
Annual Fees 2024/25 and 2025/26

ClassTSh per yearUS$ per yearTSh per yearUS$ per year
Nursery (2 years old – Arusha only)13.1m5 00013.1m5 000
Early Childhood20.6m7 90020.9m8 000
Primary P1-P636.4m13 95037.7m14 450
Additional for P6 Residential Students20.7m7 950n/an/a
M1-M3 (Class 7 – Form 2)49.5m18 95051.5m19 750
Additional for M1-M3 Residential Students23.2m8 90026.1m10 000
M4 & M5 (Form 3 – 4)49.5m18 95051.8m19 850
Additional for M4 & M5 Residential Students23.2m8 90027.4m10 500
D1 & D2 (Form 5 – 6)55.9m21 40058.3m22 350
Additional for D1 & D2 Residential Students28.1m10 75032m12 250

For full fee-payers who first join the school in either PYP or MYP: if all the fees for 2025/26 have been received in full before 1st July 2025, there will be a discount of 5% on all tuition and residential fees.
Fees can be paid annually or quarterly.
Payments in dollars are converted from Tanzanian shillings at an exchange rate of US$1 = TSh 2610 (rate for March).
Tanzanian citizens and residents may pay fees in Tanzanian shillings.
Non-residents will normally pay fees in US dollars.
There are family discounts of 5%, 10% and 20% on tuition and residential fees for the 2nd, 3rd or subsequent children in a family enrolled above Early Childhood.

Capital Development Fee

When a student first joins UWC East Africa, we charge a Capital Development Fee as a contribution to the School’s past and future capital development.

1st child in a family TSh 3.9m (US$ 1500) (per year for 2 years).

2nd child in a family TSh 3.1m (US$1200)(per year for 2 years).

3rd child in a family TSh 1.6m (US$600)(per year for 2 years).

Subsequent children in the same family – no capital development fee is charged.

Refundable Deposit

We also charge a Deposit upon first entry to the School. This deposit will be refunded after the student finally leaves UWC East Africa.

For new students joining: TSh 2.6m (US$1000)

Examination Fees

Students in the examination years will pay an Examination Fee:
M5: TSh 1.3m (US$500)
D2: TSh 2.6m (US$1000)

Financial Assistance

Fee Remissions of up to 20% of tuition fees may be available upon application to certain families who can demonstrate financial need. In addition to the standard admission application, applicants’ families will be asked to provide details of their financial circumstances. Please contact the Head of Campus for further details.

Terms and Conditions

UWC East Africa charges tuition fees annually to cover the full costs of tuition, exercise books, loan of text books and participation in the sports, CAS and co-curricular activities programmes. We usually charge separately for individual music lessons, as a contribution to the Outdoor Pursuits programme, or for special language instruction.

Residential fees include the full costs of residential care, accommodation, food, laundry and medical services provided by the school nurse or school doctor.

There are reductions on tuition and residential fees for 2nd, 3rd and subsequent children in a family who are currently enrolled in UWC East Africa in classes other than Early Childhood; these are 5%, 10% and 20% of the figures above respectively.

Fees are revised monthly and parents will be expected to pay the fee being charged at the time of payment. The School uses a mean commercial bank rate each month to calculate conversion between US dollars, TSh and other currencies. Tanzanian citizens and residents will normally pay fees in Tanzanian shillings.

Parents of children in Early Childhood are not required to pay the Capital Development Fee or Deposit until their child joins P1.

The tuition and residential fees shown above are for fees received through quarterly or other instalments. For those paying full fees who first joined the school in either PYP or MYP, if fees are received before 1st July in the month before the new school year starts, a 5% discount on these fees will be granted, although this discount will be cancelled if the child does not continue to be enrolled for the whole of the relevant school year.

Methods of Payment

We can accept payment of fees by any of the following means:

  • By bank transfer in TSh or US$ transferred to our bank account in Tanzania
  • By bank transfer in convertible currencies to our bank account in the USA
  • By TSh cheque delivered to the school
  • By M-Pesa LIPA payment in TSh (LIPA number 5656408)
  • By US$ check drawn on a bank in the USA or in Tanzania. We cannot accept non-Tanzanian cheques delivered by mail
  • By personal payment in TSh or US$ at either our Moshi or Arusha campuses.

Payers will be charged any transaction fees associated with bank transfers or cheques.

Fees can also be paid quarterly or, in special circumstances, arrangements can be made to pay fees monthly or at other times or by other means. Please contact the school for bank account details.

Details of payments and other fee matters are available upon application or by email from feesadmin@uwcea.org