Meeting Current and Potential new Parents
This weekend Anna Marsden, Rosemary Bango and myself were at the Sea Cliff in Dar es Salam. I thank those parents of existing students who took the time to meet with us and talk about their experiences with ISM. On Saturday we presented to a group of potential students and their parents. I, for one, was impressed with the amount of knowledge they already had about ISM before they arrived.
I would also like to congratulate the members of the primary and secondary athletics teams for their efforts in Arusha this weekend. I hope that fun was had by all.
Please note that we have only five weeks left in the semester and that there will be reports and conferences for both Primary and Secondary that final week. We also have the ISM Secondary Sports Weekend starting on Friday November 24th with nearly 600 students joining us from the Arusha campus and 11 other schools. We invite you to come and enjoy the sports and festive atmosphere.
Class and Portrait Photos for Sale
You will remember that the PTA took class photos and individual portrait shots of all the primary and secondary students some weeks ago. These are now available for you to buy. This year you can choose to buy a bundle of photos or individual portrait shots.
Bundle A: DIGITAL ONLY Digital classroom picture and digital individual portrait (photos will be sent by email after payment) TSH 15.000
Bundle B: HARD COPY ONLY printed class picture (large) and printed individual portrait (small) TSH 12.500
Bundle C: DIGITAL and HARD COPY printed classroom picture (large) and printed individual portrait (small) & digital copies TSH 22.500
Bundle D: HARD COPY Fill in the number of photos you would like to order (this bundle can be combined with bundle A)
D. 1 printed classroom picture is (Classroom – C) : 5.500 Tsh 8×6 inch
D. 1 printed large Individual portrait is (Large Individual – LI): 5.500 Tsh 8×6 inch
D. 1 printed small Individual is (Small Individual – SI): 3000 Tsh 6×4 inch
Payment should be made in full at the ISM Reception Desk. All profits raised will go to the ISM scholarship fund.
Gelske Noorlander (PTA)
This past week the D2 students submitted their Extended Essays and celebrated with an ice cream/music party (see photo). The D1 students will commence their EE research/writing in January 2018. Also ths past week, Daryl Rustad, our university counselor, addressed the D1 students and met with many of the D2 students concerning their university plans.
Rick Fitzpatrick
MYP News
The next Parent Teacher Conference is just a month away on Dec 15 in the morning. We encourage parents to come and discuss the students’ progress on this day. Meanwhile student grades continue being posted on Managebac by teachers.
M5 Students
The M5 candidates have begun the final phase of their Personal Project by refining their reports. At this time, they have started the ePortfolio assessments in French and English Language Acquisition, PHE, Design and the Arts. We request for support and understanding for these candidates to enable them be successful at the end of the year.
Community Service
After the M5 students’ painting work at Kidachini Primary School some weeks back, we are delighted at the work M3 students are currently doing at the Day Care Centre in ISM. We ask parents to encourage and support them.
David Ochieng
The first quarter of this semester saw the establishment of the ISM CAS Committee, set up under the caring guidance of Gurpreet, our volunteer from India. In this second quarter the role and function of the committee has increased, with a remit covering fundraising for Service activities, support for new Service initiatives and publicity for Service activities.
The committee consists of a hard-working team of dedicated students: Anam Lodhi (D1), Cynthia Mchechu (D1), Edwin Sanga (D1), Faith Makgao (D1), Kennedy Boniface (D1), Magreth Baraka (M5), Safiya Khaki (D1), Ziafatema Gulamali (D1).
Presently the committee is assisting with the establishment of the Animal Welfare Service activity. Fritzi, from the Village to Village orphanage and animal sanctuary, is visiting ISM on Monday to talk to all secondary school students about animal welfare issues in and around the Moshi area.
Dominated by D1 students the committee is open to everyone in the ISM community; all grades, all stakeholders (students, teachers, staff, parents). If you want to get involved and become part of this group – Karibu sana. If you want to organise something with the ISM community with a Service orientation, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Mr. Anthony
Boarding News
We marked the end of another vibrant week in boarding.
The activities council met on Tuesday and planned for yet another interesting list of weekend activities. Key among these was the social event for the Diploma boarders, where they met in a grand like opening of the new boys’ dorm, Kisiwa. The food council also met and shared ideas on issues touching on the dining hall.
The boarding council meets every second week to discuss issues relating to boarders. In their meeting last week, they came up with great suggestions of how the old Diploma boys’ dorm, Kipepeo could be improved before the next school year.
Rosemary Bango
Sports News
This past Saturday November 4th and Wednesday November 8th our U15 and U19 Basketball and Football teams were in action. Unfortunately, the basketball games were cancelled to due heavy rain in Arusha, but the football games carried on, and the boys won 2 and tied 1 while the girls won all three games. On Wednesday St Jude’s School traveled to ISM for U19 boys and girls football both games were highly contested and close, with the ISM girls winning and the boys losing a tough one 0-1. Upcoming events are listed below. Yesterday the students participated in the NTAA Secondary School Athletics Meet at ISMAC.
November 18th – U15 Basketball and U19 Football NTAA Games
November 24, 25, 26th – The 17th Annual Secondary School Sports Weekend.
As the season and year progress please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard
It was quite the experience as we climbed through a great amount of rain up to the Mandara Huts with M1. The M1 students did a fantastic job with their attitudes and patience on this trip with each other. We trekked through the rain to reach our final destination of a warm yet damp bed in the hut which seemed to be heaven on earth. There was a lot of laughter, some A-Z animal guessing games and beauty surrounding us as we made the climb up and down Kilimanjaro on November 4-5. Great job and well done to all of Moshi students and Arusha students for completing Level 1 with Miss Alley, Miss Alina, Mr Bowen and ISM’s very own Director, Dr Marsden! Safi sana and hongera to all.
Washing Hands Poster Competition
Congratulations to the winners of our poster competition. The competition was run as part of the Healthy Living Week.
Secondary Winner: Doris van Zwetselaar
Primary Winner: Imani Donnelly
The winning designs will be made into posters and displayed in the toilets around the school, i.e. to remind everyone to wash their hands after they have used the toilet.
UWC Short Course for students
For more information see Mr Hemmens, Mr Fitzpatrick or Mr Ochieng.
It was lovely to welcome back the P5 and P6 children from their Camp to Simba Farm on Wednesday. They behaved beautifully on the overnight field trip and learned lots about the farm, the earth’s resources, independence, teamwork and resilience. Many thanks to the teachers and TAs who cared for the children so nicely whilst they were away.
We are now coming up to the final week of the P1 – P6 units of inquiry. This week the children will finish off their summative assessment work and reflect on their learning from throughout the second unit.
Notice: The new stock of ISM hats and ISM and Leopard t-shirts arrived a few days ago. You can purchase them from the ISM Reception Desk. We still have plenty of ISM swimming costumes in stock as well.
Reminder: If you child has lost a belonging, you can take them to search in the Lost & Found which is located at the Reception Desk. It’s always a good idea to label your child’s items with their name; particularly items such as t-shirts (which are hard to distinguish), hats, water bottles and lunch boxes.
Kate Schermbrucker
This week we worked to produce some fantastic art based on the ‘glow in the dark’ properties of various living things in the ocean and on land. We developed some scientific vocabulary and were amazed at the beauty of the living world. We began to think about how we humans interact with the Earth by designing our own bio-engineered inventions based on properties of bio-luminescence.
Some of our designs were:
Atu: a frog which jumps over your bed in the dark leaving soothing arcs of light
Vicky: a plant and a large mushroom that you keep by your bedside to glow in the night
Kayla: a luminescent banana headtorch (edible after use)
Tiago: a deep sea diving light based on fluorescent coral
We hope to bring some of these designs to life over the next few weeks and have contacted Daan Roosegaarde (https://www.studioroosegaarde.net/) for advice and comments.
Have a great weekend,
Owain Evans
What an interesting week we’ve had! All the children have been enthusiastically busy with their animal projects! They have written out their information, drawn some great pictures and now they are ready to assemble all their work on to a poster card. Next week will be busy!
Tomato seeds and bean seeds are being watched carefully every morning and every home time. Everyone is eager to see them sprout and grow into seedlings. We are responsible for our own plants. We need to water them and care for them ourselves. We are looking forward to see them grow.
The children were busy counting faces, vertices and edges of 3D shapes this week. They have also been looking for the shapes in everyday objects. Next week, they will begin to make 3D shapes using nets.
Phase 2: short vowel sound o
Phase 3: long vowel sound o
Show & Tell: Theo and Sharon
Mboka Mwasongwe
Dear P2/3 Parents,
Thank you for attending our Primary Gathering on Friday. Even though many children were attending the Primary Athletics the class performed well.
This week the children will be working on their summative assessment for the second unit. They will be busy writing How To’s? books, and teaching others their art or craft technique. Watch this space for an Art Exhibit date!!!
During Reading the children will be exploring the characters in their books. They will be looking at the different traits and why the author chose them.
In Math we will continue to work on solving word problems in a variety of ways. The children will also be writing more about how they solved their math work. Some children will be focusing on multi-step word problems.
Please ensure the children are coming to school with their home readers and materials they need each day – Thanks.
Monday: Homework.
Tuesday: Library and PE
Thursday: Swimming
Friday: Homework due in.
Have a nice weekend
Clare Hibbard
In P4 we have been working on solving word problems this week using our ever-growing multiplication skills. We are working to draw and explain our thinking in words. This is proving a challenge for even the most advanced mathematicians in our class. The students wanted to see how mud bricks were made back in ancient times. We put a modern spin on the process by making Lego molds for these shapes. The students are finding out that calculations are important in construction and without accuracy our final product will lack stability. We also used clay to make pots in the style of the Ancient Greeks with mud from our own backyard.
In English we have made our own mythological creatures and are developing vocabulary to describe these creatures effectively.
Next week the students would like to invite their parents for an Ancient Greek celebration on Wednesday at 12:15. So save the date and get your toga ready!
Julie Bowen
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We had a wonderful visit to Simba Farm along with the P6 class. The weather was kind to us (after a damp start) and the children enjoyed setting up and sleeping in the tents, exploring the vegetable garden, roasting marshmallows over a camp fire and hiking down to the river. Mr. Isaac Foya, supported by our teaching assistants Ms. Lydia, Ms. Catherine and Mr. Thadeus, prepared some delicious meals for us to enjoy. Mr. Willem, the farmer, explained to us the difficulties the farm faces obtaining enough water as there are other people competing for access to this precious and limited resource.
The children completed some insightful reflections on the camp experience which are displayed outside the classroom. The camp enabled the children to further their inquiry into natural resources and to see the problems and successes firsthand. It also gave them the opportunity to learn more about themselves, to celebrate the challenges they overcame and to identify goals for the future.
Next week will see the children finishing their work on their information books, designing a board game (the summative assessment for this unit) and working on area and perimeter.
Deborah Mills
The highlight of the week has been the camp trip to Simba Farm.
The children were well prepared with key questions and learned a great deal from Mr. Wilhelm who runs the farm together with his family. We had a chance to see different vegetables, a few of which some children had heard of but never seen. We saw a variety of farm animals and the hike to the river allowed the children to see an area with very minimal human action.
In the coming week, we will be presenting our Summative Assessments. Parents are welcome to the class on Wednesday, 15th November from 11:30 a.m to 12:30 noon.
We will also be inquiring into perimeter of regular polygons and that of a circle (circumference).
Cathy Wambua
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