Dear Parents,
Once again it has been a busy week in school and this is possibly the longest newsletter to date this school year! Please read down as it contains much useful information. This was the week of Book Week and of the P1/2 Camp. This coming week sees the M5 mock on-screen assessments, the M3 Science Fair, a student drama production and a student-led fundraiser, as well as our scholarship student interviews and all the regular features of school. We also have our Diploma art exhibition to look forward to as we then enter the final week of this quarter.
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M3 Science Fair
  Did you know you can make plastic out of milk or that certain colours help you learn more easily? These are just two of the projects by M3 which will be presented at the Science Fair this week. M3 students chose a topic, wrote their own research question and planned their own approach. This was a big task and required a lot of self-management and perseverance to achieve the aim. Students had to overcome difficulties which they encountered and make decisions about how to continue. Participation, not competition, is encouraged. The learning and the experience of working by oneself and with others to produce a project that a student has enjoyed and in which he/she has shown interest is extremely rewarding.
Date: Tuesday, 8th March
Time: 9:00am – 12:20 pm
You are invited to view the projects, talk to the students and support their efforts.
We look forward to seeing you at the Fair.
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M5 Practice Assessments
  The M5s will be starting their Mock exams this week, in preparation for their final on-screen assessments in May (9-20). On each day fro March 9th to 15th, students will go to the IT room at 7:30am, where attendance will be taken before the exam.
Wednesday March 9 – 7:45-9:45am: English Language & Literature eAssessment
Thursday March 10 – 7:45-9:45am: Mathematics eAssessment
Friday March 11 – 7:45-9:45am: Sciences eAssessment
Monday March 14 – 7:45-9:45am: IDU eAssessment
Tuesday March 15 – 7:45-9:45am: I&S eAssessment
Once the exam is finished, students will go to the library until break, and will return to regular classes at 10:35am.
These on-screen assessments are designed to provide an example of the assessments that the M5 students will take in May for their IB MYP grades, and to help the students prepare for those.
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A Raisin in the Sun
  All are invited to a drama production in Karibu Hall on Thursday & Friday, 10th & 11th March from 7pm, which has been independently developed by a group of students working within the CAS programme. This production has been managed entirely by the students themselves and promises to be an explosive drama. We look forward to seeing many parents and others on these evenings.
Tickets will be available from Reception in school this week, or sold on the door.
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Student Fundraiser
  Another group of students is planning a fundraising event in Karibu Hall next Saturday, 12th March from 3pm to 5pm. The event will include a student fashion show and some musical performances. All are welcome.
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Scholarships at ISM
  Every year ISM has awarded two full scholarships for Tanzanian students to join the two years of our diploma programme, and this year we will be awarding four scholarships as we also include two for Arusha Campus. Our application requirements are stringent and only the best form four graduates are eligible to apply. This year we have received a very high number of strong applications and we are currently selecting from these a certain smaller number to invite to Moshi for interview. These interviews will be conducted on Friday, 11th March and we will hope to announce the successful scholars a few days later.
This is an exceptional opportunity for very able students and we attract applications from the very best students in the country. The final selection can be a difficult decision as we know that so much can depend on it.
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Diploma Art Exhibition
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Book Week
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Kilimanjaro Marathon
 Congratulations to the following students and teachers who successfully completed the Kilimanjaro Marathon (42km) and Half Marathon (21km) last Sunday. These are the official results, a proud achievement for our community, and showing the importance and value we place on fitness.
Full Marathon: Merijn Mook (189th) 4:19:59, Isaac Foya (207th) 4:32:15
Half Marathon:
Ricky (422nd) 1:49:28
Alex M (1770th) 2:31:16
Chuchu Chiratidzo (1841st)2:34:08
Valerie Veillon (1861st) 2:34:36
Kate Schermbrucker (1901st) 2:35:48
Gemma May (1957th)2:38:14
Tommaso (1980th) 2:39:03
Nora (1985th) 2:39:07
Marika Farrell (2432nd) 2:56:15
Joshua N (2503rd) 2:59:12
Rihaan (2507th) 2:59:20
Rajan (2548th) 3:01:14
Sameer (2671st) 3:07:38
Esnath Joel (2691st) 3:09:05
Junayna (2719th) 3:10:49
Lulu K (2720th) 3:10:49
Rajvir (2770th) 3:14:13
  Congratulations also to the large number of ISM students and community members who took part in the 5km Fun Run…   … and to the group of 15 ISM students who volunteered to work at Water Point 10 through the half- and full marathons.
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Sparkling Elephant
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Model United Nations
  The 34th Conference of the East African Model United Nations (EAMUN) closed in Nairobi last week on 26th February. Our students joined over 600 others drawn from 71 schools across the region and beyond in debating global affairs modeled in the United Nations committees of Politics, Economic issues, Human Rights, Ecology and Environment, Global Agenda, Security Council and International Criminal Justice. The conference which went on for one week presented the students with opportunities for collaboration, negotiation, networking, debating and conferencing. It also involved intensive research, high level diplomacy and fun. Our school sent 16 delegates representing Ghana, Papua New Guinea, Latvia and Argentina; and two special summit delegates. All our students were thoroughly engaged and each of them got a chance to address the conference, which a rare achievement given the huge numbers competing to catch the attention of the attention of the chairs of the various committees. EAMUN targets students of between 14 and 19 years. One of our students who has attended the conference for four years said this in part:
  “I’d also like to point out that EAMUN is also not focused on debating, but rather empowering the youth through themes and debates. For the first three years where I attended the conference the theme was, ‘Building the Leaders of Tomorrow”. This year had a particularly interesting theme. The theme was focused on technology and inventions. I believe this had engaged more delegates this year as our generation is heavily affected by technology and its advancements. EAMUN also focuses on leaders that believe would impact our ways of thinking. This year (2016) there were three great speaker’s that stood out most. We had the Kenyan Queen of Radio- Caroline Mutoko, A rebel with a cause- Mr. Boniface Mwangi and lastly a Harvard, and MIT graduate Dr. King. These speaker’s stood out to me the most as I felt they directly spoke to me. They kept re-iterating the fact that if you stick to your passion and you love what you do, you are more likely to soar above the set limits.” Kemilembe (D2)
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Swimming: News from the Pool
  Dear Athletes and Parents,
The swim team has been very busy in the pool, training hard for our recent meets in Nairobi, St. Constantine’s, and looking ahead to our final major competition in Mwanza. We have grown, and currently have two swimmers (Laura and Pauline N) who are trying out for the team. These two swimmers have chosen to commit for one month to see if our team is a good fit for them. They share lanes with swimmers who have been training since the beginning of the year, and should be commended for taking this calculated, but challenging risk.
Nine swimmers competed in Nairobi last weekend at the Kenyan Long Course Championships in Nairobi. This was held in a 50m pool, and was a learning experience for everyone who traveled with the team. Highlights included Sanne’s silver medal in 100 freestyle, bronze medal in 100 fly, and bronze in 50 fly. Every race was video recorded, and each swimmer was able to see their swims immediately following their race for technical improvements. Most importantly in the eyes of the coaches, the spirit of the team never faded despite the challenges they faced. It was a pleasure to be poolside with such a talented, positive group.
  Next week the team travels to St. Constantine’s in Arusha for the secondary meet. Parents and swimmers should note that the underlying purpose of this meet is to encourage participation at all levels. Entries are a challenge with limits imposed by the host school. Please try to understand this when looking at the entries for the meet. The secondary swimmers will leave the school at 8:00am. Day students will bring permission forms home on Monday to be returned the following day. Boarding students will have their permission forms signed by their boarding parents. The meet is scheduled to finish at 3pm, returning to Moshi at around 5pm.
Our most recent Swimmer of the Month medal winners were Alicia (M2) and Kyle (M3). Both attend all of our scheduled practices, have shown significant improvements in the pool, and add to the team dynamic in many positive ways.
Two of our swimmers, Sanne and Chris F, were recently named to the Tanzanian National Team by the Tanzanian Swim Association. National team members must meet rigorous eligibility criteria in order to compete, which is very challenging for those living outside of regional centres. Both of these standouts deserve their appointments, and they pave the way for others to join them in the top ranks of swimming in this country.
Parents are reminded to pay Coach Sullivan TSh 30,000 (2 morning practices/week) or TSh 40,000 (3 morning practices/week) for quarter 3 lifeguarding fees. See the attendance sheet Google doc for individual details on each swimmer.
Yours in the pool,
Coach Sabini, Coach Sullivan, Coach Mary, Coach Noah
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News from Boarding
  A number of weekend activities were planned for this weekend. Apart from the usual Moshi town trip on Friday afternoon, students have had various sporting activities, as well as a disco in the dining hall. A number of boarders went for football and basketball tournaments in Arusha on Saturday, 5th March.
We are coming to the end of this quarter. We continue to remind parents that school closes on Friday 18th March, and that boarders return to school on Sunday 10th April. Those who need to book plane tickets will probably benefit from booking early. Kindly let us know the arrangements you have for your child in good time. They are allowed to leave school at 10.30 on Friday 18th.
Rosemary Bango – Head of Boarding
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School Shop (Duka)
  As mentioned in our newsletter on 12th February, we are advertising for tenders for partners to run the school duka. Any interested party may collect a tender document from the school office, or may contact the Head of Boarding on for more details. The deadline for doing this is Friday, 11th March. The new partnership period will commence on 1st April 2016
Rosemary Bango – Head of Boarding
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Evenings on Campus
  If you are a parent of a secondary day student, could you please remind your child of our expectations on campus in the evenings. As clearly stated in the Secondary Student’s Handbook (available from SecHBook.pdf), day students are not normally allowed on campus after 6pm unless taking part in an official school activity. Special requests can be made for particular reasons and these requests should be made to the boarding parents on duty.
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Parents’ Meeting
  Many thanks to those parents who joined us for a discussion last Wednesday. The following topics were raised:
Primary Playground: We are exploring solutions ranging from grass to artificial surfaces that will help to make the playground landing areas a bit softer and hence safer. Significant costs may be involved and we will consider how these can be managed.
Sports Day Schedules: We will endeavour to make these available to parents in advance, but we also find that circumstances on the day of the events also can mean quite a few changes to planned schedules.
Karibu Hall Gate: We will continue to open this small gate between 7am and 7:30am to allow morning arrivals, but will continue to keep it closed at other times of the day for security reasons, as we want to have only one entrance to the school that can be well observed. We recognise that this is inconvenient, especially on rainy days, and will therefore explore what other possibilities there might be to help prevent children getting wet.
Head Lice: We will soon publish more advice to parents on how to deal with head lice. In school we will conduct more frequent checks on children’s hair and will continue to advise parents if headlice or eggs are found. We do not feel it would be helpful to specifically exclude children with headlice from school.
Communication: We will endeavour to respond to individual communications more effectively. Usually it would be the first named recipient in school who will respond or indicate who he/she has asked to respond on his/her behalf.
Thanks for all the contributions made before and during the discussion.
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Diploma Geography
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Outdoor Pursuits
  We would like to remind all parents and students that, in response to medical advice, we cannot allow students under the age of 16 to take part in Outdoor Pursuits trips that include ascent to heights above 4000m.
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Quarter 4 Fees
  If you are paying school fees by quarterly instalments, you may have forgotten that Quarter 4 fees were due to have been received by us by 1st March. Please ensure that these are paid as soon as possible so as to avoid surcharges levied on late fees.
Some parents still have some smaller amounts outstanding from quarter 3 fees. If you are in this position, your child will not receive his/her Q3 report. Please resolve this as soon as possible to avoid any difficult situations.
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M4 Assessment Week
  Students in M4 will be completing Internal Assessments, in order for them to be better prepared for the types of on-screen assessments they will face for the culmination of the MYP programme in M5. The dates for these assessments will be Monday April 25, and Wednesday April 27-Friday April 29.
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End of Term Arrangements
  Classes will finish for this quarter on Friday, 18th March and students will be free to leave school from 10:15am. On that day there will be an end of quarter assemby in Karibu Hall from 9:15 to 10:15.
All secondary students will receive reports for this quarter on Thursday, 17th March. For students in M1-D1 these will be interim reports only and a full report will be issued in June. D2 students will receive full reports this month. We welcome all secondary parents to our parent-teacher meetings in Karibu Hall on Friday, 18th March from 10:35am to 12 noon.
Primary students will not receive written reports this quarter, but parents are invited to their child’s student-led conference on Thursday, 17th March – see below.
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Diploma News
  “To what extent do the concepts that we use shape the conclusions that we reach.” – this is one of the six Theory of Knowledge (TOK) prescribed titles that D2 students will analyze and respond to with a 1,200 to 1,600 word written essay this week. Oral exams in language classes are another task many D2s are completing in these weeks.
Diploma Life Skills classes this week addressed crucial issues facing adolescents. D1s examined the broad-ranging topic of ‘healthy relationships’ while D2s examined ‘health education’ matters.
D2 students will imminently start rehearsals for their Saturday May 21st graduation. The process of selecting an appropriate restaurant for the Friday eve Grad Dinner is also underway.
The families of all forty-one D2 students received brief written summary of the January 2016 mock exam grades. Consistently, it is imperative that D2s work to address what they observed as weaknesses in those exams.
The D2 Visual Arts students are wrapping up their portfolios/studio pieces in advance of the Art Show to be held at Kishari House near ISM on the even of Sun March 12th.
This coming week we will conduct interviews with top students from across Tanzania (as determined primarily by the National Tanzanian Form 4 exam results). We’ll select four students for a full scholarship for their two years of DP education.
A large turn-out of parents of ISM DP students at the Friday March 18th 10:35-midday meetings would be ideal as that would enable al stakeholders to have a sense of what needs to occur to improve marks in advance of the May official IB exams.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Rick Fitzpatrick, DP Coordinator
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Rotary Club Event
 This notice is posted at the request of Rotary Club of Arusha
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Primary Clubs
  Looking ahead at Quarter 4, here is an overview of our programme on offer for Q4. The form to submit your choices will come out this week. Please discuss with your child what three choices they would like. Where possible we will try to give each child their first choices, however if a club fills up, they will be given their second choice. We continue to be very grateful to Coach Noah and Coach Michael for giving up their time to help coach the students in a range of sports.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
P3-6 Animal Lovers Club Ms Debbie Max: 12 | P1-3 Intermediate Swim Training Coach Sabini | P3-6 Brownies Ms Annalee Girls only | P3-6 Water Sport Games Coach Noah strong swimmers only |
P3-6 Drumming Club Ms Kellerman Max: 15 | P4-6 Netball Team M5 CAS Students & TA Max 16 | P3-6 Junior Boys’ Football Coach Isaac & Mr ChuChu | P4-6 Baseball Coach Larry / Joris |
Primary Swim Squad invited swimmers only Coach Noah | EC Fun Club M4/5 CAS students & Ms Alice | P1-4 Tadpole Swimming (beginners) Coach Sabini & Ms Alice | P4-6 Film Club – making movies Ms Esnath Max 10 |
P1- 4 Art Club Ms Esnath | P2-5 Typing class & Razzkids Reading Ms Lydia Max 12 | P3-6 Computer Coding Ms Anton Max 14 | P4-6 Humming Birds (Singing) Club Ms Cathy Max 15 |
Homework Club Boarders only | P6 PYP Exhibition support Boarders only Ms Catherine | P2-6 Dance Club ‘Chereo Legends – dances from different cultures Ms Melfie | P1-3 Fun Football Coach Michael & Coach Tadeus |
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Primary Student-Led Conferences
Our PYP students are delighted to invite you to come to school on Thursday, March 17 2016 for our student led conferences. Each child will have an opportunity to share their learning journey with their parent/guardian. There are no formal classes on this day for primary. You will come with your child for your allocated time and then take them home. This Google form is designed to work out the best time slot for you and your children. The class teacher will send home your final time by Friday 11 March. Please complete this form by Tuesday 8 March.
I’ve invited you to fill out the form Student Led Conferences Mar 17 2016. To fill it out, visit:
Totty Aris, Deputy Head of Campus
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What is the PYP all about?
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Early Childhood Preview
  The children are working on their summative assessment as we draw near to the end of this unit of inquiry. We have four groups (voted by the children themselves) inquiring into the life cycles of lions, hedgehogs, rabbits and horses. The groups decided how they would find out their information and how they will present it to the class. If you are an expert on any of the above animals and are willing to come and speak to a group about their chosen animal, we would really appreciate it. The children realized that they could interview people who are knowledgeable about animals to help them with their research.
Alongside the summative assessment the children are also preparing for portfolio conferences and will practice with an older buddy this week. Literacy work this week will mostly be connected to the unit of inquiry as the children draw and write about their life cycle.   EC2 will complete their introduction to the long vowel sounds and find out about Mr U, the uniform man. Younger EC1 children will be introduced to o made by Oscar orange and the others will begin to put sounds together to make 3 letter words. (CVC)
In numeracy we are still carrying out assessments to update portfolios and the children are carrying on with money activities involving the operations of addition and subtraction. EC1 will just focus on addition.
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P1/2 Preview
 Information for Parents
I hope your child had a great time at our camp. The kids did a great job with everything, and we even got a little sleep. It is a fun event that helps your child build independence and hopefully creates some lasting memories.
This coming week you will get some information about scheduling a time to come see your child’s portfolio on March 17th. If you are new to our school, we end the third quarter with a con-ference led by your child. He/she will present a portfolio to you and show you what some of our activities are in P1/2.
 Language focus for the week
We will focus on reading non-fiction this week. Then the children will work together in groups to write reports about what they have learned.
Maths focus for the week
We will continue to work with telling time this week. This week we will focus on learning about elapsed time.
 Unit of Inquiry
We start a new unit this week about endangered animals. We will start with talking about all animals. This will lead to learning about habitats and what animals need. This week we will focus on using the internet to find information about animals.
What to bring to school: A hat for playtime and a healthful snack.
Monday: Wear proper clothes and shoes for P.E.
Tuesday: Bring your library bag.
Friday: Bring your swim bag.
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P2/3 Preview
 On Monday we enjoyed interviewing Ms Farrell about her experiences of dog sledding in Canada’s snowy north. We were happy to fit this in before our transport unit ended. We would like to thank Ms Farrell for sharing her experiences with us.
On Tuesday the students all delivered their summative assessment group presentations. They each had the task of delivering a road safety presentation to another primary class. They had to think about who their audience was and which messages were most important to convey. They chose between pedestrian safety, cycling safety and car passenger safety. The feedback from the other classes was all very positive.
This week the children also chose where to put up their road safety posters. They suggested this as a PYP Action in a previous week. They thought really carefully about where the posters would have most impact. You may have already seen these displayed around school.
  You may have also seen our book door cover for Book Week. We chose a book theme related to our previous unit on transport. They children enjoyed the painting and craft work that went in to creating it and are really proud of their achievement.
The children told me that they loved the Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) sessions which took place every day this week for Book Week. I am glad to have a class of such keen readers. They also helped the EC children with their reading.   Plus they enjoyed being visited by several surprise readers – including The Cat in the Hat and Thing 1 and Thing 2. On Monday the children looked wonderful dressed as their favourite book characters.
On Thursday we started our new unit which is all about the imagination and expression. We began tuning in with the See, Think, Wonder thinking routine. This has already led to interesting discussion and helped me to understand where they are at with their thinking on these issues.
  For the P2s the week ended with an overnight camp at the ISM Orchard. We had a lovely camp site with the tents all set up in a semi-circle. We had perfect views of Kilimanjaro and the starry night sky. Before bed we all sang songs and listened to stories around the bonfire. It was really rather magical. On Friday morning the students completed tasks and games relating to our camp theme of respect and responsibility for the environment and each other. Each student seemed to develop in confidence and independence.
New Unit of Inquiry:
Transdisciplinary Theme: How we express ourselves
Central Idea: Images and ideas from our imagination can be expressed in many ways
We will continue tuning in to our new unit – including using Thinking Routines to promote deeper level thinking.
Mathematics Focus: Perimeter investigations
English Focus: words with silent letters, e.g. knight, lamb, ghost, honest.
What to bring to school every day: A hat, water bottle, a pair of indoor shoes and a healthy snack.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Swimming session | Homework will be set
Tuesday: Library session
Thursday: PE lesson
Friday: Homework due in
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P4 Preview
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P5 Preview
 Information for Parents
We are already down to the last two weeks of the quarter! We have finished our digital citizenship unit this week, the kids are very sad about it! It has been a great learning experience and the kids are passionate about passing on their learning. They are hosting a school-wide Digital Citizenship Week next week to share their knowledge with the other students. They will be talking with both primary and secondary classes to help others stay safe when using digital media. There should be an email coming home this week about clubs and conference times.
Language focus for the week
We will be finding out more information about our new unit by reading a selection of books about ancient civilizations. Students will evaluate books and write down interesting information that they find. We will also review metaphors and practise writing them for different civilizations that we are already familiar with.
 Maths focus for the week
The kids did a great job working with integers last week. Working with negative numbers can sometimes be confusing, but the students are able to add and sub-tract using number lines quite well. This week we will work on multiplying and dividing positive and negative numbers.
Unit of Inquiry
Our new unit will focus on ancient civilizations. Our central idea is: Understanding past civilizations allows us to understand our current culture. Our lines of inquiry are: how we come to know about past civilizations, how our geographical environment affected past civilization’s achievements, and the relationship between our past and present day society.
What to bring to school: A hat for playtime and a healthful snack.
Monday: PE (please wear house T-shirt and trainers)
Thursday: Swimming (bring swim kit)
Friday: Library (bring library books)
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P5 & Digital Citizenship
 Digital Citizenship Week
The P5 class are hosting a digital citizenship week from March 7th to 11th. Our unit is about using digital media. We think other people should learn how to be a good digital citizen.
We will be visiting classrooms to present information about digital citizenship. Check out our posters around school to learn the tip of the day. We are challenging ISM students to be more balanced people. We have noticed a lot of people use too many electronics. So on Thursday March 10th we are challenging everyone to not use electronics unless it is for homework.
You can join the fun at Computer coding is a good skill to have-and it is fun too! has coding activities for ages 4 and up! If you are interested in learning how to code, please check out he website. We hope to have everyone visit on Tuesday March 8th.
by Phoebe Aris and Anita Mubangizi
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P6 Preview
 We had a very fun and successful book week! Thanks to all of the students for dressing up and looking amazing on Monday! Our door for book week was, “Cloudy with a Chance of P6.” The students did a beautiful job decorating our door and adding their own personal touches. We’ve been busy researching and discussing different beliefs in class and I love where the students knowledge and opinion takes them. They are learning to be great communicators and also risk takers for sharing what they believe.
This week:
 Unit of Inquiry: We have a couple of guest speakers this week who are going to come in and share different beliefs with the students. We are going to prepare for our summative assessments and still discuss our central idea.
Language Arts: I would like the students to think about writing and showing different perspectives in a piece of written work.
Maths: In maths we are going to be learning about volumes with different shapes.
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