Dear Parents,
The 4th quarter of the school year is a challenging one for some of our students and a big challenge starts now for our D2 class as they begin their final examinations on Monday, 1st May – we wish them all the best over the coming three weeks of exams. Also, in only one week’s time, our M5 students will be starting their M5 on screen examinations – best wishes also to this group. Both sets of exams will be conducted in our new Multi-Purpose Hall which is the new white building that faces you directly when you drive in through the school main gate. We have taken over use of the hall for the exam period, even though a small number of items are yet to be completed by the construction company. Our official opening of the hall will be set for a later date.
This week has two major events. I would strongly encourage all to attend our Variety Show on Friday evening which promises to be an entertaining and enjoyable occasion. The more the merrier for this event and I hope to see many families there and many students participating. The other major event this week is our P6 PYP Exhibition – we wish all the P6 students the best for their presentation.
Our swimming team is currently in Mwanza – congratulations to all for their successes there (see below). Next weekend an Outdoor Pursuits group will be heading to the South Pares for a weekend trek. And more sports activities take place on Saturday.
Enjoy your holiday tomorrow!
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Variety Show
 The ISM Variety Show is ON.
This Friday 5th May, with a full program of entertainment for you… starting with a BBQ at 5.30PM.
We’ll aim to be seated by 6PM in the Karibu Hall, and finished by 7.30PM. There will be half-time snacks and cakes to enjoy, and a raffle with a cash prize.
Bring along your own cup, mug or water bottle and the PTA will provide you with free tea, coffee or tasty fruit-infused waters.
From classical music to comedy acts, Taekwondo demonstrations to drama, singing, dancing and laughter… the Variety Show has it all.
So ‘Roll up… Roll up’ for the best show in town!
Your PTA
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National Holiday
 Monday, 1st May is Workers’ Day. There will be no classes on this day, although scheduled D2 exams will take place. Please note that President John Pombe Magufuli is in town for this holiday and hence some roads may be closed at certain times.
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Primary News
 The P6s have worked very hard this week. They have now finished designing their Exhibition displays and have rehearsed their presentations over and over.   The ISM community is looking forward to viewing the final PYP Exhibition work next week. We wish the P6 students all the very best of luck.
Next week the P1 – P5 children will begin their sixth and final unit of the academic year. You will find details of these in the Primary Parents’ Handbook and in the articles below. If any parents feel they can contribute to the inquiries going on in class, please contact your child’s class teacher.
 Advanced Notice: PYP Muffins for Mums and Dads Assembly: On Monday 15th May all primary parents are invited to a special assembly in Karibu Hall, starting at 7.40am. All primary children will all be showcasing their learning at this event.
Kate Schermbrucker, Head of Primary / PYP Coordinator
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Secondary News
I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend as we head into May. The D2 students will start the three-week exam period on Monday and the M5 start their tests the following week. Both will finish on Friday the 19th.
This past week we had a successful OP trip to Ngorongoro and next weekend there is a trip to the Pare Mountain. Currently our swimmers are at the last meet of the year in Mwanza. Next weekend we also have rugby and netball trips to Arusha.
Please, dont forget the Variety Show this Friday.
Bob Cofer
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Boarding News
  D2 boarders have had study leave the whole week, and they continue to prepare for their final examinations which begin on Monday 1st May.
Various activities were planned for boarders this weekend, including the usual town trip on Friday afternoon. Primary had indoor games. This was followed by football and an MYP/Diploma disco in the dining hall in the evening.
Saturday started on a different note. Primary boarders had boot camp, facials and bracelet making during the day, and later a movie night. There was football and basketball for the older boarders, and an entertaining session of food competition before dinner.
Sunday saw many boarders visit their respective areas of worship. After church, primary boarders had sewing, football and basketball, and later swimming, while the older boarders had football on the top pitch.
Monday being a public holiday the boarders will have another day in the dorms. The Diploma students have chosen to complete assignments, while MYP boarders will have an Ice cream trip to Ameg in the afternoon.
Rosemary Bango, Head of Boarding
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Kiongozi & Cleaning
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Sports News
As the school year approaches the end please be reminded that Sport Practices will continue until Thursday May 25th, and the following Secondary School Sports will practice on their regular practice day: Ultimate Netball Football Indoor Football M1-M3 Indoor Football M4-D1 Rugby All Swimming Clubs
Please be on time and present for all remaining practices
Please note all students who participated on one of the ISM Sports Teams received a certificate for their participation, if you were not in attendance and would like to receive your certificate please come and see Mr Hibbard in the PE Office no later than Friday May 5th.
  The Co-Ed Basketball Tournament has started and it was great to see the enthusiasm from the players and the spectators. Games will be postponed to next week due to the PYP Exhibition so games will start again the following week. At the moment all three teams are tied with one win a piece.
Finally, plans are being put into place for next year and the ISM Sports Department is looking for volunteers within the ISM Community who could lend their expertise in a sport to our students, and be a coach for one of our Secondary School teams. Interested people should contact Scott Hibbard ().
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent after-school activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horseback riding.
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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Primary Sports
 This past week we finalized the remaining two teams for our indoor soccer tournament final on Tue 2 May 2017. Parents are invited to join the primary students at the tennis courts at 12:15pm for the final and awards presentations. Teams representing the P3/4 and P5/6 house teams will be playing.
Invitation letters for primary swimmers and boys football players will be going out on Tuesday to parents for the Dar Sports Weekend at the end of May. Parents will have until Friday to confirm a spot for their athlete. Only athletes receiving letters will be invited to attend.
7s rugby and netball season is underway. ISMAC will host a netball tournament on May 6, 2017 and we will try to put a team together for that. ISM Moshi Campus hosts a primary 7s tournament on May 13, 2017 and rugby club members will attend. Both netball and rugby letters will go out next week.
Kaloleni Primary School sent two football teams to play our U9 and U11 teams. The much bigger visiting side gave our boys a good challenge on the pitch, and both teams benefited from the experience. Next time, they have agreed to send boys of the same age.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.
Ryan Sullivan
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Swimming News
  The Varsity Swim Team wraps up their season this weekend with the annual ISAMILO Swim Meet in Mwanza. It is a very well run meet hosted by Mwanza Swim Club, and at press time, ISM had etched their names into the record books many times. Notable results included two pool records by Delham and two from Chris F. All races were recorded for viewing at the annual dinner next weekend and many, many medals were received by the team.
All families of all swimmers in both secondary and primary are invited to AMEG Lodge on Sunday 7 May 2017 at 6pm for our 2nd Annual ISM Swim Club Family Dinner. RSVP to Coach Ryan on the Team App, or via email. Adults – 20,000, Kids – 15,000.
Upcoming Events
Sun 7 May 2017 – Swim Team Family Dinner – primary and secondary
May 26-28, 2017 – Primary Sports Weekend – Dar – Boys Football and Swimming Only
Quarter 4 Workout Schedule
Varsity – Tue/ Thur AM – 0530-0650
Primary swimmers attending Sports Weekend must attend these workouts Primary: Monday – 13.30-15.00, Friday – 13.30-15.00, Saturday – 10.30-12.00
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 Last weekend, eight of the ISM primary students participated in the Eddie’s kiddies’ tennis tournament at Arusha Gymkhana Club. Five of them received a trophy for winner or runner up. In addition the Rafiki Foundation children also participated and seven of them also won trophies. All of them are coached by Coach Charles who has done a fantastic job in coaching and raising the tennis profile for the Moshi tennis community.
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D1: ACT Tests
  D1 students now need to start preparing for their university applications and getting ready for the tests that are required by universities in many countries. D1 students planning to study in the USA (only) must register for the ACT test which will be held in Moshi on 10th June 2017. Students must register online by 1st May 2017. The fee is US$109.50 (if paying with your own credit card) or US$ 118 if you ask the school to process payment on your behalf.
Please contact Keiron White if you need more details on payments.
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D2 French
 Au revoir, D2, et Bonne chance!
Good memories will remain from this year’s D2 French class and not just the hard work and all the homework or past papers practice! Of course my wish is that they will all succeed for their exams. Above all, my hope is that my students will cherish their interest for the French language and culture that I have tried to entice through our various cultural experiences of cooking or discussions.
Just before the holidays we had a combined session between D1 and D2 to work on paper 1 skills. D2 students helped the D1 to develop techniques to answer more effectively to comprehension and vocabulary questions. This has been a very productive time for both classes.
This quarter D1 students will be busy preparing for their end of year exams while at the same time continuing vocabulary learning around the topic of leisure and sports.
Valérie Veillon, D2 French teacher
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Success through the IB Diploma
  Help your children succeed in life, beyond university. Many students find the Diploma Programme (DP) to be both a challenge that takes them outside their comfort zone and one of the most valuable experiences they have ever had. In this new video testimonial, university admissions staff describe DP graduates as being enthusiastic, curious, well organized, engaged and able to face challenges head on. More than being academically ready for university studies, DP graduates are equipped with the skills required to overcome the uncertainties of the 21st century and succeed in a rapidly changing global setting.
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M5 Arrangements
  The rest of this quarter is a busy time for our M5 students – here is a summary of the quarter ahead:
9th – 19th May: M5 students will be taking IB eAssessments through on screen examinations in this period. The dates of the actual exams are shown on the school’s calendar (attached). In periods when the students do not have exams, they will have regular classes and revision sessions. M5 students are expected to attend school every day.
22nd – 26th May: Work Experience. Eah M5 student will be working in a place of work where they have arranged a placement. This week is designed to give our M5 students some experience of what it is like to work for a week, and an opportunity to try out some aspects of a possible future career.
29th May – 1st June: M5 students will be engaged in a special schedule in school which will include service and careers activities.
Friday 2nd June: The M5 Ceremony will celebrate the end of the MYP programme for our M5 students and mark a point of transition in their educational progress. We welcome all families of M5 students for this event. M5 students will be expected to travel home after this event, and there are no classes or activities for M5s after this day. We look forward to welcoming our M5s back to ISM in August for the IB Diploma programme.
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Diploma Updates

DP faculty met this week to review invigilation procedures for the upcoming IB examinations and discuss ways to improve the schedule of D2 coursework deadlines.
Our new multipurpose room/exam hall will be used for the first time at 1:00 pm on May 1st for the first of the D2 official IB DP exams. New desks, new chairs, new clocks, new wall-hangings, wi-fi throughout, bathrooms inside – this purpose built exam hall is state-of-the art and super!
D1 Extended Essay – All D1 students writing the EE made their first (of three) planning and progress entry in their online ManageBac EE page. Students and their EE supervisors are using ManageBac to chronicle progress to dates and plans for this project which ends with the final version’s submission on November 6th. That and other key EE dates can be seen on your son/daughter’s ManageBac page which it is suggested DP parents regularly review!
The end of D1 year exams will occur in May and serve as a critical check of learning to date.
D2 Grad weekend events:
a) Decoration of Karibu Hall (parents/D2s) – Fri May 19th – 9am-noon;
b) Grad Fri evening dinner at AMEG Lodge in Moshi at 6:30pm;
c) Grad Ceremony – Sat May 20th with arrival at 2:00 for a 2:30pm start;
d) Tea in the Director’s Garden 4:30-6:30pm.
D2 Grad Dinner – The parents of all D2 students will imminently receive an email soliciting the name of all family-member guests who will attend this celebratory event. To effectively arrange seating and meals for 200+ guests, it is essential that each family state who will be in attend. Everyone must bring their specially prepared and numbered invitation card and present this at the entrance as those without an invitation will have to pay the Tsh 30,000 for a ticket.
Reminder – Thursday June 15th will be the last day of school for D1 students (and also M1 to M4) and parents are encouraged to attend the parent-teacher conference that morning. School recommences for the new academic year on Monday August 14th.
On tolerance in today’s world we teach tolerance –
On “The Gap Between Schooling and Education” is highlighted in this informative article:
Rick Fitzpatrick, (Diploma Coordinator):
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Early Childhood Preview
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P1/2 Preview
This week the P1/2 children have continued to learn about time. They are now more confident with telling each other when it is ‘quarter past’ and ‘quarter to’ the hour. We have also been practicing shape and number patterns. Next week we will focus on the associative properties of addition and subtraction. This will fit well with their new unit about organisation.
 Literacy and UOI
On Friday P1/2 finished up our unit on protecting natural resources with a presentation of what we learned to the P3 class. We showed our posters and booklets and shared our understandings of animals as a resource in Tanzania along with the effects that humans are having for good and ill on local habitats and animal numbers. The children filled in the first pages of our new ‘Reflection Log’ homework- we saw family photographs and stories, computer research, hand drawn maps and animals, magazine collages and origami as ways to show what we know. We enjoyed sharing these with each other and also with Miss Kate.
P1/2 were visited on Friday by Sandra, a teacher from Zimbabwe who helped us to begin work on improving our sentence writing. I introduced the VCOP method to the children this week, whereby we will begin to explore the inclusion of Vocabulary (V), Connecting words (C), Openers (O) and Punctuation (P) to make our   writing more lively and interesting. Please ask them to show you some of our Punctuation Kung Fu…
“Is there fear in this Dojo?”
“No Sensai!!!”
Next week we begin our new unit on collaboration, interdependence and community.
We’ll begin by finding out how the children understand these concepts, and move towards designing a community event of our own- with many opportunities to develop our basic skills along the way.
Have a fantastic week!
Mr. Evans
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P2/3 Preview
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P4/5 Preview
   Another wonderful week has passed. The students have been busy creating board games in Math in order to test understanding of shape. They worked in a team and came up with really creative designs including differentiated games that ranged from easy to challenging. Next week we will test our designs on P2/3. We will be continuing with shape and angle and reviewing time to the nearest 5 minute interval throughout this unit.
In Unit of Inquiry work, the students have completed their simulations, made disaster plans and completed a self-reflection related to their unit. Here is the link to their English/Unit projects that they collaboratively created to show their understanding of their unit.   They decided to share the newspaper with everyone via a live link as a means of ‘taking action’ to ensure the community is informed about disaster response: natural_disasters_final_mag_p4_2f5
Don’t forget Monday is a holiday and the children are welcome to try and test Blendspace- Natural disasters app and/or touchtyping.
Next week we will be ‘tuning in’ to our new unit related to design and creativity. More details to come.
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P5 Preview
  This week the children have completed some mathematical string art, using their knowledge of the five times table to sew a beautiful design (photos attached.) This work is on display outside of the classroom. The children have continued working on their information book about governmental systems. Our grammar focus for the week has been the use of apostrophes to show possession. In maths the children have been adding decimals with an emphasis on setting the equations out in their books properly so that the decimal points are lined up. We have been reviewing maths skills by completing a mental maths exercise each day.
  The week ahead is another short week due to the May 1st holiday. I hope you enjoy the long weekend with your children. In maths we will work on bar graphs (using statistics that include a decimal point). The children will also work on areas that need reinforcement that have been highlighted by recent assessments (some will work on converting measurements, some with money, some on place value, according to their needs.) In Language Arts the children will be publishing their information books and making sure their book includes a glossary and a contents page. We will do further work on the correct use of apostrophes.
Next week we will start our final Unit of Inquiry for the school year. Our central idea is “Humans change physically, emotionally and socially throughout their life cycle.”
We will consider the following lines of inquiry:
Interconnected nature of our body systems – connection
Human physical changes (puberty) – change
Connections between physical, social and emotional development – causation
Rites of passage – change
We will be tuning into this unit by asking the question, “If life is a journey what happens on the way?” Some of this inquiry will take place at home and your children may ask you for family photographs and details of any coming of age rites of passage.
  On Wednesday of next week the P5 children will visit the P6 exhibition. They will be paying particularly close attention as they will be participating in their own PYP exhibition 12 months from now!
Dates for your diary:
Tuesday, May 2nd: the indoor football championship final will take place on the field (indoor football being played outdoors!) at 12:15 on the soccer pitch. Check with your child to see if he/she is playing. Participants will need to wear house shirts and suitable footwear.
Friday, May 12th: P5 will present in the primary gathering.
The week ahead:
Monday – holiday
Tuesday – French, Music and P.E. plus indoor football championship final
Wednesday – Swahili and visiting P6 exhibition
Thursday – French
Friday – Swahili, Music and P.E.
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview
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Monday, 1st
Workers’ Day Holiday
D2 exams begin
ACT registration due
M5 Arusha students’ visit
Tuesday, 2nd
Teachers’ Day
Pri Football Final
Wednesday, 3rd
P6 Exhibition
Thursday, 4th
P6 Exhibition
Friday, 5th
Variety Show – 5:30pm
Saturday, 6th
SAT Tests
OP South Pare Trip (-8th)
U15 Netball – Arusha
U19 Rugby – Arusha
Primary Netball – Arusha
Sunday, 7th
Swimmers’ Dinner
Monday, 8th
D2 exams continue
Tuesday, 9th
MYP Exams begin
International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |