| Arusha Campus Newsletter Saturday 2nd April 2022 |  | | The M5 Class on the night of their Personal Project Exhibition this week. Back row: SeungGyu, Emma, Joss, Owais, Vivek, Bram, Oswadiq, Damian, Gavin, Yannick, Manu, Gaby, Valerie Front row: Avalon, Hunter, Harry, Mahen Not pictured: Lilian, Regina | | Dear Parents |  | | P4/5 were thrilled when Maral (Mama Ava) visited this week and taught them how to cook hummus, baba ghanoush and flatbreads! Well done everyone! That is my sentiment to my hard working teachers who have given everything this quarter and also to the D2 Diploma students who have worked hard to meet their Diploma deadlines that have reared up before them every turn of the way in these last few weeks. As we venture away to different parts of Arusha, Tanzania and the rest of the world over the coming weeks, I wish you all the most restful of holidays. Happy days! Phil | | Friday Market is Back! |  | | Ellen and Ava make the most of the return of the Friday Market and on the last day of term who DOESN’T deserve an ice-cream treat. Thank you to mums Maral and Nathalie for making the market happen. | | Dates for the Diary Wednesday 20th April – First day of Q4 Friday 22nd April – D2 last day of school Tuesday 26th April – Union Day Holiday no school | | PYP News |  | | Parents enjoy their children’s conferences this week. On Tuesday we celebrate swimming with the EC Pool Picnic (see image below). The majority of the students were very confident. They thoroughly enjoyed showing their kicking with a noodle, singing songs and collecting treasures during the treasure hunt. A big thank you to coach Kevin, Samwel and Frank for all they do to keep our pool looking so beautiful. On Wednesday we celebrated our PYP Student Led Conferences. The students showed off their learning this academic year with their portfolios. The classrooms had a wide variety of games and activities to play and enjoy together with their family. FInally students went to see their Specialist Teachers and explained what they had been learning in Swahili, music, library, French and PE. What a fantastic celebration of learning. Amanda | | |  | | | | M5 Personal Project |  | | Pictured above are 9 of the M5 exhibitors On Thursday evening the M5 students had their Personal Project exhibition where they got to showcase their nine months of work! The MYP personal project is a student-centred and age-appropriate practical exploration in which students consolidate their learning throughout the programme. The personal project formally assesses students’ ATL skills for self-management, research, communication, critical and creative thinking, and collaboration. Our Personal Project Co-ordinator is Miss Alina Suleiman, and she organised the event in style. Supported by the steady leadership of our MYP Co-ordinator, Mr Hamid. | | M4 Maths |  | | Look at the smile on Aissa’s face as she ‘finally gets it!’ This week M4 engaged in an inquiry to find the surface area of a sphere. | | More M4 Maths |  | | Alvar winds up for his second throw Project: Modeling a successful free throw in basketball by Vihaan (M4) AIM: Getting a quadratic equation that can be used to estimate the height and horizontal distance the ball is from the foot of the basket Key measurements in centimeters: Alvar height: 180 Basket height: 305 Distance from basket to Alvar: 460 Y = Height from the ground X = Distance from the foot of the basket Vertex: (206.5, 382.2) Starting point of the ball: ( 460, 180) Rim: ( 0, 305) | | |  | | Equation: f(x)= 305+0.9x-0.00255×2 Vertex equation: (h,k) = (206.5, 382.2) f(x)= a(x-206.5)2+382.2 a= -0.00255 f(x)= -0.00255(x-206.5)2+382.2 by Vihaan (M4) | | Service as Action – Suryanshu |  | | As part of our service as action, our I&S assignment was to research about a revolution and create a write-up along with a poster. We are required to share our research with the community and I am appreciative that my poster about the Young Turk revolution could be featured in the newsletter this week. Suryanshu, M4 | | Life Skills with Miss D! |  | | The M1 (pictured above) and M2 students have been exploring examples of inequality in our communities and societies during Life Skills. Students examined the meaning of equality, justice and fairness. They have had discussions that have encouraged the skills of empathy to engage with how it feels when things are not fair. They spent a number of weeks communicating and collaborating to understand these ideas in their own lives and the wider world. Students were then invited to consider ways to practice fairness in their communities and identify ways to support these ideas. They learned how to connect with inspiring change makers and gained news ideas that gave them a real sense of what’s possible and found inspiration for the future. As part of their learning, they embedded their knowledge into real life by identifying a problem in our society and initiating positive change. They have created posters and online work-in-progress change-making projects. The Changemaking projects include a campaign for the U15 boys’ netball team by the M1s, a sanitary dispenser in the girls’ washroom, and ‘Usitupe Taka’ stickers for public transport by the M2s, to mention a few. Students are excited to share their presentations and show them to the community when they return from spring break. So watch out for these incredible Changemakers in the making. M5 With the Work Experience Week from May 23rd – May 27th, the M5 students have started learning about work and careers during Life Skills. They have been learning to identify career opportunities and explored strategies to describe their abilities and personal qualities that employers see as important. Students have also been researching potential work placements for their work week, and they are reminded to seek assistance from family and friends over the break to identify places to work during that week. Work Experience endows students with invaluable soft skills that will have long-reaching benefits in their Diploma years and beyond. In addition, work experience provides countless opportunities for students to learn more about themselves and their abilities, helps them explore their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages the practical application of knowledge, understanding and skills explored in the classroom. Miss Delphine | | Careers Symposium |  | | Narola (Mama Pierre) talks to the older students about a career in the legal profession. On Tuesday, 29th March, M4, M5, and D1 students attended the annual Career Symposium, which is part of the M5 work experience week that will take place on 23rd-27th May 2022. We were honored to host Stewart Ayling (Formula 1 Engineering), Dr. Steve Swanson (Pediatrician), Tim Davenport (Conservation and Research), Jack Rejman (Pilot and Medical Care), Jason Packard (Pilot and Aviation), Alexis Cronin (Architecture and Design), Narola Mollel (Legal Counsel), and Graham Stobbart (Hotelier and Manager), who talked about their profession and what qualifications and skills would help students if they were to pursue a career in that field. Our listeners found the experience enlightening and we would like to thank everyone, our guest speakers in particular, who attended the symposium. | | |  | | | | Piano Lessons My name is Gabriel Kalamata with many years of experience teaching music theory,practical piano and voice lessons. I follow the ABRSM (The Exam Board of Royal School of Music)curriculum from the UK whereby students can learn theory of music,voice and piano grade 1-8. Piano students can take part in ABRSM exams once or twice a year. This is not compulsory, it is the student’s decision. Here is the time available at the moment. Monday 3:30-4;30 pm Tuesday 12:30-1:00 pm and 2:30-3:30 pm Wednesday 2:30-3:30 pm Thursday 2:30-3:30 pm Preferable individual lessons for primary students. One lesson is Tshs 20000 and for one hour is 30000 payable at the beginning of the term. Parents who are interested to develop the talent of their children in music can call me on 0753 341076 or 0786 250226 or email me kalamata734@gmail.com | | Calendar Click on any month (below) to link to the live School calendar on our website | | April |  | | | | May |  | | | | June |  | | | | | |