Arusha News – 30 Nov 2018
Arusha Campus Newsletter 30th November 2018 Its ALL gone! Yes, Monsieur Olivier cut off his golden locks in the name of raising money for people who have lost their hair …
Arusha Campus Newsletter 30th November 2018 Its ALL gone! Yes, Monsieur Olivier cut off his golden locks in the name of raising money for people who have lost their hair …
Arusha Campus Newsletter 17th November 2018 P5/6 and Plasterhouse take a breather atop a termitarium during one of their bush walks this week. Dear Parents I have had a super …
Arusha Campus Newsletter 10th November 2018 From left, Mr Ratsakatika (Head of PE), Jessica (P6) and Mr Samwel (Primary PE Teacher) Dear Parents The school playing fields are deserted before …
Arusha Campus Newsletter 2 November 2018 OP Level 4 students hike towards Ol Doinyo Lengai, on their way to Lake Natron Congratulations ISM! Early this week we received the amazing news …
Arusha Campus Newsletter 26th October 2018 Graham Mrema (orange trousers), pictured in a typical pose with his thumbs up on an OP Trip to Rongai whilst he was in M3. …
Arusha Campus Newsletter 6th October 2018 Alvar races away, down a dusty track on last weekend’s Mountain Bike OP Level 1 trip with Miss Larpent. Dear Parents As we go …
Arusha Campus Newsletter 28th September 2018 Dear Parents Last Friday we celebrated the International Day of Peace and this was a timely reminder of our quest to become a United …
Arusha Campus Newsletter 22nd September 2018 Apologies for the editor getting his way and making this week’s newsletter a ‘sport’ newsletter! Here is a picture of Alma striking the ball …
Arusha Campus Newsletter September 14th 2018 Today the WHOLE school joined forces with our neighbours across the road, Magereza Primary School, and conducted a comprehensive litter sweep of the Magereza …
Arusha Campus Newsletter September 9th 2018 The Winners of the Under 13’s Rotary ISMAC Duathlon proudly show off their medals. Congratulations to Aidan and Zoe Reumermann, aged just 8 and …