At our school, we take great pride in the sense of community that brings together students from all backgrounds and ages. Recently, we’ve had wonderful opportunities to interact with students across different levels. From celebrating Mother Tongue Day with PYP, MYP and D1 students to M5 students inviting the P6 class to explore their Museum of Scientific and Technological Breakthroughs as part of their I&S project (see image above). We have seen fantastic moments of collaboration. Last week, MYP students also enjoyed participating in the International Women’s Day activities together with the DP classes. All in alignment with our core value of fostering a safe, collaborative and caring community.
On Friday, M5 students wrapped up their mock exam week, where they completed assessments in subjects like Maths, English, French, Swahili, Sciences, Humanities, and Interdisciplinary Studies. They also practiced speaking skills in French and Swahili during their mock oral assessments. Finally, we’re excited for the M5 Personal Project exhibition on Wednesday, March 19th, from 5-6.30pm. Karibuni wote – everyone is welcome!
Throughout the school year, we reflect on and report student learning in various ways. At the end of Quarter 1, students, parents and teachers engaged in three-way conferences, while Quarter 2 and Quarter 4 conclude with report cards that provide feedback on student progress. In Quarter 3, we offer an exciting opportunity for families to experience student-led conferences (SLCs), where students share their learning with their parents. This is a valuable moment for students to reflect on their achievements, showcase work they’re particularly proud of and set learning goals for the remainder of the year.
For M1-4, the SLCs take the form of the MYP Learning Showcase. Parents will accompany their children on a tour past their subject classes for which the students have prepared an interactive presentation of their learning journey. M5 students will participate in a different format of the SLCs, where they will sign up for times to meet with their parents and their M5 mentor, Mr. Gift. Together, they will reflect on their learning progress, review mock exams, discuss preparation for their final exams and discuss their transition to the Diploma Programme.
Please note that there will be no lessons on Friday, March 21st. Attendance is mandatory for all M1-4 students, as they will be involved in the subject learning presentations..
Anoek, Head of MYP