Wellness Wednesday Weekly 23 September

Wellness Wednesday Weekly

Volume 2 Issue 7

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

What Messages Are You Sending Yourself?

Learn more about these strategies here

Greetings UWCEA Community,

What is the first message you hear when you wake in the morning?

When you make a mistake, what is the first thing you say to yourself?

When you hear someone say something negative about you, what is your internal response?

As you continue your self-care routine, pause and think about the messages you are telling yourself about yourself. Are those messages positive and encouraging, or are they negative and demeaning? What is the voice you hear the most each day of your life saying to you at challenging times?

The concept of self-talk is one that we experience frequently throughout our lives, but do not necessarily think about how it is impacting us. The more we consider the messages we are sending ourselves, the more we are able to build our confidence and approach new situations with a healthy mindset.

A recent blog, by the Anna Freud Centre for Children and Families, explored the impact of changing the narrative we tell ourselves, and the effect it has on our self-care. It also explored some of the ideas children shared about their experiences with self-talk, which can be very empowering in times of challenge. Here is the link to learn more about the impact self-talk can have in your life.

We would like to share some additional resources with you as this is a field that continues to grow as a way to deal with whatever life brings our way. Please take a moment to adjust the messages you give yourself by reading these articles when you take some time to listen and reflect:

Self-Talk as the Ultimate Self-Care (Psychology Today)

Steps to Follow To Use Self-Talk as a Strategy To Deal With Feelings of Stress and Anxiousness (Dialogue, August 2020) 

These strategies work well when you are in a good space mentally and physically. This is why we continue to encourage you to take some time to practice mindfulness and calming activities to ensure you are ready to receive the positive messages that you deserve, and have the mental strength to counteract the negative ones.

Feed Your Mind Super Food

Link to more information about this image

Just like we take time to consider the foods we put into our bodies, take some time this over the next week to think about the types of messages you want to pass through your mind.

Last Friday, as we watched heroes of all types walk around the Moshi campus, we can only imagine the inner dialogue of the amazing individuals they were embodying. Even in stressful times, we have to believe that our heroes have positive messages for themselves before they head off to tackle amazing feats for others. There is a connection between resilience and self-talk, which our heroes truly exemplify. Think of what Nelson Mandela had to tell himself all those years when he was in prison, and when others came against him in his pursuit of a unified nation. What super messages can you give yourself in times of challenge or conflict?

Since September is ending next week, we wonder where are you on the Action for Happiness Self-Care September Calendar? Try to end this month in a way that will help you persevere in the months ahead. In addition, we welcome you to join our friends at UWC Waterford Kamhlaba for a special presentation on Digital Citizenship and the impact of the messages that are promoted on social media. This presentation is part of their speaker series, and tonight’s event features psychologist Dr. Pernille Henson. Please feel free to register on this link for this evening’s special conversation. Although this is late notice, we look forward to sharing additional events as they become available. We also welcome you to share information about other events that our community would benefit from as we support our collective well-being. Please feel free to send information to Counselor_moshi@uwcea.org to be included in future Welness Wednesday blogs.

Take a pause, listen carefully as you create wonderful messages for yourself.

Stay well,

Your UWCEA Wellbeing Committee