| Arusha Campus Newsletter Sunday 19th September 2021 |  | | | | Dear Parents |  | | Ec 1/2 enjoyed baking gingerbread cookies this week. It was great to see them using their motor skills and having a great time. I just adore thios picture above. Making Gingerbread in Early Childhood? My idea of a morning that could not be better well spent. And I can assure you they were very tasty indeed! Bullying is an issue that crops up in all schools worldwide. I was asked this week why we ‘were lucky with bullying and why it didnt seem to be a problem here at UWC East Africa Arusha Campus’. I am not sure whether we are just ‘lucky’ or whether our daily conversations about being caring succeed in spreading the message that bullying is not ‘cool’. I like to think that we boast such a diverse community of individuals that it becomes almost impossible to single any one person out for being different. This is often what bullies try to do. Except in our school now, the fact of the matter is that everyone here is so individually peculiar that we make a point of celbrating that very things that makes people different. And this makes it hard for anyone to pick on others! It would be foolish of me to suggest bullying never occurs but I feel very proud to belong to a community that cares for and respects people precisely because they are different. Bravo everyone! Once again we have lots of students out and about this weekend. Forty of our students are attending the TedX Moshi Event this evening and they will be back tomorrow. A further bus load of students are in Tanga undergoing Reefs Level 2 whilst this morning a large group of teachers and students attended a special memorial service at Vineyard Church in Moshono for Mr Neil. Finally, look through this newsletter for some big events coming up. The Buffalo Charge represents a super family weekend of camping, good food and of course the chance to see cars and drivers in a melee of mud sweat and tears! The Rotary Triathlon is also not too far away at the end of October so plenty of time to get into training! Phil | | What kind of week has it been? |  | | On Tuesday, the format for the new Student Government was introduced to the Secondary school. Over 85 applications to run as candidates were handed out to a very enthusiastic group of students! These applications are due on Monday, September 20th. We will then hold elections for Class Representatives on Wednesday. Work continues on our Self Study for the CIS Accreditation visit early in the new year. Groups of staff from all areas of the school are reflecting on our strengths and weaknesses in all areas of the school from how our Board functions, to our efforts in Residence, to how our facilities are managed. An email was sent to all secondary parents to sign up for the upcoming 3 Way Conferences. MYP Conferences will be on Monday, October 4th and DP Conferences on Tuesday, October 5th. Signup will close on Wednesday, September 29th. There are limited spaces available, so book your meeting quickly! In addition, a Zoom conference for our far-flung DP parents will be held on Wednesday, October 6th. The Scholastic Book Fair continues for one more week! Get your orders in by Monday, September 27th. You can order and pay online or use the order form sent home with your child and pay cash in the accounts office. Don’t miss out! The weather is warming up, finally! Please keep the school dress code in mind when getting ready in the morning! This includes ensuring that you have proper kit for PHE classes. There are only 3 weeks left in the 1st Quarter – time sure flies when you’re having fun! Don’t forget to nominate worthy secondary students for the Learner Profile awards. A Google form was sent to all secondary students and teachers and nominations are accepted until 3:00 on Friday, September 24th. Christy Deputy Head | | UWC Day – Saturday, September 18th |  | | The House Council would like to thank all the students and parents who joined us on Saturday for our UWC Day community event. The Trash Walk began at 12:00 with groups heading out along the outer fence to pick up trash. Sadly, there was no shortage of trash to be found! In fact, we ran out of time and ran out of bags before we could tackle the big section of the Bi-Pass between the roundabout and the road to the back gate. Once the collected trash is sorted into the new PTA recycling bins we will reclaim the bags and organize another event just for that section – it really needs a clean up! Hopefully, by working together we can all ‘reimagine’ a tomorrow where picking up trash is no longer necessary. After the Trash Walk, we gathered in the Performance Area to enjoy some amazing treats provided by our fantastic PTA. Thanks to all the parents who baked something special or came out to help sell it! In the Performance Area, the artwork submitted for the Creativity Challenge was on display. Students in all three programs shared their vision of tomorrow. Congratulations to our winners. First Prize – D2 Cody for his digital artwork Second Prize – D1 Roos for her poem Third Prize – D2 Sanna for her painting A special thank you to Mr. Ali and his P4/5 class. They shared their vision of what UWC East Africa will look like in the future. I’m really looking forward to the OP Space trips! Finally, 6 teams of 5 were brave enough to enter the Ultimate Scavenger Hunt. The teams had to complete several challenges including trying to beat Ms. Christy at Saturday’s New York Times Spelling Bee (not even close!) to stacking cups as high as possible in a limited time. Challenges were spread all across campus, so being fit definitely helped. Congratulations to the winners of the Ultimate Scavenger Hunt 1st Prize – Mr. Phil, Ms. Amanda, Gaby, Valerie and Lilian 2nd Prize – D2 Cody, Kim and Alissa 3rd Prize – D1 Marius, Elias, Christian, Annabel, D2 Alseny UWC Day continues on Tuesday with a whole school assembly at 8:00 | | PYP News |  | | The P6 class shared their learning on ‘Governments and Leadership’. They presented confidently and with enthusiasm. Below are 9 ways parents can help their child to become more confident leaders. Sources https://www.forbes.com 1. Have Them Try Out Sports Sports can teach them about teamwork, which is a significant component of leadership. 2. Focus On Emotional Intelligence Understanding empathy and sympathy are significant factors in problem-solving. 3. Embrace Failure Ensure that you teach your child to deal with failure in a healthy, constructive manner. 4. Establish Sound Financial Practices Teach your children how to manage their finances. 5. Take Them On Trips The important thing is that you’re spending quality time with your kids outside of the house. It doesn’t need to be expensive. 6. Teach Patience Intentionally doing something that requires waiting, is a great skill in becoming an excellent listener or observer. 7. Give Them Time To Be Creative Creativity is one of the best tools a leader can have, so it’s important to give your children the opportunity to flex their creative muscles. 8. Instill The Dangers Of Procrastination As a parent, you’re always going to want to let your kid be a kid, but it’s also important to teach them how to get things done when it’s necessary. 9. Lead By Example As a parent, you’re going to be the most important teacher your child will have. Amanda Bowen PYP Coordinator Arusha Campus UWC East Africa | | MYP News |  | | MYP Interdisciplinary One of the features of the MYP is its emphasis on interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Interdisciplinary learning is the process by which students come to understand bodies of knowledge and ways of knowing from two or more subjects and integrate them to create new understanding in a way that would have been unlikely through a single subject. Our MYP curriculum trips provide great opportunities to foster interdisciplinary learning. The curriculum trips take place once a year and combine interdisciplinary tasks from two different subjects, enabling students to integrate disciplines in novel and creative ways. Please see above the schedule of our curriculum trips for this year. Please note that all MYP Interdisciplinary trips will happen in one week (January 31st-February 4th, 2022). | | D1 Theatre and Music Students attend BongoOpera at Allianz Francaise |  | | | | On Tuesday 14th of September, Theatre and Music Students in D1 attended the “BongoOpera” event at Alliance Francaise with Ms Sue and Ms Sarah. Students enjoyed an evening of international artist collaboration based on Bantu music and history. This theatrical and musical performance, called “Génésis”, is the fruit of an international cultural encounter between France (Mayotte) and Tanzania. It mixes Ngoma drumming and theater with the participation of artists from Mayotte, Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya and Comoros. Students enjoyed some energetic audience participation in singing and dancing as part of the opera and reflected on the theatrical and Sub-Saharan African Musical devices displayed in the performance. Sarah Keane Head of Arts UWC East Africa | | Garv (D2) Wins Golfing Order of Merit 2020 |  | | To all you golfing fans out there, I have great pleasure in announcing that Garv in D2 won the Regional Match Play event last weekend. He has now won this event for the second time in a row. in addition to this, Garv is also the winner of the order of Merit 2020. Congratuations Garv! He is pictured above teeing off in the Regional Match play event last week. | | Where are they now? |  | | Mariam Jusabani, one of our D2 graduates last year (above) at the University of Pennsylvania. Mariam is enjoying here fist few days iat her prestigious unoversity in Philadelphia but has not forgotten her roots. She was the first to congratuklate Atrrusha Campus for their finalist status in this year’s Young Aurora Prize. A prize which she of course helped Arusha Campus win last year! | | College Applications from those who know it best! |  | | Recent graduate Joneskim Kimo, Arusha 2021, came back to make a presentation to current D2 students about college application essays (see image above). Kimo walked students through his thought process and development and shared one of his essays. On Monday he will leave for the Univeristy of Chicago where he will be studying Computer Science and Physics. | | |  | | | | Outdoor Pursuits – Peaks Level 1b to North Pare Mountains |  | | Last weekend D1 students from Arusha and Moshi (above) embarked on our first Peaks OP trip of the year! We hiked Noth Pare, a level 1B trail up and across a beautiful mountain range in Tanzania. For some, this was their first time hiking with a 65+ litre backpack, and for others, the trip offered an amazing opportunity to take on leadership roles within our group. Together we withstood many challenges including rain, fatigue, cold temperatures and a lack of sleep, but everyone pushed through and supported one another throughout the weekend. Within 48 hours, two campuses had merged and become one team. We saw some amazing views of Lake Jipe and bonded over tasty Italian pasta! Many of us are looking forward to the level 3 Mount Hanang hike, and are even planning to continue further with the goal of Hiking Kili before we graduate from DP! Olivia, D1 | | |  | | Macedonia being strongly represented in the North Pare Mountaimns last week! | | Scholastic Book Club is back! Order books by September 27th. Orders can be made online at https://world-schools.scholastic.co.uk/int-sch-moshi-arusha-campus and add your books to the Arusha September Book Club basket. You can also fill out the order form in the magazine that was sent home with your child, cash payments can be made with Grace in the accounts office. | | |  | | If you wish to enter the Buffalo Charge or simply come along as a spectator then you are most welcome. Just see Caroline or Phil in Reception for details, or contact Nick Harrison on 0624298086 or Phil on 0682911353 | | |  | | | | Rotary Interact Fundraiser |  | | | One of our students, Aryan, needs your support! As part of an ongoing school project Aryan is raising funds for the Rotary Interact Club Projects. The specific project he is working on, *focuses on providing selfcare/hygiene items to orphanages in Arusha who need them* – you can contact him for more information. He has set up a “Fantasy League – Champions League” (This does not include the EUROPA League) – It is fairly simple; you only need to predict the score for each UEFA Champions League Match. Though the Champions league has already started, the “Fantasy League Tournament” will start from Matchday 2 – Tuesday 28 September – SIGNUP before then. The leagues has been setup using the UEFA Platform, the rules can be found here – https://gaming.uefa.com/en/uclpredictor/p/rules The *participation fee is TZS 10,000* – A signup link will be sent once payment has been made. *The Prize Breakdown is as follows:* *1st Place – TZS 200,000* *2nd Place – TZS 75,000* *3rd Place – TZS 25,000* *Prize money may increase, should they exceed the number of expected participants. You can contact Aryan +255 684 111 333 for information about his cause and the tournament. | | UWC East Africa Health Guidelines August 19th 2021 UWC East Africa Health Guidelines are based on research and school best practice including input from UWC International meetings and expert personnel and have been adapted to best fit our climate and campuses here in Tanzania. These guidelines, and our accompanying self-screening protocols, apply to all members of the community regardless of whether individuals have been COVID vaccinated or have been previously infected. The General guidelines 1. Students and staff who are well (healthy) should attend school every day. 2. Symptom self-screening checklist are in place for secondary residential students (residential parent screening for primary students) and parental screening for day students. Checklist will be provided for all students. 3. Symptom self-screening checklist to be completed daily by all staff before reporting to work. 4. Students and staff with underlying, related health issues MUST report these. For staff, to the Head of Campus. For students, parents need to update the medical forms with this information. 5. If any students or staff – or anyone they live with – develop Coronavirus-like symptoms, they will be asked to stay away from school until they experience four, symptom-free days. 6. Facemasks are permitted but not required, for students and staff. 7. Students or staff who leave the country are now no longer required to isolate before returning to school PROVIDED international travel protocols, as stipulated by the Tanzanian Government, have been adhered to. 8. Staff, students and parents are reminded to take sensible precautions when travelling within Tanzania. School and classroom setup guidelines 9. Hand washing stations at the entrance and across the campuses for all students as they enter. 10. Keep classroom doors and windows open to encourage air flow. 11. Students and staff are reminded to respect appropriate social distancing where possible. 12. As much outdoor teaching as possible. 13. Assemblies to be held outdoors where possible. Whole-school, indoor events postponed. 14. Timetable and room allocation manipulated to minimize student movement. 15. All students and staff required to hand wash/sanitize regularly. At least every time they arrive and depart from the classroom. 16. Hand sanitizer in every classroom, to be used every class change. 17. Staggered mealtimes will be continued, making use of indoor and outdoor spaces. 18. Housekeeping to disinfect classroom surfaces and door handles regularly. Activity guidelines 19. Excursions/OP to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment. 20. External CAS partnerships to be evaluated and/or adapted on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment. 21. Sporting events and PE to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment. 22. Class trips will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment. 23. After school activities will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis looking at location and physical contact. Guidelines for Parents and Visitors 22. All parents and visitors must wear masks inside school buildings. 23. Hand washing stations at the entrance of the school for all parents and visitors. Parents and visitors must wash hands before entering campus. 24. Parents and visitors should only enter school buildings by appointment. 25. All delivery vehicles will be stopped at the gate. Where possible offloading will take place at the gate. 26. Community activities as approved by the Head of Campus. 27. Outdoor facilities accessible during posted times but the changing rooms are limited to students only. THIS DOCUMENT WAS LAST UPDATED BY THE SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM OF UWC EAST AFRICA ON: 19th August 2021 | | Calendar Click on any month (below) to link to the live School calendar on our website | | September |  | | | | October |  | | | | November |  | | | | December |  | | | | | |