Dear Parents,
I hope that all families received the appeal to support three surviving children from the Lucky Vincent school bus accident. Thanks to the many who have contributed so far and our total has reached over TSh 8m to date. If you are able to contribute by credit card or Paypal, please go to for more details. We are still trying to set up an MPesa receiving account and I will write again when this is ready.
This week leads into our major event of the year – Graduation – which takes place next Saturday. Our D2 students will finish their exams on Friday, have a special dinner with their families and teachers on Friday evening, and then lead into the full Graduation Ceremony on Saturday afternoon, which is followed by a Tea at the Director’s house. We wish them all the best for this very significant week.
Details are given below of our 2017 community survey which we are now distributing to all members of the community. This gives all the opportunity to tell us how you feel about many different aspects of the school and we really hope that you will be able to spend a few minutes completing this online.
This week we welcome our new Director, Anna Marsden, for her preliminary visit to the school. More details are below including information on her planned meeting with parents.
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ISM Community Survey
  Periodically, we ask all ISM parents, students, teachers, Board members and alumni, to complete a survey to tell us what they think of the many different aspects of the School. This information is then used to help us to identify our priorities for developing and improving the school in the year ahead. Within the next day you will receive an email giving you the link to the survey. There are slightly different questions for the different groups, so please only use the link that you receive through your own email address. Many thanks for your help.
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Anna Marsden
  Anna Marsden, who will be taking over as the Director of ISM in August, will be visiting the school this week to familiarise herself with our environment and begin her preparations for the new school year. She would like to meet with parents in Moshi on Thursday, May 18th from 08:30 – 10am. If you can be free, please do come into school and meet with her in the Social Centre at that time.
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Class Photos
  As you know, on Monday and Tuesday we took class photos of all children in EC – D1. You can see the printed photographs displayed on a board near Mr Cofer’s office, or also see low-resolution copies at We will be offering prints of the high-resolution photos for sale in three different sizes. This is to raise money for the Scholarship Fund. This is a fund which supports deserving scholarship students in the ISM Diploma Programme.
Print: 8 inches x 10 inches – 4000 Tsh
Print: 6 inches x 8 inches – 2000 Tsh
Print: 5 inches x 7 inches – 1000 Tsh
Please pay the correct amount of cash in at reception and complete the form which the receptionist will give you. We can only provide prints if this form has been completed accurately and the cash paid. Orders can also be paid by MPesa on 0767-534766, but only if followed by a text message giving clear instructions on which photos are needed, which size, what quantity, and which student these prints should be given to.
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Primary News
  Someone asked me recently if I miss being with the children, now that I am Head of Primary. My reply was, No! I am always around the children still! That’s the joy of working in a small primary school like ISM. I teach maths to the P1/2 class four days per week, plus I help Ms Esnath run the Gardening Club on Monday afternoons. Meanwhile, the teachers regularly send children to my office to show me their best pieces of work, I enjoy Primary Gatherings and assemblies and (like this week with the P6s) I get invited to help with field trips etc. I feel like I am around the children just as much as ever and it is always a privilege. We have an amazing community here at ISM. In the main, ISM children have genuinely adopted the ten IB learner profile attributes – being thinkers, communicators, principled, open minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, reflective, inquirers and knowledgeable. This is what makes them fun and interesting to be around and what makes my everyday experience at ISM a pleasure. So, well done, to the teachers, teaching assistants, parents and community members for continually reinforcing these attributes in our children!   Our students are already full of personality and contributing to the world in a positive way.
Parents, I hope you will join us on Monday to enjoy a special assembly, just for you! The Muffins for Mums and Dads Assembly will begin at around 7.40am in Karibu Hall. As this assembly is especially for you, there will be sweet and savoury muffins served, as well as tea and coffee. Enjoy! Then all the children in the Primary School will give short presentations to show you something about the units they are studying and/or show their appreciation for their parents. This is partly to mark the Global Day of Parents which is on 1st June, so very soon. We very much hope you can join us.
  Reminder: The school does not normally provide supervision for children after 3pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. Nor do we normally provide supervision after 12.35pm on Fridays. At that time staff members have either gone home, or are busy with meetings, planning, classroom preparation etc. They are not providing childcare. Therefore any primary children remaining at school after those times should have a parent or babysitter with them. Otherwise, they need to go home.
Kate Schermbrucker, Head of Primary
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Secondary News
  Obviously the big event this next weekend is graduation and I look forward to seeing so many of you there. It will be a great, and hopefully dry, day. The D1 students will be looking on with a bit of envy that they have another year to go.
Our new hall is seeing a lot of activity recently with the D2 and M5 exams. This week we enter the last week of those external exams. However, that does not mean we are done. The D1 will have their end of year exams from Monday the 22nd to Tuesday the 30th and the M4 will have theirs from Thursday the 25th to Tuesday the 30th. That will give us a full month of exams in the new hall.
While the M5 will finish their exams this Friday, they are not done. They will be on their work experience week starting May 22nd and there will be a Career Day on June 1st. I believe we have a few slots left so if you would be interested in sharing what you do please contact Ryan Sullivan. Back to this week, on Monday, our M3 students are off on the Arts Curriculum trip with ISMAC to the Makumira Cultural Arts Center.
Have a good week
Bob Cofer
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Boarding News
  Some D2 students have already completed their final examinations. Some boarders have chosen to stay around, and wait for graduation, while a few have gone home, and will come back next week in time for graduation. A reminder that D2 students will leave school next weekend after graduation.
The boarders had their usual town trips on Friday afternoon. Those who did not go to town were engaged in an activity decorating the display boards in the dining hall. They put up pictures of current students to brighten up the place. Later there was football for both Primary and Secondary. Primary boarders had a movie night in the dorm after dinner, while Secondary students had an interesting session of open Mic and disco in the evening.
Saturday was fun, with boarders cheering the primary Rugby and Netball tournaments at ISM. Primary boarders were taken through a mindfulness session, followed by Art and Craft and Football/Basketball sessions. Secondary students had an interesting session of board games and music in the dining hall. There was a movie night for Secondary boarders after dinner in the social centre.
Boarders visited their respective places of worship on Sunday morning. Primary boarders then had an exciting baking activity in their dorm, swimming and basketball. Secondary boarders enjoyed an exciting Football match in the top pitch in the afternoon.
Rosemary Bango, Head of Boarding
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Lucky Vincent Tragedy
 Our secondary students have written messages of condolences to the Lucky Vincent Primary School community after last weekend’s tragic accident in which 32 children died.
Please also see for details of how you can donate to our appeal to support the three surviving children by contributing to their medical transport costs.

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Private Parties
  Although the school organises celebrations for the D2 graduation, the students have usually additionally opted to arrange their own private parties off-campus. These are likely to be on 20th May after the official ceremony. These student-organised parties are not school events and we cannot, as a school, take responsibility for them. Invariably, there is alcohol available at these parties and minimal, if any, adult supervision. We are concerned about the inevitable, and potentially serious risks that arise from these situations, particularly for many of the younger students who frequently receive invitations to attend and we have endeavoured to deal with such issues from an educational point of view in our Life Skills lessons. We also need to be especially confident that parents are aware of the nature of these events, and are happy with their own children’s involvement. We would therefore offer the following requests and guidelines.
For parents of boarders:
Boarders staying in school that weekend will NOT be allowed to attend any unsupervised parties. If boarders do want to attend, they can only do so if their parents agree and they have been taken out of the school’s care by staying with another family for the weekend. Even if you have already indicated on the Parental Consent form that your child may sign out to friends at weekends, we would like to further confirm that it is acceptable on this particular weekend. If you have children intending to sign out for this weekend, could you please contact us with that confirmation? You may contact either the boarding parent or Mrs Bango on by whatever means is most convenient (telephone, letter, or email). Boarders will be expected to remain in school for the weekend if we have not heard from you before TOMORROW, MONDAY, MAY 15th.
We would also suggest on this occasion, that you contact the host family directly to discuss what you feel would be appropriate arrangements, curfew etc for your children on the evening of the party.
For parents offering to host boarders:
Boarders signing out on these weekends will need to sign out for the whole weekend from the Friday afternoon until midday on the Sunday, although they may of course attend the Graduation Ceremony if invited. We would suggest that before you take on the responsibility for the guest students over this period, you are confident of their own parent’s expectations in terms of curfew, supervision etc.
We do not in any way wish to curtail the students’ opportunity for well-deserved celebration on these occasions, but we are concerned for their safety and their parents’ full consent and understanding.
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Sports News
This coming Saturday May 13th the Rugby and Netball teams were to play at ISMAC, however their games have been postponed due to the extremely poor weather conditions. These games will be re-scheduled and the students will be informed of the new date.
As mentioned in the last newsletter, the NTAA (Northern Tanzania Athletic Association) made two important decisions. Hence, the following:
The NTAA has established for the 2017-2018 school year, an U13 age category for the following sports Basketball, Football, Netball and Rugby.
The NTAA also decided to expand game schedules for teams at the U15 and U19 age categories for the 2017-18 school year, to reflect a home and away schedule.
These two decisions are paramount to the expansion of our program, because, it includes students at our upper primary and early MYP years. The inclusion of these students is critical to the future growth of the program. Secondly, it is important for our U15, and U19 teams to play competitively on a consistent basis. Without these games, our student-athletes do not have the opportunity to participate, commit, compete, and improve. The decision to expand U15/U19 game schedules is still under consideration. Schools will have the opportunity at the next NTAA meeting on May 23rd to vote. It is exciting times for our athletes!
All students please be reminded that Sport Practices will continue until Thursday May 25th: Ultimate Netball Football Indoor Football M1-M3 Indoor Football M4-D1 Rugby All Swimming Clubs
Please be on time and present for all remaining practices
Sports Banquet Participation Certifcates
Please note all students who participated on one of the ISM Sports Teams received a certificate for their participation, if you were not in attendance and would like to receive your certificate please come and see Mr Hibbard in the PE Office no later than Friday May 19th.
We also have medals for MVP and MIP that have not been collected, so if you are one of those students to be selected for those awards, please come and collect your medals.
Attention – D2 Students
As your time ends at ISM, I would like to say it has been a pleasure to work with all of you, and see your positive contribution to the school, and to sports. It has been a great year. Please note to receive your “sign out” signature you must return all ISM Sports Equipment and Uniforms, regardless of the make, state, or year provided. These returns are important!
 The Co-Ed Basketball Tournament will resume next week on Monday May 15th; come out and support the teams. It has been a great tournament so far.
Finally, plans are being put into place for next year and the ISM Sports Department is looking for volunteers within the ISM Community who could lend their expertise in a sport to our students, and be a coach for one of our Secondary School teams. Interested people should contact Scott Hibbard ().
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent after-school activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horseback riding.
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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Swim Team
  Last Sunday marked the close of the swim season with the 2nd Annual Swim Team Banquet, hosted by Rajan and Priya at AMEG. Under thundering skies, parents, swimmers, and coaches shared an excellent dinner, and remembered much of the year through videos and speeches. In their last role of the year, the Captains came to the front and shared touching speeches about their favorite moments of the year.
A special thanks to all the parents who supported the evening, the last with the senior varsity team all together.
A reminder to all varsity athletes that workouts are Tuesday/ Thursday at 0530 – 0650.
All primary swimmers who are heading to Dar for the Primary Sports Weekend will be practising Monday and Friday (130-3pm), and Saturday (1030-1200).
Ryan Sulivan
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Primary Sports
 The week, Primary Rugby took to the pitch on Saturday to compete for top spot among NTAA Rugby teams in the U9 and U11 divisions. The skies were sunny, the field dry, and the tournament attended by Kennedy House, Braeburn, St. Conny’s, and our very own ISM Moshi teams.
  In the U9 division, led by the efforts of Fedya Castro and Eunice Kimario, the team made the tournament final, and were edged out narrowly by a well-drilled Kennedy House team, 2-1.
In the U11 division, the P6 team, a side that was slowly adjusting to game play as the tournament went on, missed a spot in the final with a 1-0 loss to St. Constantine’s. We saw the team grow with each game, learning positioning and how to control their emotions in the thick of the match. I am sure we have not seen the end of this team.
The next Inter-house tournament will be a 3-on-3 Basketball tournament to be hosted on Tuesdays between 13:30-13:50. Teams must sign-up three players in their age category from different houses with one female on each team. Teams will play against the following age category: P3/4 and P5/6. P2s are not eligible for this tournament.
Payment for the Primary Sports Weekend in Dar will be due this week. Full payment details will be sent home on Monday, and parents will have until Wednesday at 4pm to arrange full payment or plane tickets will be cancelled.
Upcoming Dates:
Wed 17 May 2017 – NTAA Primary Netball – Kennedy House – Letters Home on Monday – Depart school at 1200pm
Wed 24 May 2017 – NTAA Primary Rugby – Kennedy House – Letter Home next week – Depart school at 1200pm
Fri 26 May – Sun 28 May – Primary Sports Weekend – IST Dar – Payment due Wed 17 May 2017 at 4pm.
Wed 31 May 2017 – NTAA Cross-Country – Kennedy House – Letter home in two weeks – Depart school at 1200pm
Sat 10 June 2017 – NTAA Cross-Country Braeburn – all ages – all day
Sun 11 June 2017 – Kennedy House Triathlon – all ages – all day – participants must register at KH Triathlon <>
Ryan Sullivan
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Garage Sale
  The ISM Brownie guides will be organizing a garage sale on Saturday, May 27th from 10am to 1pm.
If you are leaving Moshi this summer this is an ideal opportunity for you to sell items you do not wish to take with you. It’s also a great place to pick up some bargains; toys, books, shoes, kitchenware and bedding, etc
You can support this event by hiring a table to sell your goods or by coming to buy from the stalls. Refreshments will be on sale throughout the morning. Tables must be paid for in advance at the main school office. The price for a table is 20,000 TSH.
Please see Annalee Horton if you have any questions about this event.
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ISA Tests
  Students in P4-M1 and in M3 took ISA (International Schools Assessment) tests last February and the results were published last week. Each parent of a child in those classes should have received their child’s assessment report by email. If you have not yet received this, please contact Grace Mkumbwa on .
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Beacon Scholarships
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Diploma Updates

D1s prepare for their end of D1 exams (Mon May 22-Tues May 30).
Final exams for D2s continue in the wonderful new exam hall.
ISM faculty and staff exerting time and energy to prepare for the upcoming D2 Grad weekend which is expected to be a magnificent series of events.
Friday am – May 19 – the final IB D2 official exams for this cohort are conducted…and then time for celebration of the hard work!
D2 Grad weekend plans:
a) Friday May 19 -all morning and into the afternoon – D2 family-members collaborate with the pre-arranged designer to beautify Karibu Hall with flowers, etc. Just come along for the fun, conversation and celebratory spirit!
b) Friday May 19 – 6:30 PM – AMEG Lodge – off Lema Road in Moshi – D2 Grad Dinner -Bring your ticket (a must!) – recommend arriving on time to see D2 baby photos…
c) Saturday May 20 at 8:30 – 11:00 am = Obligatory Rehearsal for all D2s in Karibu Hall
d) Saturday May 20 at 1:30pm sharp – Graduation Photos (D2s only) – Grassy area north of new exam hall – please ensure your son/daughter arrives on time please!
e) Saturday May 20 at 2:00pm – Karibu Hall doors open for free seating (no reserved)
f) Saturday May 20 at 2:30pm – GRADUATION CELEBRATION begins
g) Saturday May 20 from about 4:30pm to 6:30 pm – Grad Tea in the ISM Director’s Garden – 200 meters north of the Karibu Hall (follow the crowd and the pathway).
h) Saturday May 20 at about 5:30pm – Cutting of the GRADUATION CAKE at Grad Tea
The sale of additional tickets for the Friday dinner at Tsh 30,000 has officially closed. However, if you are in a jam and have additional guests write to R. Fitzpatrick to see if this can be arranged. Kindly ensure that ALL attending the Grad Dinner have a ticket or they will sadly be unable to attend and will have to be turned away at the door of AMEG Lodge as we have to plan the seating, food, etc and need exact numbers. Thank you for your cooperation!
On Less than 1 in 10 teens gets enough exercise: What this means for them and says about us –
On study tips (presented to D1s) –
Rick Fitzpatrick, (Diploma Coordinator):
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Early Childhood Preview
  This week’s story focus will be ‘The Gingerbread man,’ although we still have to do some hot seating with characters from ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and learn a song about the story. Our music focus has very much been focused on songs that tell stories. Last week we compared two very different versions of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and the children had to think very carefully about what the differences were. In one story Little Red Riding Hood used her mobile phone to call the woodcutter for help!
  The children will make Gingerbread men this week and the writing focus will be a recipe that they will bring home so that you can make gingerbread men together! We will think about the last line of inquiry, ‘how we can transform stories,’ and try to make up some different versions of the story ourselves. Hopefully the children will be inspired to act out the story on the stage, use the small figures to act it out and perform puppet shows.
Our fairyland is also ready for story telling. Thanks to Simreet and Grace for helping to collect natural materials to set this up.
We are still looking for volunteers to read a story to the class. Many thanks to Ms Clare for coming in to tell a story last week. The children were very surprised that she didn’t have a storybook with her but told her own version of ‘The Princess and the pea.’
Recipe books
Class book of ‘The Gingerbread man’
EC1 – finish the focus on sounds h,m,t (not completed last week)
EC2 – introduction to the long I sound made by Mr I the ice cream man
We will focus on measurement for one more week. EC1 will compare objects, ordering them from shortest to tallest, shortest to longest. EC2 will use non-standard units such as cubes or counters to measure. Last week they were given the task of making beds for the 3 bears.
Addition and subtraction problems will also be a focus for EC2. EC1 will play board games.
We look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning for our Primary Assembly
Spirit week – advanced notice
Spirit week is the week beginning May 29th.
The children should come to school each day according to the following themes;
Monday – pyjama day
Tuesday – wear black and white clothes
Wednesday – boys wear girls’ clothes and girls wear boys’ clothes
Thursday – clone day. Come to school dressed the same as your friend or even two friends!
Friday will be our class choice. I will let you know as soon as possible what this will be.
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P1/2 Preview
The children did a fantastic job with their ‘time’ homework. Thank you parents for helping them to record the activities they do at different times of day, i.e. wake up, go to sleep, go to clubs etc. They are becoming more and more confident with their time telling. We hope to see lots of you at the Muffins for Mums and Dads Assembly when the children will be singing How many fives around the clock. I’m sure you will all be able to join in! Next week the children will be learning more data handling skills which will relate well to their unit about organisation.
 Literacy / UOI
This week P1/2 have been investigating the work done for the ISM community by our gardening crews. We developed our sentence writing through use of connecting words to extend the information and detail we give in an opinion of why we might like or dislike the job of a gardener or horticulturist. The children found out that beyond sweeping and planting, the work has a strong element of design, planning and organisation. We went on to design our own entrance area for ISM.
On Friday we had a wonderful visit from Mr. Juma the head of our gardening staff. He happily answered lots of our questions about his job, including how to become a gardener and the way in which he organises his ISM team. We decided to take action by taking a moment to greet and thank our ground staff when we see them working, and to encourage others to do the same.
  Next week the children will have the opportunity to work hand in hand with the gardening crews and develop attitudes of empathy, respect and cooperation. We are going to find out just how hard the work can be, and how important it is to our ISM learning community that we have a well organised and managed environment to learn in.
Please send in some working clothes on Monday that we can get dirty.
We’ll begin to investigate the work of our cleaning crews next week, as we move towards a fuller understanding of what is being done behind the scenes to support the ISM community.
Please send an extra-large T-shirt of any colour or design that we can cut up for our assembly in two weeks time. Thanks! Mr Evans
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P2/3 Preview
 Dear Parents, This coming Monday, tomorrow @7:35 will be our Parent assembly. The P2/3s will be presenting what they have been learning within our unit. We hope that you can all make it.
 This week in class
They have worked extremely hard on their genre of choice. They are making connections and applying what they have learnt during this school year (grammar, punctuation, spelling patterns, content).
In class, we have been talking about the importance of using our own ideas and thoughts when completing work. The main focus has been acknowledging someone else’s work and ideas and not using them directly in their own work.
The Week Ahead in class
Unit of Inquiry
This week in class we will be inquiring into the third line of inquiry which is “what people do with water”. We will also be answering the students individual questions regarding this central idea. The children will be researching using a variety of sources in order to gather more information. The children will be carrying out science activities to prove and explain different hypothesis.
Sharing the planet
Central idea: Water is essential for life on earth.
Where we find water
Water cycle
What people do with water
How water shapes human and animal activity
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be assessing the children individually on their reading and comprehension ability. The children will be creating their own reading log books. This is where after they have read a book they rate it and give the reasons for that rating.
This week the focus will be sentence and paragraph writing. These areas will be taught with children who need more focus on writing complete sentences and those who are ready to have a go at writing using paragraphs.
This week the children will be focusing on volume and capacity. They will be comparing and measuring different volumes of liquid.The children will also be exposed to Math through literacy. They will be listening to stories and then solving math problems that occur within those stories. This is an excellent way to make connections and use a variety of math strategies.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Homework
Tuesday: PE / Library
Wednesday: P3 French
Thursday: P3 French
Friday: PE – Homework to be returned
Please ensure that your child has indoor shoes / share clothes including socks and suitable outdoor shoes. Thanks!
Useful website:
All the best
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
  Next week we will be looking at the form and function of play scripts. We will inquire into how a play script is written and the process that this entails. By the end of the unit the children will have collaboratively written a script and will start to understand how tension is developed in writing and will have explored ‘dialogue’ within this context.
In Art/Math, the students have enjoyed looking at artists who use geometrical shape in their work and explored modifying shapes to create illusions. They are following the art design process carefully and are planning their work before they begin. This week the students used a compass to create Mandalas and looked into the importance of the circle in history and religion. Although we will be continuing our focus on time, division and geometry, we will also broaden this to include patterns and word problems.
In our Unit of Inquiry we have started to look at how design is all around us and appreciate the creativity in everyday things we might otherwise overlook.
Through next week we will talk about how designers brainstorm to solve problems and look at how we can harness this skill in our own lives and maximize our potential to solve problems.
Don’t forget the special assembly for parents on Monday!
Julie Bowen
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P5 Preview
 The P5 students gave a great presentation during Primary Gathering on Friday. They showed themselves to be clear communicators and creative performers (see photos.) I hope those of you who were able to attend enjoyed the children’s performance. On Monday, 15th May, we will be presenting some poems in Karibu Hall as part of the Muffins for Mums and Dads Assembly. We hope to see you there.
  The P5 students have worked on division this week and have put their knowledge of multiplication to good use. If there are times tables that your child is still not familiar with, time spent practising is always time well spent. Our grammar focus was the correct use of speech marks. We have made good progress with our Unit of Inquiry: “Humans change physically, emotionally and socially throughout their life cycle.” The children have read some of the unit books from the library and written down some questions that they would like us to explore in class. We have looked at photos of people at different stages in their life cycles and talked about the physical, social and emotional changes that occur at each stage. In art the children have been learning about the work of the artist Keith Haring and have planned drawings showing the different ways we can keep our body systems healthy. Ms. Pearl has asked the children to bring in photos from when they were younger (baby, toddler, young child) to use in French.
  Next week in Maths we will do further work on division and also explore what is meant by the range, mode, median and mean when considering data. We will continue working on setting dialogue out correctly. In our Unit of Inquiry the children will look at the changes that occur during puberty. They will hopefully finish their Keith Haring style artwork, which will then be displayed in the breezeway.
Thank you for sending in indoor shoes. Every child has a pair of indoor shoes to wear and this is helping us to keep the mud outside and to keep our classroom clean and comfortable.
Monday: Assembly – Muffins for Mums and Dads
Library and new homework packet
Tuesday: Music, French and P.E.
Wednesday Swahili
Thursday French
Friday Swahili, Music and P.E.
Please return homework to school
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview
  This week the students have demonstrated such confidence as they worked on their new unit. They have mastered the skills of working collaboratively and it is such a great learning atmosphere in our classroom.
Our P6s enjoyed the PYP Exhibition staged by their counterparts in Arusha and learned a great deal from the visit.
  In Math, we will be looking at the concept of measurement and data collection as we explore the differences and similarities in the ways we grow and develop. We will also review division of numbers with decimals.
In Language Arts we will be focusing on poetry, which will help the students express themselves in creative ways and learn how to use different literary devices.
In I.T. they will use Powtoon, an application used to make animation videos. They will create videos for their Summative Assessment to share their understanding of the unit.
  For Unit of Inquiry, we will learn more on body systems and how these are interconnected. We invite parents who are experts in this area to come in and share their knowledge with us.
Notices for the week ahead
Monday: Muffins for Mums and Dads assembly
Tuesday: P6s to join M1s for French class
Wed to Fri: usual timetable
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Monday, 15th
Muffins Assembly
M3 Arts Trip
D2 exams continue
Tuesday, 16th
M3 Arts Trip
Wednesday, 17th
M3 Arts Trip
Primary Netball (KH)
Thursday, 18th
Anna Marsden Meet
M5 Science Exam
Friday, 19th
D2 Exams end
M5 Inter-D Exam
M5 Exams End
Grad Dinner
Saturday, 20th
Monday, 22nd
D1 exams start
M5 Work Experience
Tuesday, 23rd
M5 Work Experience
International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |