Dear Parents,
Welcome all to the new school year 2016/17 at ISM. We hope that you have all had a good holiday and time with your children and we now look forward to welcoming all our continuing students back to school, and to meeting the many new students who will be joining us on the Moshi Campus this week. Boarding students will be coming to school on Monday, 8th August, and all will begin their classes or orientation programmes at 7:30am on Tuesday, 9th August.
We have spent the last week in school helping our new teachers settle in to life in Moshi and getting all prepared for the new school year. We welcome (left to right):
- Mary Pantlin who has now returned to ISM to teach PYP and MYP Music
- David Ochieng as our MYP Coordinator and MYP Mathematics teacher
- Bob Cofer who is our new Head of Secondary and will also be teaching Diploma Mathematics and Life Skills
- Erica Wilsen who is teaching both MYP and Diploma Mathematics
- Pearl Fon Sing who has now joined ISM to teach PYP and M1 French language acquisition
- Clare Hibbard as the new P2/P3 class teacher
- Andrea Zsarnovszky who will be teaching our P1/P2 class.
- Scott Hibbard as the Head of PE and Sports who will also be teaching secondary Life Skills
- Julie Bowen as the P4/P5 class teacher
- Jonathan Bowen as our Head of Science and Physics teacher, also teaching diploma Mathematical Studies
- Ben Kiema teaching MYP Individuals and Societies and diploma Psychology
- Delali Ocloo as the Kivuli MYP Boys boarding parent and a Mathematics teacher
- Erica van der Mijnsbrugge teaching Dutch on both campuses
- Ian Horne who is the Head of Arts teaching MYP and Diploma Visual Arts
- Debbie Mills as the P5 class teacher, and
- Anil Jootna who is the Head of Design and Technology, teaching MYP Design, Diploma ITGS and M1/M2 Visual Arts.
We are extremely pleased to have such an experienced and qualified group joining the school and are looking forward to a successful year ahead.
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Boarders’ Arrival
  We are expecting all our boarding students to join us this Monday, 8th August. The boarding houses will be open from 8am and we would ideally like all boarders to be in school before supper at 6pm. If your child is arriving by air at either Moshi or Kilimanjaro airports, we can meet them at the airport and bring them to school. There is no charge for this service on 8th August. If you would like us to meet your child, please email the Head of Boarding, Rosemary Bango, as soon as possible on .
Parents of new and returning boarders are very welcome to join the boarding parents and others at tea in the Dining Hall at 4pm on Monday. We look forward to seeing you.
All boarders are expected to have a new Parental Consent Form for the 2016/17 school year. If you have not yet sent this to us, please email it this weekend, or send a printed copy with your child on Monday. Blank forms (in Word format) are available to download from the school website – there are different forms for different age groups: Primary | M1-M4 | M5, D1 & D2.
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from the Head of Primary
  A big welcome to all our new students and welcome back to all our existing families. I hope you have all had enjoyable, fun and relaxing holidays at home and abroad.
Over the past week, the ISM campus has gone from being quiet, to very lively. We first welcomed new teachers from all over the globe and then saw the return of our much loved existing staff. They have all been incredibly busy with their orientation and classroom preparations.
I hope you will join with me in welcoming our new primary teachers and students as they adapt to their new environment and community. As well as having a new music teacher (Mary Pantlin) and French teacher (Pearl Fon Sing), we also have new class teachers.
Andrea Zsarnovszky will teach the P1/2 class.
Clare Hibbard will teach the P2/3 class.
Julie Bowen will teach the P4/5 class.
Deborah Mills will teach the P5 class.
Cathy Wambua has now stepped out of P4 and into P6. With her vast knowledge of the PYP she will be an excellent teacher for our eldest primary students as they head towards their PYP Exhibition.
Ryan Sullivan has moved out of the French Room to become the new primary PE teacher. We are delighted that this new post has been created to boost the primary sports programme even further.
And of course, I have taken over from Totty Aris as the new Head of Primary. I will also continue to carry out my role as the PYP Coordinator.
Annalee Horton will remain in EC, Linda Kileo will continue to teach Kiswahili and Tahera Madan will continue to lead library sessions. Coach Sabini remains at the pool and our dedicated team of Teaching Assistants continues as they did previously. Debbie Garbett and Jocelyn Sullivan remain in Learning Support.
Monday 8th August: Boarding students return to ISM.
Tuesday 9th August: Day students return. The primary school day will run from 7.30 – 13.05 when all P1 – P6 students should be collected to go home for lunch. (Home time is at 11.15 for EC children)
Wednesday 10th August and Thursday 11th August: The school day runs from 7.30 – 13.05 (11.15 for ECs)
Friday 12th August: The school day runs from 7.30 – 12.35. (ECs may be collected at 11.15 or 12.35)
Monday 15th August: Clubs start (14.00 – 15.00). Homework begins.
Thursday 18th August: Please join us from 18.30 – 19.30 to meet our primary staff team. We will gather first in Room 6 for a short presentation about ISM Primary School and the PYP. Then you will be invited to go to your child’s classroom to meet their teacher and find out about the year ahead.
Monday 22nd August: Class swimming lessons will resume for P4-P6 students and later for the younger grades, i.e. as the weather/water warms up.
Kate Schermbrucker
Head of Primary / PYP Coordinator
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from the Head of Secondary
  Greetings to our returning community members and a warm welcome to our new members. As you may know, myself and family are also new members of the ISM community. I am originally from the USA and after graduating university I worked in environmental consulting before starting to teach. Mixed in with teaching in the US I worked with a company to train a new workforce for a technology manufacturing plant. Since then I have taught in Egypt, Nepal and China before coming here. During that time, I have been involved in professional growth programs and curricular development. We are very excited to be here at ISM and looking forward to exploring Moshi and the surrounding areas.
On to school matters, the Secondary students will start the new year this Tuesday at 7:30am. This first day is designed to provide an orientation for our new students and a chance for our returning students to reconnect to the school. After time in the morning with their new tutors, MYP students will have a brief introduction to most of their classes before lunch. After lunch the will take an English language placement test. This will be used to help us make sure that all students receive the placement that best suits their developmental needs. During the day our M1-M3 students will get a paper copy of their schedule and our M4-D2 students will use the electronic versions sent to them.
For our D1 students the first two days will be part of an introduction to the IB Diploma Program and they will follow a different schedule for these days. Our D2 students will restart classes on Tuesday after the initial time with their tutors.
The Secondary Sports and CAS programs will start on Monday August 15th. In preparation for this, on Thursday August 11th students will attend a CAS fair to help them with their selection of activities. All students are required to participate in one sport and one creative activity per quarter with M4-M5 students also participating in one service activity per year. The Diploma students must complete one activity in each of the three areas per quarter. Students will sign up for activities via a Google form. Please discuss with them their choice of activities with an eye to supporting their interests but also remind them to think about maintain a good overall balance in their lives.
Bob Cofer
Head of Secondary
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ISM Handbooks
  Over the holiday, all families were emailed a set of the various school handbooks for 2016/17. If you did not receive these, all handbooks can also be found on our website at I would encourage you to read those appropriate for your child and to share them with him/her:
- Primary Handbook
- Secondary Student’s Handbook
- Boarding Handbooks
- MYP Handbook
- Diploma Handbook
These contain important information about our programmes and expectations.
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  Primary students are asked to wear an ISM T-shirt when attending school. Some T-shirts are available from Reception at school at a cost of TSh 10,000/- per shirt. We are still awaiting a new stock of T shirts and will not be enforcing this rule in the first week or until there is a good stock of different sizes and colours available.
All students in both primary and secondary are asked to buy a house T-Shirt according to the house they are in (Kibo – blue, Mawenzi – green, Meru – yellow). new students will be told their houses on Tuesday. House T-shirts are also available from Reception at 10,000/- each.
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Lunch & Snack
  Day students may eat lunch in the school dining hall by first buying a lunch ticket in Reception and handing this in when they go for a meal. Lunch tickets cost TSh 6,000/- each and can be purchased one at a time or in larger quantities.
Day students can also purchase morning snacks tickets to eat the morning snack in the dining hall during morning break. These tickets cost TSh 12,000/- for a week’s snacks.
Boarders do not pay extra for school meals as these are included within the boarding fee.
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  Secondary day students find it useful to have a locker in school to store their various books, rather than having to carry a heavy weight all day. Lockers are also a secure place to keep more valuable items such as phones or laptops. A key for a locker is available from Reception – we will ask for a key deposit of TSh 5,000/- which will be forfeit if the key is lost.
Day students get priority for lockers as boarders do not usually need these. However some lockers may be available for boarders after a couple of weeks.
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  All students in M4, M5, D1 or D2 are required to come to school with a laptop. The minimum requirements for this laptop are given in the Secondary Student’s Handbook. They will use this laptop in many classes as well as for private study, so please help us to ensure that every student in M4 or above does have a laptop. Students will be asked to sign our Technology Use Agreement and will be given free access to the school’s wi-fi network with internet connection.
Students in M1-M3 are also welcome to bring a laptop to school, although these are not required.
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Graphic Calculators
  All students in D1 and D2 are required to have a Graphic Calculator for use in Mathematics, Science and other classes. We strongly recommend the purchase of a TI-84 calculator and all teaching on the use of calculators will be based on the TI-84. If you do not yet have one of these, they are for sale in school at a price of US$150 for a black and white model, or $170 for the colour screen model. Please send your child with sufficient money to purchase this (in US$ or TSh) or send an email to me at if you wish to have this cost invoiced to you through the school’s accounts office.
Students in other secondary classes need a simple calculator (M1-M3) or scientific calculator (M4 & M5).
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Calendar of School Events
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School Fees
  As you will know, it is school policy to expect payment of school fees for each quarter on a date before the start of the quarter. If we have not yet received your child’s fees for this quarter, you will have been advised by our accounts office. In this situation it is likely that we will not allow your child to attend classes and we will need to arrange to send boarding students home. To avoid this difficult situation, please do ensure that fees are always paid before the due date specified on invoices.
If you anticipate difficulty in paying school fees and would like to reschedule payment dates, please contact me on before the due date for payment so that we can discuss possible arrangements.
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Secondary CAS, Sports & Primary Clubs
  All regular secondary CAS [Creativity, Activity, Service] and Sports activities, as well as all Primary Clubs, will start from Monday, 15th August. The first week of school will be used to publish information about our activities and for students to select their choices. There will be a CAS Fair for secondary students on Thursday, 11th August and also pick-up sports activities on that day.
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Secondary Life Skills
  Welcome back! I hope you had a restful and enjoyable break and that you are refreshed and ready for the year ahead. My family spent the summer in Vancouver, Canada, enjoying the outdoor life and spending time with our family after two years away from our other home.
I am delighted to have been given the role of Head of Life Skills, replacing Rick Fitzpatrick who lead the team last year. We have three teachers on the team this year: Scott Hibbard (Athletics Director) will take the all classes M1-M5 and two D1 sections, Bob Cofer (Head of Secondary) will be taking one section of D1, and I (Ryan Sullivan, Primary PE, School Counsellor) will be taking the D2 classes.
At the end of last year, we wrote a new Life Skills scheme of work that meets the students needs that we have identified through a school-wide survey, feedback from teachers, and meetings with parents. The new curriculum was created in consultation with health experts working in the field, based on the most current research on multicultural student populations. For more information on the details of the program, please do not hesitate to contact me via email () or via phone (0766300454).
Over the next month, classes will be engaged in the following topics, based on guiding questions/ statements such as:
- M1: Time Management – What is it and how can I manage my time effectively?
- M2: Knowing Myself – Outside influences on my identity, different learning styles, goals.
- M3: Rights, Rules, and Responsibility – Why are rules important in schools, what different identities may be present in schools and how are their rights?
- M4: Reproduction – How is this viewed through a cultural lens, and what are the biological steps of this process?
- M5: Stress Management – How do different people deal with stress and how does this impact relationships?
- D1: Body Image and Identity – How can I have a healthy body image and what cultural images affect how I see and express myself?
- D2: College Applications – Complete all writing pieces and secure reference letters from all subject teachers (US/Canada) or tutors (UK).
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Diploma Updates
We in the ISM DP are looking forward to a fantastic year as we are all learners. Our experienced and committed group of DP teachers with our dedicated and hard-working Boarding team and Administration will provide a world-class education and help to forge the best possible experience for your child.
DP teachers have been preparing. Collaboratively and individually we have been involved in planning and have experienced a productive week of orientation that included watching this excellent video on ‘The Power of belief — mindset and success | Eduardo Briceno at
Upcoming events:
- Re-sit exams occur on Sunday, August 7th and Monday, August 8th for some who did not perform at their best level in the end-of-D1-year exams.
- The D1 student orientation program will take place on Tuesday August 9th and Wednesday August 10th for the forty-six members of the class of 2018 who will visit with all DP class teachers to listen to brief presentations on each class. Similarly there will team-building activities, time/stress management sessions and an overview of DP life. There will also be a “Meet and Greet” BBQ by the ISM pool with DP teachers and D2 students. The new D1s should also gain from the orientation session in which recent DP graduates will return and share suggestions for achieving success. On a practical level, new D1s will sign the ISM Honour Code to help them as best we can to ensure that they do not plagiarize.
- D2 students will present the 4,000-word draft of their Extended Essay on EE final draft on September 5th. The upcoming weekly meetings in the Tuesday Guidance Hour with the EE Supervisors will be critical. During the holiday break D2s should have researched and written nearly all of their EE.
1. DP class lesson time is sacrosanct. Every class lesson day is key. Hence, around holiday time do not have them arrive late or remove them early.
2. Ask your son or daughter to approach directly his/her ISM DP teacher with any concerns. Our faculty is experienced and we’re responsive to constructive criticism as we are education professionals who always improving.
3. Contact me regarding any concerns –
4. Frequently contact your child as this parental support is invaluable
5. Attend parent-teacher meetings at the end of each quarter as these visits will enable you to get a first-hand sense of your child’s progress.
Rick Fitzpatrick, DP Coordinator
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Diploma & MYP Results
  Our IB Diploma results were published about one month ago. We were very pleased with the results of this year’s graduating diploma class – 91% of all full diploma candidates obtained their diploma, and nearly two-thirds of all students’ grades were in the “good” bracket (grades 5-7). Special congratulations to Lisa Matay for scoring 43 points and to Roos de Raadt for 41 points – both excellent top scores. It is very encouraging that the ISM diploma results continue to shine every year and it is thanks to this strong academic performance that many students have access to some of the best universities in the world.
Our MYP (Middle Years Programme) eAssessment results were also published last week. These are the results of portfolios that our M5 students submitted last year and of final exams that they sat in May. This is also the first year that IB MYP students have taken online examinations in this way. Our average results in both English courses, both French courses, Individuals & Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, Design, Interdisciplinary Unit, and Personal Project were all on or above the world average, although our students performed a bit below world average in the Arts and in Physical Education. We are generally pleased with these results, but will now analyse them in much more detail to explore areas for development.
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Varsity Swimming
  Dear MYP/ DP Student-Athletes and Parents, Welcome back! A few reminders as we start the swimming year.
Workouts for the 2016-2017 season will be as follows:
Mon-Thur – 0530-0700
Sat 0800-1000
Varsity athletes who participated on the team last year, aged M3 and above, will be required to attend all workouts. M1 and M2 athlete commitments will be discussed with each athlete and their family individually.
Parents of children who are participating in varsity swimming are required to deposit lifeguarding fees for the year into the swimming account with the finance office. All full-time swimmers are required to pay TSh 150,000. Part-time swimmers are required to pay TSh 120,000. This represents the total cost for coaching/ lifeguarding for the entire year! The deadline for this will be the final day of tryouts, Wed 7 Sept 2016. Swimmers who are unable to continue attending workouts because of non-payment of fees will be required to pay tsh2,000/ AM session for the sessions they attended.
All swimmers are required to try-out for the team for the first four weeks of practice. Consistency, improvement, timeliness, commitment, attitude, and preparation are some of the factors that will be considered when choosing the team. We aim to field the best possible team of student-athletes each year, with the best attitude, as they will be the ones representing our school in competitions around the country and region. All swimmers are required to have the following at every workout: goggles, swim suit, cap, paddles, pull buoy, towel, water bottle.
Parents must make arrangements to purchase these items if they would like their child to participate on the varsity team. Coach Ryan can help arrange for these to be purchased, but local sources are often more expensive than purchasing out of the region. If items are lost, they must be replaced as soon as possible.
Over the log holiday, I consulted with many colleagues and friends – past swimming Olympians, lifetime coaches, All-Americans, All-Canadians – about our program, seeking advice on how to improve the product we deliver. We are confident that we are bringing our best game to each and every workout! In return, we ask for the same commitment to excellence from our swimmers and families.
Looking forward to seeing at the pool for our first workout, Wed 10 Aug 2016. Please ensure you bring your suit, as it will be wet. I welcome all parents to pop by and say hello. You have all been in our thoughts over the break. 🙂
Yours in the pool,
Coach Ryan & Coach Sabini
Please note that all students in primary and MYP receive swimming lessons as part of their regular programme and there are no charges at all for regular swimming activities. The above refers to those in or wishing to join competitive school teams.
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Primary Clubs
  Clubs start on Monday 15th August.
A Google form will come out this week in an email regarding the options for our co-curricular primary clubs programme. Many thanks to the parents who have volunteered to run clubs for the students this quarter. We have a good range of activities on offer.
Primary day students may take up to three clubs Mon-Thurs and these run from 14.00-15.00. On clubs days, please ensure your child is picked up from the playground promptly at 15.00.
If students stay at school for lunch, they will need to bring either a packed lunch or a lunch ticket for the dining room (available from reception at TSh 6000/-). Those with packed lunches will eat at the playground where they will be supervised by ISM staff.
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Early Childhood Preview
  For those parents who are new to the school, my name is Annalee Horton and I am beginning my fifth year at ISM teaching the early childhood class. I am very much looking forward to seeing all the children on Tuesday and hope you had an enjoyable holiday. We are very happy to be welcoming 6 new students to the class as well as looking forward to seeing our 9 returning students. As you will notice on Tuesday when you get to school we are in a new classroom (room 2) with a wonderful outdoor space to enhance our learning environment. A fence has been built around the new area so that it can be used freely and safely by the children. We are looking forward to developing this area over the coming weeks and months and have some exciting plans.
The first week of school will be spent getting to know each other, exploring the classroom and wider school environment and making our essential agreements so that we can work and play together safely and cooperatively.
Our first unit of inquiry is under the transdisciplinary theme of ‘Who we are.’
The central idea is, ‘Recognising our own and others differences can help us grow and appreciate one another.’ As we get to know each other this week we will carry out some activities to find out about our similarities and differences. This will give us a sense of what the children know about themselves and where we can begin with our inquiry.
What to bring to school on Tuesday:
- backpack
- healthy snack
- water bottle
- inside shoes to remain at school (named please)
- hat/cap to remain at school (named please)
- Spare set of clothes in a named bag
All EC children are expected to wear the school T-shirt everyday to school. These can be bought at the main office for 10,000 TSH each. Please don’t worry about this for the first week if you are new to the school. If you already know your child’s Sports House then please buy a house T-shirt to be worn on the days we do PE. I will let you know early next week when PE will be held. Swimming will start later on in the quarter when the weather and water warms up.
On Thursday, 18th August, there will be a ‘meet the teacher’ evening when I will explain the Early Childhood programme in detail.
Every week there will be information about your child’s learning in our School Newsletter. I urge you to read this to find out what is happening in the classroom and how you can support your child in their educational journey. I will also keep you informed through a google community page. Please feel free to post questions or comment on what you see.
I look forward to working in partnership with you this year to help develop your child both socially and academically.
Best wishes
Annalee Horton
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P1/2 Preview
  Karibu! My name is Andrea Zsarnovszky. I’m the P1/2 teacher at ISM this year. In the past 16 years I have taught in different English speaking international schools: 3 years in Hungary, 2 years in Bangladesh, 4 years in the Czech Republic and 10 years in the UK. I have gained valuable personal and teaching experiences through teaching age groups from 3 to 16.
After teaching 10 years in London I felt it was time to move on to a different environment, learn and experience new things. I’m very excited to teach and live in Tanzania as I find this country very beautiful and adventurous. After one week at ISM I feel this is the right place for me and I’m looking forward to contributing to the school community with my values and experience.
Parents’ Information
This week we will engage in different activities to get to know each other. We will work together to create our class Essential Agreements.
The school day will finish at 13.05 on Tuesday to Thursday and at 12.35 on Friday. Clubs will start on Monday 15th August.
A timetable will be sent home later this week.
Unit of Inquiry: We will be tuning into our first transdisciplinary unit of “Who we are” focusing on Friendship.
I am looking forward to meeting my new children and their parents!
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P2/3 Preview
  Welcome to all P2/3 Parents,
I am originally from North Wales, UK but I have lived and worked overseas for the past 17 years. I have taught in the Middle East, Germany, Bogota, Colombia and Bucharest, Romania. During my teaching career I have taught P2 and P3 as a classroom teacher, PE and as a Special Needs teacher in the Primary school. I am looking forward to returning to the classroom and teaching in the Primary school section at ISM, and a new professional and personal challenge. My family and I enjoy being outdoors, participating in sports and being around nature.
I am excited to meet the children and work with them during the school year on many things. We have six exciting units planned in our program of inquiry. Our first unit will be; “Who are we?” And the central idea will be; “People can make choices that affect their well-being”.
Please be aware that during the first week of school, children will be dismissed at 13:05 (except on Friday when we end at 12:35). Primary afternoon clubs will begin on Monday, August 15th; please look out for further details from the Head of Primary. Finally, a reminder regarding Back to School night which will held on Thursday, August 18th at 18:30.
I am looking forward working with you and your child in this upcoming school year.
Clare Hibbard
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P4/5 Preview
  I am excited to join the ISM team! I am Canadian but have taught in every continent of the world (except Antarctica) and have moved to Moshi after living two and a half years in Arusha. I love living in Tanzania! I have joined the school along with my British husband, Jonathan Bowen, who is Head of Science (Physics- MYP/IB) and my two children Luke (M1) and Ariella (P5). We are a truly international family and I hope to offer your children a global perspective. I am pursuing a Masters degree in Educational Technology and you will find I integrate technology quite often in the classroom. If you do not have access to technology at home please let me know and we can work around this.
The first week of school we will not have homework and for the first week the school day will finish at 13.05 each day (except Friday when we finish at 12:35). Clubs will begin on Monday, August 15th. If you have any questions or concerns about anything, please feel free to email me directly. I look forward to meeting some of you at the Parent Evening on Thursday, 18th August, and getting to know you all as the year progresses!
Julie Bowen
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P5 Preview
  My name is Deborah Mills and I have been teaching for the last 25 years. I am very happy to be living in Moshi and working at ISM. I am married to Bob Cofer, the head of secondary, and we have two children: Daniel (P5) and Joshua (P2.) We have spent the last six years working at Nanjing International School in Nanjing, China. NIS is also an IB school so I am familiar with the PYP program and enjoy teaching in an inquiry based classroom. Prior to moving to China I worked in Nepal, Cairo and Colombia as well as the UK, which is my home country.
I am looking forward to meeting the P5 students and to learning their names and faces. Ms. Lydia will be our TA and Mr. Thadeus will also be working with us in the classroom. We will complete some “getting to know you” and team building type activities over the first couple of days of school as well as creating some essential agreements to enable us to work well together over the next year. Our first unit of inquiry will focus on the theme “Where we are in time and place,” and our Central Idea will be “Human migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities.” In the latter part of this week we will do some introductory activities concerning this unit.
The school day will finish at 13:05 each day for the first week (except on Friday when we end at 12:35). Clubs will not start until Monday, 15th August. Your child will need to bring a hat to school to wear at play time, a water bottle in order to keep hydrated and a healthy snack to keep energy levels high during the morning. Returning children should bring their fabric book bags back to school. I hope you and your children enjoy the last few days of the summer vacation. I look forward to meeting the children on Tuesday.
Deborah Mills
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P6 Preview
  I hope all the ISM families are well and that your child had a fun and restful holiday. I look forward to working with the P6s and hope they are enthusiastic about their new academic year.
Feel free to contact me through in case of any questions. I will be able to share more about the program and class expectations during the upcoming Parent Evening on Thursday, 18th August.
In the first week, we will have a number of games and activities to get to know each other and will come up with our class essential agreements.
The Central Idea of our first unit: Human migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The geography of migration
- The reasons why people migrate
- Effects of migration on communities, cultures and individuals
We will have no homework or clubs in the first week.
Do remind your child to bring a hat for outdoor play and a healthy snack. Please wear your ISM T-shirt and carry a sweater, as some days are still a little chilly.
Ms Cathy- P6 Homeroom teacher
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
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