Dear Parents,
It has been another busy, if short, week this week. We have been immersed in languages with Mother Tongue Day on Thursday.
In PYP parents and teachers led language based activities in their mother tongue: these included Polish songs, Hebrew stories, Dutch games, German games and rhymes, Swahili games, Swedish games, sign language, Spanish dancing, Italian stories and French vocabulary. The morning culminated in a sharetime, followed by a Swahili cafe of mandazi and juice.
In secondary, students and teachers came together to share a common story read in six languages: Mandarin, German, Dutch, French, Swahili and finally in English. The common story was Little Red Riding Hood and yes I think I was the last to guess correctly! Students were grouped into their houses and competed to show their knowledge of world language in a language quiz. Congratulations to Kibo for leading the way.
I would like to thank all parents, staff and students for their time and effort in celebrating the diversity of language we have at ISM.
Next week we celebrate book week: look out for details later in this newsletter.
Enjoy the weekend,