Work Experience Location Details
We need these by Thursday February 1 to facilitate preparations, please submit these as soon as you have them.
Personal Project Exhibition
We invite you to come to the M5 Personal Project Exhibition on Tuesday February 6 in Karibu Hall from 10:35 am to 2:00pm.
ePortfolio, PP and Assessments
The M5 students are on the last stretch of the year. Draft 2 of the PP reports are now with teachers for feedback. Similarly ePortfolio assessments in Language Acquisition(English, French), Arts (Drama, Music, Visual Arts), PHE and Design assessments are going on. The assessments will culminate with the Mocks on March 6-8.
Careers Day
M5 students will join D1 students on Thursday March 22 for a Careers Day. We intend to invite professionals within our community to present to students on various sectors including but not limited to Business, Architecture, Medicine, Education, Engineering, Law, Tourism and the NGO sector.
We invite professionals within our community to help in the presentations and/or give suggestions of other sectors we may have left out. Please contact me or Mr. Rick Fitzpatrick for more details.
David Ochieng