Dear Parents,
As the break approaches, I wanted to share with you the accessibility to the pool during the break as many of you will be here in Arusha at some point.
The pool will close this Friday after school, and will re-open on Saturday 19th December.
During this time there will be no access for anyone to the pool. Kevin and his team are ensuring maintenance is completed, so for everyone’s safety the pool will be shut.
Once the pool reopens on Saturday 19th, there will be a lifeguard there on duty most days. The exact timings will vary depending upon jobs and tasks that need completing. We are having a sign put on the entrance that will tell people when it is open and a lifeguard present and this will be updated daily by Kevin.
During these times, people are welcome to swim and use the pool as they please.
If the gate is locked and no lifeguard is present, this means the pool is not open to anyone.
Do not jump the fence, or believe that this does not apply to you. Keys are not to be handed out and the guards have been informed of this.
Wishing everyone a pleasant break and safe use of our wonderful pool,
Matt Uffindall
Athletic Director
Arusha Campus