Dear Parents,
We were all very pleased to enjoy last week’s production of “Delicious Death” by an entirely student-led drama group. They managed an excellent performance – please see details below.
Other events from last week included the D1 Theory of Knowledge Symposium, a presentation for parents on the Arts at ISM, and a number of sports events. We are now looking forward to our big annual Sports Weekend. Next weekend we will be hosting over 500 visiting students and coaches in a massive array of differing sports events. We hope you will find time to join us for a few hours over the weekend.
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Sports Weekend
  This coming weekend, Friday, 25th to Sunday 27th November we will be hosting a massive secondary Sports Weekend in ISM. Students will be joining us from eight other schools: ISM Arusha Campus, International School Tanganyika (Dar), Orkeeswa School (Monduli), HoPAc (Dar), AISS (Dar), Feza International (Dar), Morogoro International School, and St Constantine’s School (Arusha). We are expecting over 500 visiting students and coaches to be staying with us over this weekend and competing in 13 different sports.
NOTE: Classes for primary and secondary students will finish at 11:55am for all next Friday, 25th November. This will give us some time to prepare classrooms for our guests.
For further details of schedules and events for next weekend, please see the following:
Master Schedule:
U19 Basketball/Badminton:
U19 Football/Rugby:
U15 Football/Ultimate/Softball:
All Netball / U15 Basketball:
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Christmas Fair
 Karibuni the annual CHRISTMAS FAIR which will be held in school on SATURDAY 26 NOVEMBER from 9.30am – 1pm.
Come and buy your Christmas gifts and support our local artisans!
Stall holders can set up from 9am and tickets are on sale from the main office for 20,000/- per table. Stall holders please note, NO ticket, NO entry.
Proceeds from ticket sales will go to support one of our CAS projects at a local school.
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Parents’ Association
  There will be a Parent Association committee meeting tomorrow, Monday, 21st November in Bob Horton’s office. Parents are welcome to meet with the Chair, Anna Maze, from 7:30 to 8:15am if there is anything you would like to discuss.
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Secondary News
  To start off I would like to thank the parents who came to our presentation last Monday night on the Arts at ISM and the teachers that presented as well.
On Thursday night I attended the students’ Agatha Christie adaptation, “Delicious Murder”. It was obvious the large amount of effort that went into the production and I congratulate the students for their work. I hope many of you were able to attend on Friday.
This past week the D1 students from both campuses worked together on a couple of CAS projects and then worked to translate their experiences into TOK presentations. I saw some of the work and the connection between the different students. This was a valuable experience for them.
This next weekend we have the Secondary Sports Weekend. This is a major event and hundreds of students from eight different schools will be joining us for the weekend. In addition, there will be a Christmas Bazaar on Saturday so please come join us.
Bob Cofer
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Primary News

There has been a great deal of excitement in the Primary School this week as the children have been using 32 new Lenovo tablets which can be recharged in two carts. Now primary students will be able to browse web sites, make films, access e-books, play educational games, use educational apps and present their findings in all kinds of different formats. The classes have each put together some essential agreements, i.e. brainstorming how best to integrate the technology and how to look after the devices. Many thanks to Mr Peter and Ms Julie for all their hard work preparing the touch screen tablets for classroom use.

Congratulations to our boys’ football teams who travelled to St Constantine’s on Wednesday. Well done for placing third (U11) and second (U9) in the tournament. At the time of writing this we have not yet sent our swimmers to Kennedy House for Saturday’s swim gala. We wish them all the best. It is wonderful to have so many children participating so enthusiastically in the PE programme and primary sports clubs.
Reminder: Please collect your child/ren at 13.05 or 14.00 on days when they don’t have clubs. There is no supervision available after 14.00 for children without clubs. This includes if their sibling is at a club. Please collect your child/ren at 12.35 on Fridays.
Dates for your diaries:
Friday 25th November – lessons end early at 11.55am (due to the Moshi Secondary Sports Weekend)
Monday 28th November – PYP Sharing Assembly – all primary parents invited at 7.35am (Karibu Hall)
Friday 2nd December – PA Fashion Show at 18.30 – (Karibu Hall)
Wednesday 7th December – ISM Music Night – 18.00 – all primary parents invited (Karibu Hall)
Tuesday 13th December – primary reports issued
Wednesday 14th December – Primary Disco (Karibu Hall)
Thursday 15th December – Primary parent-teacher conferences (no lessons on this day)
Friday 16th December – Final day of Quarter 2
Kate Schermbrucker, Head of Primary
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Boarding News
  There were many activities planned for the weekend, but two stood out. On Friday night the boarders were treated to a drama presentation titled “Delicious murder” in Karibu Hall. On Saturday morning, 22 boarders left for the Arusha Christmas Fair. There was the usual town trip on Friday afternoon, football tournaments on campus and a quiz night on Saturday evening in the dining hall. On Sunday, we encouraged boarders to visit their respective places of worship. A reminder to parents that school closes for the first semester on Friday 16th December, and reopens on Sunday 15th January. Those who need to book flights may need to do so early to avoid disappointment. We appreciate parents who have already sent us tickets for boarders’ travel. Kindly send transport details in good time.
Rosemary Bango, Head of Boarding
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Drama: Delicious Death
  The story of this year’s production has been long and winding with many trials and failed starts. A total of four scripts were up for trials with two going through to auditions and casting stages. For more than 7 weeks the cast rehearsed one script but they realized that they were not connecting well with the spirit of the comedy. They abandoned it but were still determined to produce a school play for the second year running. ‘Delicious Death’ came up towards the end of the first quarter and they all agreed that they going to give it their best shot even without pushing the date for the show as was planned in the school calendar. What you have seen on stage is the dedication and commitment of five weeks. With competing interests from academics and other curriculum requirements like sports and CAS, the cast never lost hope. Such great talent and effort as witnessed on Thursday and Friday cannot be a coincidence but a collaboration of many people both within our campus and outside. I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who made this possible.
  First the entire school community for the much effort in ensuring that everything went on well. The maintenance unit who were ready to fix any malfunctioning in Karibu Hall, the kitchen staff, security, all who helped in cleaning and arranging the hall. A special mention to our school carpenter Ima who managed to put up such a wonderful set in two days. His very calm and positive spirit made him go extra mile, to ensure that the set was completed and painted.
Our parents played many roles. Some donated materials for costumes and props that were used in this production. Special thanks to the parents of Lydia who have been behind the scenes since the beginning, helping with the search for the script, attending evening rehearsals whenever they could, staying till very late to give the moral and material support and even bringing food and snacks to the cast during the rehearsal. We are very grateful.
  Behind every successful stage performance there is a team of dedicated technical crew that lead the various departments. We thank of set design team (led by Rachelle and Mahdi, costumes (led by Cynthia and Alefiya), Props led (by Nicole), lights and sounds (led by Ammar and Eric), marketing and publicity (led by Jessica) and make-up artist (led by Malaika) and Zan-Ladine and Mary-Mai for photographs.
  I owe special thanks to the entire cast for their dedication and commitment and more importantly for allowing their peers to act as their leaders, taking instructions from them and accepting their sanctions. When the cast saw the set delaying their precious dress rehearsal time they all took brushes and painted the set. I also want to thank students who were not originally part of the team but who opted to join their colleagues when they realized the need for many hands. Special thanks to D2’s Max.
  Last but not least, such a huge task could not be possible without people taking responsibility: the people who risk to take blame when things go wrong, but also who are there every day to offer the leadership and vision to the entire process. This year’s directors were Lydia and Lianne. We appreciate the sacrifices they made, despite the huge burden that comes with D2.
As for me, my work remained simply that of the drama teacher, who provided the moral, technical and administrative guidance and advice. As a faculty, our aim in drama is to inspire creativity, mentor and nature leadership and team spirit and improve on our communication skills. We welcome your feedback and suggestions on what we could do to improve on our future productions.
George Juma, Drama teacher
Thanks to Zan-Lydine for the photos in this article.
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Sports News
  This past weekend our U15 & U19 Basketball and Football teams travelled to St Constantine’s for the culminating round of the first season of the NTAA. What a successful weekend the Leopards had, please find below the final placings of each team as well as game reports.
U19 Girls Football – Champions
U19 Boys Football – 2nd Place
U15 Girls Basketball – 4th Place
U15 Boys Basketball – 2nd Place
Great Job Leopards!
The U-19 boys football team won both of their matches, pushing their winning streak to four straight matches. Their first match was against Jaffrey Academy, whom they beat 1-0 on an own goal Yoel B (D2) was credited with the assist. Next they played St. Constantine’s. This was a much more physical match, and again we managed to win 1-0. Malinga Z (M5) was the goal-scorer, assisted by Isaac M (D1). This winning streak helped the boys to a 2nd place NTAA finish this season, which is a marked improvement over last season. They are now looking forward to sports weekend, where they hope to bring home a 1st place trophy.
The U-19 girls football team also won both of their matches this weekend. They beat both Jaffrey Academy and St. Constantine’s 1-0. Against Jaffrey, Nora S (D2) scored, assisted by Sally D (M4). Nora scored again against St. Constantine’s, assisted this time by Alice M (M5). These two wins cemented the girls in 1st place for the NTAA season, with a total of 16 points on the season. They are now looking to repeat this success in the upcoming sports weekend tournament.
You can find the rest of the Season One Game Schedule from the NTAA at
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent after school activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horseback riding.
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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Primary Sports
 This week was a big one for our football squads, as the two boys teams travelled to St. Constantine’s to participate in the last tournament of the season against all of the Arusha teams and Kennedy House.
  Our U11 boys played brilliantly to secure one win, one draw, and one loss, netting several goals along the way and missing out on a place in the final four by one point. Our U9 boys were undefeated in pool play, dominating opponents with their crisp passing between players, expert keeping by Aiden, and strong defending by Onno, Zuberi, and Varad. After a nail-biting draw against St. Jude’s, they played Kennedy House in the semi-final, and won in penalties. In the final, Onno struck the crossbar, and several chances went just wide before St. Jude’s netted a brilliant strike and held on for the win. Onno was voted man of the match for that game.
All coaches and chaperones were amazed with the level of responsibility taken by the boys to organize the team on their own, conduct warm-up, and change positions to suit their strengths. Lots of work still needs to be done, but this team is looking better and better as the year goes on.
  Several players who practise regularly with the team, and the members of the girls team, were unable to attend this competition due to space and available teacher chaperones, though all turned up for practise the next day. These players should be commended for being caring and principled towards their sport and team.
Primary swimmers are at Kennedy House this weekend for a swim meet with Coach Andrea, Cassandra, and Coach Sabini. Coach Ryan is away at the CANA swim championships in Rwanda with four senior swimmers competing for Tanzania. Good luck to everyone who is competing.
Next week, we will continue the Tuesday Interhouse Competitions, aiming to complete the 200m running and high jump we started last week. There was an excellent turnout for Kibo and Mawenzi, and we are hoping more Meru participants will be encouraged to participate. We will not be attending the Dar Swim Meet.
Upcoming Primary Events
Mon 21 Nov 2016 – Lunch time swimming for all varsity team members
Tue 22 Nov 2016 – Interhouse Athletics – High Jump and 200m
Wed 23 Nov, Thur 24 Nov 2016 – Open lunch time swimming
Kennedy House Friendly – Rounders and Football – To be announced
Thanks to Coline van Treek for these photos
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CANA Swimming Championships
 This weekend was a milestone for the ISM Moshi Campus Varsity Swim Team, as for the first time in the history of the team, four swimmers have been chosen by the Tanzanian Swim Association to represent their country of residence in Kigali, Rwanda at the CANA (Confédération Africaine De Natation Amateur) Swimming Championships. Many of you know that in order to qualify, swimmers must place in the top two at the National Championships.
What you may not know, however, is that as of 3pm local time Saturday, Chris, Sanne and Alicia had all secured a medal for either first, second or third place in one of their races. We know Shawn will follow their lead. At the time of writing, he had not swum his first race.
Pictured is the Tanzanian team, along with a surprise visitor to the pool, the Consular Officer to the Tanzanian Embassy in Kigali and his assistant.
More news to follow next week!
Ryan Sullivan, Swim Coach
STOP PRESS: Tanzania secured first place in this competition – Congratulations to the 4 ISM Moshi swimmers who formed part of the team and contributed to this success.
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Primary Swimming
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The Arts at ISM
  Sadly not many parents were able to attend our presentation on the Arts at ISM last Monday evening. Two of the presentations from Monday evening can be downloaded from the school website:
Video of the Arts in Primary –
Design in Secondary –
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MYP Music
M4 Statement of Inquiry
“Cultural changes and historic events affect how people express themselves”
In music lessons students have been investigating important historical and cultural events that happened during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s in the USA, the 12 bar Blues and influential Blues musicians from the 20th Century.
Through musical analysis and improvisation workshops students have been developing skills and knowledge of instrumental playing techniques, chord progressions and recognition, 7th chords, the blues scale, blues notes and the 12 bar blues structure.
Here Vanessa Nicholas and Nyanda are practising and planning out their creative task using the stylistic elements of blues music in a 12 bar blues structure.
M5 Statement of Inquiry
“Globalization affects the identity of cultures and their native music”
M5 students have been developing their composition, improvisation and instrumental skills through the genre of musical theatre. Using the 32 bar song structure and ‘I’ve Got Rhythm’ by George Gershwin as a starting point students are composing and performing their own character song including stylist features such as jazz based harmony and AABA melodic structures.
Primary Music – Recorder Lessons for P3-P6
John Machibia one of our Musical Artists in Residence will now be offering group recorder tuition on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon 3.00-4.00pm. Please sign up outside the music room to secure a place for your child.
Mary Pantlin, Music Department.
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Dutch Clases
  During this second quarter, the Dutch B classes have been filled with meaningful discussions and ideas.
D1 students Sanne and Nandi are currently reading the book ‘Joe Speedboat’ by Tommy Wieringa, one of the Netherlands’ most famous contemporary authors. The book is a great example of modern Dutch literature: it is witty, clever and displays a different sort of humour and style. This book will serve as a basis for a first written assignment.
The students also learned how to write a successful academic paper. The exercises and background can easily be transferred to other languages.
We have had discussions and writing exercises about taboos, international education versus Dutch education, why Finland has one of the best educational systems in the world. And last but not least: we also had a closer look at the ‘Black Pete’ discussion. Traditionally, on December 6th every year, ‘Sinterklaas’ and ‘Black Pete’ are visiting children in The Netherlands and Belgium to give them presents and candy. For years, there has been a discussion about the possible discriminative nature of ‘Black Pete’. It was interesting to look at the issue from different perspectives.
Our D2 students Daan and Lianne are approaching the deadline for the draft of their written assignment. They have done some more practice and should be ready to submit at the beginning of December.
We did a variety of enriching vocabulary exercises and discussions, but also lots of writing exercises on a variety of cultural topics: intercultural communication, how culture is learned, culture in the Netherlands, subcultures and also the effect of chat language on spoken and written language. Although Daan and Lianne both have Dutch roots, they have mixed feelings about the Dutch culture and language. When they visit the Netherlands, they feel more Tanzanian and in Tanzania at times they feel Dutch. It is obvious that Daan and Lianne are Third Culture Kids!
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  International School Moshi, in conjunction with Lalafofofo, is seeking support for a new scholarship initiative to bring educational empowerment to the next generation of Tanzanian students. The initiative, “African Leadership Scholarship-Making a Difference in Africa,” is seeking support to fund the program, benefiting talented East African students.
Please see the press anouncement at
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Diploma Updates
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Early Childhood Preview
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P1/2 Preview
  We have so many talents and creative artists in our class! The children absolutely love our new unit. It’s wonderful to observe their enthusiasm and creativity towards different ways of self -expression.
Unit of Inquiry: How We Express Ourselves
Central idea: Creativity can be nurtured through inspiration, imagination and application.
Lines of Inquiry:
Identifying Imagination. FORM
How we use our imagination CONNECTION
Investigating what inspires people. PERSPECTIVE
Applying imagination to creative endeavours. CONNECTION
This week the children were engaged in a variety of creative activities, such as painting, writing poems, dancing, song writing, making crafts and listening to different type of stories and poems. Some children practised how to be a good communicator by asking people around the school about the meaning of ‘inspiration’. Others used the Internet or a Dictionary to find out the correct definition.
 Maths focus of the week
This week the students have drawn on all their pattern knowledge to create a final piece of work. They were told that this overall, individual pattern should include 2D shapes, number and colour. They really enjoyed the task and all focused very hard. Each designs was unique and showed off their creativity. I was delighted by how well they understood the concept of pattern. Next week we will move on to Data Handling. The children will be collecting and recording different types of data.
English focus of the week
The Green and Blue Group have spent some time on correct letter formations and collected some ‘z’ and ‘y’ words. The Purple Group learnt the digraph ‘er’, collected some verbs from their chosen book and revised all learnt sounds.
We also had a fun running team relay. The goal was to run up to a cone, pick up one piece of a silly sentence by taking turns and put the sentence together. We had a laugh reading up the sentences, such as ‘A green monkey jumped over a scary woman.’
 Reading. Please carry on using the Razkids website at home as this is another great opportunity to practice reading with your children.
Arts and Crafts. Look at our creative pictures inspired by the American artists Morris Louise and Jackson Pollack. Some children took Jackson Pollack’s idea forward and turned their work into a symmetrical composition. The class then found it interesting to give meanings to different shapes or formations in the pictures.
What to bring to school every day:
Indoor shoes
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack. Some children still did not bring their hats this week. The rule is: No hat, no play, no fun.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Swimming – please bring: trunk/costume, towel, swimming cap (for long hair), flip flops (the concrete by the pool can get very hot), sun lotion, and a plastic bag for the wet kit.
Homework goes home.
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: ‘Show and Tell’ for group 1.
Thursday: PE lesson – sport shoes
Friday: Homework due in. Please make sure the spelling books are returned because our Spelling Test is on Friday.
‘Show and Tell’ for group 2.
Thank you for your co-operation! Have a great week ahead!
Ms Andrea, P1/2 Teacher
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P2/3 Preview
 Thank you to the children that have brought something in for share time. Please make sure if they do bring something in that it is related to our unit i.e. silver spoon passed from generation.
Last week in class:
The children have been researching into their family history and who is in their family. They have begun to draft their family tree. Please feel free to send in photographs of family members, which we can cut and use for them. If you would like to come in a share a family tradition. Please feel free to contact me.
The children have been busy working on their All about books and sharing what they are experts in. They have been busy measuring around school and using different units for different purposes (cm, mm, meters). They also learned how to read a thermometer.
 The Week Ahead in class:
Unit of Inquiry:
Where we are in place and time.
Central idea – Family provides an insight into cultural and personal identity
Line of inquiry – The kinds of homes in which we lived in in the past.
The children will be researching about homes and using this information to build a model home. They will continue to work on their All about me family history book.
The children will be writing a How to. These will be the steps in which you need to follow to teach someone how to make, build, create or produce something.
The class will be adding more features such as (fact boxes, sub headings, tables) in their nonfiction All About books. They will be researching about their area of expertise and using this information in their book. They will carry this knowledge and skills over into their unit of inquiry when writing about their family history.
In Math, we will be continuing with measurement using meter sticks and trundle wheels. The class will also be looking at division and ways of explaining and showing how to divide a set of things equally. The children have begun to use Math Talk when explaining their mathematical thinking. We will continue to improve the vocabulary that they use.
This week we will be focusing on Questioning, generating questions before, during and after reading.
The children will also be recording their thinking whilst reading in their reading notebooks (connections/thoughts/predictions/ questions).
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Homework – Please ensure your child has indoor shoes.
Tuesday: Library and Swimming (costume, towel, pool shoes)
Wednesday: P3 French
Thursday: P3 French
Friday: PE (sport shoes and comfortable clothes – no jeans)
Homework book returned.
We finish school at 11:55am
Useful websites: – click on grade 2 skills.
Thank you – Have a lovely week ahead.
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
  Last week we have explored buoyant force and in Math have tested the Archimedes principle using our knowledge of measurement to guide us. Through our Lego mini boat challenge we have looked at how force affects the shape and how changing the shape of an object affects the buoyancy.
In language we will continue investigating what it takes to make good instructions by making video tutorials. We are writing clear instructions and scripts so that we can present effectively.
  In reading we will be looking at instructional texts. We also will continue with Book Clubs and the students will produce project work showing their understanding of plot,character and setting.
This week upcoming the students will have time to collaborate in their groups to do some real boat-making (more details via email). Please help by sending/bringing in any materials (junk) you have at home that might help them.
  In Math we will move from capacity (ml/l, g/kg) to measuring distance (km/m) as we begin to look at the land transport and related forces. Please bring in a toy with wheels for us to borrow as this will help us with our learning.
Julie Bowen, (P4/5 Classroom Teacher)
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P5 Preview
  This was a very exciting week in P5 as Mr. Marvin introduced the class to the new tablets that have been purchased for use in the PYP classrooms. The children have drawn up some essential agreements (rules that we all agree on) about how the tablets will be used. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to take another look at “digital citizenship” and the appropriate way to use technology.
The children have enjoyed working on their advertisements. They have invented a kind of breakfast cereal for their product and are working on posters to promote it. They have been using slogans, scientific claims, celebrity endorsements, visually appealing decoration and other techniques that companies employ to encourage us to purchase their products. We will be sharing this work with the PYP and parents in the P5 primary gathering on Friday 2nd December (a date to note in your diaries.) Please also note that on Monday, 28th November the PYP children will be sharing their recent maths work in K Hall during a morning assembly.
Our work in maths over the next few weeks will focus on 2D and 3D shapes. This links with our UOI because the children will have to make packaging for their cereal. This week the children completed a pre assessment shape activity to assess how much they know about the properties of shapes including net, symmetry, angles, rotations and lines. This will enable the children to measure their progress at the end of the unit.
The children worked with the 2D shapes to explore tessellation (when shapes fit together without gaps or overlaps.) They have started a piece of art using a tessellating tile in the style of M. C. Escher. Next week they will design their own tessellating tile.
We are in the process of arranging a trip with the P6 class to visit Sauti Ya Injili radio station on Thursday. We hope to leave after morning break and return to school just before lunch. Please make sure your child is wearing comfortable shoes for walking on this day. More details will follow by email.
The week ahead:
Monday: I.T and Library
Tuesday: French, Music and P.E.
Wednesday: Swahili
Thursday: French, I.T. and possible visit to local radio station.
Friday: Swimming, Music, Swahili
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview
  The P6s had a great week, watching videos about media and how persuasion is used to influence people’s perspectives. They thoroughly enjoyed and Art and Design lesson on Japanese calligraphy by Ms Elke and their work is proudly displayed outside the P6 class. We ended the week on a high note as we had a go at the new school tablets. The students were all very careful with them and were very knowledgeable with how to use these. They found their way around the different functions and apps; talk about the digital generation 🙂 The students have written reflections on how this brief session went and with these they will come up with Essential agreements.
In Math we will continue with our unit on angles and we will also begin looking at probability. Students will be constructing and measuring angles using a protractor as well as calculating missing angles. We will look at probability related to real life situations and connect this with our unit on media.
  In Language Arts, the students will be working on persuasive writing and its key elements. They are welcome to bring interesting images that can be used to create adverts, posters, brochures, newsflashes etc.
In our Unit of Inquiry the students will continue to work on different aspects of media and the impact it has on our perception of the world. They will explore different applications from different genres and learn more about visual communication. We (the P5s and P6s) hope to visit the media house “Sauti ya Injili” this coming week to learn more about using media to reach the community.
This week’s timetable
Monday – Library and I.T
Tuesday – French, Music and Art
Wednesday – P.E. French and Swahili
Thursday – Music
Friday – Swahili and Swimming
The P6s will be presenting in the Primary Gathering this coming Friday (25th November from 7:35 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.). P6 parents – you are welcome.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |