The last week of quarter 3 has arrived! It’s been a great quarter and a great year so far.
Unfortunately we will be saying farewell to Elsie who has only been with us this term. We loved your happy, positive nature, Elsie and we wish you well in your new school in Uganda.
Last week we also said goodbye to Mr. Rogier who has been taking us for PE for the past few months. We will miss his instruction, teaching and fun lessons. What a great contribution he made to our school in the time he was with us.
This is what our learning in class will look like this week:
UOI – “Exploration”
Central Idea: People explore their world; their methods and reasons are constantly changing.
Lines of Inquiry: Who explorers are
How people explore
Why people explore
Consequences of exploration
We will continue watching a series of DVDs which focus on some famous explorers, their discoveries and inventions and their contribution to society. We will discover that exploration can happen in a variety of fields. In Art we will be studying some of the works of Kandinsky and how he explored colour and music and allowed these elements to influence his creations.
Writing – the difference between fact and opinion will remain our focus as we write some factual information about explorers.
Spelling Groups 1) CVC words -op, -og and -od (e.g. hop, dog, nod), 2) words containing -eet (meet), -ake (take), -ift/ist (lift, mist) 3) words ending in -er that have a double consonant which make the vowel before it says its sound instead of its name (e.g. better, summer) 4) words ending in -ation, -etion, -otion and -ution (e.g. station, completion, lotion and solution).
Language/grammar – past, present and future tense.
Maths –
P3 Grids and coordinates – the 8 points of a compass, direction. Identifying and plotting points on a grid. Time – o’clock, half-hours and quarter hours (digital and analogue).
Tables 2x, 5x, 10x 11x 3x, 4x. Basic facts up to 10/20 (+ and -).
P4 Decimals. Converting fractions to decimals. Grids and co-ordinates – the 8 points of the compass, direction. Identifying and plotting points on a grid.
Tables – 2x, 3x, 4 x, 5x, 6x, 10x , 11x, 12x . Basic facts up to 20 (+ and -).
Student led conferences will be held on Thursday. There will be no formal school on this day. Letters went home last week regarding suitable times for parents and children to meet and discuss the learning that has been taking place over the past year. If you have not yet returned your form, please do so by Monday at the latest, so that we can coordinate sessions and confirm your appointment time. Please note that this is a student led conference and not a parent-teacher meeting.
ISM book bags and caps are now available for sale in the office.
Every day: Hats and polo shirts/t- shirts
Zip bags, home-school note books, reading books and reading logs
Healthy snack for break time
Homework – Only spelling and reading homework this week
P.E. – wear house t-shirts, shorts and trainers.
Bake sale at break time should you wish to support some of the secondary students in their venture to raise funds for the Day Care Centre, located on our Campus.
No school – student led conferences.
Spelling test
Whole school assembly – 9.30am. All parents and family welcome.
Students may go home at break time, but there is provision for them to remain until 12 o’clock, if parents are involved in Secondary meetings.
Looking forward to a great final week together. Have a wonderful holiday break and if you are going away, travel safely.
I hope to see everyone back on 8 April, well rested and ready for the last stretch of the year.
Miss Jann