Dear Parents,
At last we have reached the end of Quarter Three, and what a quarter it has been: just in the last week we have packed in a great deal of events and fun; enough to fill a number of newsletters.
Last weekend PYP students travelled to Moshi to take part in the primary sports weekend: U9 and U11 football, and 6-11 swimming. The students performed amazingly well and earned second place in U9 and U11 girls’ football, and U11 boys’ football. In swimming ISM Arusha won first prize for the overall event. Well done to all those who took part.
On Tuesday evening we hosted our annual D2 Visual Art & M5 Personal Project (PP) Exhibition (see picture above). This event showcased the amazing artwork of Leila Scheltema of D2 and the PP products of our fantastically creative M5 students. A massive congratulations to all students and thanks to all the supervisors, Miss Linda, Miss Larpent and Mr Olivier.
Wednesday saw us suspend lessons in PYP and open up the primary school for the PYP Student Led Conferences. This was an opportunity for students to share their hard work and achievements from the year so far with parents.
On Thursday ISMAC experienced the sporting event of the year: the PYP fun swimming spectacular. This involved all students from EC to P6 taking part in fun challenges in the pool: events ranged from the “noodle pull” to underwater slalom; the tire relay to water polo. Fun was had by all, especially Mr Bowen when he was thrown in the pool. Thanks to all staff who helped make this such a success, especially Mrs Liz for her organisational skills.
Friday saw the end of our first MAP testing session. All students across P4 to M3 have now completed tests in Maths, Language and Reading, with M3 also completing science. More details will follow after the Easter break regarding the results and next steps.
I wish you all a restful break and hope to see everyone refreshed and ready for the final quarter of 2017-18, which begins on Wednesday 4 April.