Dear Parents,
Last week we enjoyed an excellent music night on Wednesday evening with such a varied set of performances. We also recognised yesterday’s Independence Day with a Tanzanian spirit day on Thursday.
We are now into the last week of the semester:
Monday – Maulid holiday – no classes
Tuesday – Primary reports issued on ManageBac – see details below
Wednesday – P3-P6 Pool Party 4pm
Wednesday – Boarders’ Christmas Dinner
Thursday – Parent Conferences for EC, P1/2, P2/3, and P6 – No classes for primary
Thursday – Secondary reports issued on ManageBac – see details below
Friday – End of Semester Assembly – Karibu Hall 9am
Friday – Secondary Parent Conferences – Karibu Hall 10:35 to 12 noon.
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Maulid Holiday
  This Monday, 12th December, commemorates the birth of the Prophet Mohammed. As this is a national holiday, there will be no classes on Monday.
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  Primary reports will be available on ManageBac from Tuesday evening, secondary reports will be available from Thursday evening. If you have not recently accessed your ManageBac account and you need a password reminder, please send a message to request this to Grace Mkumbwa on .
Please note that we will not be able to issue reports to any families whose school fees have not been fully paid for the second quarter.
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Primary News
  It has been a very busy week in the Primary School. We have seen some exciting summative assessment work take shape. The P5 students have created some really wonderful films about the school using the new tablets. This was part of their inquiry into the media. The P1/2s presented their family histories to parents, teachers and other students. They were knowledgeable and articulate in their explanations. The P4/5 students kept us highly entertained as they tested the rafts that they have spent some time building. We were relieved and happy that they all floated so well.
  Probably the highlight of this week was the ISM Music Night which showcased presentations from individual children, every primary class and many primary clubs,e.g. Movement to Music Club, Jump Rope and African Drumming. Thanks to all the parents for coming to watch and support the children. Congratulations to our Music Teacher, Mary Pantlin for such a wonderful evening. A huge amount of work went into this.
  On Thursday the children and staff greatly enjoyed our Tanzania Spirit Day. They came dressed in a wide array of colourful Tanzanian outfits.
REMINDER: If you have not yet signed your child/ren up for Quarter 3 Primary Clubs then please do so. The sign up form was emailed to you on Thursday and is available at
Monday: Public holiday, no lessons
Tuesday: Primary Reports will be published on ManageBac.
Tuesday: Final day of clubs
Wednesday: No clubs. Collect your child at 13.05
Wednesday: 4pm – 6pm Pool Party for the P3 – P6 children. Tickets cost 3000 Tsh in advance.
Thursday: Parent-Teacher Conferences for EC, P1/2, P2/3 and P6.
Friday: Class parties, 9am whole school assembly, PYP children go home at 10.15am.
Kate Schermbrucker
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Secondary News
  As we enter the final shortened week, please remember that there is no school on Monday the 12th.
Even though it is a short week there are things happening in the secondary so students should be here all week. This especially applies to our D2 students that have some of their final Internal Assessments due this week.
Our Secondary semester 1 reports will be released via ManageBac on Thursday December 15th. The end of semester assembly is scheduled to start at 9 am on Friday December 16th and the Secondary parent conferences will follow from 10:35am to 12 noon. Secondary students will be free to go home from 10:15am.
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Boarding News
  This is a long weekend for boarders as both Friday and Monday are public holidays. A number of boarders signed out for the weekend, and will return on Monday the 12th. Different activities were planned for the weekend including a town trip and social time on Friday evening. On Saturday and Sunday, different groups are going to Arusha for movies. Other activities on campus included Christmas baking for MYP students, indoor football, board games and a disco on Sunday evening.
On Monday MYP girls will visit a home in Moshi town, while the MYP boys will have dinner in town. Those on campus will have a pool table tournament in the MYP dorm.
School closes next week Friday 16th. We thank those parents who have already shared with us the travel arrangements for the boarders. Kindly send us the travelling arrangements if you have not already done so. Send details to the Head of Boarding if your child will need school transport to the airport. She can be reached on the email address or telephone number +255 689 772 346
A reminder to day scholars that they are not allowed on campus after 6.00pm during the week. They are also not allowed into the dorms without permission from boarding parents.
Rosemary Bango, (Head of Boarding)
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Photos from the Music Night
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Sports News
  This newsletter is coming to all of you from Nashville, Tennessee where I am attending the 47th Annual NIAAA Athletic Directors Conference. This is an excellent opportunity for me and the school to learn about how to make our sports program even better.
Sporting News
The ISM Sports Department is excited about the upcoming season in January. Not only we will be continuing with our NTAA sports, we will be offering some new sports and activities. Sign-ups start on Friday December 9th and will close on Friday December 16th.
Please to find the ISM Sports Brochure.
Please for the Sign Up Form.
Please for the Sports Practice Timetable
Please click the link for sporting fixtures for ISM teams.
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent afterschool activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horseback riding.
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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Primary Sports
  Congratulations to all of the primary athletes who continued to compete in the last round of the high jump on Tuesday. In the hot sun, about 15 athletes showed-up for the final round that saw the bar raised to 1.2m for the final group of three competitors. We will announce the winners at some point next week.
Tuesday 13 December 2016 at 1:30pm will be our last competition, and we will be running the 100 meters. Please join us for a quick run down the track for your house!
All primary students should have a plan for how they are going to stay active during the holidays. This might include a walk, playing basketball, swimming, hiking, or exercise in your house. Parents are encouraged to find an exercise routine that works best for them and their child, and make it a daily habit along with regular reading and a healthy diet to ensure all students return to school fit and ready for sport next quarter.
Upcoming Primary Sport Events
TALLIS Swim Meet – Fri 27 Jan – Sun 29 Jan 2017 – Dar (IST) – Invited swimmers only
NTAA Regional Swim Championships – Fri 3 Feb 2017 – Moshi Pool – Primary and Secondary Swimmers – 50s, 100s, 200s, 400s only
NTAA Primary Basketball – Wed 8 Feb 2017 – Moshi Campus Karibu Hall – P4-P6 only
NTAA Primary Swim Meet – Wed 15 Feb 2017 – Moshi Pool – All primary, all abilities
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Swimming News
  This Friday, we hosted a mini-competition with our squad, in place of the Saturday workout, for both primary and secondary. It was great to see both groups mixing on the pool deck, cheering each other on, and putting their best effort into swims even though it was just our team.
We had loads of PBs, which shows that we are fit and ready for competition, but also, and more importantly, we saw a lot of very strong technical swims, which reinforced all of the stroke work we have been doing this year.
The NTAA season begins as soon as we get back from holiday; we have three meets over the first three weekends. Jr. Varsity and Varsity team members should find a pool and complete any of the workouts we have done over the past four months. If you do not have a pool, then everyday, swimmers should engage in dryland activities that are aimed at increasing core strength and flexibility. 30minutes per day will return you to the pool in January with little rust to shake off. 1 month of very little will make it more of a challenge.
I will aim to meet with all swimmers next week, and this may require some evening meetings. Overall, Sabini and I are very impressed by the progress we have made this year. You are with us, supporting what we provide you in the pool everyday by coming out. Keep doing what you are doing, for the season has just begun. Our team has never been stronger and that is all because of you.
Upcoming Dates
TALLIS Swim Meet – Fri 27 Jan – Sun 29 Jan 2017 – Dar (IST) – Invited swimmers only – invited parents must confirm in an email to Coach Ryan and Emslies (the ISM travel agent)
NTAA Regional Swim Championships – Fri 3 Feb 2017 – Moshi Pool – Primary and Secondary Swimmers – 50s, 100s, 200s, 400s only – parent assistance required
ISM Secondary Swim Gala – Tue 7 Feb 2017 – House Competition – Secondary Only
NTAA Primary Swim Meet – Wed 15 Feb 2017 – Moshi Pool – All primary, all abilities – senior swimmers to assist with the meet
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Uhuru Peak 1984-2016
 Google Earth has a nice time lapse feature that allows you to examine one location from satellite over many years. Click the image above to view Uhuru Peak on Kilimanjaro over the years 1984 to 2016.
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Diploma Updates
- This four-day weekend arrives as a welcome chance for relaxation after an intensive and rigorous academic quarter for DP students. Parents are encouraged to ensure that the unwise choice is not made to skip school for next week’s 4-day school week (Dec 13-16). Very important DP lessons will be taught in my lessons and those of all my DP colleagues.
- Reminder: Be sure your son/daughter in the DP does not start the long Dec/Jan break until after school finishes on Dec 16 and that they return for the start of school on 16 Jan.
- The DP Coordinator has informed DP students of the importance of concentrating while studying and that listening to music with headphones is not permitted in the library or DP study room. This move has been taken to help DP students and lots of academic research supports it.
- The D2 mock exams will occur during six school days several days after returning from the long Dec/Jan break. D2s would be wise to revise during the break as these mock exams are crucially important and provide an excellent indicator of the likely results in the official May 2017 exams.
- D2s have recently manifested unusually high levels of stress indicating that they may not be coping so well with the rigorous coursework and regular schoolwork demands. Parents are encouraged to dialogue with their D2 child about time management and healthy habits and proper planning – things that we in the ISM DP faculty are doing as well in an ongoing fashion.
- D1 students will be assessed against the DP Progression Policy benchmarks in the coming days as the results for the second academic quarter and it states: “At the end of the second quarter and of the third quarter, all full diploma students will be expected to have a minimum of 22 points (obtained by adding the reported achievement grades from their six subjects excluding ToK and EE). Any student achieving fewer than 22 points at this stage (or achieving fewer than 11 HL points) will be required to undertake a reduced programme with either fewer subjects or with fewer higher levels in consultation with the Diploma Programme Coordinator.”
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Early Childhood Preview
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P1/2 Preview
Congratulations to all the children who took part in the Music Evening. What a breathtaking event!! We are so proud of our talented children!
Unit of Inquiry: How We Express Ourselves
Central idea: Creativity can be nurtured through inspiration, imagination and application.
Lines of Inquiry:
Identifying Imagination. FORM
How we use our imagination CONNECTION
Investigating what inspires people. PERSPECTIVE
Applying imagination to creative endeavours. CONNECTION
This week we reflected on what we have learnt in this unit and completed our Summative Assessment. We are so proud of all the arts and crafts we made, so we decided to open our Exhibition!! It’s so exciting! We would like to invite you to our P1/2 Exhibition.
Date: Wednesday 14th December 2016
Time: 10:40-11:40
Where: Karibu Hall
Please don’t miss it!
Maths focus of the week
This week the children have been measuring all over the classroom. First they measured using items other than a ruler, e.g. a water bottle is 11 paper clips tall. Then they learnt how to measure accurately in centimetres using a 30 cm ruler. Next week we will continue to learn about measuring, including in meters and centimetres.
English focus of the week
Practice makes perfect! We started to revise all learnt sounds, High Frequency and Tricky words. We played some fun phonics games on the Internet to improve our reading skills, provided by Letters and Sounds.
Arts and Crafts. This week some children have chosen to get really messy and mucky by using clay and making some pretty works.
What to bring to school every day:
Indoor shoes – please remind your child to bring the indoor shoes back to school.
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack. The rule is: No hat, no play, no fun.
The Week Ahead:
Could you please send in some smaller glass jars with the lid for our next Christmas related project?
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: No ‘Show and Tell’ today.
10:40 P1/2 Exhibition – Karibu Hall Please don’t miss it!
Thursday: Parents Conference – no lessons
Friday: Class party – the children will be asked to bring either sweet or savory food. I will send home a note next week.
Short day – day ends at 10:15
Thank you for your co-operation!
Have a fantastic holiday!
Kind regards,
Ms Andrea, P1/2 Teacher
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P2/3 Preview
  Dear Parents, Thank you so much to all the parents who came to our Family History Presentation. The children really enjoyed the whole experience and presenting to an adult made it much more rewarding.
Thank you to everyone who came to watch and support ISM music night, it was a huge success. We have so many talented students at our school.
The Week Ahead in class:
As this week is a very short week, the children will be working on selecting work for their portfolios and reflecting on it. They will be following instructions to make something using a variety of Glyphs.
We will be playing a variety of math games to reinforce the math concepts that have been covered this semester. The children will be reading independently and working on individual reading tasks to help build on their own reading goals.
The Week Ahead:
Monday is a holiday – NO SCHOOL
Tuesday: Library and Swimming (costume, towel, pool shoes)
Wednesday: Normal school day
Thursday: No school for Primary children – Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday: Class party / fun activities
9 am Whole school assembly / PYP certificates
Primary children go home at 10:15
Have a great week – Happy holidays, have fun and stay safe.
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
 It was an exciting week. We had our Great Boat and I was amazed that all the boats floated.   It was a challenging race and all the crews passed the first challenge and made it to the other side with one passenger. Congratulations to the Leopardos: For the sturdiest most buoyant vessel but all the teams passed the test and made it across the pool and some multiple times.
Our race ended with a celebration in the honour of Coline who is a teaching student who has been an integral part of our classroom for many weeks now. We wish her all the best in her future.   We also said good-bye to Pippa who will be dearly missed in the New Year when she returns to her native New Zealand. Her parents have also both helped me through my adaptation here and they, and her whole family will be sorely missed.
This week, along with many people around the world P4/5 celebrated the ‘Hour of Code’ and we explored the visual programming apps for our tablets and talked about computers have languages and by learning these languages we will have more control in our increasingly technical world.
  In Math we calculated the perimeter of our boats and some found the area. We also consolidated our understanding of multiplication and division by 10, 100, 1000.
Next week, on Tuesday Mr. Owain will be back in P4/5 and he will initiate some exciting activities based on the novel we have been reading in the class. Your students will bring home details of a class party for Friday.
I wish you all a relaxing and happy holiday and see you all in the New Year!
Julie Bowen, (P4/5 Classroom Teacher)
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P5 Preview
  This week the children have been applying their knowledge of media and persuasive writing to producing videos and posters explaining why International School Moshi is such a great school. They have been interviewing members of staff and students as well as filming and taking photos of the features which they think makes ISM a wonderful place. Ms. Gemma May, the ISM development officer visited the class to show them the materials that she currently uses to promote the school. The P5 students are hopeful that she will be so impressed with their work that she might use some of it to promote ISM in future!
  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Marvin Ahrens for coming into class this week to help the children edit their videos. Due to my having to leave school early to return to the UK the children and I found ourselves with unexpected time constraints to finish major projects. Mr. Marvin has given up his free time to help the children get their media projects completed this week.
In Maths we have been revising the names of 2D and 3D shapes. The children still have this information in their folders and can keep this at home for further reference.
We visited the P2/3 class to look at the children’s family histories presentation. We also went to the swimming pool to watch the P4/5 great boat race which was lots of fun.
Next week Ms. Patricia will be teaching the class with the support of Ms. Lydia and Mr. Thadeus. I am sure the children will have a productive and enjoyable end to the semester.
  On Wednesday 4- 6 pm the P3 – P6 children will be having a pool party. Details are in the letter that was sent home in the folder. The children should wear swimsuits and bring water toys.
The class will have an end of quarter party on Friday, 16th December. Inside your child’s homework folder you will find a letter with a suggestion of what to send in. This is just a suggestion – the children decided what they wanted to bring in. If the choice does not suit you please feel free to send something else!
The week ahead:
Monday – holiday
Tuesday – French, Music and P.E.
Wednesday – Swahili. 4-6pm pool party
Thursday – The children will not come to school. Most of the PYP have parent teacher conferences on this day but we will have ours on 19th January.
Friday – class party – your child has brought home a letter with a suggestion of what to bring in.
9:00 assembly in Kribu hall.
10:15 PYP children go home for the December break.
Deborah Mills, P5 Teacher
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P6 Preview
   The Primary students did us proud during the ISM Music Night and the P6s performed beautifully. We also had a great time watching the P4 raft race as they tried out their Summative Assessment products.
In the course of the week, the students will be working on Portfolio selections and reflections as well as End of unit reflections.
 Next week’s timetable
Monday – Holiday
Tuesday – clubs end
Wednesday: Summative Assessment- the P6s will use a form of media to relay an issue that is important to them.
End of year pool party for P3-P6. The party will run from 4p.m. to 6p.m. Snack tickets will be available in classes on Tuesday, for TShs 3000.
Thursday: Clearing up and sending projects home
Friday – Assembly in Karibu Hall from 9 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. All students are encouraged to stay until the end of the assembly since some of them are getting certificates or involved in presentations. Students leave for home at 10:15a.m.
Thank you parents for your support this semester and I wish you all happy holidays. Stay safe and wish you a great crossing over into 2017.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |