Preparing to Say Goodbye
Given the fact that this is my eighth school in my 25 year career, you would think that I would be an expert at saying goodbye, but every experience is so unique and causes a range of emotions as I reflect on what each endeavor has meant to me. As we begin the long goodbye to our D2 students as well as other students and staff members who will not return next school year, this is an important time to start planning to Leave Well. This is a concept that is essential in the expatriate and “Third Culture Kid” community, and worth investing in to ensure that there is an opportunity to properly prepare for a healthy ending and a wonderful new beginning.
With a long weekend to look forward to, this is a good time to begin thinking about how to say goodbye, and build a solid R.A.F.T. as one journey ends and another begins. In a March 2020 blog the author explains the elements of building a R.A.F.T. as we face transitions throughout our lives that benefit from a healthy process of grieving and dealing with changes. We encourage you to explore this concept and create a plan for the “Goodbyes/Kwaheris” and “Hellos/Mambos” to come in ways that will make the experience memorable while also helping to build resilience for further changes in this thing called life.
COMING SOON: D1 (and M5) Parent Meeting on 5 May 2021 to begin exploring the forthcoming college planning process and application steps. Please attend if you are able as we lay out some of the essential information that will help you, and your child, prepare for the upcoming application process.
In preparation for this meeting, we welcome you to review the College Board International University Talk from 17 April where they discussed aspects of theadmissions process for major destinations around the world.
In addition, virtual events will continue to be added to the Upcoming Visits List, so please be sure to review and sign up to attend one or two that interest you. Then continue to talk with your child about what you learned and how this might apply to their post-secondary plans. We look forward to receiving and reviewing the plan drafts that all D1 are expected to submit by 30 April. Ask your D1 student about their plan, and have them share it with you as well.
As always, we welcome you to access resources that we have compiled in the COVID-19 Counselor Resources to support many of the mental health needs that will arise during this time.
Take care and stay well,
UWCEA School Counseling Team