thank you goes out to Mezabine and the canteen staff for their amazing support of Cultural Spirit Week, designing a menu to match our daily regional focus. Everyone enjoyed the diverse menu and special dishes created for this week – I’m sure I’m not the only one who hopes those enchiladas make it onto the regular menu, they were delicious!! Value #3: A holistic and diverse portfolio of learning experiences Drama and theatre students visited Braeburn for the dress rehearsal of their production of Annie, surely a great experience for all as Braeburn always puts on a great show. Members of our International Relations CCA, accompanied by Ms Anoek, were privileged to visit the UN this week. Staff from the Registrar’s Office, Chambers and Prosecution met with our students and gave them a tour. I’m told the library was particularly impressive! Nursery and EC were lucky to visit Arusha National Park on Friday with Mr Phil – how does he get all the fun assignments?! Value #6: The ambition of students to demonstrate initiative and take on leadership roles As part of Cultural Spirit Week, the House Council executive put on a fantastic show for Culture Fest on Thursday evening. 14 diverse acts from all over the globe participated, and their efforts were enthusiastically enjoyed by the audience. I’m sure you’ve seen several emails by other student groups taking the initiative to address needs in our community. The Blood Drive that is happening next week as well as the fundraising efforts to purchase Christmas hampers for children at Plaster House are just two that quickly come to mind. I encourage all in the community to support these and other student initiatives. Value #8: A shared responsibility and a collective duty of care for ourselves, each other, and the environment Our focus on the environment and the inspiration taken from COP26 continues as residents on campus looked to expand and improve their food waste collection, the residential students were challenged to switch completely to glass-bottled beverages, and the environmental committee began an investigation into alternative energy sources for electricity on campus. It’s hard to believe there are only 8 more days of school before we take our long December holiday! Hang in there everyone! Ms Christy | | PYP News |  | | IT (Information Technology) and computer skills are vital in today’s society. But keeping your child safe online is also very important. The best advice is to have an open and honest discussion with your child about the amounts of screen time they are allowed and why. Try to avoid using screen time as both a reward and a punishment. Learning to type is also a key aspect of developing computer skills. All PYP classes visit the IT room each week to learn different skills related to IT from maths games, powerpoints, creativity activities, developing mouse control, reading, research and presenting information to name a few. The website https://www.learningliftoff.com explains why technology is important for young students. 1. Tech Skills Encourage Kids to Think About What’s Possible 2. Having a Tech Hobby Increases the Likelihood of Getting into College 3. An Interest in Tech Sparks an Inquisitive Mindset. 4. Technology Skills Nurture Determination 5. Tech Skills Prepare Kids for the Future Thank you to the parents who attended the information session on Tuesday. For those who were unable to attend, we will run another session in the new year. Amanda | | Cultural Fest |  | | Miguel and Odette performed for Venezuela at Culture Fest – they were spectacular! On Thursday evening I wandered to the Performance Area for Culture Fest feeling every bit as exhausted as my colleagues after a long semester. An hour later I was rejuvenated and dancing in the streets having been treated to a series of Cultural Performances of the highest quality. Every single performer was simply outstanding and so I am going to list them here – that is the least they deserve! East African Dance: Kimberly, Nigel, Ngure, Jacky, Nadira, Jemimah, Ruthie, Gino Salvadoran Dance: Grecia and Maria Acappella Hawa & Ruthie Venezuelan Dance: Odette and Miguel Song: Widya (D1) Asian Dance: Sayora, Zahra, Fisiola, Mihranush Iranian Poem: Parsa Ala’a playing Iraq National a cappella Chiara – Paraguay Bolivian Dance: Catherine Irem Turkish poem with backgound music Belly Dance: Insyia and Alaa Liberian poem: Jerry Dutch rap – Roos, Kim, Veerle, Rosa Afro Dance: Akanashe, Vanessa, Joan, Sylvia, Rosalia, Armandine Latin Dance: Jose Carlos, Miguel, Grecia, Maria, Odette, Chiara, Catherine, Thalia, Alessandro, Julia | | Twin Day |  | | Miss Esperance/Miss Saada and Miss Carmen/Miss Amanda celebrate Twin Day this week. | | Primary Share Time |  | | It was Swahili Share Time with Moss Ann-Joyce. Need I say more! Easily the best assembly of the year and this week’s assembly was no different. Brilliant Ann-Joyce! | | Early Childhood and Nursery share the planet! |  | | Early Childhood and Nursery have been working on their Sharing the Planet unit and looking at the animals that share our environemnt here in Tanzania. Last week thye visited the animals at Sable Square and had a picnic with the lesser kudus! (See pic above) That was followed by a trip to Arusha National Park with Mr Phil yesterday! (See below) | | P1 Visit Cultural Heritage |  | | The P1 students had a wonderful time learning about different types of art at Cultural Heritage last week, and how people use a variety of materials to produce art, for self expression. It has been so educational for us all and we cannot wait to continue expressing our own ideas through art. Once again, thank you mama Ayaan for helping us organise this. | | TedX Majengo |  | | From left pictured above, Miss Delphine, Emmanuel (D1), Masuma, Irem (D1) and Emmyrose. TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Started as a four-day conference in the USA 30 years ago, TED has grown to support its mission with multiple global initiatives. The two annual TED Conferences invite the world’s leading thinkers and doers to speak for 18 minutes or less. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design. With this deliberately broad scope, TED Conferences include talks concerning business, research, development and culture. They may be inspirational or innovative, but always stimulating new ideas, projects and initiatives. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TED Talks online video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection. TEDxMajengo is an independently organized event conducted under a TEDx event license granted by TED in New York. Yesterday, two of our students, Emanuel (Tanzania) and Irem (Turkey) were invitees to TedX Majengo. Miss Delphine was a facilitator whilst Miss Emmyrose and Miss Masuma (Moshi Campus alumnus) were speakers! | | International Relations CCA |  | | Four members of the International Relations CCA had the opportunity to visit UN Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals together with Mrs Anoek on Wednesday. UN employees from the Registrar’s Office, Prosecution and Chambers gave us an insight into their work and helped us understand the Mechanism better. Not only could we explore the included library, a paradise for future law students, but also the boma-shaped courtroom. We heard about the complexity of the legal processes through presentations about the administrative registry, the prosecution and the investigative aspects involved. Even though the genocide in Rwanda happened over 17 years ago, 25 judges from 24 different countries and their team are still occupied with solving related war crimes, which can be seen in the resent arrest of a suspect in France. As the tribunal officially closed in 2015, it is uncertain how long it will continue its work in Arusha. Until then, we hope to get the chance to organise more visits and profit from the opportunity to get first-hand information about these globally important issues. Annabell, D1 | | Theatre Sports with Miss Sue |  | | When the sport teams set off for the weekend in Moshi a short Theatre Sports event was organised for the students who were left behind. M1 – 3 students were organised into their house teams for a quick competition judged by referees Mr Michael and Ms Marshy. The P6 class also attended the event to witness fast thinking and improvisation skills and even try some games out. One of the events was called “Mount, Knight, Cavalier” which is seen in the pictures below. The winners of the games were Kibo! Well done Augustine, Jaykie, Junwoo, Malaika and Kasia for winning points for your house! | | |  | | | | Freaky Friday SAVE THE DATE |  | | Preparations and rehearsals for the upcoming secondary production of Freaky Friday have been in full swing since the start of Quarter One. Last week saw the start of the “Backstage Crew” CCA, where students will aid in the final weeks of preparation in roles such as stage set up, advertising and prop design. We are also joined this quarter by our student band. A huge thanks to Magnus Fischer and Cody Brown, who have shown such patience and commitment in the student band thus far. The production dates are set for Friday December 3rd and Saturday December 4th at 7pm. Save the date in your diaries and look out event posters and ticket information coming soon. Best of luck to all involved. | | Calendar Click on any month (below) to link to the live School calendar on our website | | November |  | | | | December |  | | | | | |