| Arusha Campus Newsletter Saturday 22nd January 2022 |  | | The cast of Freaky Friday! | | Dear Parents |  | | The only words on my lips at the moment are ‘Freaky Friday’. Last night’s showing was epic (see Avinash above!) and we are getting ready this afternoon for tonights second showing. We have a teacher’s WhatsApp chat and all the Saturday morning chatter was about the amazing show! So……….unless you have a very, very good reason to do otherwise, you should make sure that you’re there this evening for the 7pm perfromance. Our amazing PTA will be there turning burgers and flipping pizzas to cater for our refreshment needs too. Come along with your friends and make an evening of it! Last weekend, as we went to press, the 24 Hour Run was taking place on Moshi Campus. The event was a huge success, and don’t forget it’s not too late to make your contribution to the Malimi-McCulloch Scholarship fund. Following in from his nomination last week as one of Africa’s Top 9 Yong Activists, Emmanuel Msoka (D1) makes another appearance in the newsletter and I make no excuses for that! Emmanuel is a remarkable person and took time out of his busy week to talk to our P4/5 students this week. Finally, congratulations to Dave and Tanya – our former teachers who have successfully brought Hana Rae Ratsakatika (below) into the world earlier today. Well done guys! See you at the Show! Phil | | |  | | | | Dates for the Diary Saturday 22nd January 7pm – ‘Freaky Friday’ Monday 31st January Project Week (D1) and Week Without Walls (MYP) Monday 31st January Mock Exams (D2) Friday 11th February Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award Adventure Friday 12th February Plains Level 2 Friday 11th February Peaks Level 1/1b South Pare Saturday 12th February Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Adventure | | What kind of week has it been? |  | | Our second busy week of Quarter 3 has come and gone. I’m happy to report that almost all of our students have now returned to school and are busy getting on with their learning and our teaching staff is healthy and ready for another busy term. As busy as we get, as frustrated as we may be at times when things don’t go as planned, it is important for us to remember how very lucky we are to be here in Tanzania where we have enjoyed uninterrupted face-to-face learning for so long! This is thanks to many things, I’m sure, but we are grateful for everyone taking precautions seriously and helping us all to continue weather these crazy times together. Value #9 – A healthy lifestyle and active pursuits Students in all programs enjoyed the CCA fair on Tuesday and were excited by the new opportunities available for after-school learning as well as the return of many favorite offerings. Thanks to all who help to make our CCA program a success! Value #8 – A shared responsibility and collective duty of care for ourselves, each other, and the environment Garbage on the basketball court after morning and lunch breaks continues to be an issue. See picture above. Please encourage your children or classmates to dispose of their waste in the appropriate ways! Value #10 – The happiness and well-being of our community Rehearsals for Freaky Friday have gone very well this week and we invite all members of the community to come and enjoy this fantastic show. Tickets are available at reception or at the door. Value #3 – A holistic and diverse portfolio of learning experiences D1 students are busy finalizing plans for the upcoming Project Week. There are some fantastic initiatives in the works and I’m sure the newsletter after Project Week will be jam-packed with interesting information about what was accomplished. At the same time, MYP teachers are also finalizing plans for our first ever Week Without Walls which will take place at the same time. A wonderful variety of experiential learning opportunities for our M1-5 students is being planned. Value #5 – Innovation over perfection within a supportive community where students are motivated to embrace personal challenge and reflection The D2s will spend that week writing Mock Exams, so I’m sure (I HOPE) they have spent a good part of this week studying! Mock exams are an important opportunity for students to experience the pressure of IB exams before they write their finals in May. One more week to prepare, so work hard D2s! Value #6 – The ambition of students to demonstrate initiative and take on leadership roles Believe it or not, the D2 Graduation committee is already busy planning for the celebration on May 22nd. We have 73 graduates this year, and I’m sure with reduced COVID travel restrictions the ceremony will be packed! If any readers have suggestions for venues that can hold 250+ guests for dinner, please let me know! I hope, once we get further with the plans, the parents of our graduates will be willing to help make the event a success. I’ll keep you posted! Miss Christy | | PYP News |  | | Mr Potato Head by Nursery/EC1 We have had a fantastic couple of weeks back at school. Please remember CCA’s start on Monday. If your child is not in a CCA they should be collected at 2.30pm. I love walking into classrooms and around school looking at children’s work. The displays are informative and show what has been going on in the classroom and stimulate thoughts and ideas. Displays are important because they stimulate student interest, inspire children to try new things, support learning and communicate information. Classroom displays are most rewarding when they are created by and with the children. Our Primary school has a wide variety of displays to show everyone. Please pass by if you have a chance. Amanda PYP Co-ordinator | | |  | | Desmond Tutu quotes by P6 (above) Holiday pictures by P2/3 (below) | | |  | | | | |  | | | | MYP Round-up Week Without Walls (WWW) Week Without Walls is an integral part of our educational program in the Secondary School. Students have the opportunity to experience the world outside of classrooms and to explore the rich and varied surroundings of Tanzania. WWW provides students with educational experiences that strengthen their knowledge, skills, environmental awareness, and cultural sensitivity. It gives them valuable opportunities to grow as individuals by taking risks, contributing to their environment, and reflecting on their shared experiences. One of the features of the MYP is its emphasis on interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Interdisciplinary learning is the process by which students come to understand bodies of knowledge and ways of knowing from two or more subjects and integrate them to create new understanding in a way that would have been unlikely through a single subject. In addition to practical skills, WWW trips provide great opportunities to foster interdisciplinary learning. These trips take place once a year and combine interdisciplinary tasks from two different subjects, enabling students to integrate disciplines in novel and creative ways. Interdisciplinary Learning is a required subject in MYP. Not participating in the assessment and the activities will result in receiving an N/A for this subject in the semester two report card. | | |  | | | | DP Corner |  | | After a long break, the campus is back in full swing with some important events taking place in the next few weeks! Many DP students were involved in the eagerly awaited musical “Freaky Friday” and delivered an amazing performance this weekend. Well done to the fantastic cast and to Ms Sarah and Ms Sue for giving the students an opportunity to demonstrate their great talents! Next week, the D1 will be getting ready for Week Without Walls and putting the final touches to their UWC Project, taking place from the 31st to the 4th February. A variety of Projects have emerged, such as volunteering at the Assalam Community Foundation in Zanzibar, working with local schools in Arusha, raising environment conservation awareness around Mount Kilimanjaro, creating short documentaries portraying women in Tanzania, creating a mural on our campus…and more. We are looking forward to hearing about their adventures once they are back. While the D1 are out and about, the D2 will be sitting their mock examinations. Although there is still a few more months before they tackle the official examinations, the mock examination gives the students an opportunity to experience exam conditions in the PA and to learn how to manage their time accordingly. The mocks exams will also allow the students to identify the areas they still need to work on prior to the May 2022 session. Best of luck to our students! Nathalie Vignard | | UNICEF in P4/5 |  | | As part of a home learning assignment, P4/5 students interviewed Emmanuel Msoka (above) about his inspirational work as a UNICEF Youth Advocate. They found out about his work in helping young people to access their basic needs and about his journey as an change maker. The children received valuable advice about how their small everyday acts can contribute to positive change. | | Hoops for Hope |  | | | Our students at UWCEA Arusha Campus have started an annual basketball tournament for the entire Arusha region, to be first held on the 11th of February through the 13th. Local and international schools are all invited to participate, and all the collected funds go to the local children’s hospital “The Plaster House”. The event will be held on the grounds of our campus, and will include entertainment shows, food stands and much more! I don’t know about you, but I am definitely excited for the tournament. With only 20 teams to play, I recommend hurrying up and making your teams already. Any person can sponsor a team to enter with their name of choice, so if you want the winning team to be named after you or a loved one, you should get ready for that, and with valentine’s day coming up a day after the tournament, it would be an impressive gift to your significant other. And if love is not high on your priority list, all the funds will be given to the plaster house, so donations are also very welcomed. For the potential sponsors, your money will not go to waste, and your name will be implanted in gold! Literally! The highest sponsor will have the trophy named after them, and any willing sponsor could get a specific prize named after them. With such a huge attendance, having your name blasted through the speakers sounds pretty good. For more information or questions, contact josem22@uwcea.org or reach out to our Instagram page @Hoops4Hope_Arusha. | | The Hearts Day Project  | | | | We are very excited to officially introduce to you The Hearts Day Project. For Valentine’s this year, we have organized a donation event that will help us share our love and compassion with outside communities on this special day. For this purpose, we aim to collect various items such as; clothes, shoes, non-perishable foods, and toiletries. We will bring the donations to a local aid center where they will distribute them among several low-income families in Tanzania. We hope you could help us by donating any of the following: – Clothes (except used underwear and worn-out shoes) – Non-perishable food items (oil, rice, flour, sugar, salt, etc.) – Toiletries (soap, washing detergent, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.) – Money (Cash or Halopesa +255 622 592 186) All parents and staff are welcome to bring their donations to the school’s reception office. Students are also welcome to bring their donations to Vanessa (food and Halopesa), Cherish (toiletries), the reception office (cash), and Tombe and Yasir (clothes). We really appreciate any kind of contribution to make this possible. Have a lovely week! Cherish Nyakoon, Hawa Rasheed, Jose Carlos Isasi, Tombe Yacoub, Yasir Abdulahi & Vanessa Amasi | | |  | | | | |  | | | | Calendar Click on any month (below) to link to the live School calendar on our website | | January |  | | | | February |  | | | | March |  | | | | April |  | | | | May |  | | | | June |  | | | | | |