Arusha Campus News – 16 Sep 2024

UWC East Africa Arusha Campus Newsletter Monday 16th September 2024

Upcoming dates

Tue 17th-20th Sept – PYP MAP Testing

Tue 17th Sept – NTSAA Primary Practice Swim Gala at Kennedy House

Fri 20th Sept – 24 Hour Run in Moshi

Mon 23rd-27th Sept – MYP MAP Testing

Tue 24th Sept – Diploma Parent Village Meeting on Zoom

Dear Parents

Today has been a holiday as we celebrate Maulid Day, the birthday of the prophet Muhammad. I have just driven back from Arusha thsi evening and the city is alive with celebrations, music and food stalls (…and traffic!).

The main school event this weekend was the Model United Nations (MUN) conference held on Arusha Campus. Mr Andrew and his amazing team will be writing a report for next week’s newsletter as the conference only finished yesterday afternoon.

We had two Outdoor Pursuits trips in action this weekend so a report will be coming shortly, but suffice to say that those on Reefs and on M1-3 Campcraft enjoyed themselves immensely and will no doubt sleep well tonight!

Another group of people who will sleep well are the Arusha Rhinos touch rugby team. The team travelled to Dar for the big touch tournament there and came away with the champions trophy! They are pictured above and the eagle-eyed will recognise no less than 5 students or former students in that team. Who can see Eric Kinsey, Manu Allard, Yannick Allard and Bram Stegeman? Not forgetting the current student being Jessica Bowen.

Miss Caitrin has been away with M1 Campcraft this weekend but implored me to remind all parents that SWIMMING IS NOW BACK ON!

A busy week ahead of us with MAP Testing in Primary followed by the 24 Hour run in Moshi on Friday to Saturday.

Have a good week!


Primary Years Programme News

PYP students enjoying buddy time, working together, communicating and collaborating.

Importance Of Good Manners For Kids
Good manners help students to create positive social interactions and relationships with their peers. Last Friday was World Manners Day and P5 created mini skits to help us remember our manners!

10 Good Manners                                                       

Encourage your children to greet others and introduce themselves with a smile “Hello” or “Hi.” This will help them to connect with various people easily.

Teach your child the value of being on time for school. Punctuality teaches time management skills, respect for others’ time and helps develop discipline and responsibility. It helps students to manage their time efficiently and seize their goals. Punctuality contributes to building confidence in students.

Your child should show respect to others, their grandparents, parents and elders. Be polite while talking to them and use good manners when speaking to them.

Speaking the truth is a good habit.

Children should develop a habit of asking for permission, it is considered to be good manners

Teach your child to use the words “please” and “thank you” while making requests and getting things, respectively. This demonstrates respect for others and promotes gratitude.

Encourage your child to always pay close attention when someone is speaking to them. Emphasize the importance of waiting for their turn to speak and not interrupting others while they’re talking, it can be considered to be a bad habit.

Teach your children to say “Excuse me” when they need someone’s attention or when they accidentally interrupt someone. Additionally, help them understand when and how to apologize if they make a mistake or hurt someone’s feelings.

Encourage your child to show empathy and compassion to their friends, others and animals as well. Motivate them to help those in need. Helping others will ultimately make them feel happy about themselves and encourage them to be gentle with animals as well. 

Children should be taught not to waste food, materials or other commodities. They should know the value of the items they have and respect everything.

Amanda Bowen, Head of Primary Years Programme

P2 Visit Canvas and Clay

P1 and 2 visited Canvas and Clay in Njiro (see montage above) to have a first hand experience at using clay and sculpting their own designs of objects they like. This was linked to their unit of How We Express ourselves through art.

P5 Visit the Sikh Temple and the Mosque

P5 congregate outside the Sikh Temple (above)

P5 visited the Sikh Temple (thank you to Harkiran), and the Mosque (thank you to Miss Alina) to learn more about rituals, traditions and artefacts. We had an amazing and educational experience. Thank you to the Arusha community for allowing us to come. 

International Festival

We are excited to announce that our International Festival is back after a five year hiatus. This vibrant celebration of cultures is a unique opportunity for students and parents from different countries to come together. We love for YOU (students, parents, teachers) to take part in this wonderful event by showcasing what makes your culture special—whether through food, music, dance, art, or traditional attire. Once you sign up, you will be matched with others from your country/region. We’d love to see new faces AND welcome back those students and parents who helped make this event so special in the past!

Diploma Music with Miss Sarah

D2 Music students Astrid, Yotam and Daniel (pictured above and left) are hard at work for their Experimenting Portfolio for HL Music. The DP Music coursework requires them to experiment as a creator and a performer and document their progress in written and notated form in the form of an academic portfolio.

Miss Sarah, Head of Music

MYP Round-up

UWCEA is all about being an inclusive and diverse community, working together, playing together, achieving together. The 24-hour run is a perfect example of this, where older students go to Moshi, get involved in active pursuits, have fun and raise money for our vital endowment fund. Sadly, places o

UWCEA is all about being an inclusive and diverse community, working together, playing together, achieving together. The 24-hour run is a perfect example of this, where older students go to Moshi, get involved in active pursuits, have fun and raise money for our vital endowment fund. Sadly, places on the 24 hour run are limited, due to transport considerations. But rather than just complain about that, M3 have stepped up to take the initiative to foster a sense of belonging for younger students by organizing ‘Move it!’, a fun day for all the families and friends of UWCEA students. As well as doing themed laps of the big field, there will be a range of other exciting activities such as 3 on 3 football and basketball, a scavenger hunt, obstacle course and puzzle corner. We would love you to join us in this first Move It event. As an added bonus for MYP students, joining and making a donation will count for Service as Action. For DP students, if you help us organize this, it can be CAS Service, and if you participate it can be CAS Activity.

Miss Hilary, CAS Co Co-ordinator

University and Career Guidance News

Photo right: A group of D2 students attended a university fair at St. Constantine’s School focused on opportunities in the UK, Europe, Canada and Australia.

Many of our D2 students are busy getting ready to apply to universities! The majority will start sending their first applications out at the end of October. The students have been learning about different educational opportunities around the world and also about how to best present themselves to universities in the application process. Many of our students choose to study in the United States because of the generous scholarships made available to UWC graduates through the Davis Scholars UWC partnership. If you’d like to learn more about this scholarship, watch this 32 minute video with Jon Lund from Luther College in Iowa by clicking on the link below:

The passcode to watch is s3s=c.d1

While the U.S. is popular because of the Davis scholarships, our graduates go on to study and do great things all over the world and we work to expose our students to different opportunities. Here are some examples from this week:

Photo above left: We had a visit from three of our Davis UWC Scholar universities in the U.S.: Grinnell College in Iowa, Wesleyan University in Connecticut and Smith College in Massachusetts. In addition to our UWCEA students, we hosted a group of students from The School of St. Jude at this visit as well.

Photo above right: Our students had the opportunity to do in-person interviews with the representatives from Grinnell, Smith and Wesleyan.

We have many more visits coming up! Please check the calendar regularly as we continue to add opportunities each week. The calendar is found at this link below:

Mr Adam Kendis, University Counselor

Career Days Online

Career days give students an insight into different careers that might appeal to them, advice on subject choices and how to apply to university, followed by work experience in the afternoon to help them see what the career may be like. Students receive a certificate confirming their work experience.

Students who are aged 13-18 can register to join the online days by visiting

The schedule is as follows:

Midwifery Career Day – Saturday 21st September 2024

Medicine Career Day – Saturday 5th October 2024

Dentistry Career Day – Sunday 6th October 2024

Business Career Day – Saturday 12th October 2024

Psychology Career Day – Saturday 19th October 2024

Architect Career Day – Saturday 26th October 2024

Performing Arts Career Day – Sunday 27th October 2024

Law Career Day – Saturday 2nd November 2024

Vet Career Day – Saturday 9th November 2024

Computer Science Career Day – Saturday 23rd November 2024

Engineering & Technology Career Day – Saturday 30th November 2024

Students can visit to join a session that interests them and will receive a certificate at the end of the day confirming their work experience.

UWC East Africa Arusha Campus Residential Activities

Last weekend a group of boarding students (above) went on a hike in the Usa River area. Mr. Andrew led the hike and Mr. Kendis and his kids tagged along as well.

Acacia’s Boma Night

Last weekend, students of Acacia Boma (above) dressed up for a fun-filled photo shoot, capturing wonderful memories together.

Arusha’s Got Talent!

Dear UWCEA Arusha Campus community,

This year’s first edition of Arusha’s Got Talent is only a couple of weeks away, on September 27th. Many talented people have already signed up to perform, but we are still missing a few stunning numbers to make this night a memorable one! We invite you to sign up via the Google Form below. We also want to remind everyone that the talent show is open to both MYP and DP performers.
Sign up – Arusha’s Got Talent

Fill out this form through the link above before the 20th of September if you want to take part . The talent show will be starting at 19h30 sharp in the PA! Parents and families are welcome to attend.

*Please note that your performance needs to be appropriate for a school setting and family viewing.

I hope you are as thrilled as I am!

Marie-Félix Pelletier – D2 Organizer of Arusha’s Got Talent




