Arusha Campus Newsletter 8th December 2018
Dear Parents
On Thursday evening, proud parents were treated to a fantastic yuletide version of the Umoja Music Concert (above).
The School was rocked this week by the news of the death of one of our parents, Julie Thaarup (pictured right). Julie died suddenly of a pneumonia related illness on Friday. Her funeral took place today and was led by her brave mother, brother and sister who had travelled from Denmark, and of course her dear husband Manase and son Marcus. Julie was laid to rest in Machame on Kilimanjaro not far from her place of birth in October 1972. May her soul rest in peace and may comfort come to her bereaving relatives and friends.
Please don’t forget to come along to the latest drama in the Arora-Dixon School production line – A Little Shop of Horrors! This is a comedy about a meek flower shop assistant Seymour (Alfie) who pines for co-worker Audrey (Desire). During a total eclipse, he discovers an unusual plant he names Audrey II, which feeds only on human flesh and blood. The growing plant attracts a great deal of business for the previously struggling store. After Seymour feeds Audrey’s boyfriend, Orin (Nitzan), to the plant after Orin’s accidental death, he must come up with more bodies for the increasingly bloodthirsty plant! A ludicrous story that you simply cannot miss!
Finally, please come along to our end of year assembly which is due to start at 11am. The assembly will be followed by dismissal for all at 12pm.
All students are exopected back for the start of the new quarter on Tuesday 8th January 2019.
Have a super weekend,
From the Primary and Secondary Schools
The second to last week of the semester has been a busy one: an OP expedition to Mount Hanang, rehearsals for ‘Little Shop of Horrors’, an Umoja concert and all the other day-to-day activities associated with a busy school. We congratulate all those who participated in OP and Umoja, and wish those in the play all the best for next week.
Please note that this week was the last week for CCAs and that there will be no CCAs next week. As such, buses will be leaving campus at 14.45 each day.
On Friday we will have a whole school assembly starting at 11.00. School will then finish at 12 noon.
We will be issuing Semester One reports to all parents of students across PYP, MYP and Diploma on Friday; these will be emailed directly to parents.
This weekend, ISM will have a tent at the Arusha Community Fair: please come and say hello if you can.
Have a good weekend,
OP Level Three Trip to Mount Hanang
This week, M3 and D1 students of our campus went to the marvelous and challenging Mount Hanang to complete the third level of the OP programme. Led by Mr Olivier, Ms Tanya and Mr Samwel, the trip turned out to be a great learning experience of rock climbing, water and food management, team building and more. Almost everyone could reach the (more than) 3,400-meter summit and enjoy a 360 degree of the region of Katesh, Babati, and other areas surrounding the Rift Valley. There is no doubt that our Arusha Campus students are ready to tackle level 4, and we wish them good luck in their next expeditions!
Swahili Share Time
Who Says Mathematics Can’t Be Fun?
Even Math classes entered into the festive spirit this week. Here are Manu, Maheen and Asad creating 3-dimensional Christmas decorations under the helpful eyes of Miss Carolin.
EC Animal Adventures
Over the past semester, EC have been immersed in the world of animals. As part of our Sharing the Planet unit, EC have been on three field trips and welcomed four guest speakers. We learned about different relationships between humans and animals, and how we help and care for animals.
We visited the Harrison’s farm, the Franciscan convent and Meserani Snake park. We welcomed Dr Lena Wensel to tell us about being a vet, Mama Thouraiya who taught us about the Big 5, Dr Tim Davenport (pictured right) who explained how the WCS helps humans and animals and Baba Alera (Ethan Kinsey) who showed us skulls and told us about how rangers help to protect animals. Thank you very much for all the help and support we have had during this unit, the students have all been extremely enthusiastic and have really learned a lot.
Basic First Aid course
Congratulations to the following students and staff who successfully completed their Basic Emergency First Aid Course: Luke McKee, Cody Brown, Gaby Bowen, Bram Davidson, Caedmon Swanson, Mia Sorensen, Magnus Fischer, Avalon Fischer and Alina Zulfikar.
This course was a six hour course and covered basic emergency first aid skills (initial response, primary survey, CPR, airway management, recover position, dealing with cuts, bleeding, burns …). Student will received their First Aid Certificate during assembly on the last day of school.
Due to the popularity of this course, we are planning to offer another one in Semester 2. Further information will be published in the newsletter in Quarter 3.
Swimming Gala Results
Primary Swim Gala
Team Rankings – Through Event 77 Combined Team Scores
1st – Scis Titans 1,625.50 (Trophy will be delivered)
2nd – Kennedy House International School 1,615
3rd – Arusha Cumpus 1,480
4th – Ism Leopards 1,446
5th – Braeburn Arusha 944
6th – Jaffery School 324
Secondary Swim Gala
Team Rankings – Through Event 54 Combined Team Scores
1st Ism Leopards 1,023 (Trophy will be delivered)
2nd Ismac 893
3rd Braeburn Arusha 820
4th Scis Titans 744
5th Kennedy House International School 299
Jaffery School 176
Joseph’s Coat – The Moshi Campus Production
On Thursday and Friday this week, the Moshi community was treated to a masterpiece of drama in ‘Joseph’s Coat’ (see picture above), the campus production. The show received rave reviews all round and congratulations go to the Moshi student cast as well as to teachers George, Owain and Mary for their roles in the production of the event.
eAssessments for M5 students
On Friday, M5 students completed thier first mock English on-screen exam in the IT Lab for two hours. Next week they will complete mocks in I&S, Sciences, Math and interdisciplinary learning. The aim of those sessions is for students to familiarise themselves with the format and content of on-screen examinations as well as with the IT tools required to prepare for their final on-screen examinations in May 2019. Another mock examination session is planned for Semester 2 and past exams from 2015, 2016 and 2017 are available for additional practice at home. Students are reminded to bring an external hard drive to copy the past on-screen exam from the school server as the exam packages are too big to share on ManageBac.
International Schools Theatre Association
We are delighted to announce that ISMAC will be hosting an International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA) festival from 10th-12th May, 2019. ISTA is a fantastic organisation which brings professional actors and directors to work with students over three days to create a final performance. Schools will be coming from all over the world. If your son/daughter is interested in drama and theatre, this is an opportunity which should not be missed!
Please see the website for more details: https://ista.co.uk/ There is also a video available, which gives more insight, here: https://vimeo.com/271338526
We are hosting a middle school festival which will be aimed at 10-14 year olds. The cost for participating students from our school will be approximately 600,000tsh, which includes all of the workshops, transportation to and from trips, and food, plus a t-shirt. We will also require students who take part to host two students from visiting schools. This will most likely be from 9th-12th May. During this time, some of their meals will be provided by school but some will need to be provided by their host families, as well as transportation to and from school for rehearsals (which your own child will also be attending).
We have 20-30 places available and these will be filled on a first come, first served basis. If you would like to register your child(ren), please email Miss Arora at amya@ismac.ac.tz .
We are so excited about this amazing opportunity!