Arusha Campus News – 28 Oct 2017

Arusha Campus Newsletter Saturday 28th October 2017

The P4/5 Class visited a real life recording studio with Mr Dixon and Mrs Lema this week to record a song for national TV. Stars in the making!

Dear Parents

We returned to school this week to hear the very sad news that one of our parents had passed away. Dr Alfred Kikoti (pictured right) was a leading light in the realm of elephant conservation and research. Among Dr Kikoti’s many achievements was his establishmenet of the Kesho Trust whose vision was not so far removed from that of UWC and ISM. He strived to create a world where healthy strong communities live in harmony with their environment. His wish was for his son to be educated in a school which shared these philosophies. Our thoughts are with his son Jesson (EC) and his family as they cope with their grief at this time.


From the Primary & Secondary Schools

The first week of Quarter Two began with a busy few days: Monday was the Canadian University fair, Tuesday saw M4 visit the UN for the UN Day Celebrations (see photo), Wednesday & Thursday were Secondary Parent-Teacher Conferences and on Friday we had an excellent PYP share-time including a Brazilian Jujitsu demonstration.

This quarter is relatively short with only eight weeks and it promises to be packed with events, learning and excitement.

This weekend we have Secondary students out with the DoE International Award practice hike, M3 out on the OP Level 3 trip to Mount Hanang and PYP students involved in U11 Football/Basketball at Kennedy House. We wish them all well.

On Thursday of this coming week we are pleased to present a bullying workshop for parents (see advert below). Please come along and learn how we can all make our environment more inclusive.

Have a great week,


Duke of Edinburgh International Award

The 2017/18 Duke of Edinburgh Award Cohort awaiting departure this morning

Our Duke of Edinburgh International Award practice hike got off to an early start this morning. Three groups of students will embark on the hike as part of their bronze award. At ISM we believe that not all learning happens in the classroom. Young people need experiences outside the classroom to become committed, responsible and fulfilled citizens of the world.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is available to all 14-24 year olds and is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It equips young people for life regardless of their background, culture, physical ability, skills and interests. Doing the Award is a personal challenge and not a competition against others; it pushes young people to their personal limits and recognises their achievements.

We wish our students and Mrs Bowen, Mr Dixon and Mr Emond the best of luck in their exploits.

M3 Poems

As part of our continuing series publishing our super M3 poetry, this week we are privileged to share a poem by Matilda Davenport entitled “Reflections on Life in Tanzania”

I feel guilty
There they are in their sensible clothes
Here I am with my skin on show
There they walk in their homemade shoes
Here I am with mine unused

On my way to school with my home clothes
On their way to school wearing a uniform 
Here I am getting dressed for a party about to open the doors
There they are about to get dressed for their weekly chores

Now I yawn about to go to bed
Now they yawn about to rest their sleepy heads
Wearing my pajama silk from Italy
Wearing their rough kangas wrapped around them tightly
Here I sleep in a warm comfortable bed
There they rest together in the dark snuggled up like a ball of thread
I feel guilty

Parent Workshop – Bullying: Thursday 2 November

On Thursday 2 November we will be holding a parent workshop for primary and secondary, focusing on bullying. This workshop will be led by Keri Kinabo, an experienced counsellor who has worked extensively in the USA and is now a parent at ISM Arusha. The workshop will focus on what bullying is, how we can empower students and how as adults we can facilitate change.

Please join us from 08.00 to 09.30.

M5 eAssessment Registration

All M5 students have now been registered for eAssessment. 

eAssessment comprises three strategies for assessing what students know and are able to do:

The ePortfolios (Arts, Design, French and Physical and Health Education) will be introduced at the end of Quarter 2 and will be completed throughout Quarter 3.
The on-screen examinations will take place in Quarter 4. They are two hours in duration and are offered for Individuals and Societies (May 8), Mathematics (May 10), English language and literature (May 11), Sciences (May 17), and Interdisciplinary learning (May 18).
The personal project is ongoing with the first deadline for students to submit their product on December 4.

Please see below the summary of the eAssessment model for 2018:

M1 Folktale Telling

On Thursday, October 26th, the M1s shared the African Folktales that they wrote in M1 English with a broader audience. Thanks to Mr. Phil, Miss Arora, Linda, Miss Ann-Joyce, and Miss Rosemary, who shared some folktales, as well.

Thanks to all the students, parents, teachers, and even grandparents from afar, who came to support the M1s.  In the end, the M1 Folktale Event was a fun celebration of both the M1s good work and of folktales, in general.

Assad recounting his story

Mrs Ann-Joyce with her African yarn

India tells us her folktale

Brazilian jiu-jitsu

Miss Rosemary looks as though she has grasped more than just the hang of jiu-jitsu in her short tutorial in assembly on Friday!

P4/5 on Star TV

The P4-5 students will soon be stars on StarTV on Saturday mornings as part of the program “Rafiki Gereji”! In spite of the challenges that the P4/5’s faced with temperamental power issues, they were able to pull off and produce a great piece of music!  We are looking forward to seeing the final product after the pieces are edited together.  We’ll keep you posted and share it with you when it is finished. 

Arusha Open Golf Tournament

Fresh off the success of Aliabbas, we continue to see great golfers coming out of ISMAC! In the prestigious tournament held on 14th and 15th October, Aryan won the Junior title and Aadi won the Junior Runner up. Congratulations to these boys.
