Arusha Campus News – 17 Mar 2025

UWC East Africa Arusha Campus Newsletter Monday 17th March 2025

On Friday afternoon we painted the field red………and yellow and blue and green and in fact every colour under the sun as we celebrated the Holi Festival. Holi is a Hindu festival celebrated as the Festival of Colours, Love, and Spring.

Upcoming dates

Mon 17th-Fri 21st Mar – PYP MAP Testing

Wed 19th Mar – 5pm Personal Project Exhibition

Thu 27th Mar – Festival of the Arts 5pm

Mon 24th-Fri 28th Mar – PYP MAP Testing

Sat 22nd Mar – TEDxUWCEA Youth at Arusha Campus

Mpox Update

There have been recent reports of mpox following testing of patients in Dar es Salaam. Whilst individual cases have been detected in East Africa previously, these have been the first reported cases in Tanzania. Whilst the risk to our students is very low, we will continue to monitor this disease and will keep you informed if the situation changes. Up-to-date and reliable information can be found at the WHO

and CDC  websites. We have had a small number of students approaching us for more information, please talk to your children and will meet with residential students over the coming days.

In other news, the Marburg Virus Disease outbreak in the west of the country has now been declared over with no new cases having been reported for 42 days.

Dear Parents

Martin and Finn (M4) entertained the crowds all day on Saturday with their rivalry at the Secondary Swimming Gala.

All our weekends are busy but this weekend seemed to be that much busier than normal! Friday’s Primary Swim Gala was followed by an evening of entertainment as we hosted Arusha’s Got Talent in our PA theatre. The following day we were back in the pool for the Secondary Swim Gala whilst a 7-a-side contact rugby tournament took place on the fields. As if that wasn’t enough, several classrooms were taken over by competitors in the Arusha Debate Championships which went right through into Sunday! It will be quieter next weekend…..except we are putting on TedX UWCEA Youth and others are going to climb the Usambara Mountains on Peaks Adventure!

Our students, teachers and parents try to organise activities for each other and I have often heard the complaint that there is not as much to do in Arusha as in maybe some other large cities around the world. Well, thanks to the aforementioned organisers, we are blessed with events and activities every weekend. That they are usually outdoors and healthy is even better. For this weekend, thank you to Miss Caitrin (Swimming Gala), Miss Sarah (Arusha’s Got Talent), Mr Adam (Basketball) Mr Alli (Debate Competition), Miss Jessica (Rubgy), Mr Bryan and Mr Frank (Outdoor Pursuits) and Mr Toney (TedX). We appreciate all your hard work.

If our weekends weren’t so busy I might have got the newsletter out on time!


Pictured below is the victorious UWC East Africa Arusha Campus swim team who emerged from the gala as champions!

Primary Years Programme News

The NEC class had a fantastic time camping out in their tents (see image above) with their blankets and cuddly toys. They enjoyed a whole range of school activities in the tent. What fun!!

We are having a very busy time at both ends of our Primary school.

Our NEC class had their day camp and were able to enjoy their day in tents with their blankets and cuddly toys!

The P6 class have started their Exhibition journey and have chosen their inquiries under the theme of How the World Works –
Theodore – Central idea: Our Molecular world is the key to understanding a better future.
Kavin – Central idea: The relationship between technology and society continues to shape our world
Tendai – Central idea: The relationship between technology and society continues to shape our world
Leana – Central idea: Human innovation in agriculture has transformed the food we eat.
Ryan – Central idea: Our understanding of prehistory shapes how we view our environment and our lifestyles today.
Ranbir – Central idea: Technological and scientific advancements in transportation have changed the way we utilise their power

Amanda, Head of Primary Years Programme

P5 (below) had a visit to Kafika House as part of their unit learning about ‘Interaction is action’

MYP Update

At our school, we take great pride in the sense of community that brings together students from all backgrounds and ages. Recently, we’ve had wonderful opportunities to interact with students across different levels. From celebrating Mother Tongue Day with PYP, MYP and D1 students to M5 students inviting the P6 class to explore their Museum of Scientific and Technological Breakthroughs as part of their I&S project (see image above). We have seen fantastic moments of collaboration. Last week, MYP students also enjoyed participating in the International Women’s Day activities together with the DP classes. All in alignment with our core value of fostering a safe, collaborative and caring community.

On Friday, M5 students wrapped up their mock exam week, where they completed assessments in subjects like Maths, English, French, Swahili, Sciences, Humanities, and Interdisciplinary Studies. They also practiced speaking skills in French and Swahili during their mock oral assessments. Finally, we’re excited for the M5 Personal Project exhibition on Wednesday, March 19th, from 5-6.30pm. Karibuni wote – everyone is welcome!

Throughout the school year, we reflect on and report student learning in various ways. At the end of Quarter 1, students, parents and teachers engaged in three-way conferences, while Quarter 2 and Quarter 4 conclude with report cards that provide feedback on student progress. In Quarter 3, we offer an exciting opportunity for families to experience student-led conferences (SLCs), where students share their learning with their parents. This is a valuable moment for students to reflect on their achievements, showcase work they’re particularly proud of and set learning goals for the remainder of the year.

For M1-4, the SLCs take the form of the MYP Learning Showcase. Parents will accompany their children on a tour past their subject classes for which the students have prepared an interactive presentation of their learning journey. M5 students will participate in a different format of the SLCs, where they will sign up for times to meet with their parents and their M5 mentor, Mr. Gift. Together, they will reflect on their learning progress, review mock exams, discuss preparation for their final exams and discuss their transition to the Diploma Programme.

Please note that there will be no lessons on Friday, March 21st. Attendance is mandatory for all M1-4 students, as they will be involved in the subject learning presentations..

Anoek, Head of MYP

Drama with Mr Ronald

Julius (above) fully immersed in his role during rehearsals for their group-devised skit, set to be performed at the Festival of the Arts on the 27th March!  With every movement and line, students are working tirelessly to bring their characters to life, showcasing dedication and creativity.

Business Management trip to Sunkist

On Friday, the 14th, the D2 Business Management class, accompanied by our teachers, Mr. Andrew and Miss Laura, had the opportunity to visit the Sunkist Factory. (see pictures above). The trip gave us first hand insight into the production processes of both the bakery and flour-making sections. We extend our gratitude to Mr. Aggarwal for welcoming us and allowing us to observe the operations up close and learn more from industry experts.

Melissa, D2 Business Management student.

D2 English with Miss Jessica

D2 English A students are busy reviewing for their upcoming exams! Ms. Jessica’s class made five games to help their colleagues from the other classes review the major texts we’ve read for the course. These games helped students tap into their creativity, fostered lively discussions and debates, brought on peals of laughter, and were a fun way for kids to unwind from the stress of mocks. If only exams were this fun!

Miss Jessica, Head of Languages

International Women’s Day

The activiies on International Women’s Day were great fun and also made us think.

Today, on the 11th of March, our school decided to celebrate International Day. During Lesson 6, the DP students were separated into gender. Both groups focused on how to create healthier relationships between girls and boys to make sure everyone feels safe and included at school. During L7, we had 13 different stations around our canteen to learn more about Women empowerment and essential female figures in the world. The P5 & P6, MYP and DP students walked around the  different stations: 12 of the stations were organised and led by our DP students, and the last station was led by Mina, from Mawimbi (an NGO who does an important work of bringing awareness about menstrual health and creating reusable pads around school in Arusha). Students were welcome to walk freely from an station to another and engage in a wide range of activities: from creating and amazing collage with Bjork, playing Head’s up with Leonora, or playing quizzes with Tiam or Moya, writing letters to women who inspires us at school or having deep conversations about feminism with Marie-Félix. It was a great afternoon and we had a lot of fun.

Miss Coralie, Head of Residential Life

P5 and P6 (below) enjoying the International Women’s Day celebrations

Arusha Debate Championships

Pavla, Hadi and Charlene (D1) are pictured on stage for the debate finale.

This weekend Arusha Campus played host to the Arusha Debate and Public Speaking Championship 2025. The event was organised by the Tanzania National Debate Society (TANDS). Almost 100 competitors arrived for the event which spanned two whole days.

Our school emerged to position 3, with a lot of medals earned!

Many thanks to our school organiser Mr Alli.




