Congratulations to P6
This past week the P6 students finished their Primary Exhibition. They did a wonderful job demonstrating all that they have learned over the last few months. This was a real demonstration of how education has changed since I was their age. I would like to congratulate them on a job well done. I would also like to thank Cathy, Catherine, Thadeus and Kate for all their work with the kids. And of course, a huge thank you to all the mentors and parents for their contributions, without which this would not have been so successful for the students.
For these students it is not the end however, just the start of a transition to MYP. Over the coming weeks there will be a transition day for the P6 to see what next year holds for them. Unfortunately, there is no transition day for us parents who will have middle school students for the first time.
This next weekend will be a transition as well for the D2 students, however, this one is also an ending. We will be saying goodbye to them and they will be saying goodbye to ISM – a place for some that has been their home for many a year. We will continue to follow their exploits from afar, and hope they keep in touch. I will see all of you and your parents next weekend.
Bob Cofer
Two-thirds of the D2 IB exam sessions have been completed. Each D2 student will be able to access their results on July 6th using their PIN code/password.
Next weekend’s Graduation Celebration will be wonderful. It all starts with the decorating of the Karibu Hall on Friday May 18th at 9am for students nd family. Other memorable events include:
a) Friday’s AMEG dinner at 6:30pm;
b) the 9am student only rehearsal on Saturday;
c) the photo session at 1:30 pm by the Dining Hall;
d) the graduation ceremony (with D2s singing – https://bit.ly/ISMDPclasssong2018 – see rehearsal photo). Karibu Hall Doors open at 2:00 pm (first-come, first-serve seating) for a 2:30 pm start;
e) the Graduation Tea from 4:30-6:30 pm in/around Rafiki Hall.
Meanwhile, the class of 2019 is preparing for their four days of end-of-D1-year-exams (May 24-29) with a 2-hour assessment in each subject. Parents ought to try to be present for the closing assembly/parent-teacher meeting on June 14.
Rick Fitzpatrick
MYP News
MYP Design Exhibitions
The MYP classes have designed products this quarter that they intend to exhibit on May 23 in the Design Room. Details will be communicated soon.
Subject Choices in M3 and M4
As indicated early in the year, students are required to make choices for the next academic year in their languages, arts and mathematics courses this quarter. Parents/Guardians are requested to discuss with students and consult teachers as appropriate. Students will be given comprehensive information to enable them to make informed choices. These choices inform their future courses at the DP and must be done with utmost care.
M4 End Year Examinations
As part of examination skills training, the M4 will do end year examinations from May 24-29 in all subjects except in Arts, PHE, Design and Life Skills. The exam schedule will be released by early next week.
Other events in the MYP calendar include:
May 21 – 25 – M5 Work Experience
May 28 – 31 – M5 Preparation for the M5 Ceremony
June 1 – M5 Ceremony
June 7 – 12 – MYP Service Focus Days
David Ochieng
ABRSM PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS Wednesday 16th May at ISM Music Department from 8.00am-3.15pm
The Examiner Dr Peter O’ Hagan is a very well respected concert pianist from London, United Kingdom. He has a Bachelor of Music and Master of Arts with honors from Cambridge University. He is also a Doctor of Philosophy and has been an Examiner with the Associated Board, Royal School of Music since 1979.
Please check your examinations times on the schedule outside the music department and make sure you arrive 20 minutes before exam time to prepare and make sure instruments are well tuned.
Mrs Mary Partlin will be there to assist students with tuning, preparation, and any last minute nerves and Mrs Ingrid Sievers will be accompanying all string players and singers.
Please note that parents and instrumental teachers are not allowed into the exam room.
Best of luck to all 22 candidates!
Mary Pantlin
Boarding News
The D2 students have continued to write their exams this week. A good number are finished with exams and have gone home for the weekend. Those who take Biology, Chemistry, Spanish and French will complete their exams next week. There will be a dinner hosted for all D2s, their parents and staff on Friday 18th in the evening at Ameg, followed by the graduation ceremony on Saturday the 19th in Karibu Hall. The D2 boarders will be free to leave school after the ceremony.
M5 students began their exams this week. They will do their last paper on Friday 18th May.
Renovations in the Kipepeo dorm are ongoing and should be completed by the end of June. Renovation in Kilele dorm will commence as soon as the Diploma boys leave.
Rosemary Bango
Sports News
To all students, please note practices are still going on until the final week of May 28th. It is important that you attend all practice sessions, as this off-season work helps improve fitness and skills.
Unfortunately, the weather got the best of us again, and the NTAA Netball competition at ISM was cancelled. At this time, we are still trying to re-schedule the games. We will keep you posted.
As the season and year progress please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard
Many congratulations to all our P6 students who were such fantastic communicators and risk takers this week. They did a wonderful job of presenting their Exhibition inquiries, actions and conclusions to the wider community, i.e. to ISM students, teachers and parents (some parents flew in from Dar and Sudan), the P6 class from the Arusha Campus and the children and teachers from Sokoine School. Thank you everyone for making the effort to attend and show support. The five P6 groups opened our minds and educated us about technology, pets, wild animals, plastic pollution and sport and health. The Exhibition is an 8 week journey of learning and taking responsibility and an exciting culmination to a child’s PYP education. On Monday our P6 children will travel to ISMAC to support the Arusha P6 class who will be delivering their Exhibition presentations on that campus.
Notice: All Primary parents are invited to the Muffins for Mums and Dads Assembly at 10.40 on Monday 21st May in Rafiki Hall. All children from EC to P6 will be presenting.
Kate Schermbrucker
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The children worked on a great Venn diagram this week through which we were able to sort the nursery rhymes we know into those with a happy ending, those with a hint of tragedy, and those with a little bit of both.
The children worked through a few simple and friendly assessments with me to inform our upcoming reports and next year’s teachers. Everyone did an absolutely fantastic job and I was very pleased to see not only their skills but their attitudes towards the task. The children were relaxed, confident and secure in their abilities and this shows me that they are well on the way to becoming truly successful learners and useful global citizens.
We had a lovely surprise drop in from Mithra and Tanya from P4, who had designed and produced dresses for two of our play dolls. Thank you!
Next week we’ll be looking into the story archetype Rags to Riches. Think Cinderella and Brewster’s Millions. Our theme will be Action and our attribute Caring. KCMC are desperate for blankets to combat the rainy season cold. We’ll see if we can help.
Owain Evans
This week, the children have been inquiring into how journeys help us learn about the past. They have been reading ‘Diary of a Worm’, ‘Diary of a Spider’ and ‘Diary of a Fly’; all written by Doreen Cronin. Apart from looking at story elements such as characters, setting and plot; they have been looking at how each diary tells us about the life journeys of the characters. We have also begun looking at how letters can serve as diaries, storing up information which tell us of our life journeys.
In mathematics this week, we have been measuring lengths using centimetres. Remembering to begin at zero and aligning a ruler correctly has been the highlight for P1s. Everyone has been involved in trying to choose which units to use when doing different tasks such as building shelves or baking cakes. Next week, we will be involved in weighing different items and learning the difference between grams and kilograms.
Show and Tell: Michael and Mahi
Mboka Mwasongwe
Well done to all the P2/3`s for a wonderful presentation during the Primary Gathering.
This week we have been busy working in groups creating our own water filter experiment. They have begun to research and create their own poster about water and how it is essential for life on earth. We will continue to observe our water filtration experiment and make predictions as to what will happen to the water.
In Math, we will be looking at number patterns. These will take the form of function boxes, what goes in? and what comes out? There will be an example for homework this week.
This week is Chantelay’s last week in school. We wish her and her family the best of luck back home in South Africa. You will be missed.
Monday – Homework
Tuesday – Library, PE
Wednesday: French
Thursday: Swimming
Friday: Homework returned
Happy weekend
Clare Hibbard
The students are loving designing and making in this unit. We have students who have created a range of prototypes including doll’s clothes for the EC kids, electric cars/planes and a variety of vehicles. Two students have already taken action by designing football kits in their free time so the primary students would have to wear the sports “bibs” and have surveyed all the kids on their preferences and presented it to Mr. Cofer. In English we are working on writing creatively and next week will look at how writers interview and create news articles based on research. In math we are digging deep into shape and understanding how it is is used in design and art. We will continue our work on time and review our multiplication and division strategies next week.
Julie Bowen
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Many thanks to those parents who have sent in photos of themselves and the P5 students at different stages of their life cycles. The children very much enjoy looking at these as part of their work on “Humans change physically, socially and emotionally throughout their life cycle.” If you haven’t had a chance to look for old photos there is still time – I’m happy to receive them at any stage of the unit.
We have started to inquire into helpful and unhelpful behaviours regarding staying healthy. Next week we will analyse the sleep diaries that the children have completed over the last 7 days and will work out the average amount of nightly sleep. The homework activity on Monday will be to keep a detailed food diary for 3 days. We will then use this information to consider our diets and whether they are balanced. Further areas of consideration will include exercise and water intake. Some of the children have brought in information books, x-rays etc. Please feel free to send it anything unit related that you think the children would find interesting.
The photo shows Imani and Camille using the sprayer to make graffiti.
Deborah Mills
The P6s have had an amazing 8-week journey, and the presentations this week were equally impressive. I would like to thank the parents, teachers, mentors, TAs, ancillary staff and other community members that worked with us throughout this process.
Our next unit is on changes we go through and choices we make that affect our bodies. Our inquiry is on; adolescence and change, consequences of the choices people make and strategies and techniques of dealing with physical, social and emotional changes. We are looking forward to the visit by Dr Henke, the experiment with Dr Mac and having Ms Kate come into class to share information on this unit.
From this coming week to the end of the quarter, Swimming lessons will be optional. Those who will not be swimming need to wear their P.E. clothes, as they will be having a different activity.
Cathy Wambua
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