From the UWCEA Governing Board January 2024

29 Jan 2024

From the Governing Board January 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It was with great pleasure that we welcomed your children back to school for the second semester of the year. For the majority of you who were with your children over December, we hope you enjoyed your time together.

On behalf of the Governing Board, we extend our wishes for a wonderful 2024.

In accordance with its mandate, the Governing Board has been actively engaged in the short and long-term planning of the school, including strategic, financial and organisational aspects. Joining UWC has been a positive move, and we have successfully adjusted to it, impacting the overall outlook of our school. With our Diploma Programme now at full capacity on both campuses, the Middle Years Programme has been experiencing gradual growth. Several MYP classes are now full and we are steadily expanding our capacity to meet this increasing demand.

Our New Strategic Plan
The Governing Board is delighted to inform you that the 2024-2029 strategic plan can be found here. Thank you to the many students, parents and staff that contributed to this important document.

UWC East Africa Fees 2024/25
At its last meeting, the UWCEA Governing Board set the school fees for the upcoming 2024/25 school year. In determining the fees, members considered both local and global inflation rates and strived to keep the inflationary increase as low as possible. Details can be found here.


Our new fundraising strategy
2024 is set to be a pivotal year for our school as we are launching a major fundraising campaign. This campaign has the capacity to substantially and sustainably ensure the future finances of our school. We aim to set up the UWC East Africa Endowment fund with the ambition to raise $ 1 million in the next two years.
We will soon share more about this and our plan on how to achieve this.

In the meantime, we thank our parents and guardians, students, teachers, staff and all other friends for your support to our school!

Tine Hemelings, Chair of UWCEA Governing Board

Anna Marsden, Director of UWCEA