Arusha Campus News – 15 Jan 2022

Arusha Campus Newsletter Saturday 15th January 2022

Our restaurant gleaming in the morning sunshine

Dear Parents

In this week’s Primary Share Time we read a book by Ellen Javernick called ‘What if Everybody Did That?’. In a sense, this was the Primary version of last week’s message that it simply isn’t good enough for us to abstain and take a position of neutrality when conflict rages around us. With the little ones we agreed that our School would be a very sorry place if EVERYBODY followed Mr Phil’s example and dropped plastic bottles, nibbled the cake decorations off the top of Miss Glory’s birthday cake and parked his car in front of the No Parking signs! What if everybody did that? And if anyone is in any doubt about how worthy our campus is of protection, I wandered around campus this morning and took some photos of our beautifuul environment here.

Last week I womndered what if everybody was like Desmond Tutu – well this week we all need to be like Emmanuel Cosmas in our D1 year. In this edition, read about how Emmanuel has been nominated as one of Africa’s Top 9 Changemakers!

A shorter newsletter this week – I think we all needed last week to ease back into the rhythm of things and get ready for the busy semester ahead!

Have a super weekend!


Dates for the Diary

Tuesday 18th January CCA’s Fair 2.00 – 2.30pm

Monday 24th January CCA’s start

Friday 21st January 7pm – ‘Freaky Friday’ drama production

Saturday 22nd January 7pm – ‘Freaky Friday’

Friday 21st January OP Peaks Level 3 Usambara Mountains

Friday 21st January OP Rides Level 2 Moshi

Monday 31st January Project Week (D1) and Week Without Walls (MYP)

Monday 31st January Mock Exams (D2)

PYP News

The Primary Jungle Gym

Welcome Back.

I hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday.

Please can I kindly remind parents to help their children to come to school ready to learn. This includes making sure they have all the things they need for the day including swimming things, a library bag for library books, PE kit on PE days, water bottles, hats and snacks etc.
Please could you encourage your child to tie up long hair as this not only prevents the spread of head lice but enables children to see their work!
Nails should be kept short especially for PE as long nails can cause injuries to others and themselves.
Footwear should be worn at all times even at playtimes.
Jewellery is not recommended at school as it can get caught and also cause an injury.
Chewing gum is not permitted at school.
Please discourage your child from bringing toys to school.

Please see below for a list of relevant dates for your diary for Quarter 3. More information will follow nearer each event.

18th Jan CCA’s Fair 2.00 – 2.30pm
24th Jan CCA’s Start
8th Feb 100 Days of School
14th Feb Valentines Day
22nd Feb 8.00 – 10.00 Mother Tongue Day
25-28th February Holiday
1st – 4th March Book Week
18th March Swahili Day
21st March P6 PYP Exhibition starts
25th March CCA’s Finish
30th March PYP Student Led Conferences
1st April – Last Day of Quarter

We are looking forward to a fantastic, full quarter!


MYP Round-up

I hope you enjoyed a safe and restful break. It has been lovely to return to campus and settle back into routines. It has also been great to welcome some new people to our community.

In November, M5 students had on-screen exam practice sessions in Sciences, Mathematics, English, I&S, and Interdisciplinary. This quarter, they will be doing another practice on March 14-18. M5s are also working on their ePortfolios in PHE, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts. It is an extremely busy quarter as students will complete their Personal Project and present their work at the Personal Project Exhibition in March.

MYP Assessment Criteria
A. What are MYP Criteria?
In each subject, there are four assessment criteria (A/B/C/D) corresponding to specific skills. Each criterion is scored out of 8. An example is given in the table below:

Each criterion describes an important skill assessed in that subject. The numbers in brackets describe the maximum score you can achieve in that criterion. As you can see, the maximum score in a criterion is 8, which is the same for every subject, making a maximum total of 32 (4 criteria out of 8: 4*8=32). During the year, students do different tasks such as projects, presentations and written tests. These tasks are assessed on one or more of the criteria for that subject. For example in Sciences, a project may be assessed on all criteria (A/B/C/D) or on criteria A and B only.

B. How is the overall grade calculated?

The overall grade is out of 7 and is based on how well the student has done on each criterion. The final scores for each criterion are based on an overall trend (and not a mathematical average). For example in English, a student called Maja scores a 3, 4, 6, 6 in four different criterion A tasks; this would most likely result in a ‘6’ score for criterion A.



9 Young African Activists to Look Out for in 2022

The title of this article has been taken from the latest edition of Global Citizen whose lead article by Khanyi Mlaba discusses the prospects for change on the African continent and the fact that there are reasons for optimism in the hands of young innovators and changemakers.

I was thrilled, but not at all surprised, to see that our very own Emmanuel Cosmas had been selected to join that list. Well done Emmanuel. 

Read about Emmanuel and his efforts and watch his short video on twitter at this link below


Click on any month (below) to link to the live School calendar on our website





