As we move towards the last week of the quarter, everyone is extremely busy.
In Primary was saw P3s visit Arusha airport; the students learnt all about the community of the airport, with tours of the Arusha Medivac plane (thanks Jac), the control tower and of course the fire station.
P3 also led our share time on Thursday, sharing what they have learnt in their unit on communities. Well done to P3.
On Friday we hosted the EC-P2 fun sports morning. There were so many great perfomances from the students and also the parents. Massive congratulations to all those who took part and a big thanks to Miss Liz for organising all the fun. There are a selection of photographs below.
Next week we will host primary 3-way conferences for students in EC-P6. These will take place on Wednesday and there will be no classes for Primary students. Parents should have receieved details of appointments from class teachers.
MYP & D2 Quarter One reports will be issued via email on Friday 6 October, which will be a half day, with early release at 12 noon.
After the October break, MYP & D2 parents and students will have the opportunity to discuss their progress at our parent-teacher conferences. These will take place on Wednesday 25 October. Further details will be issued with the reports.
Wishing you a fantastic last week,