| Arusha Campus Newsletter Saturday 5th February 2022 |  | | Maziwe Island. Just one of the exotic locations that our MYP students visited this week as part of their Week WIthout Walls. | | Dear Parents |  | | While I was away this week with M5, it seems that the mice were at play……….Tom (P2) enjoying free reign of the Head of Campus desk and office! As Miss Christy reports, I gather campus was rather quiet this week. The Diploma 2 students sat their mock exams whilst their D1 counterparts engaged in Project Week on and off campus. More on Project Week next week. The Primary School was as busy as ever and even started to take over the admin roles in the school (see pic above!) The main story of the week was the Week Without Walls for our MYP students. All students took their learning off campus, with their teachers, to different corneers of Tanzania. Some pictures and reports appear in this edition of the newsletter. Enjoy. Phil | | Dates for the Diary Friday 11th February Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award Adventure Friday 11th February Plains Level 2 Friday 11th February Peaks Level 1/1b South Pare Saturday 12th February Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Adventure Saturday 19th February Arusha PTA Car Boot Sale 10am Tuesday 22nd February World Mother Tongue Day (Arusha Campus Celebration Day) | | What kind of week has it been? |  | | A very quiet week! With all of M1-5 and most of D1 off campus, it has been a strange and quiet place this week. The D2s have been working hard in their Mock exams which continue on Monday – please ensure parents and students alike are quiet around the Performance Area for one more day! We are back to normal on Tuesday and I’m sure everyone is looking forward to hearing about all the adventures from this week. As I’m sure the newsletter will be full of Week Without Walls and Project Week updates, I’ll leave you with the incredible news that UWC has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize! What an honor – and we are all a part of it. Ms Christy | | PYP News |  | | EC 1/2 and their buddies of P4/5 went for a sound scavenger hunt around the school. They enjoyed exploring and talking about different senses. Action What is action? In the PYP, Action is a way for students to show their learning through creating a change. This could be by doing or making something related to the learning, feeling or saying something, doing a new thing or differently, thinking about something and changing your thoughts or ideas, ‘Taking Action’ is broken into five essential elements: Participation, Advocacy, Social Justice, Social Entrepreneurship and Lifestyle Choices. In the last few weeks we have had lots of examples of action from our students, For example…. Sam P2 – Created a poster from a talk about Human / Animal Conflict. Lola and Ella P6 – Ella spotted a plant she didn’t know so they flooked up the information in a book and identified the plant. Ethan P5 – Uses Lego to develop his Drama skills he learned in his unit. Belia and Ellen P5/P4 – Made a song about Children’s Rights. But how do teachers know? Well, we need parents help! Please send us an email if you notice your child doing something extra related to their units of inquiry. Thanks Amanda | | |  | | | | P6 in Motion |  | | P6 working together on a ‘Stop-Motion’ project with Miss Emmyrose. | | M5 Personal Project |  | | The M5 students spent their Friday at the Matemu Mezzanine doing their Report Writing Workshop. This annual M5 workshop is intended to equip the students with skills that will enable them to write good reports. During these cooperative learning sessions, using the jigsaw classroom technique, students analyzed assessment criteria within their expert group, shared their findings, and reviewed each other’s draft reports. Everyone received constructive feedback and must now be used, along with their supervisor’s written feedback, to edit and complete their final Personal Project report due on March 7th, 2022. | | M1 Week Without Walls to Lake Eyasi |  | | Ready, steady……..shoot! On the M1 www trip we went to lake Eyasi to learn about the Hadzabe and Datoga tribes. This trip was a great chance for everybody to interact with the tribes of the Karatu district. On the trip they did lots of fun things like hunting with the Hadzabe, watching the Datoga make jewlery and swimming in lake Eyasi. Many thanks to Miss Anoek and Miss Elsa for taking us on this trip. Martin and Lola, M1 | | |  | | The M1 gang (above) on parade at Lake Eyasi | | M2 Week Without Walls to Pangani |  | | Getting the paddle boards ready for a dip in the Indian Ocean “_Best part of our trip was Maziwe Island because it was beautiful. Wouldn’t change a thing_” -Eleanor Charles “_Maziwe Island was too good to be true_”- Ibrahim Dakik “Our trip was great, I loved learning about Swahili culture, poetry and the museum. I also enjoyed the seafood and snorkeling” – Sayan Aggarwal “I loved the island, spending time with friends and the seafood was good.” -Ivan Kileo, Moshi M2 The M2s visited Pangani town for a cultural experience in literature and the history of the Swahili people there. We then went to visit Tanga City to see the Urithi museum, watch a taarab performance and henna painting. We theb toured the town to see some iconinc Swahili doors and visited the home of the late poet Shaaban Robert. The latter is considered the father of Swahili contemporary literature and national poet. The students then went to visit Maziwe Island in Pangani, a National marine park for a day of snorkeling and swimming. The trip was a great success. | | |  | | The whole M2 group (above) posing in Pangani town | | M3 Week Without Walls to Tumaini |  | | Willie demosntrates to everyone else how to make braceletes without dropping the beads! For the M3 week without walls trip we went to Tumaini, where we learnt several cultural dances, and even made drums to play in the background. We got to watch professional dancers perform dances from all around Tanzania. With the friendliest staff members and the beautiful environment it was easy to feel at home. It was an amazing trip contributing the factors of Swahili and performing arts. | | |  | | Brenda, Mariam, Agile and Aidan (Moshi) show off their bracelets | | M4 Week Without Walls to West Kilimanjaro |  | | On one day we trekked over 12kms to visit a cave on Kilimanjaro For the M4 Week Without Walls, the class went to Simba Farm for a scientific and mathematic experience. Miss Peterson and Mr Adam and Miss Lenz were oiur leaders . We had to find out how biomass and altitude worked together with temperature. We measured how trees and the environment worked in high and low altitude. We even spoke to the owner of the farm and asked questions about how his farm worked. Sophie, M4 | | |  | | M4’s from both campuses braved the icy melt waters of Kilimanjaro! | | M5 Week Without Walls to Mto wa Mbu |  | | Some down time from the fitness camp in the lee of the Great Rift Valley For the first M5 IDU we were lucky enough to go to Migombani for 3 nights. It was great to finally meet up with our Moshi class after 2 years of not seeing or meeting each other. At Migombani we began every morning with our personal fitness training and each day we had to improve our fitness. I did HIT (High Intensity Training) with some of my classmates and each day we spent an extra 10 mins on our fitness. We did many fun activities that connected PHE and science, we learned about lung capacity, stream lining, elasticity, center of gravity, heart rate and hand eye dominance. We did other activities in and out of the campsite such as walking down to the springs and catching crabs, but we also spent time in the camp by the pool and playing cards. This was the best IDU yet. Thanks to Mr Phil, Mr Niels and Miss Caitrin for taking us! | | |  | | High Intensity Training (above) at 7am every morning with Miss Caitrin | | Hoops for Hope |  | | | Our students at UWCEA Arusha Campus have started an annual basketball tournament for the entire Arusha region, to be first held on the 11th of February through the 13th. Local and international schools are all invited to participate, and all the collected funds will be used to support “The Plaster House”. The event will be held on the grounds of our campus, and will include entertainment shows, food stands and much more! I don’t know about you, but I am definitely excited for the tournament. With only 20 teams to play, I recommend hurrying up and making your teams already. Any person can sponsor a team to enter with their name of choice, so if you want the winning team to be named after you or a loved one, you should get ready for that, and with valentine’s day coming up a day after the tournament, it would be an impressive gift to your significant other. For the potential sponsors, your money will not go to waste, and your name will be implanted in gold! Literally! The highest sponsor will have the trophy named after them, and any willing sponsor could get a specific prize named after them. With such a huge attendance, having your name blasted through the speakers sounds pretty good. For more information or questions, contact josem22@uwcea.org or reach out to our Instagram page @Hoops4Hope_Arusha. Pepe, Lukas, Mehdi and Parsa | | The Hearts Day Project  | | | | We are very excited to officially introduce to you The Hearts Day Project. For Valentine’s this year, we have organized a donation event that will help us share our love and compassion with outside communities on this special day. For this purpose, we aim to collect various items such as; clothes, shoes, non-perishable foods, and toiletries. We will bring the donations to a local aid center where they will distribute them among several low-income families in Tanzania. We hope you could help us by donating any of the following: – Clothes (except used underwear and worn-out shoes) – Non-perishable food items (oil, rice, flour, sugar, salt, etc.) – Toiletries (soap, washing detergent, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.) – Money (Cash or Halopesa +255 622 592 186) All parents and staff are welcome to bring their donations to the school’s reception office. Students are also welcome to bring their donations to Vanessa (food and Halopesa), Cherish (toiletries), the reception office (cash), and Tombe and Yasir (clothes). We really appreciate any kind of contribution to make this possible. Have a lovely week! Cherish Nyakoon, Hawa Rasheed, Jose Carlos Isasi, Tombe Yacoub, Yasir Abdulahi & Vanessa Amasi | | |  | | | | |  | | | | |  | | | | |  | | | | Calendar Click on any month (below) to link to the live School calendar on our website | | February |  | | | | March |  | | | | April |  | | | | May |  | | | | June |  | | | | | |