Rolling Along
Even though we are entering the final weeks of the school year there is still a lot going on. For example, the D1 students are looking at the “group 4” science project, which is a Diploma requirement and then they spend a concentrated three days looking at Theory of Knowledge Presentations. For the M1 to M4 students they have their service projects that they have been planning for this quarter. In the Primary, the P6 students will get a taste of MYP on Wednesday with the Move-up day. Clubs and other events are also still going on with U11 Rugby and the South Pare OP trip this weekend. Never a dull moment at ISM.
Please note that the last day of school is Thursday June 14th when we will have the end of year assembly. If you are planning to leave early, please let us know so we can plan accordingly.
Coffee Morning
We will have the quarterly Coffee Morning on Tuesday the 29th at 7:45am in the Social Center. All parents are invited to join Anna and me to talk about the school and Moshi campus. We look forward to seeing you there.
Bob Cofer
Graduation Photos
Parents and students, please use this link to access the photos and the video from graduation last week. Please note that we have kept the photos as large-scale images, so you may print them in full quality. The video is also a 2 GB file so that you get the best quality. This means however that downloading may take some time.
Mosh Graduation 2018
AMEG Tennis Tournament – Register Now
AMEG Tennis Tournament on Moshi Campus
ISM is organizing a two-day tennis tournament in collaboration with AMEG Lodge.
Saturday 9th June 2018 for ALL categories from under 8 years to 19 years
Sunday 10th June 2018 for ADULTS
Closing date for entries will be Monday June 4th at 16.00 hours.
Player is only allowed to take part in one age category.
Please check the notice board at the venue for match schedules.
In case of any problem during the match, the referee’s decision will be final.
Registration fee: Free for students and for adults as well.
For adults, maximum of 24 participants allowed, on a first come basis first served basis.
To register please complete the attached form and return it to rickfitzpatrick@ed.ismoshi.com
Collect a sign up form from the breezeway at the school
If you have any further queries, you may contact the tournament coordinator rickfitzpatrick@ed.ismoshi.com
Diploma News
The ISM DP class of 2019 has completed the first two days of their end-of-year examinations and these exams continue on Monday and Tuesday. In each DP subject, a two-hour assessment is given, and the results of these assessments will provide an overview of each student’s level of progress in each of subject. This grade is listed on the end of year reports as a separate mark from the semester mark.
Parents are encouraged to attend the parent-teacher meeting on Thursday June 14th. This is a special day as it will be followed by a traditionally moving year-end assembly where ISM bids farewell to teachers who will be moving on. Current ISM DP CAS Coordinator/English Literature teacher Mr. Anthony Hemmens will, as of August 1, become the ISM IB DP Coordinator. The ISM 2018-2019 academic year starts on Monday August 13th for the new D1 class with orientation to the programs, so they start off on the right track. One-to-one course selection meetings with incoming D1 students commence this week. Unsurprisingly given the great reputation of ISM’s DP, enrollment numbers for the new D1 class are looking robust.
Rick Fitzpatrick
MYP News
M5 Ceremony
As parents you should have received an invitation by email to attend the M5 Ceremony on Friday June 1st. The ceremony is scheduled to start at 2pm in Rafiki Hall and will be followed by refreshments outside. We look forward to seeing all of you there.
M4 End Year Examinations
The M4 students will be finishing their end of year exams this week.
Other events in the MYP calendar include:
May 28 – 31 M5 Preparation for the M5 Ceremony
June 8-12 – MYP Service Focus Days
David Ochieng
Boarding News
Our D2 boarders have all left campus for home after a colorful graduation ceremony last weekend. For some this is a big event as they have been boarders at ISM for many years.
M5 students completed their exams and have completed their week of work experience in different firms. The majority of M5 boarders opted to have their experience in Moshi town, while others chose to go and do this from home. They will be back in school next week, to prepare for their ceremony, which is scheduled for Friday 1st June.
On that note, we wish to remind the parents of M5 boarders to make arrangements for their children, as they will be free to leave campus after the ceremony.
M5 and D1 students started their end year exams on Thursday, and will finish next week.
Various activities have been planned to engage boarders this weekend, including a social evening in Kisiwa, the Diploma boys’ dorm.
Rosemary Bango
Sports News
We have now come to the close of the sporting year. The ISM Sports Department would like to take this time to say a BIG THANK YOU to all coaches, parents and students who helped make the sporting year a great one! Below you will see the final placing of all ISM NTAA Teams for the school year 2017-2018
Athletics 4th Place
U15 Boys Basketball 2nd Place
U15 Girls Basketball 6th Place
U19 Boys Basketball 1st Place
U19 Girls Basketball 6th Place
U15 Boys Football 6th Place
U15 Girls Football 6th Place
U19 Boys Football 5th Place
U19 Girls Football 2nd Place
U15 Netball 4th Place
U19 Netball A & B teams 1st Place and 3rd Place
An excellent job all around by everyone!
Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard
Primary Sports
Congratulations to our committed cross country runners who competed at Kennedy House last weekend. They each ran a 1km course, or a 2.5km course, depending on their age category. Many thanks to Simon Mtuy for coaching them so well this Quarter.
Thanks also to Coach Eli for organising the exciting Primary Interhouse Badminton Competition which took place on Friday morning. More than half the children in Primary School signed up to take part, with the rest cheering them on from the sidelines. The results are as follows:
P1 – P3 winning house: Meru (player of the competition: Kamili D)
P4 – P6 winning house: Kibo (player of the competition: Ian K)
We wish our U11 Touch Rugby team all the best for their tournament at St Constantine’s on Saturday. Thank you Coach Scott and Coach Sabini for taking them.
Kate Schermbrucker
Chess Academy
Students from the Primary and Secondary School enjoyed having the chance to learn or improve their chess skills under the tuition of Coach David on Wednesday afternoon. Thanks to Mr Anthony for organising this.
Thanks to all the parents who came to watch the Muffins for Mums and Dads Primary Assembly on Monday morning. We hope you enjoyed the presentations from each class. I know some made me laugh, some made me think and some even brought tears to my eyes. Well done children!
The Brownies (Girl Scouts) had a fun time at Camp which ran from Friday afternoon through until Saturday morning. The girls got to swim, draw, makes arts & crafts, eat homemade cakes and lots more. Thank you Red Owl (aka Ms Deborah) for organising this adventure.
The Primary students are now delving more deeply into their inquiries and starting to form conclusions. Thanks to all the parents who have been supporting the work taking place in class, e.g. by answering questions about growing up (P5 and P6) or answering questions about their family history (P1/2). By helping us at home you make the learning which occurs in class that much more real and easy for the children to connect to.
Kate Schermbrucker
This week EC took action through the PYP. The children empathised with Cinderella, Aladdin and the Pauper in our ‘rags to riches’ stories. They discussed and made connections to their own lives, concluding that they are lucky whilst some are less so.
They were provoked to think about about the effect of the rains on people in our local hospital. They identified that blankets might help with the cold. They went on to think about how they could source these blankets, and agreed in the end to produce artwork to sell within our community. As you know, the children have worked a great deal with art this year and this was a fantastic opportunity for them to apply learning to a real life situation.
The children raised over TZ110,000 with the help of our community. Thank you.
Dr. Marieke from KCMC will visit to tell us more about how our blankets will be used. This gives the children a chance to reflect on the action they took and to extend their understanding of how it fits within the PYP Learner Profile.
The children have also been looking into the Epic of Gilgamesh this week. We are coming to the end of this final Unit and will begin our assessments soon. Swimming remains optional next week.
Owain Evans
This has been a week full of writing activities which you will soon enjoy. The children have been writing letters to family members full of quite interesting details. Some of you will laugh and cry when you read them as you find out how they are always thinking of you. They have also been working on completing their picture journals and writing down their thoughts and feelings about their pictures. Next week we will be working on tracing our personal journeys on a world map.
Thank you Ms. Kate for sharing your family journey with us on Wednesday. The children were amazed at how your family has touched almost every continent in the world.
Math investigations are still underway. This week, the children were inquiring into what weighs more or less than a kilogram and what a kilogram feels like. Next week they will be looking into what liquids are and how we can measure them for different purposes.
Show and Tell: Rhea and Sabine
Mboka Mwasongwe
This week the P2/3 children enjoyed a visit to our Design Room. The children saw excellent designs and creation made by our secondary school students. The children were very curious as to how the machines worked and what the different pieces did. Thank you, Mr. Jootna, for this excellent opportunity.
Thank you to those of you who sent in an old t-shirt. The children enjoyed turning the t-shirt into a reusable shopping bag. Thank you to Mehar for teaching the class a way to help the environment.
This week the class will be reflecting on the school year and these reflections will be used in their reports. They will also be choosing a style of writing that they have enjoyed and developing that into a poem or non-fiction story. In reading the children will be working on reading aloud and thinking about the way they read. In Math we are reviewing the concept of time.
Have a lovely weekend
Clare Hibbard
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We had a lovely chance to appreciate those who care for us this week during our special assembly on Monday. The children enjoyed sharing the poem they had written as a class and the beautiful art work they had designed to show the wonderful relationships they have with these influential people. Some of these powerful statements included:
“You are the bow, I am the arrow” -Scarlet
“I am your princess, you are my Queen.” -Tanya
“I am the car, you are my driver. If we crash, your love will pick us up.” – Malveer.
In math this week we have been designing using shapes and deconstructing regular 2D shapes into new images. We are also looking at isometric shapes and how learning to manipulate these shapes is important especially if you are an interior decorator or video game designer.
In English we presented plays to the class and considered how prop design and sound effects can affect/impact the understanding of a text. For those who have students who struggle with reading comprehension please be reminded it is important to have them read aloud to you nightly.
For PE (Mondays) in the days ahead the students may opt to swim or play sport so they should bring running shoes if this is their choice. Also a pair of dry socks is sometimes handy if the field is a little damp.
Julie Bowen
This week we have inquired into how smoking can damage your lungs. On Monday we have some practical lung activities planned with the assistance of Dr. MacIvor, our secondary school biology teacher. We hope to carry out investigations concerning our own lung capacity and then dissect a lung. In Maths we will be working with money. Our language work will focus on follow up writing about our read aloud novel, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” and we will start listening to our new book, “The Boy in the Dress,” by David Walliams. On Friday 1st June the P5 class will present in the final Primary Gathering of the school year. I hope you will be able to join us in Rafiki Hall at 7:35 am.
Deborah Mills
Thank you to the mums and dads that could make it for the Muffins for Mums and Dads assembly. The presentations by the P6s were very touching and clearly they enjoyed writing their haikus.
This week in our unit of inquiry, we started working on the choices we make and consequences we face. In the coming week, we will be visiting Dr Mac in her lab so we can dissect some lungs to see their anatomy and carry out various related experiments. This is in relation to how we should take care of different organs in our bodies.
In Math, we will be doing some measuring activities e.g. lung capacity using a spirometer and will revise other concepts taught.
Thank you to students who managed to bring in different materials to decorate their scrapbooks, we will continue with this project towards our Summative Assessment.
We look forward to the P6 ceremony on Monday, 28th May at 7:35 a.m. in K-Hall. All P6s should be smartly dressed.
Cathy Wambua
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