Wellness Wednesday – 20 May 2020



Letting Go & Creating Space for Something New

Greetings UWCEA Community,

Joseph Campbell once said, “We have to let go of the life we planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” Although we talk so much about planning and preparing for what’s next, sometimes that act of letting go is the simplest way to live life more fully and flexibly, especially in challenging times such as these. This is by no means meant to suggest that we live a life of reckless abandonment and throw caution to the wind, but it is to say in little ways, it is important to take time to release some of the things we hold onto in life that keep us from being present and enjoying the moments.

Today we are celebrating Device Free Day in the primary community of the Arusha Campus, which is a perfect way to practice letting go, at least for a day. We encourage everyone to spend some time away from their devices today (after you read this newsletter of course) and continue to connect with people and projects that are meaningful in your life. We hope that some of you have been practicing something new like mindful eating, or spend some time taking mindful breaths or walks. The more you let go of things that can create distractions in your life, the more you create space for things that bring fulfillment and balance. That is something that we hope will continue after the pandemic is no longer a part of our lives.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, and we have just added some resources in the COVID-19 Counselor Resources document that we hope you will tap into to continue to work on your mental health and/or to support those around you who may be struggling during this time. The focus this week is on Be Kind to Your Mind, and this brief video is a poetic way to approach this concept. (It is also National Poetry Month in the U.S. for all you poets who know it.) We are all a work in progress, and the more we use this time to focus on building our self-awareness and self-concept, the more prepared we will be to face whatever life brings our way next. A recent blog by Dr. Marc Brackett speaks to the realities and the possibilities at this time.

Last week’s focus on trying something new is an ongoing theme, and we continue to encourage and support those of you who seek to go beyond the boredom and uncertainty to explore new opportunities.

The Moshi PYP Student Voice met this past Saturday to come up with ideas to keep our community positive and engaged during this last month of school. We are so inspired by our young leaders, and can’t wait to see the healthy foods we turn ourselves into on Friday and the delicious recipes that will be shared. Event Flyer

We are also impressed with the ways our community is looking out for our health care professionals. From the amazing collection of items that are being donated to KCMC, to Cody, Caedmon and Magnus on the Arusha campus who have been diligently working to create masks for hospital workers using the 3-D printer at school. Being kind to others is a great way to thrive during this time.

Finally, we continue to encourage you to try something new, and this recent news story explains creativity behind the image below and the dose of inspiration it is generating.

Be well,
Your UWCEA Wellbeing Committee

P.S. Here is a beautiful tribute to the Class of 2020, and anything that you have to let go of at this time. Here’s To You by Abby Bannon. Amazing when we create something new by letting go of disappointment. Here’s to the best for all of you.