Arusha Campus News – 1 March 2019

Arusha Campus Newsletter 1st March 2019

Earlier this week the M1 Classes from both campuses travelled to Lake Eyasi to learn about Design and I&S in the context of a Hadzabe Community.

Dear Parents

Anisa and Haitham come under the gaze of the International Baccalaureate video team that visited Arusha Campus on Friday.

I was asked this week to explain what made our school different when it chose to become an IB School. This question was posed by the visiting IB Marketing Team who are trying to put together a video to commemorate 50 years of the International Baccalaureate (IB). Of course we have been a full continuum school (PYP, MYP and DP) since 2015 and my answer referenced the amazing opportunities we have here in northern Tanzania to present education in an environment that celebrates the differences between our cultures, makes the most of the outdoors and gives everyone the chance to practice a kaleidoscope of different skills. This week’s newsletter illustrates all of those in one bulletin!

It was not only the students and teachers who were learning this week. Pictured left are Douglas and Reuben who attended a composting workshop in Kisongo delivered by a visiting horticulturalist from USA. They learned loads and hope to practice what they learned on campus.

A big thank you and congratulations to the Khanga Gala organising committee and the Moshi PTA for their work in organising the grand scholarship fundraising event last weekend. It is too early to get a figure of the sum raised but well done to all involved.

Finally we wish our Director, Anna and Board Chair, Tine the very best of luck as they fly to Canada this week. They will be attending the UWC Board Meeting at Pearson College where they will present the final piece of the ISM UWC Application. At the same meeting they will be given the big decision about whether our application has been successful.

Good luck ladies!


From the Primary and Secondary Schools

Students embark on a hunt at Lake Eyasi

Another busy week has finished, with all manner of excitement and activity.

M1 travelled to Lake Eyasi with students from Moshi on their interdisciplinary unit trip. Thanks to all the staff who travelled with the students, who had a fantastic time. The P4/5 students travelled to Mto Wa Mbu for their annual camp; thanks to Ms Shaheen, Ms Esperance and Mr Samwel for aiding the students and making this trip such a success.

On Friday afternoon we enjoyed the Swahili share time with P1 and P3. With singing and dancing, the students shared their Swahili knowledge entertaining us all. Thanks to Ms Ann Joyce for all her work with the students.

Next week is book week in PYP, with events throughout the week and Thursday being World Book Day. M3 will host their Science Fair on Monday; everyone is welcome to visit and see the work of our amazing scientists on Monday afternoon between 13.00 and 14.30. M1-D1 will host a multi-cultural dinner on Friday afternoon, to celebrate the diversity of ISM.

On Saturday our swimmers will be taking part in the NTAA Secondary Swim Gala at SCIS. We wish all our swimmers well.

On Tuesday 12 March is the MYP Personal Project Exhibition at 18.00. Please come along and share in  the achievements of our M5 students.

Wishing you all a pleasant weekend,


M1 Inter Disciplinary Unit Field Trip to Lake Eyasi

This week, M1 students from Arusha and Moshi Campuses went on a fantastic three day trip to Lake Eyasi. The trip involved the subjects of Design and Individuals & Societies and focused on the concepts of adaptation and invention. Students explored the lives of two native tribes in Tanzania and how they have adapted to the environment. They completed various activities such as hunting with bow and arrows with the Hadzabe, learning about weapon making and shelter building, as well as visiting the Datoga to learn about their metal work.

P4/5 Trip to Mto wa Mbu

P4/5 had a fantastic time on their overnight camping trip Savana Bush Camp in Mto Wa Mbu. We interviewed the camp owner and various staff connecting it all to our unit of inquiry about goods and services. We visited the main local market as well as the weekly traveling market. Of course, the best parts might have been roasting marshmallows and dancing with traditional dancers! Sorry there are no pictures on my phone of this… I was dancing and roasting with the kids!
Students used amazing cooperation skills especially while putting up and taking down the tents themselves. Well done P4/5!

P2 and P5/6 Buddy Time!

P2 and P5/6 buddy time! The P5/6 class shared their Body Systems books with the P2 class. The students enjoyed looking at the pictures and lifting the flaps to see what was underneath! The P5/6’s also shared their poetry with the P2’s whilst sitting outside under the trees.

Who do you think you know?

Photos by Dana Zvulun (M5)


Neema is one of our longest serving employees and can usually be found in or around the library. In fact, Neema is so good that if Librarian Bernadetha is away, then the person who knows how to check in and out books, guide people to different sections of the bookshelves…….is Neema. We would be totally lost without her. Just like Gervas and Asha last week, Neema comes from Singida


Happy lives up to her name and is always …….. Happy! Originally from the slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro, Happy comes from a Chagga family. She is a useful ally because when the boys like Gregory get too noisy and argumentative at the staff meetings and parties, we can always rely on Happy to put them in their place!

Prize for the first person who tells me (Mr Phil) on Monday morning what is so special about Neema and Happy that THEY were the ones who inspired Dana to paint portraits of all the staff on the secondary classroom windows.

Kim, Ravi and Caedmon rehearse for the upcoming M4 theatre production
