Dear Parents,
It was a great Fashion Show organised by the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) on Friday night. We saw a superb array of designs, an exciting dance performance, and also enjoyed the quiz night and raffle. Many thanks to all who made it such a successful evening. More photos are shown below.
Last week also saw the PYP sharing assembly on Monday and we hosted a group of candidates for the new Director position.
It is now under two weeks until the end of this semester. This coming week includes a Music Night on Wednesday evening and a Tanzanian Spirit Day in school on Thursday ahead of Friday’s Independence Day.
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Music Night
 Showcasing the Young Musicians of ISM
A mix of primary and secondary students will present performances from class projects, instrumental lessons and CAS activities.
Wednesday, 7th December at 6pm Karibu Hall
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Football for Polio
  Today, Sunday, 4th December from 15:30 to 18:00, there will be a footbal match on the top pitch to raise funds to support the fight against polio. Tickets cost only TSh 2000 per adult and TSh 1000 per child. Please do try to support this great venture. Even if you are unable to come, you could still purchase tickets and thereby support the fundraising. You could even buy many tickets!
Tickets are available at the event.
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Tanzania Spirit Day
  One of our favourite traditions at ISM is our Spirit Days. This is when we all dress up to a particular theme. On Thursday 8th December all staff and students from primary and secondary are encouraged to show their love for Tanzania by dressing in kangas, kitenge outfits, kikoys, Maasai shukas, Tanzania sports clothes or the colours of our flag. Primary children do not need to wear their ISM T-shirts on that day.
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Long Weekend
  Friday, December 9th is our Independence Day, Monday, December 12th is a national holiday for Maulid; we therefore will be enjoying a four-day weekend this coming weekend. There will be no classes on Friday or Monday, but there will be a range of activities for the boarders. If you child is travelling home for the long weekend, please note that there will be regular CAS and Sports activitie on Thursday afternoon which students are expected to attend. We also have a full programme of classes for the last week of the semester on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 13-15 December, and a programme of activities on Friday, 16th December.
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Sports News
  Wow! What a great weekend as the 16th edition of the ISM Sports Weekend is now in the books. It started with a rousing rendition of the Tanzanian National anthem and finished with an enthusiastic closing ceremony. In between all of that were 14 team sport tournaments and 4 individual sporting events. Our ISM students worked hard, played competitively and by the end of the event our Leopard teams were well rewarded. Please look for reports from each individual sport and pictures in the next edition.
Please see below the final placings for each Leopard team.
1st Place Boys’ Rugby U19 Girls’ Football U15 Girls’ Netball U15 Boys’ Basketball U19 Boys’ Basketball Ultimate Swimming
2nd Place U19 Girls’ Basketball U19 Netball
3rd Place U19 Boys’ Football
  There were also ISM Students who collected individual medals for winning or placing as runner ups in Badminton, and Tennis.
Sahil A (D2) Single Gold Medalist
Sahil A (D2) & Idrees P (D1) Doubles Gold Medalist
Srija M (M5) and Safiya K (M5) Doubles Runner Up
Sil K (M2) U15 Singles Gold Medalist
Hussein K (D2) U19 Singles Gold Medalist
Salman H (D1) U19 Singles Runner Up
Jasmin K (D2) U19 Singles Gold Medalist
Lydia N (D2) U19 Singles Runner Up
Great Job Leopards!
The ISM Sports Department would like to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to those community members who came out and supported the event as helpers, volunteers, selling food and drinks. The weekend’s success was in part to your help.
 Sporting News
Please note teams that have completed seasons will still be practicing up to the holiday break, upon our return in January a new practice timetable with new offerings will be implemented. The new offerings and practice timetable will be confirmed and sent out next week. The process for sign-ups will take place on-line starting Friday December 9th.
You can find the rest of the Season One Game Schedule from the NTAA at
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent after school activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horseback riding.
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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Photos from the Fashion Show

 Thanks to Mary Mai for these photos
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Swimming News
  Sports Weekend has come and gone, though many of the athletes who competed are still showing signs of the physical impact of the tournaments they participated in. In such a short period of time, it is astounding how resilient many of our swimmers are, sticking to a schedule that for most would be impossible. We saw many personal best times at the weekend, which for swimmers is one of the best memories of all.
ISM won both the U15 and U19 overall trophies, and for those who were able to compete in all of their events, despite the challenges of fitting it all in, congratulations. We are looking at new formats for next year, based on feedback from the coaches and meet organizers.
At the NTAA meeting this week, we confirmed two, upcoming meets that are for advanced swim team members. The first Saturday back after the holidays, ISMAC will be hosting a secondary swim meet. The third weekend back, ISM is scheduled to host the NTAA Regional Championships in Moshi (pending final approval from the school), which will serve as a selection meet for the first ever NTAA Team chosen to represent our region in a competition. The exact competition has yet to be determined, but this is an incredible opportunity for our young athletes at our home pool!.
Some swim team members aged 10 and over will be invited to attend the Tallis swim meet in Dar on the last weekend of January. Letters and costs will be sent to the parents next week. Some swimmers 9-under will also be invited to attend if their parents travel with them.
Upcoming Events – Information coming soon.
Sat 21 Jan 2017 – Secondary Swim Meet – ISMAC
Fri-Sat 28-29 Jan 2017 – Tallis Invitational Swim Meet – IST (Dar)
Fri 3 Feb 2017 – NTAA Swim Champs – pending approval
Tue 7 Feb 2017 – Secondary Swim Gala – ISM Moshi only
Wed 8 Feb 2016 – Primary Basketball – Moshi – tentative
Wed 15 Feb 2016 – NTAA Primary Swim Meet – Moshi
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Parent-Teacher Association
  The Annual General Meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association has now been postponed and will be held early next semester in January. The new date will be published later.
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New Staff
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French Club
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Fees and Banking
  The school has now moved our main bank accounts in Tanzania to Exim Bank. Please note the new accounts that can be used for the payment of fees at any branch of Exim Bank:
Tsh Payments – account 0070015383
US$ Payments – account 0070015384
The new school fees for 2017/18 have now been determined by the Board and are available to view at or to download in PDF format from The Board of Directors worked very hard to keep any increase to a minimum. However, in order to maintain the same quality of education for our students an increase in fees was found to be essential. I would like to take this opportunity to pass on my sincere thanks to you all for making ISM your school of choice. We are all aware that many families make tremendous sacrifices in order to send their child/ren to our school and this is enormously appreciated.
We very much look forward to welcoming many of our current students back into the ISM community in August 2017 for what I am sure will be another year of personal and educational growth. It will certainly be a great pleasure to support his/her needs. Thank you for your support.
Bob Horton, (Director)
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Boarding News
  Friday marked Ms Randeep’s (Pinky) last day as Primary Boarding Parent. She has had to leave to prepare for her wedding, scheduled for later this month. We wish her well in her marriage.
We are coming to the end of the quarter. School closes on Friday 16th December, and re-opens on Sunday 15th January. A reminder to parents who have not yet made travel arrangements for their children to do so, and send us the necessary details. We shall provide free transport to Moshi and KIA on closing and opening days. The school is not able to provide transport to/from Arusha.
A number of activities were planned for this weekend. On Friday there was town trip in the afternoon, and a Fashion show in the evening. On Saturday there was football, a movie night and dance practice among other activities.
Rosemary Bango, Head of Boarding
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Secondary News
  The Fashion show has just finished and looking back, it has been a busy week. It started with the Sports Weekend, which was a fantastic event. Then we had our Director candidates visiting on Wednesday. All three wished to pass on their thanks to the student tour guides and compliment the Student Council on how they ran the sessions. And today we finished off with the Fashion Show and quiz. There was a lot of imagination and hard work on display tonight and the audience was certainly entertained.
Next week is a short week, but Wednesday is Music Night and Thursday is Tanzanian spirit day as an early celebration of Independence Day on Friday. Please remember that next weekend is a long weekend with no classes on Friday the 9th and Monday the 12th.
Planning ahead, our Secondary semester 1 reports will be released via ManageBac on Thursday December 15th and the Secondary parent conferences will follow the end of semester assembly on Friday December 16th.
Bob Cofer, Head of Secondary
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Diploma Updates
- D2 coursework deadlines combined with on-going tests and normal school demands are resulting in high stress for which regular parent involvement would be beneficial and invaluable.
- Parents of DP students will want to attend the parent-teacher meeting on Fri Dec 16th and students should be in attendance on that day and return for school on Mon Jan 16th.
- Diploma Progression Policy and D1 full diploma students: “At the end of the second quarter and of the third quarter, all full diploma students will be expected to have a minimum of 22 points (obtained by adding the reported achievement grades from their six subjects excluding ToK/EE). Any student achieving fewer than 22 points at this stage (or achieving fewer than 11 HL points) will be required to undertake a reduced programme with either fewer subjects or with fewer higher.
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Primary Sports
  Despite the rain we had on Tuesday, all of the High Jump athletes were able to continue their jumps for their houses. This competition is getting very high, with the bar now at 85cm. That is challenging for some of our younger athletes. Next Tuesday, we will also add the 100m, so if there are athletes who wish to come out, please join us on the field at 1:30pm.
Sports Clubs are nearing the end of their long season, but that has not slowed participation in any way. Athletes in swimming, football, rounders and athletics have been training and playing since August, and it shows. Walking around the fields and the pool between 2-3pm, one will see the rewards on the faces of each of the athletes.
Our new NTAA season is fast approaching! Students should be excited for new sport clubs, the return of some favorites, and the opportunity to participate in new competitions. Stay tuned for the Quarter 3 clubs announcements!
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Day-Care Centre
Daycare Centre Graduation
A busy Daycare Centre is located on our campus for the younger pre-school children of the ISM Support Staff and others in the local community.   On Monday the eldest of these young children had their graduation, before joining Standard 1 next year. Bob Cofer, our Head of Secondary was asked to deliver the main speech. Ms Kate, Ms Esnath and Ms Chavez also attended as they work weekly with the children and teachers in the Daycare Centre. There were songs, cake, certificates and a warm feeling of celebration. The young children told us that when they grow up they wish to become doctors, nurses, teachers and pilots. We wish them well with their future education and careers.
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Primary News
 Many thanks to all the parents who came to our PYP Sharing Assembly on Monday. It was lovely to see so many of you enjoying the presentations from the different classes. I hope it gave you a clear snapshot of the inquiries they have been carrying out in class. I know the children appreciated having so many supporters in the audience.
Next week we are holding the ISM Music Night on Wednesday, 7th December at 6pm in Karibu Hall. All the primary classes from EC – P6 will be involved and all their families are invited to watch. Class teachers will inform you about what your child should wear. Please collect your child directly after lessons or clubs that afternoon, let them rest and eat, and then bring them back to school at 5.30pm. Some MYP students are also performing. From the rehearsals I have heard it should be a very enjoyable event. Thank you Ms Mary for all the hard work and energy you have put into this.
  Many of you also came to the Primary Gathering on Friday. The P1/2s MCed this event confidently and the P5s gave an excellent presentation about their work on the media. I was so impressed with the way all these children handled the responsibility of sharing their learning and keeping the presentation moving forward. In this Gathering we had to say goodbye to our three international student teachers. Ms Coline has been working with P4/5, Mr Marvin has been working with P5 and Ms Cassie has been working with EC. They have each brought a great deal of energy and enthusiasm to the Primary School in the last six weeks. We wish them all the very best in their future careers.
On Friday afternoon our teaching assistants received Professional Development training. Ms Debbie lead a workshop about Learning Difficulties and the Vestibular System. I have heard lots of positive feedback from the assistants about this important training.
  Many thanks to all the parents who supported their children with their fashion show creations. This was a wonderful community event and we say a big thank you to the PTA for hosting this vibrant evening.
WELCOME: This week Ms Lwake joined our Primary Boarding House. She is the new boarding parent and we welcome her warmly to ISM.
NOTICE: Next week the class teachers will hand out the final set of homework for the quarter. Please hand this in on Thursday – before the public holiday.
REQUEST: Would you be able to run a primary afternoon club in Quarter 3? If you are able to commit to one hour per week and have a good idea for a club, please contact me at
REMINDER: Children should not be leaving school before the quarter ends at 10.15am on Friday 16th December. If you know your child urgently has to be away before that time, please send an email request to the Head of Campus and Head of Primary.
Dates for your diary:
Wednesday 7th December – ISM Music Night – 18.00 – all primary parents invited (Karibu Hall)
Thursday 8th December – ISM Spirit Day – all students should wear Tanzanian outfits to school, e.g. kangas, kitenge clothes, shukas etc
Friday 9th December and Monday 12th December – public holidays, no lessons
Tuesday 13th December – final day of Primary Clubs
Tuesday 13th December – Primary reports published on ManageBac
Wednesday 14th December – Primary Disco (Karibu Hall)
Thursday 15th December – Primary parent-teacher conferences (no lessons on this day)
Friday 16th December – Final day of Quarter 2. Students go home at 10.15am.
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Early Childhood Preview
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P1/2 Preview
Congratulations to Chantelay, Levi and Maxine for receiving a green leaf at the Primary Gathering on Friday morning.
Unit of Inquiry: How We Express Ourselves
Central idea: Creativity can be nurtured through inspiration, imagination and application.
Lines of Inquiry:
Identifying Imagination. FORM
How we use our imagination CONNECTION
Investigating what inspires people. PERSPECTIVE
Applying imagination to creative endeavours. CONNECTION
This week we learnt about Perspective. Some children interviewed people to found out the meaning of the word. We read about how different artists used techniques to illustrate perspective in their artwork, for example objects closer to the viewer are presented larger than those, which are further away.
Maths focus of the week
Thanks very much to all the parents who emailed me photographs of their children’s pictographs. The children each presented their photo which was projected for everyone to see. They used mathematical vocabulary to explain them and were very knowledgeable on the subject. In class the children designed a variety of pictographs using complex thinking skills. They also formed a number of different human graphs, i.e. by standing in separate columns. For example they made a human graph showing the different countries they were each born in, one showing their house teams and one showing t-shirt colour. This was a fun task which required good communication skills. Next week the children will learn about measuring.
English focus of the week
The Green and Blue Groups played the game ‘Speed trial” recognising as many sounds as possible in one minute. Our record is 46 sounds so far. The children learnt three new sounds this week: ‘sh’, ‘ch’ and ‘th’, and we also practised reading sentences with these sounds. We connected our learning to our unit of inquiry by making sound crafts.
The Purple Group was focusing on ‘ccvc’ (consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant) words, two syllable words, such as sunlight, lunchbox, etc., and reading and writing with these new learning ideas.
Tablets. The children have continued to enjoy exploring the ‘Scratch JR’ programming application. They are learning how to manipulate pictures and make them move in different directions. They also love playing on the ‘Letters ‘application practicing how to form letters and numbers correctly.
Arts and Crafts. This week the children were encouraged to be involved in new art related activities. They had the opportunity to make beautiful cards, use playdough, build with Lego and paint large scaled pictures in groups.
 What to bring to school every day:
Indoor shoes – please remind your child to bring the indoor shoes back to school.
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack. Some children still did not bring their hats this week. The rule is: No hat, no play, no fun.
The Week Ahead:
Could you please send in some smaller glass jars with the lid for our next Christmas related project.
Monday: Swimming – please bring: trunk/costume, goggles (not compulsory but very useful), towel, swimming cap (for long hair), flip flops (the concrete by the pool can get very hot), sun lotion, and a plastic bag for the wet kit.
Homework goes home.
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: ‘Show and Tell’ for group 1.
If your child attends the Gymnastics club, please make sure he/she wears comfortable clothing (skirts/dresses, jeans are not suitable for different jumps, rolls, hand and headstands).
Music Night! – P1/2 will need to wear black skirt/shorts or trousers and a colourful T-shirt.
Thursday: PE lesson – sport shoes (no skirts please).
Friday: National Holiday
Thank you for your co-operation!
Have a great week ahead!
Ms Andrea, P1/2 Teacher
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P2/3 Preview
  Dear Parents, P2/3 are going to present their Family History books on Wednesday 7th December in our classroom at 7:40am. It will be a time when they present to their parents and others. They are very excited about this opportunity. Many of the children have brought in things that they are going to talk about as part of their history and culture. We have talked about bringing in flags, traditional clothes, traditional food for people to try (this is optional).
Last week in class:
The children have completed their All about books and they look great. The children have used their own knowledge and then researched more on the new tablets. The children came up with excellent essential agreements when using the tablets.
They have been reinforcing their math skills of addition / subtraction / division and multiplication. This has been done with the use of pictures and concrete objects. The children have become much more comfortable sharing their flexible thinking in Math. This means that their share the way that they got the answer and listen to other people’s strategies as well.
We have begun something called a Gallery Walk and this is where the children walk around and look at others’ work. This helps them see how others are solving problems or trying different strategies.
 The Week Ahead in class:
Unit of Inquiry: Where we are in place and time.
Central idea – Family provides an insight into cultural and personal identity
Line of inquiry – The kinds of homes we lived in the past. The children will be comparing homes of now and then.
Reading and writing:
This week the children will be reading the writing that they have done for their Family history books as part of the self-check and editing process. They will also be correcting their work as they read. There will be a big focus on their presenting skills in preparation for when parents come in.
The children will be writing their own division word problems sharing them with others in the class. We will be looking to where we use division in our day to day lives. They will also be completing a math exemplar that will assess their flexible thinking in math.
The Week Ahead: –
Monday: Final homework for this quarter due on Thursday
Tuesday: Library and Swimming (costume, towel, pool shoes)
Wednesday: – P2/3 mini exhibition All about me 7:40am
ISM music night @6pm wear green t-shirts and dark bottoms.
Thursday: Hand in homework – ISM spirit day Please wear Tanzanian clothes.
Friday: Holiday and No school Monday
Useful websites:
Enjoy your weekend.
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
 Mark your calendars this Wednesday, December 7th – 1pm at the pool for the Great Boat Race and Picnic.   On this day we will put our boats in water and see if we can use ‘force’ to get them effectively across the pool. Students should bring their swimsuits/towel for this event. They may also bring a snack (to share), picnic blanket and a sandwich for themselves.
Next week we start synthesizing what we have learned in this unit and following the Great Boat Race we will complete our Unit assessments.
  In Math next week we will solidify our understanding of multiplication of 10, 100 and 1000 and the corresponding division equations. We will also talk about the difference between capacity and volume and how we calculate these.
In language we have been looking at synonyms and antonyms and will continue to examine the structure of language in writing. In guided reading we are looking at non-fiction and will be presenting our book club projects to the class.
Friday 9th and Monday 12th are public holidays. No School.
I will be out of class the last week (13th-16th) before the holiday. See Kate if you have any concerns about this. We will meet for parent meetings in the New Year.
Wednesday @1pm. Great Boat Race! All family is invited for this fun event. Bring suncream, hat and snacks/picnic blanket (optional).
Julie Bowen, (P4/5 Classroom Teacher)
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P5 Photos
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P6 Preview
  This week the P6s have been busy coming up with a burning issue, which they would like to share with their peers using one or more media forms. They will be addressing the Key Concepts and IB Learner Profile attributes for their Summative Assessment and are preparing for their projects.
In Unit/ Math, we will continue to look at Time and calculating it in different time zones. This will involve a little bit of map work and making connections with distances between longitudes.
  For Unit/ Language Arts this week, the students will be reading a variety of persuasive texts. They will be looking for what is common in these texts and reviewing the elements of persuasive writing. We will also continue with our topic on digital citizenship, “If you cannot say it in person, don’t say at all,” and learning about polite ways of using text in emails, social media and SMS.
In their unit of inquiry this week, the students will be putting together their learning in the form of a project where they will express themselves using a form of media. This is in preparation for their Summative Assessment task.
This week’s schedule
Monday – the last homework for this quarter and it is due on Thursday
Library and I.T
Tuesday – French, Music and Art
Wednesday – P.E. French and Swahili
Thursday – Music
We will also have ISM Spirit Day, children can dress in their Tanzanian clothes/outfits, e.g. kangas, kikoys, Masai shukas etc.
Friday 9th December – is a public holiday for Independence Day.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |