Moshi Campus News 26 Feb 2017
Dear Parents, This last week has been massive with so many events in and around school that it has been hard to keep up! P4 to M3 finished off their …
Dear Parents, This last week has been massive with so many events in and around school that it has been hard to keep up! P4 to M3 finished off their …
Dear Parents, I hope that all are enjoying the long weekend holiday. Our boarders have spent the last two nights in Pangani at the school’s beach house – they are …
Dear Parents, Last week saw a successful Book Week, ISA trial tests, an M1 French trip, and a P2/3 camp, as well as a swimming clinic in Usa River. The …
Dear Parents, Book Week is now upon us and the whole campus will be enjoying different activities this week to celebrate books and the love of reading. More details are …
Dear Parents, With the D2 mock examinations now completed, our final year students can now focus on completing their various subject courses and on review and preparation for the final …
Dear Parents, The start of this new semester appears to have been very smooth and all classes are now well underway. Our D2 students are heavily engaged in their mock …
Dear Parents, We hope that you have enjoyed the one month holiday with your family and that all are now ready for the new semester ahead. Once again the new …
Dear Parents, Last week we enjoyed an excellent music night on Wednesday evening with such a varied set of performances. We also recognised yesterday’s Independence Day with a Tanzanian spirit …
Dear Parents, It was a great Fashion Show organised by the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) on Friday night. We saw a superb array of designs, an exciting dance performance, and …
Dear Parents, We are now in the midst of our annual Sports Weekend on the Moshi Campus and a fantastic time is being had by all. With about 700 secondary …