Dear Parents,
It was a pleasure to meet those parents who were able to join us in Dar es Salaam this weekend. Many thanks for coming. We hope to present in Dar again in mid-February and may then have the opportunity to meet with others also. Thanks also to all our ISM families who continue to recommend the school to family and friends – this is a great help to us and we value our support in this way.
In this coming week we will be presenting to parents in school on Monday evening so that you can discover more about the various Arts programmes in the school (details below). We also have the excitement of a murder on stage on Thursday and Friday – I hope that many families in Moshi will be able to join us to see the student-produced drama in Karibu Hall. And we are gearing up for the massive secondary sports weekend in two weeks’ time.
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The Arts at ISM
  All are welcome to a parent meeting this Monday, 14th November at 6:30pm in room 15 at school. We hope to inform you about The Arts in all 3 programmes, PYP, MYP and Diploma. The Arts and Design take on many forms here at ISM and this is your opportunity to come and learn more about these programmes and ask any questions you might have. Ian Horne, our Visual Arts Teacher, Mary Pantlin, our Music Teacher, George Juma, our Drama Teacher and Anil Jootna, our Design Teacher will each be talking about their subject area within the school. And of course, we will be highlighting how the arts are incorporated into our primary programme.
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Drama Production
 School Drama – Delicious Death
After successfully staging ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ in a pilot student-led drama production last year, the team is back again this year with ‘Delicious Death’. The play is an adaptation of Agatha Christie’s novel, ‘A Murder is Announced’. An announcement in the local paper states the time and place when a murder is to occur in Miss Blacklock’s Victorian house. The victim is not one of the house’s several occupants, but an unexpected and unknown visitor. What follows is a classic Christie puzzle of mixed motives, concealed identities, a second death, a determined Inspector grimly following the twists and turns, and Miss Marple on hand to provide the final solution at some risk to herself in a dramatic confrontation just before the final curtain.
‘Delicious Death’ will be staged on Thursday and Friday, 17th and 18th November, in Karibu Hall from 7:00p.m. Tickets go for Tshs. 2000 for children and Tshs. 5000 for adults. Tickets can be bought from the reception or at the door. The production is fully led by the students, right from its conception, through to sourcing for the script, casting, rehearsal and technical management. This year’s team is co-led by Lydia Nickels and Lianne Duinmaijer, both of whom, despite being busy with D2 preparation, have put aside extra time to ensure that this dream of establishing a tradition of a student-led drama celebration in the school comes to fruition. You are all welcome.
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Cardboard Box Story
 Artwork inspired by recycled cardboard boxes!
Mr Horne, Visual Arts teacher was really happy to receive all the waste cardboard leftover from the recent UK Container deliver of materials and equipment at school. He spent a lot of time dismantling huge boxes with a Stanley Knife, and now has an amazing resource to use for his Visual Arts lesson – and what is even better it is recycled and completely free!
When it comes to work Mr Horne believes in leading by example! So, he has been busy turning the cardboard sheets into all sorts of interesting example works of art to help inspire his Art students, and to help them see the artistic potential in a humble cardboard box!
  Since then Mr Horne’s Secondary Art students, have been learning how to soak cardboard box in boiling water and then adding glue to make papier mâché modelling material. They have also learned how to soak the cardboard in water to separate its different paper layers for use in modelling and collaging. Mr Horne has also shown them how to create relief cardboard designs by cutting out shapes and gluing them together in layers.
A number of the Secondary Visual Arts classes have already started new Units of Work which will involve using one or more of these techniques. M4 will be making cardboard/papier mâché bird models, whilst M3 will be making cardboard relief designs, and Mr Horne’s D1 Class are modeling portraits using cardboard construction and papier mâché techniques. Some of the D2 students have also begun to use   papier mâché techniques within their artwork. Cardboard box – it’s a great resource!
In-line with Mr Horne’s recycling policy – if any parents or ISM staff have leftover jam jars, plastic pots or containers which are no longer needed, please drop them off at the Art Department as they would come in very handy! Many thanks. Mr Horne.
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Secondary News
  As you can see from the various articles in the newsletter our students have been busy. I would like to congratulate the D2 students that took their Swahili and Afrikaans IB Diploma exams last week. I am sure they are happy to have them done. From what I hear, our M4 and M5 French classes had a great time doing art in French. It takes imagination to work with cotton wool and termite mounds. Speaking of Art, we have the parents’ night on Monday to discuss our arts and design programs so please come join us.
Sticking with the art theme for a moment, “Delicious Death” an Agatha Christie adaptation will be performed on Thursday and Friday evening by our student led drama group. Please do come see it.
In non-art news, our D1 students will meet up with their counterparts from Arusha to discuss ToK and CAS related items on Monday and Tuesday this week at our annual (Theory of Knowledge) ToK Symposium.
Bob Cofer (Head of Secondary)
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Primary News
  Well done to the Early Childhood children for presenting their unit of inquiry in the Primary Gathering this week. They showed they were risk-takers and communicators by speaking into the microphone in front of an audience. We all especially enjoyed joining in with their song about moles. Some P5 students guided them nicely through the event by acting as MCs for the morning. Well done, also, to all the children who received leaves this week. We give these out to children who have displayed attributes from the Learner Profile or for those who have demonstrated a PYP Attitude, i.e. appreciation, commitment, confidence, cooperation, creativity, curiosity, empathy, enthusiasm, independence, integrity, respect and tolerance. These leaves, with the students names on, are there added to our Primary Tree.
  This week the children have been tuning in to their new inquiries. If you wish to know more details please take a look at our large noticeboard giving details about each unit being covered in the Primary School. Alternatively, please speak with your child and/or their teacher to find out more.
I am looking forward to welcoming parents to the Monday evening presentation entitled What do The Arts Look Like at ISM? This one hour talk starts at 6.30pm in Room 15 and will provide information about art, music, drama and design in the PYP/MYP/DP at our school. Childcare will be available in Room 16. Karibu sana!
I am pleased to inform you that the safe zone around the main climbing frame has now been completed, meaning it is open for the children to enjoy playing there once again. With the soft surface it will now be much safer for them to use.
Kate Schermbrucker, (Head of Primary / PYP Coordinator)
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Sports News
The 16th edition of this great sporting tradition at ISM is fast approaching and will be held on Friday November 25th to Sunday November 27th. The following schools will be competing in a variety of sports being played throughout the weekend. ISM (Moshi) ISM (Arusha) IST MIS AISS HOPAC ST. CONSTANTINE’S ORKEESWA FEZA INT’L SCHOOLPlease click this link for Sports Weekend Information and sport schedules: Please note these schedules are subject to change. Keep watching this space for more information!
Students will be competing in the following sports: Badminton, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Netball, Swimming, Rugby, Tennis, Volleyball and Ultimate.
Due to the size and scope of this event the ISM Sports Department is looking for volunteers who can help with the following: Food stalls, Christmas Craft Fair stalls, Scorekeeping, Timekeeping, Officiating, Swim Gala Helpers, and Cross Country Marshals
We are also looking for sponsors for the event, those people, shops, companies that are willing to donate their help, expertise, supplies or money to help make the event a success. If you are interested in helping out or sponsoring and require further information, please contact Scott Hibbard, ISM Head of Sport at . Thank you to all of those people: parents and students who have already volunteered, your help will be invaluable over the course of the weekend.
Sporting News
This past weekend our U15 & U19 Basketball and Football teams traveled to ISMAC for the 2nd round of the NTAA, and what a successful weekend the Leopards had, please find below the game reports.
  The Lady Leopards looked to improve on their perfect record in games versus Braeburn and ISMAC. The day started off against Braeburn and the girls were ready to play and game out firing, however, the opportunities they produced including a great free kick by Gladys M (D2) which struck the crossbar went without no reward. The 2nd half show much of the same, until midway through when the breakthrough came in the form of a handball in the box, and Alice M (M5) converted the penalty. Versus ISMAC, much of the same happened, loads of chances for the ISM Girls to break open the game, but chances were not taken, until Alice M (M5) scored her second of the day, she also made two key saves when she was pressed into goalie duties due to an injury. Well done ladies. Onto next week as top of the table!
  The U19 boys won both of their matches this past weekend. First up we played Braeburn, handily defeating them 5-0. Malinga Z (M5)and Yoel B (D2) each had one goal, and Isaac M (D1) scored the U19 boys first hat trick in at least two seasons. Three assists came from Malinga Z (M5), and one from Manini E (M5). Tommaso M (M5) had a clean sheet. The second match was against ISMAC, which always makes for a physical and hard-fought match. This time we narrowly defeated them, with Malinga Z (M5) scoring the only goal of the match, assisted by Jerry B (M4). Tommaso M (M5) had another clean sheet. In both matches our boys played very well as a team – supporting each other, communicating, and always staying positive.
Both the U15 basketball teams participated in the second NTAA tournament of the season last Saturday at ISMAC. Both teams started a little sluggish and lost their first game. The boys lost to Braeburn 22-30 after a myriad of setbacks in the first quarter. They bounced back nicely and defeated St Jude’s in their second game 28-21. Five players entered the scoring column: Chris F (M3), Ramadhan B (M3), Nyanda K (M4), Mapalo S (M2), and Jacob M (M3).
The girls also started with a loss: 2-15 against St. Jude’s. Nsimbo M (M3) was the lone scorer. They, however, did not lose heart and played an incredible game against Braeburn to close out the day. Five different ladies scored the rock: Vanessa P (M4), Vailet S (M3), Margreth B (M3), Nsimbo M (M3), and Gabi M (M3). More notable is 4 different ladies had assists: Zainab M (M3), Vanessa P (M40, Vailet S (M3), and Gabi M (M3). The final score was a 16-5 Leopard lady victory!
Well done teams! The next scheduled event for the ISM U15 Basketball and U19 Football teams will be November 12th at St Constantine’s.
You can find the rest of the Season One Game Schedule from the NTAA at
Congratulations to our swimmers who have been selected by the Tanzania Swimming Association (TSA) to swim for Tanzania in next weekend’s African tournament in Kigali. Read more in the Daily News at
House News
On Monday November 7th during Assembly period in Karibu Hall, Athletics Day Awards were given out, and students were recognized for their athletic achievement, quite a nice start to the week.
There are the following events that Houses can participate in the following events: NTAA Logo Competition, House Quiz, and the ISM Fashion Show. Please see Mr Hibbard for more details.
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent afterschool activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horseback riding.
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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Primary Sports
  Last weekend, ISM Primary Swimming hosted the first NTAA primary only swim meet at Moshi Campus. All of our swimmers participated to their full potential, and earned many excellent results and personal best times. All swimmers have been preparing for competition in their workouts and lunchtime swimming and their performances are a direct result of this. ISM sports prides itself on preparation just like we do in the classroom through the IB curriculum. The end product or result depends on what comes before, in other words, and we are doing both very well!
Next week, primary Inter-house competitions resume with Athletics every Tuesday at 1:30pm. Students must first eat their lunch, and then they are welcome to join us on the field for two events every Tuesday until the end of the year. This upcoming Tuesday will be high jump and the 200m. Student who wish to participate in this optional event must be in their house T-shirt, PE kit, and proper shoes.
The Dar Swim Club is hosting a primary swim meet on Fri 9 Dec 2016 – Sat 10 Dec 2016. This is for 13 and under swimmers only. Primary swimmers have the potential to attend four or five away meets this year: Tallis Invitational in Dar in January, Primary Sports Weekend in Dar in May, and Mwanza Swim Meet in April. There is also a Junior Nationals meet in Nairobi in May that we are considering. The cost for these away meets is between $150-$400US. We recognize that not all swimmers will attend all the competitions, but encourage those who are interested to attend as many as possible.
Swimmers who are interested in attending the Dar Swim Meet should contact Coach Ryan before Wed 16 Nov 2016.
Upcoming Events
Lunchtime Swimming – 1:30-1:50pm: Mon (Swim Team only), Wed-Thur (open)
Lunchtime Inter-house Athletics: Tuesday (1:30-1:50pm)
Saturday Boys Football: Cancelled this week
Wed 16 Nov 2016 – Boys Football at St. Constantine’s
Sat 19 Nov 2016 – Kennedy House Swim Meet (Coach Andrea to attend for Coach Ryan)
Fri 9 Dec – Sat 10 Dec 2016 – Dar Swim Club Meet – to be decided based on interest
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Christmas Fair
 Karibuni the annual CHRISTMAS FAIR which will be held in school on SATURDAY 26 NOVEMBER from 9.30am – 1pm.
Come and buy your Christmas gifts and support our local artisans!
Stall holders can set up from 9am and tickets are on sale from the main office for 20,000/- per table. Stall holders please note, NO ticket, NO entry.
Proceeds from ticket sales will go to support one of our CAS projects at a local school.
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Boarding News
  The weekend started on a high note, with boarders taking their Friday afternoon town trip. This was followed by a football tournament on the top pitch and indoor football in the evening.
About 35 boarders left the campus on Saturday morning for ISMAC. They represented the school in football and basketball tournaments. The boarders who remained on campus enjoyed a football match in the afternoon on the bottom pitch. A disco was held for secondary students in the social centre from 7.30pm.
We encourage boarders to visit their places of worship. We take a group of boarders to the mosque every Friday. On Sunday morning others are taken to their respective churches for worship. After lunch on Sunday, a fashion show workshop is planned to assist those who will take part in the show later this quarter. A dance class for primary boarders is scheduled for 3.00pm onwards.
We appreciate the parents of boarders who joined us for a drink/chat on Friday evening at the Sea Cliff hotel in Dar es Salaam. The feedback you gave us is helpful to us all.
On a sad note, we wish to send our condolences to the families of three of our boarders who lost their parents over the last few days. Our prayers go out to the Jariwallas, the Mungais and the Nkalas.
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Training for Teaching Assistants
  At ISM we are fortunate to have a team of hard working, caring and dedicated Teaching Assistants who work in Primary, Secondary and Learning Support. They are an additional and important support to the children and teachers. As with all teaching staff our assistants receive workshop training. This is delivered by other members of staff, usually on Friday afternoons. This week the TAs learned about positive behaviour management techniques. These techniques are important for helping our students feel supported and confident with their learning at ISM.
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French: Alliance Française Partnership
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Fashion Show
 ISM Fashion Show of the Future and Quiz Night – Friday, 2nd December, Karibu Hall.
This exciting evening is only 3 weeks away and preparations are well underway. The primary students have great themes and creativity in their costumes and the senior students have been doing some great work on their creations in the weekends. We even have the teachers’ fashion extravaganza to look forward to! Please put some teams of 4 people together and email me on with your team name, a contact number and participants’ names. Entry to watch the fashion show will be free, but to compete in the Quiz (which will be held in between fashion parades), the fee will be TSh 5000 per participant. Great prizes will be up for grabs!
Thanks and looking forwards to a great evening!
Anna MazeToday, Sunday, 13th November there will be another opportunity for day-students and boarders to work on their costumes for the ISM Future Fashion Show. Take your starter pack and come to the picnic area at the big playground, from 1.30pm till 3.30pm. It will be possible to share and discuss ideas, to work with paper mache to make some futuristic creations, or to use a sewing machine. There will be also (scrap) material available to work with. If you have any questions, please contact Christine: 07-56730125 or via the mail: . Besides, check the notice board in the breezeway next week to fill in the missing information about your group. We need this information to make the program for the 2nd of December. There is also still opportunity to sign up, we still have three weeks to go! We have seen already some great creations, so be part of it, or watch the show on the 2nd of December! Christine Brandsma
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Outdoor Pursuits
  As this newsletter is underway, a group of our students is spending the last of four days trekking in the Usambara Mountains. We wish them a safe return today.
Next weekend (19th-22nd November) we have scheduled a Level 3 trip to Mawenzi Hut on Kilimanjaro. There are still places available on this trip and we hope one or two eligible students will still be able to join to ensure the minimum number for the trip to go ahead. Students who wish to join this trip should arrange payment by this Monday, 14th November.
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National Holidays
  In just under a month’s time, we have two national holidays. Friday, 9th December is Tanzania’s Independence Day, and Monday, 12th November is the Maulid holiday. This will create a long weekend holiday for our students. If you wish your child to travel home for the weekend, please remember that we will have a full programme of classes and CAS/Sports activities on Thursday, 8th December, which students will be expected to attend. We will also have a full programme from Tuesday, 13th to Friday, 16th December and will want all our students to attend for that week.
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Diploma Updates

- Encourage/remind your son or daughter in the IB DP that they should attend every class and the consequences of an unexcused absence will be not only a detention but also a huge gap in the learning content not experienced.
- D2 Swahili B students completed their Paper 2 exam and await their results on 6 January.
- From the ISM IB DP Retention Policy: “At the end of the second quarter and of the third quarter, all full diploma students will be expected to have a minimum of 22 points (obtained by adding the reported achievement grades from their six subjects excluding ToK and EE). Any student achieving fewer than 22 points at this stage (or achieving fewer than 11 HL points) will be required to undertake a reduced programme with either fewer subjects or with fewer higher levels in consultation with the Diploma Programme Coordinator.
- Mark your calendar: the end of Semester 1 parent-teacher meeting will be on Friday December 16th and the ISM DP Graduation will be on Saturday May 20th.
Upcoming key events:
All D1s will participate in a 2-day ToK/CAS symposium this coming week. Throughout these two days D1s will be exploring various aspects of ToK – notably, the Presentation, one of the final assessment formats, through various CAS activities.
Join us for Sports Weekend on Fri Nov 25 to Sun Nov 27th – a great chance to see your son or daughter in action as well as chance to mingle with ISM parents/teachers and get a sense of our wonderful campus and first-rate holistic program of education.
Key upcoming deadlines for D2s in the coming weeks include:
Wednesday November 23rd – Swahili Lit HL/SL Written Assignment (Draft)
Friday November 25th – Swahili Ab Initio SL (mock orals)
Friday November 25th – Math Studies SL: The project (Draft), Math SL/HL Exploration (Draft)
Tuesday November 29th – German Lit SL ST and French Lit SL ST Written Assignment/Reflective Statement (Draft)
Monday November 28th -ITGS Major Project (Draft)
Wednesday November 30th – ToK Presentations
On ‘What students do not know about on-line searching and fact-checking’ –
Info for IB parents –
Teaching children about grit –
Succeeding with ‘habits of mind’ –
7 Habits of Effective teens –
Rick Fitzpatrick, (Diploma Coordinator):
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Early Childhood Preview
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P1/2 Preview
  We had such a creative week! Congratulations to Suhanee, Walter and Swantje for receiving a green leaf at the Primary Gathering on Friday morning. It’s so wonderful to see the children’s improvement in all areas of learning, including social and emotional aspects.
Maths focus of the week.
Last week we studied pattern and number pattern. The children created some of their own patterns and sometimes continued patterns started by the teacher or other children. Next week we will look at more number patterns, including odds and evens, and counting up, and down, in multiples of e.g. 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s etc.
Unit of Inquiry: We started a new exciting unit this week: How we Express Ourselves
Central idea: Creativity can be nurtured through inspiration, imagination and application.
Lines of Inquiry:
Identifying Imagination. FORM
How we use our imagination CONNECTION
Investigating what inspires people. PERSPECTIVE
Applying imagination to creative endeavours. CONNECTION
We tuned into our new unit with the ‘Wonder Box’ activity. There were lots of objects in the box, such as pencil, brush, Lego pieces, paint, CD and a book. The children needed to find the connection between these objects. They came up with fascinating ideas.
We also jumped into action by designing our box house. Thanks to our lovely volunteer, Jip for making a book of the children’s Dream House ideas and putting these plans into practice. Take a look at our shaping box house.
Phonics focus of the week. We started Phase 3 with the Green and Blue Group this week. Our focus was on ‘j’, ‘v’, ‘w’ and ‘x’ sounds. The Purple Group were collecting words with ‘air’, ‘ear’ and ‘ure’ sounds and writing imaginative stories with some of these words.
Reading. I hope everyone received the Razkids login letter with the children’s password. This is a fantastic opportunity to practise reading at home.
 Arts and Crafts. This week we looked at how the French artist Henri Matisse expressed himself using a pair of scissors. He inspired us to create some imaginative cut outs.
What to bring to school every day:
Now that it rains more often we are trying to get into the habit of using our indoor shoes. Please make sure your child has a pair at school.
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack. Some children still did not bring their hats this week. The rule is: No hat, no play, no fun.
Can you please check it every day that your child has a hat so he/she won’t miss the fun?
 The Week Ahead:
Monday: Swimming – please bring: trunk/costume, towel, swimming cap (for long hair), flip flops (the concrete by the pool can get very hot), sun lotion, and a plastic bag for the wet kit.
Homework goes home.
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: ‘Show and Tell’ for group 1.
Thursday: we are going to have a ‘wet’ PE lesson. The children will take part in relays (working on co-operation and appreciation) and fun Tag games using water so they will to get very wet. Please see what to bring
PE lesson – please send in a set of extra dry cloths (including underwear) and water pistols if you have any.
Friday: Homework due in. Please make sure the spelling books are returned because our Spelling Test is on Friday.
‘Show and Tell’ for group 2.
Thank you for your co-operation!
Have a great week ahead!
Ms Andrea, P1/2 Teacher
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P2/3 Preview
 Thank you to those of you who came to our poetry share/ celebration. It was lovely to see the children being proud of their achievements, they have worked so hard.
 Last week in class:
The children have begun our third unit of inquiry. They are very excited researching into their families’ history looking at their culture and traditions. If you can help in anyway with this unit, please feel free to contact me. We have explored measuring using nonstandard (cubes, paper clips) and standard measure (centimeter) units. Each child has a plan for their “All about” book which they have been eager to start.
The Week Ahead in class:
Unit of Inquiry:
This week the children will be inquiring into Where we are in place and time.
Central idea – Family provides an insight into cultural and personal identity
Line of inquiry – Perception of home
The children will be discussing what their perception of home is and comparing it to others. They will also begin an All about me family history book.
The class will continue to work on our nonfiction writing and writing our All About books. We will focus on aspects of a non-fiction book such as: caption, headings, labels, close-up, glossary. Each one will be taught and the children will use them where and when they need to, within their book. The children will also be researching about their expertise area in IT and using this information to help strengthen their schema (previous knowledge).
In Math, the children are continuing to develop their measuring skills. We will focus on standard measuring using centimeters and meters. They will be asked to estimate and then prove their estimations with both units. They will be using thermometers to measure temperatures.
This week I will be assessing the children’s reading level.
Some children have been placed into a book club that they will be part of in class. They will have an opportunity to discuss a book a week with other children of their ability. It is a great way for children to share ideas, thoughts and predictions.
We will also be working on making connections with the test we have read or have been read to us. The children will be starting a three-part connection circle (text -to world, text – to text and text – to self).
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Homework – Please ensure your child has indoor shoes.
Tuesday: Library and Swimming (costume, towel, pool shoes)
Wednesday: P3 French
Thursday: P3 French
Friday: PE (sport shoes and comfortable clothes – no jeans). Homework book returned.
Useful websites: – click on grade 2 skills.
Reading together has more pleasure – please read to your child.
Thank you
Have a relaxing weekend and enjoyable week
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
 This week’s inquiry was into the force of wind on objects. In math we made and measured kites, parachutes and paper planes.   We looked at how changing the shape (design) of our paper plane affect the distance it went. We were introduced to the terms thrust, weight , drag and pull and considered how these affect an object in flight.
We used the inquiry cycle to discover the history of kites and researched good paper plane designs. We learned to reflect on our work and modified our designs. We have been using tools to measure distance including the trundle wheel and meter stick. We found area and perimeter of our parachutes (squares and rectangles) and others even learned how to calculate the area of a circle!
In language have been reading a variety of non-fiction texts and this week we will looking further at making instructions and the children will have opportunity to make online tutorials to share with their friends.
  Next week as we begin to look at water & forces (buoyancy) and what makes things float. In math we will look at volume and capacity.
Check out blendspace top tools for a digital safety game to play at home. Log in details are in the notes.
Julie Bowen, (P4/5 Classroom Teacher)
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P5 Preview
 The P5 students went for an educational and enjoyable walk to the River Karanga on Friday as the culmination of our Unit of Inquiry about using natural resources. We saw bee hives in the trees, goats drinking from the river and people breaking rocks to turn them into small stones.   Mr. Thadeus was very knowledgeable and pointed out rubber trees and showed the children a plant that some people use for brushing teeth. He explained to the children that not everyone has access to Colgate. We had a lovely time and hope to visit the river again to compare the level of the water after the rains come.
Ezekiel celebrated his birthday this week and we enjoyed some delicious cupcakes. Many happy returns to Ezekiel.
This week we started our new Unit of Inquiry which has the central idea, “Media empowers people to create, extend and challenge our perception of the world.” The children have brainstormed as many forms of media that they can think of. We have completed vocabulary activities focusing on the words that will be encountered and used during this unit. One of the lines of inquiry concerns the power of visual communication. The children have looked at adverts to see if they can identify the message of the picture and can work out which persuasive techniques are being used. They have looked at how advertising has changed over the last few decades. Next week the children will start to use persuasive writing techniques themselves.
If anyone has any ideas for places for the children to visit as part of our new Unit of Inquiry I would be very grateful for any suggestions.
  In Maths the children have been working on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. They have continued with their work on volume and capacity and have practiced reading ml on cylinders using different scales. Next week we will bring our work on volume and capacity to a close and will start investigating the properties of shape. If your child has brought home flashcards to practice addition facts please can you send these to school every day.
On Wednesday some of the P5 boys are going to St. Constantine’s for a soccer tournament. We wish them the best of success.
Please note that next week our swimming lesson will take place on Thursday, not on Friday. This is not a permanent schedule change – it is just for next week as Coach Ryan will not be available on Friday.
The week ahead:
Monday: I.T. | Library | Homework packet goes home
Tuesday: P.E. | French | Music
Wednesday: Swahili
Thursday: French | I.T. | Swimming just for this week
Friday: Swahili | Music | Return homework packet to school
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview
 This week the P6s did their Pre-assessment and tuned into their new unit successfully. They are excited about the new unit and have approached it with great enthusiasm.
  We were very impressed by our very own P6 computer expert, Joshua Veillon who shared his knowledge about computer coding. It was an enlightening session and we look forward to learning more from him and from each other. All the students are very keen to build their knowledge on their previous year’s unit on Digital citizenship. We would like to invite parents that are experts in this area of media to come and share their expertise.
Math – This week we will continue with our geometry unit where we use nets to construct 3-D shapes and create product packaging for our unit of inquiry. The students are also exploring angles. In the coming week we will construct different angles and solve problems with missing angles.
 Language Arts – this week we looked at features of persuasive writing and in the coming week students will create their own piece in the form of an advertisement or product package.
Unit of Inquiry – students will create a timeline showing how media has evolved over time and inquire further about its different functions.
Next week’s timetable
Monday – Library
Tuesday – French, Music and Art (with Ms Elke – Dutch teacher)
Wednesday – P.E., French and Swahili
Thursday – Music and P.E. (Swimming from 11:55 to 12:35)
Friday – I.T.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
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