Dear Parents,
The second quarter of the school year is now well underway. Yesterday many of our primary students travelled to ISM to take part in their primary athletics tournament. As I write this newsletter, we have a group of students on the mountain who are hoping to reach Uhuru Peak on Monday morning – we wish them all the very best. It was a fantastic opportunity for many of our swimmers last week to be trained by two British Olympic swimmers – many of these we will be competing in Mombasa next weekend and we hope that the extra training will have paid off. Next weekend also sees our Hallowe’en events and a Tennis tournament – please see details below.
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United Nations Day
  This Monday, 24th October is United Nations Day. We will marking this in an assembly on Monday morning at 7:35am. We would like all students to come to school on Monday in their national dress or national colours.
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Primary News
 After the short break, the children have settled back quickly into their lessons and inquiries. The EC pupils have started their new unit about the diversity of animals and our relationships which them. The P1 – P6 students are preparing for their summative assessment tasks which will take place in the next two weeks. The children have also been enjoying their new set of clubs and taking part enthusiastically.
  As you will have noticed, we have had an exciting time unwrapping new furniture and resources from our shipment. These are being distributed to all the classrooms.
Well done to all the children who travelled to ISMAC on Friday and competed keenly in the athletics meet.
This week we had the wonderful opportunity to hear from two Olympic GB swimmers, Joe and Amy, who were with us from Monday through until Thursday. They came in to speak to all the classes and tell them about their experiences at top level competitions around the world. They also showed us their Olympic and Commonwealth medals. The children were enthralled with their anecdotes and advice and asked well thought out questions. Those who signed up for the extra swim training showed commitment and determination at their daily early morning and afternoon sessions. They have learned such a lot from these two world class athletes and gained even more passion for the sport of swimming. Many thanks to all those who were involved with the set up of this valuable opportunity.
  This week the primary children have been busy practising the Peace Song, which they will sing in Monday’s special assembly. On this day we will have a Spirit Day and ask that all children come to school wearing clothes from their home country/ies (e.g. national dress) or the colours of their flag. Parents are welcome to attend the assembly in Karibu Hall at 7.35am when we will celebrate both UN Day and mark ISM’s birthday (47 years).
This week the P5 class and P6 class will go on an overnight camp to Lake Chala. This will add a further dimension to their Sharing the Planet unit which is all about the Earth’s resources and our connection to them. We wish them an enjoyable time and look forward to hearing about their experiences on their return.
  Please could I remain parents to ensure that their children’s belongings are all named. This includes, clothes, shoes, water bottles and snack boxes. Many thanks for your help with this.
Thanks also to all the parents who have been in touch to help out with the Primary Halloween event starting at 3pm on Friday afternoon. If there is anyone else who wishes to help, please send an email to: We hope to see lots of families at the primary Halloween event as it should be great fun. It begins with Trunk or Treat on the school field, followed by a costume parade, family pizza and cartoon films. If you would like to stay for the Halloween family pizza dinner, please purchase your ticket in advance from the ISM front Reception Desk for 6000 Tsh. See the posters around school for more details.
Kate Schermbrucker
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Secondary News
  We have reached the end of our first week back and it seems like we never left. Next week will be a busy week as we celebrate UN Day and the school’s 47th birthday on Monday with an assembly led by our Model United Nations (MUN) students. Students are reminded to wear their national dress or national colors as it is also a spirit day. Parents, as always, you are invited to join us for the assembly that starts at 7:35 in Karibu Hall.
Currently some of our secondary students are off on the Uhuru Peak OP trip and others are planning for next weekend’s Halloween festivities.
For our second year diploma students this may be the busiest time. Currently they are working on their extended essays; their internal assessments in multiple subjects and their TOK presentations. In fact, in two weeks some of our D2 students will be starting the November round of IB exams in certain subjects. Daryl Rusted our University Counselor will be on campus early next week for students looking at early applications in North America.
Our next set of university visitors will be the University of British Columbia and Lafayette College on November 10th.
Bob Cofer
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Boarding News
  The boarders have settled in for Q2. The few who have not returned have genuine reasons for not returning on time. We appreciate parents for keeping us informed about the travel arrangements, even in situations where flights were cancelled or delayed.
The school provides free transport to and from KIA on the scheduled opening and closing days. Because of the increase in demand for transport on those days, we are not able to provide transport to/from Arusha airport, but we can arrange a taxi (at cost) if requested. The school will charge for transport to/from KIA on all other days.
This Friday we had a town trip for boarders on Friday afternoon. Thereafter there was a football tournament on the top pitch, and in the evening a bonfire night with music. On Saturday the MYP and Diploma girls are visiting a farm in Machame as a fun activity. Those who remain on campus are playing board games. In the evening, there will be a disco at the social centre. On Sunday, we shall have piggie-in-the-middle game for all ages and dodgeball.
Rosemary Bango (Head of Boarding)
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 Primary Hallowe’en Help Wanted
If you can help with the afterschool fun, please contact Annalee Horton:
How can I help?
- Start thinking about your child’s Hallowe’en costume.
- Donate baked Halloween treats (cookies, cupcakes etc)
- Donate sweets/candy (leave them at the ISM Reception Desk)
- Decorate the trunk of your car for Trunk or Treat. >> MORE CARS NEEDED! <<
Drive it to the school pitch – include a Hallowe’en game/trick/treat if you want.
When? Friday 28th October from 3-6pm
Where? ISM Campus.
Secondary Hallowe’en Help Wanted
If you can help with the evening fun please contact Christine Brandsma:
How can I help?
- Donate sweets/candy (leave at the ISM Reception Desk).
- Dress up in a spooky outfit
- Help to haunt school or a house in Shanty Town
When? Friday 28th October from 6.30pm
Where? ISM Campus, elsewhere in Shanty Town.
Family Pizza Supper
Tickets are available in Reception for the family pizza supper on Friday, 28th October. TSh 6000/- each for both adults and children.
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Secondary Sports News
 HOME OF THE LEOPARDSWe are back into the swing of things after a full week of practices. It was excellent to get back to the hard work! All students participating in sports are highly encouraged to continue with their commitment and hard work as it will pay dividends as the season progresses. This was the message that Joe Roebuck and Amy Smith two Olympic Swimmers who visited ISM this past week delivered to all the Secondary Students. More about this visit can be seen in the Swimming Section.
However, two messages I learned from their discussions was about hard work, and responsibility here is a great take on it below:
On hard work:
Players will learn that the best players are usually the players that have worked the hardest on improving their game. While talent definitely plays its role early on, sooner or later it’s the hardest workers that rise to the top. This will show them that if they want to become great at anything, whether that be the guitar, learning a foreign language, then it’s going to take hard work. And a lot of it. There are no short cuts. There’s no magic words. Being great at something takes hard, consistent work. As the team begins to see their hard work paying off, make sure to point out to them that it’s their consistent, hard work that has led them to these improvements. This would also be a good time to point out how they will see similar improvements if they work hard at anything else they want to do or achieve in life.
On responsibility
Youth sports is one of the first places where children start to take on some serious responsibility. I always impose a rule early on that it’s the players’ responsibility to bring a drink bottle and their basketball to practice. It’s not their parents’ responsibility to remember for them. Players will also learn that they are responsible for their actions and for their own improvement. I don’t expect the parents to have to force their players to complete a few ball-handling drills after school each day. This will create unnecessary conflict between the player and their parents. I emphasise at practice that if they want to improve their game then it’s up to themselves to make it happen.
House News
Please note the results from Athletics Day have been posted and students are encouraged to check the ISM Sport Notice Board on the breezeway for all of the results.
On Monday, October 31st during Assembly period in Karibu Hall will be the Athletics Day Awards Ceremony, it will be an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the houses, and to celebrate those students who took home gold, silver and bronze medals.
There are the following events that Houses can participate in the following events: NTAA Logo Competition, House Quiz, and the ISM Fashion Show. Please see Mr Hibbard for more details.
Sporting News
The next scheduled sporting event is the ISM Community Tennis Tournament hosted by Coach Charles will be happening on Saturday October 29th and Sunday October 31st please look for further details here in this edition of the newsletter. Come out and play in the tournament or come out and enjoy the action.
The next scheduled event for these ISM teams will be November 5th at ISMAC, as well as the Primary School Swim Meet at ISM. Please look for further information in future news letters about these events.
You can find the rest of the Season One Game Schedule from the NTAA at
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent afterschool activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horseback riding.
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards – Scott Hibbard – Head of Sport and Physical Education
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Tennis Tournament
  Next weekend, Saturday and Sunday, 29th and 30th October we will be hosting a community tennis tournament in school for both students (Saturday) and adults (Sunday). Details are given at
Please register by Wednesday (26th October) at the latest. There is a sign-up sheet in the breezeway, or you can register with Grace in the Head of Campus’ office or via email at . Entry is free for ISM students, 20,000/- for adults. Please contact Rick Fitzpatrick on if you have questions.
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Swimming News
 This week was a very special one for ISM Moshi campus, as we welcomed Joe Roebuck and Amy Smith to our community, former Olympic swimmers for Great Britain. Our Jr. Varsity and Varsity groups were amazed with stroke demonstrations from two athletes who were at the top of the world rankings a very short time ago. Seniors met twice a day, with a morning swim designed for more rigorous sets, tapping into different energy systems and testing stroke mechanics or technique. The afternoon workout was more technique focused, with each day focused on one particular stroke. Junior swimmers had a mix of the two types of workouts in their daily session, and both added dryland training in order to strengthen muscles associated with swimming and increase flexibility.
  That alone was an incredible opportunity, but in addition, Joe and Amy were in front of nearly every year group in the school, sharing their stories about struggles and triumphs, and inspiring us all along the way. They exemplified the idea that process and product go hand in hand. From EC to D2, and among all the staff, they created a buzz in the school that we will all continue to feel when they are gone.
Sincere thanks must go out to Mary Fitzpatrick and Annalee Horton, without whom Joe and Amy would not have come to Moshi. It took a lot of preparation work to get these two athletes here, and they both played key roles in making it happen.
  We are all very certain that they have left a legacy with our athletes and students that will continue to influence them for years to come.
What an incredible week we just had with Joe and Amy!! I have heard nothing but good things from parents about the four days they were here, and already, I see the benefits in workout.
It was also good to see how the athletes responded to the increase in workouts, for we doubled our number of workouts to eight this week, and athletes were still ready to go by the end. The excellent turnout this Saturday for both primary and secondary workouts was certainly product of the exciting last few days.
  Six of our swimmers traveled to Zanzibar during the break for the Open National Championships hosted by the Tanzanian Swim Association (TSA) at the International School of Zanzibar. Despite what many described as organizational pitfalls, four of our six athletes secured top-2 placings, and therefore have met criteria for the CANA swim championships in November. CANA is the representative body of age-group swimming in Africa. We have yet to hear if they have been confirmed to make the team, but if confirmed, they will travel to Rwanda in November representing Tanzania.
Nearly all of our Varsity team will be attending the Kenyan Short-Course National Championships in Mombasa next weekend. This will be our biggest competition of the year, challenging our athletes over three days of competition after long road journeys.
Some things to remember:
1. All athletes should have given their passport to Coach Ryan.
2. Parents must sign the permission letter that will go home on Monday.
3. The bus leaves ISM at 0530 Friday morning.
4. Packing list will be distributed Monday.
5. Athletes traveling to Mombasa will not attend Wednesday AM workout and will miss classes on Friday.
6. Use this week to rest, drink water, and prepare mentally for your races.
Next Saturday 0800 workout will be canceled for seniors, but they may join the juniors for their workout at 1030.
A reminder to Jr. Varsity and primary swimmers, that we have lunch time swimming Tue, Wed, Thur at 1:30pm – 1:50pm.
Upcoming Schedule
Oct 28-30, 2016 – Mombasa – Kenyan Short Course Nationals
Nov 5, 2016 – ISM Moshi – NTAA Primary Swim Meet
Nov 19, 2016 – Kennedy House – NTAA Primary Swim Meet
Nov 25, 26, 27, 2016 – ISM Moshi – Sports Weekend
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Educational Supplies
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Diploma Dutch B
  During quarter 1, Dutch B students have discussed a number of big themes that required critical thinking and research skills.
D1 students worked with a number of texts and videos about multilingualism, social behaviour, fundamentalism and fanaticism. D2 students focussed on eco-tourism, the Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch, stand-up comedy in the Netherlands and game addiction.
Linked to every theme, the students also did a number of exercises on vocabulary, writing and reading skills.
We not only look at a theme from a Dutch perspective, but we also look at the bigger picture and compare different points of view.
D1 students also acquired some more background knowledge on contemporary Dutch and Flemish writers and read a few fragments of books. This will help them to prepare for the written assignment.
  D2 students read the book ‘De Aanslag’ by Harry Mulisch, a famous Dutch book that has been translated in many different languages. Based on the book, the students prepared an example of a written assignment. This is their last exercise before the draft of the actual written assignment that needs to be submitted at the beginning of December.
All DP students have completed an individual and an interactive oral as well as a paper 1.
Quarter 2 will again offer a variety of topics, exercises and resources: D1 students will look closer at taboos, educational systems around the world and sensationalism in media.
D2 students will be researching and discussing cultural diversity (verbal and non-verbal communication, subcultures and how culture is learned) and a healthy diet and nutrition.
Students have expressed interesting comments and opinions and have created a classroom where there is room for exchange and different ideas. Through language we learn from and about others.
Elke Van dermijnsbrugge, (Dutch B teacher)
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Diploma Updates

- Nearly all DP students wisely returned on time and had an intensive week of classes took place and the pressures associated with upcoming D2 coursework deadlines began to show.
- DP parents are encouraged to regularly access ManageBac to learn of DP content under study in each subject as well as information on assignments and the grades achieved.
- As part of the ISM DP’s Character Education component, all DP students listened to the half-hour inspirational talk by UK Olympic swim team members Amy Smith & Joe Roebuck.
- DP teachers work on effective English writing as it is a key skill to be learned. Why not ask your son or daughter in the DP to share with your some of their writing?
- Thirteen DP ‘students of concern’ were discussed in the DP faculty meeting this week and each will be assigned a faculty mentor to guide them through the challenges of the DP.
Upcoming DP events:
- D2 final Extended Essay versions will be submitted on 1 November.
- Twelve DP students will take their final IB DP exams on Nov 4 (Paper 1) and Nov 7 (Paper 2). Eleven will do the exams for Swahili B while one will write her exams for Afrikaans Literature.
- The end of quarter 2 parent-teacher meeting will occur on Fri December 16th. Plan to attend. Please do not allow your son/daughter to leave early or return late. Each DP class day counts!
Rick Fitzpatrick, (Diploma Coordinator):
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Early Childhood Preview
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P1/2 Preview
  We had a very busy week filled with exciting events.
Our school hosted two Olympic swimmers, Amy and Joe from the UK. They visited our class and shared their amazing experiences. How lucky we were!
Maths focus for the week
This week the children have been investigating the properties of regular 2D shapes, e.g. number of sides and angles. They have started to compare different shapes such as rectangles, hexagons, triangles, squares and circles.
They have also learned about the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian and analyzed his pictures. The children then practised drawing straight lines on a black paper with a ruler, cutting them out, gluing them on a white paper to create their own abstract pictures.
Unit of Inquiry: How the world works. Central idea: Understanding how and why living things thrive can help us connect with nature.
This week the children planted some beans and started to write their observations into their ‘Bean Stalk Diary’. They were very excited watching the germinating beans throughout the week.
  We had an impressive discussion about the French impressionist, Claude Monet’s artwork, the ‘Water Lilies’. Inspired by his painting the children have made amazing pictures using different techniques. Please come and look at our beautiful pictures in the classroom.
This week we read about the life cycle of a flower through a very sweet story, called The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. The children were also pointing out the nouns from the story.
I was very impressed by everyone today after finishing the Quick Write exercise. I called out a sound and the children needed to write it down very quickly. The focus was remembering the sound, the correct letter formation and to write neatly. Well done P1/2!!!
What to bring to school every day:
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack.
Indoors shoes.
The Week Ahead:
Morning Assembly – UN Day. Please come dressed wearing your country colours or costume.
Swimming – please bring:
swimming cap (for long hair)
flip flops (the concrete by the pool can get very hot)
Ms Andrea, P1/2 Teacher
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P2/3 Preview
  It was nice to see everyone return to school happy and healthy. We have had a great first week back after the October break.
Last week in class:
The children have been busy working in groups creating art work out of natural materials. The class enjoyed having a new classroom rug and tables which now make our P2/3 learning environment a much more enjoyable one.
The Week Ahead in class:
POI: We will be focusing on the line of inquiry- interpreting artistic expression. The children will be looking at each other’s group work and sharing what they see. They will also be critiquing the art work and sharing positive observations.
  This week the class will be deciding on the type of summative assessment we should use to conclude this second unit and the type of assessment tool that would show their level of understanding.
The children will be focusing on the use of line breaks within their poems. They will now be trying to include more detail in their poems so that line breaks occur naturally. They will also be looking at the ending of their poems. The children will have an opportunity to select a piece of poetry for their portfolio and reflect upon their choice.
Some of the class will be working on handwriting and forming tall letters correctly (t, l, f, h). Others will be looking at the organization of their overall work and neatness.
The children will be playing two new games WAR and subtraction from 20, both games have a subtraction focus. These games will also be played for our math homework this week.
We will be learning to telling the time to the hour, half past and 15 minute intervals as well as reviewing place value of 2 and 3 digit numbers.
There will be two reading strategies taught this week. One for the developing reading and one for the more advanced reader.
1. When we read, we are listening, thinking and enjoying. When you read the words you also need to listen to yourself (does it make sense, what is happening, why).
2. Getting the story into your body – imagine yourself in the setting and after reading the words in the text go back and imagine the character’s thoughts.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: UN and school spirit day. Children are encouraged to come in their traditional dress or colours of their countries flag.Homework will be sent home. This week we will send homework in a homework book. Hopefully this will help with handwriting and keeping things organized.
 Tuesday: Library and Swimming starts (costume, towel, pool shoes)
Wednesday: Reading / French P3
Thursday: Reading/ French P3
Friday: PE (sport shoes and comfortable clothes – no jeans) Homework returned
Useful websites:
Please can you check your child’s folder each night and take out any letters of marked homework. This will help the children keep their folders organized and easier for them to manage. Thank you to those of you that already do.
Please label all your child’s belongings before sending them to school. This will make it easier to identify if misplaced. Thank you
Have an enjoyable weekend
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
 This past week has gone by quickly. We have started in on our UofI research and all students have chosen a topic for further inquiry.   They are all excited and focused on crafting good questions and beginning to identify quality sources online. Check the blendspace link for some newly added kid-friendly research material.
In math we have started playing the direction games we have made with our maps and are integrating this with literacy and exploring how good instructions are written. We are also crafting some editing our exciting stories surrounding our adventure islands.
In UofI we are talking about how the geographical features of the landscapes impacted on exploration and colonization. We are ‘colonizing’ our own island maps to show our understanding of this concept.
 Upcoming events: Monday-UN celebration: Please allow your child to wear their national dress (or something international)
Our class is presenting at Primary Gathering at 7:35 on Oct.28th. You are welcome to attend. Students will wear their normal uniforms on this day. We are not dressing up for Hallowe’en during school time.
Don’t forget to ask about their costume. Thanks,
Julie Bowen (P4/5)
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P5 Preview
  The children returned to school happy, well rested and full of news about their activities during the October break. They shared one piece of their holiday news in the form of a written “sms” and these are now displayed in the breezeway.
We have had a busy week. In preparation for our camp Mr. Isaac Foya demonstrated how to put up a tent and the children checked out some camping equipment from the Outdoor Pursuits store. We are all looking forward to our adventure at Lake Chala next week! In maths we have focused on mental addition and also on multiplication. The children are working on improving their recall of number facts. In our UOI sessions the children have taken notes from books and websites about the use of water by different people and the conflicts that can occur when different groups want to use limited resources for their own purposes. The children have used their notes to produce short dramas to show their understanding of the conflicts that can occur over water usage. Some of these were performed on Friday and some will be performed next week.
We had a delivery of new furniture for our classroom. We now have new tables and new chairs and our workspace is looking great! Please call in and admire our classroom the next time you are passing. Next week we welcome a student teacher to work in our class. His first day at ISM will be UN day (Monday) so he will meet the children wearing their national dress or country colours – what a wonderful first impression we will create!
  On Monday we are going to meet with the P6 students to draw up some Essential Agreements for our camp and we will deal with any last minute questions and concerns. We will do some writing prior to the camp about our expectations and will follow this up with a written reflection when we return. The children will start to plan some action to carry out at home to reduce their use of natural resources. They will also start researching and working on a drama concerning a natural resource of their choice. Whilst on our camp we will look at the use of natural resources in the Lake Chala region. We hope to make some art using natural materials. We will go hiking, play games and complete team building activities. We will leave on Wednesday morning and return Thursday lunch time. Friday morning will be a regular day at school but the afternoon will see ISM celebrating Halloween. We will start on the pitch at 3 o’clock for some trunk or treat fun. Don’t forget to buy a ticket for 6000 Tsh from the office next week. The ticket covers the cost of a pizza meal and treats. A letter regarding this event was sent home on Friday with the oldest PYP child in each family.
Monday – UN day – wear national dress or the colours of your country.
Tuesday – PE
Wednesday – depart for Lake Chala
Thursday – return from Lake Chala
Friday – Swimming. In the afternoon the ISM community will celebrate Halloween.
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview
  The children have settled into the second quarter very smoothly and some of them are working with their goals in mind. We have had a busy start with students working towards their Summative Assessment, preparing for the camp to Lake Chala, some are involved in athletics and preparations for the UN Day being celebrated this coming Monday. The students also had a great opportunity to meet with 2 Great Britain Olympic swimmers; Joe and Amy. They inspired the children with their presentation, which showed their training experience and medals they won during their journey.
In the coming week the P5 and P6 classes are going to Lake Chala for a unit related camp. We will leave on Wednesday, 26th and return on Thursday 27th October.
Language Arts – students will be working on vocabulary related to the unit and using conjunctions in their writing.
 Math – Number patterns; where do we find them and why are they important? Using number patterns to solve problems.
Unit of Inquiry – students will work towards completing their Summative Assessment and preparation for some activities we will carry out in Lake Chala. We will also come up with some questions about what we may want to find out from our trip to Lake Chala as well as the pros and cons of the way resources are used around the Lake Chala area.
Gentle reminders:
UN Day celebration: Students are reminded to dress in their national attire or national colors for this celebration.
Camp matters: All students are reminded to bring copies of their passports if they have not done so already. We will be going with a good number of adults from both P5 Class and P6 Class- Ms Debbie (P5 class Homeroom teacher), Ms Cathy (P6 Homeroom teacher) Ms Lydia (TA), Mr Thadeus (TA), Mr M and Ms Catherine (TA). Mr Isaac (Head of OP) will also be joining us for this camp.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |