The Primary Jungle Gym
Welcome Back.
I hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday.
Please can I kindly remind parents to help their children to come to school ready to learn. This includes making sure they have all the things they need for the day including swimming things, a library bag for library books, PE kit on PE days, water bottles, hats and snacks etc.
Please could you encourage your child to tie up long hair as this not only prevents the spread of head lice but enables children to see their work!
Nails should be kept short especially for PE as long nails can cause injuries to others and themselves.
Footwear should be worn at all times even at playtimes.
Jewellery is not recommended at school as it can get caught and also cause an injury.
Chewing gum is not permitted at school.
Please discourage your child from bringing toys to school.
Please see below for a list of relevant dates for your diary for Quarter 3. More information will follow nearer each event.
18th Jan CCA’s Fair 2.00 – 2.30pm
24th Jan CCA’s Start
8th Feb 100 Days of School
14th Feb Valentines Day
22nd Feb 8.00 – 10.00 Mother Tongue Day
25-28th February Holiday
1st – 4th March Book Week
18th March Swahili Day
21st March P6 PYP Exhibition starts
25th March CCA’s Finish
30th March PYP Student Led Conferences
1st April – Last Day of Quarter
We are looking forward to a fantastic, full quarter!