Dear Parents,
Thanks to all who helped at last week’s Primary Athletics Day – the Secondary Day is to come this Wednesday. It was also a pleasure to see some parents at our open evening meeting last Thursday. Reports on both these events are below.
We are now into the last week of this quarter and looking forward to a week’s break. Please do not withdraw your child early from school unless it is really necessary to do so! There will be secondary sports on Wednesday and regular secondary classes all day Thursday as well as for the first 90 minutes on Friday. It is important that students do not miss classes unnecessarily. Students will be free to leave school after 10:15am on Friday, 7th October. Other events in this coming week are the University Fair on Monday and the Primary Conferences on Thursday, followed by the School Assembly and Secondary parent meetings on Friday morning. More details on all events are below.
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Secondary News
  This week may be the last week of the quarter, but by no means is it a week for coasting. Our D2 students have entered the period where every item counts and their internal assessments are occurring in multiple subjects.
Additionally, this next week on Monday, October 3rd we will have a fair at 2:30pm that includes representatives from universities in Canada, United States, United Kingdom and other locations. Parents are invited as well, so please come and learn more about the different opportunities. On Thursday, October 6th a representative from Savannah College of Arts and Design (SCAD) will be meeting with selected M5-D2 students to explain what types of careers are available to students in these areas. SCAD has campuses in several US cities and Hong Kong.
The secondary sports day will see the M1-D2 students complete in a large number of events for individual and house glory this Wednesday. Reports for this quarter will be issued via ManageBac on Thursday, 6th October with conferences on Friday, 7th October from 10:35am to 12 noon. On Friday, students have class until 9am followed by the end of quarter assembly which parents are invited to attend. So as you can see, a busy last week of the quarter.
One last note, this past Thursday we had a Parents’ Night looking at clubs, CAS and sports. Thank you to the parents that attended. Bob Cofer
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End of Quarter Arrangements
  In a few days’ time we will finish the first quarter and have a well-earned week’s break before returning to school for the second quarter. Please note the following for the last week of the quarter:
Monday, 3rd October: University Fair at 2:30pm.
 Wednesday, 5th October: Secondary Athletics Day – inter-house competition. There will be no secondary classes on this day, but all students from M1 to D2 are expected to participate and support their house.
Wednesday, 5th October: Primary Clubs – last day.
 Thursday, 6th October: Primary Goal-Setting Conferences: There will be no primary classes or clubs on this day. Come to the classroom at your appointment time for Goal Setting Conferences (the parent/s and the child should attend).
Thursday, 6th October: Secondary classes and CAS/Sports activities take place as normal.
Thursday, 6th October: Reports for all secondary students will be available to download from ManageBac. For D2 students these will be full reports. For others they will be interim reports; full reports will be issued in December.
 Friday, 7th October: Normal classes until 9am.
Friday, 7th October: There will be a school end-of-quarter assembly from 9am to 10:15 to which all parents are welcome. Students will be free to leave school from 10:15am. If your child is a boarder and will be travelling home by air, please send flight details to Rosemary Bango on as soon as possible.
Friday, 7th October: Secondary parent conferences will be held in Karibu Hall from 10:35am to 12 noon. We hope that many parents will take this opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers and discuss his/her progress.
Saturday, 8th October – Sunday, 16th October: School closed for the October break. Please note that we are unable to accommodate students during this period.
Friday, 14th October: Nyerere Day Public Holiday
 Sunday, 16th October: Boarders return to school.
Monday, 17th October: Classes start at 7:30am.
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Secondary Reports
  On Thursday, 6th October we will be issuing reports for all secondary students. These will be full reorts for D2 students and interim reports for all others. These reports will be available online through your ManageBac account from Thursday evening. Each parent should have received details for how to log in to ManageBac and to read details of your son’s or daughter’s academic progress and curriculum. If you do not have your ManageBac login details, please email Grace Mkumbwa on so that she can help you.
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Primary News
  The highlight of everyone’s week was the Primary Athletic’s Sports Day on Tuesday. Thanks very much to all the teachers who helped organise it and all the parents who came to support their children.
In Friday’s Primary Gathering the children also wowed the teachers with their incredible rap songs. They have been learning these in music lessons with Mary Pantlin throughout Quarter 1. The children were really animated and enthusiastic. They were also excited to receive their 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Sports Day ribbons in this gathering. Well done to all the children who received one.
On Saturday the Primary Rounders Team woke up early to go to Kennedy House for their second match this year. We look forward to hearing more details about how they got on. Thanks Ms Clare and Ms Deborah for taking them.
The P1 – P6 children have now been working on their units of inquiry for two weeks. They are busy researching and finding out about their issues. This week we are really excited to see the EC students’ completed individual museums. These have been their summative assessment tasks. I know they have been working hard on them.
We are now approaching our final week of Quarter 1. Many thanks to all the parents who have signed their children up for Quarter 2 clubs already. The deadline for sign up is 4pm on Monday. If you wish to sign up now, you can do so at The clubs begin from the first day back at school, i.e. Monday 17th October, 2-3pm.
Kate Schermbrucker
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Secondary Sports News
 HOME OF THE LEOPARDSInter-House Secondary AthleticsAll three houses have been busily preparing for the upcoming Athletics Day on Wednesday, 5th October. This is a House Competition for all Secondary School involving Track and Field Events. All Houses have meet to discuss the events, rules and to sign up for the respective events. Please note there will be a final organizational meeting for all Secondary School students on Monday, October 3rd at 13:00 in Karibu Hall. This meeting is mandatory for all students. We all look forward to a great Athletics Day.
As always there is a lot going on in Leopard Sports. Each day there is something going on in Karibu Hall, the Fitness Room, the fields, the pool and the outside courts. It is very encouraging to see so much participation, however, there is great room for improvement.
Thank you to those parents who attended the Parent Evening for Primary Clubs, Secondary Sports and CAS that took place on Thursday September 29th. It was an excellent opportunity to learn about these programs, and what can make the ISM Sports program even better. The Secondary School Sports Presentation can be viewed at
One aspect of all great school sport programs is positive parental involvement. The ISM Sports Office would like to emphasize the importance of this and the support for the entire program – students, and coaches. Please note we have an “open door” policy, so please come and see us at the ISM Sports Veranda to discuss any aspect of our program.
This past Saturday September 24th the ISM U15 Boys and Girls Basketball teams, and our U19 Boys and Girls Football teams took part in the first round of the NTAA Tournament (North Tanzanian Athletic Association) at Saint Constantine’s. All teams represented ISM with great pride. Please see the game reports below:
U15 Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball
Last weekend we went to St. Constantine’s. There were many rebounds, steals and of course baskets! Both teams did really well working together as a team and making the school proud! The U15 boys’ basketball team played St. Constantine’s and our sister school ISMAC. Our U15 boys did a great job winning both games, beating St. Constantine’s 40-6 and ISMAC 27-10.
The U15 girls’ basketball team played St. Constantine’s and ISMAC. Our U15 girls beat ISMAC 8-4 and lost to St Constantine’s 11-4. They worked very hard and tried their best. They did a great job representing the school as a basketball team. A special thanks to Mahdi D and Chris G for sacrificing their Saturday to coach the U15 boys and girls. Thank you to Alicia H and Jacob M for this report
U19 Boys’ Football
The U-19 boys played first against St. Jude’s. In a very evenly matched contest, which saw near misses from Edward M (who hit the post) and Jerry B(who’s shot went through the side net), our Leopards eventually fell 2-0. The second match of the day was against Orkeeswa. In a very physical match, in which goalkeeper Tommaso’s hand was injured by an Orkeeswa striker’s high boot. Fahim A subbed in and played well despite having no time to warm up. After 40 hard-fought minutes, the Leopard’s fell 4-0 to Orkeeswa, again with a number of near misses. Overall the whole team played well, and is looking forward to a shot at redemption during Sports Weekend.
U19 Girls’ Football
The girls football team looked to get off on the right foot against a very tough start to the tournament by playing Orkeeswa who had beaten us 4-0 in the Friendly Tournament. Lots of work had been done at practice working on continuity, defending, passing, and keeping formation. This work proved vital as we were able to stymie a very good Orkeeswa team throughout the game, while producing chances on quick counterattacks. The vital breakthrough came midway through the first half when Nora S scored on a brilliant left footed shot after great offensive work. The rest of the game show a very resolute ISM team playing great team football. The second game vs St Jude ended in a 0-0 draw, after considerable time feeling each other out, seeing if either team would make a mistake, the game burst into life in the last 15 minutes when 3 goals could have been scored. But, it was not meant to be for either team so a draw was a fair result. The girls look forward to the next round to improve their standing as “top of the table”.
The next scheduled event for these ISM teams will be November 5th at ISMAC. The games schedule is availabe from
As mentioned in the Swimming Announcement ISM Swimmers are taking part in the ISMAC Swim Meet this Saturday October 1st. Let’s wish them the best of luck.
You can find the rest of the Season One Game Schedule from the NTAA at
Finally, regarding House Competitions, there are the following events that Houses can participate in
Hallowe’en Events
NTAA Logo Competition
ISM Fashion Show
Please see Mr Hibbard for more details.
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent afterschool activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horseback riding. Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards – Scott Hibbard – Head of Sport and Physical Education
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  It has been a very rewarding first quarter for our swimmers at ISM, and with lower primary beginning lessons after the break, that will include all primary students from EC-P6. School lessons, lunch time swimming, swimming clubs, junior varsity, and Saturday workouts give plenty of opportunity for ISM students to work on their strokes. And the season is fast approaching, with several primary swim competitions scheduled next quarter.
Our senior swimmers, and selected primary standouts, have been hard at work in the pool, and had a chance to see where they are at in terms of fitness at the ISM Arusha Campus swim meet this past weekend. Athletes were involved in an intense meet, owing to the very short duration (most swam 5-7 events in 3 hours) and mix of events on offer. We represented Moshi campus exceptionally well right from the start with everyone being on time for the bus at 0530, some top performances despite how early it is in the season, and generally, good spirits and team morale even in the cold. Top performers for the meet were Nandi Rieks, whose freestyle leg on the opening relay out-touched ISMAC for first place (four ISM girls swimming against a mixed team of boys and girls), and Shawn who represented Moshi in the final race of the day. Loads of others overcoming fears and hesitation to put up great times.
We carry this performance high into several upcoming competitions. Six of our swimmers are traveling on their own during the break to the National Championships in Zanzibar, where they hope to secure a spot on the Tanzanian team traveling to Rwanda for the prestigious CANA meet.
Then, most of the team will travel to Mombasa for the Short-Course (25m) National Championships at the end of October. Parents are reminded to pay the Finance Office before Mon 3 Oct 2016.
We look forward to the arrival of Joe and Amy, our UK Olympic swimmers who will be hosting a swim clinic for four days at ISM Moshi campus for those who have paid. This will certainly be a bucket list event for those in attendance!
Workouts will resume for all swimmers on Friday 14 October 2016 at 2pm, Saturday at 8am, and Sunday at 8am.
Upcoming Swim Events
- TSA National Championships – October 7-9, 2016 – Zanzibar
- UK Swimmers Visit – October 17-20 – Moshi Pool
- KSA Short Course Swim Championships – October 28-30, 2016 – Mombasa
- Primary Swim Meet – November 5, 2016 – Moshi – All Varsity swimmers must attend to help
- Sports Weekend – November 25-27, 2016 – Moshi
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Boarding News
  This is the last weekend of the quarter and boarders are looking forward to reuniting with their families. We shall break for the holiday on Friday 7th October after 10:15am. Boarders are expected to return to school on 16th October. The school will provide transport to/from Kilimanjaro International Airport free of charge on 7th and on 16th October. Kindly send to me transport details on if your child will need school transport to/from the airport. Transport to/from KIA on any other day will be charged.
This weekend we have a various activities planned for the boarders. Among them, there will be town trip to Moshi, a movie at the social centre, basketball and football matches which will be open to all. On Saturday evening there will be a pool party, and on Sunday after church services, students will have a chance to attend dance classes in Karibu Hall.
Rosemary Bango – Head of Boarding/
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University Tests
  There are a few more university entrance tests coming up in the second quarter – these are only needed by some D2 students at this stage depending on previous test performances:
SAT Tests: Saturday, 5th November. The closing date for registration is this WEDNESDAY, 5th OCTOBER
TOEFL Paper-Based Test: Saturday, 12th November. The closing date for registration is WEDNESDAY, 12th OCTOBER
ACT Test: Saturday, 10th December. The closing date for registration is WEDNESDAY, 2nd NOVEMBER
Please check with your D2 child in case they need to register for any of these.
All of the above tests will be held in school in Moshi. The British Council has asked me to let you know that they are conducting IELTS English language tests in Arusha on 26th November. Registration can be done online at Please note that the IELTS tests conducted in Arusha are not UKVI, and this means they may not be accepted as part of a UK immigration visa application. Only IELTS-UKVI tests conducted in Dar es Salaam are accepted for UK immigration purposes.
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Sparkling Elephant Project
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Primary Sports

The last two weeks leading up to the October break look to be the busiest yet for our primary athletes. As you have heard, we hosted a very successful Primary Sports Day last week, which had students involved in competitions with their classes, as well as in the different areas of Track and Field (i.e., runs, jumps, and throws).   Students have been working hard on these events in their current Track and Field unit in PE lessons, and put their hard work to good use during their respective events. A big thanks should be given to all the support staff who helped with the event, and who made it fun for all. Parents who came to watch added to the electric atmosphere on the field.
I had the pleasure of traveling to Arusha with the four football squads for a primary football tournament last weekend. Our teams secured wins in most of the age categories, and were rewarded for their spirited play with player-of-the-match votes from the referees. Watching team play was valuable for the coaches, as it reinforced the areas that need focus in practice. All players and parents who made the trip should be congratulated for their effort, sportsmanship, and fair play.

The rounders team continued its quest for wins in primary NTAA competition with a very early departure Saturday morning for a tournament at Kennedy House. Players reported a fun, but competitive atmosphere during their games, with lots learned as the team grows with experience.   Special thanks to Ms. Claire for her effort in developing this team with many new players and only one practice per week.
And finally, our tennis team traveled to Arusha for a tennis tournament with Coach Charles, with several of our young tennis stars representing ISM in categories starting at under-6. We await news from this group’s results, and wish them the best of luck as they compete with Arusha’s finest on the court.

With the October break upcoming, it is important for all primary students to remain active, outside, and moving during your time away from school. Healthy lifestyle habits include lots of play time with friends, riding bikes or playing the sports one enjoys, and limiting screen time or time spent on the computer. This will ensure you transition back to school after the break ready for your Quarter Two clubs and sports teams.
Upcoming Primary Sports Events
Primary Swim Meet – November 5, 2016 – Moshi Campus
Primary Football – November 16, 2016 – SCIS
Primary Swimming – November 19, 2016 – KHS
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Primary Football

These photos were taken at last weekend’s primary football tournament in ISM Arusha Campus – taken by student teacher Will.
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Primary Dance Clsses
  The Primary Boarders have been enjoying dance classes with an instructor called Mr Kida on Sunday afternoons. They have invited the Day Students to join if they wish to. We hope to see you there.
Location: ISM Karibu Hall
Time: 3pm (lasts approximately one hour)
When: Every Sunday when the boarders are at school
Cost: TSh 2500 per session
Open to: ISM Primary Students
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 Primary Hallowe’en Help Wanted
If you can help with the afterschool fun, please contact Annalee Horton:
How can I help?
- Start thinking about your child’s Halloween costume.
- Donate baked Halloween treats (cookies, cupcakes etc)
- Donate sweets/candy (leave them at the ISM Reception Desk)
- Decorate the trunk of your car for Trunk or Treat. Drive it to the school pitch – include a Halloween game/trick/treat if you want.
When? Friday 28th October from 3- 6pm
Where? ISM Campus.
Secondary Hallowe’en Help Wanted
If you can help with the evening fun please contact Christine Brandsma:
How can I help?
- Donate sweets/candy (leave at the ISM Reception Desk).
- Dress up in a spooky outfit
- Help to haunt school or a house in Shanty Town
When? Friday 28th October from 6.30pm
Where? ISM Campus, elsewhere in Shanty Town.
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Outdoor Pursuits
  The next Outdoor Pursuits trip is a six-day trip to Uhuru Peak, the summit of Kilimanjaro, on 20th-25th October. Students aged 16 and above who have successfully completed OP Level 4 are eligible to join this trip which costs TSh 826,000 for Tanzanian citizens and TSh 1,705,000 for others, plus TSh 70,000 for food for day students only.
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School Accreditation and Evaluation
  Last April we hosted two visiting teams who came to evaluate the school. An Evaluation team from the International Baccalaureate examined all aspects of our curriculum and of the teaching and learning in the school. A joint team from the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges (MSA) delved into all the non-curricular aspects of the school. Together they prepared two reports which contain many commendations for ISM as well as many recommendations for us to move forward. You may read the full text of both reports through our website at You may need a password to access the files – please contact the Head of Campus to obtain this.
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Parent Meeting
  Last Thursday we welcomed parents to an information meeting. Bob Cofer led the event, Kate Schermbrucker spoke about Primary Clubs, Scott Hibbard talked about Secondary Sports and Ingrid Chavez informed us about CAS. Powerpoints and videos were shown. Childcare was also provided to enable more parents to attend. We are going to hold similar such information meetings, on various aspects of the school, in each academic quarter. We welcomed some thoughtful questions and ideas from the parents and we thank them for taking the time to attend.
If you wish to view the video that was shown on Primary Clubs in Quarter 1, please go to
The presentation on Secondary Sports is available at
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Individuals & Societies
 MYP – Integrated HumanitiesStudents have been busy with assessments the past few weeks and some of the projects included building models. The one on the right is a model of a coastline done by Donyo (M2), depicting the Pangani coastline.
The MYP Individuals and societies classes were also involved in learning about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) during the International global goals week (Sept 18th – Sept 24th). Students were involved in activities organized by the UN led schools program, the “world’s largest lesson” to sensitize the youth about the problems facing the world and to be aware about the visions for the year 2030. It is their generation that will see to it that these goals are met, and therefore need to know them and take action. #globalgoals
D2 students have had an interesting debate on the trade off between inflation and unemployment. These macroeconomics goals formed a central part of the discussion this quarter. Different groups presented on different aspects of inflation, including measurement, causes and solutions. The students feel they can now write a second commentary, a part of internally assessed work in the subject. The three students who wrote Extended Essays on topics in Economics handed in their first draft, and are currently working on the final draft.
D1 have just completed an analysis of the market forces of demand and supply. The HL students were able to bring a quantitative twist in the discussion by deriving demand and supply curves using linear equations. They will be introduced to Internal assessment next quarter.
The D2 geography students submitted their final draft of the coursework; a 2500 word fieldwork report, on 27th Sept, 2016.
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Diploma Updates

- DP Teachers finalized and submitted their Q1 grades on ManageBac and these will be available for viewing on Thursday Oct 6.
- D2 Swahili B and Afrikaans Lit SL students took their written mock Paper 1 and 2 exams this week in preparation for their final IB official exams on Nov 4 (Paper 1) and Nov 7 (Paper 2).
- D2s are analyzing their EE supervisor’s comments and making suggested adjustments as they look to final submission of their EEs on Nov 1st.
- D2 Geography submitted their coursework internal assessment.
Upcoming events (long-term view):
D2 mock exams – Jan 19-26.
D2 IB official May exams – May 1-19.
D2 Graduation Dinner – 6:30pm – May 19
D2 Graduation – Sat May 20
Messages for parents of DP students:
Next week it is likely that some changes in the DP curricular status of some D1s on full diploma status will occur associated with the DP Progression Policy which states: “At the end of the first quarter of their D1 year, all full diploma students will be expected to have a minimum of 20 points (obtained by adding the reported achievement grades from their six subjects excluding ToK and EE). Any student achieving fewer than 20 points at this stage, or who have fewer than 10 points in their higher level subjects, will be required to undertake a modified programme in consultation with the Diploma Programme Coordinator. All students with 20 to 22 points (or with 10 or 11 HL points) will be warned that they will need to reduce their programme of study if they do not receive a minimum of 22 points (a minimum of 11 points in their higher levels) by the end of the second quarter – this will also be communicated to parents.”
This is a polite but firm request to parents – please do not approve of requests from ISM DP students that they leave ISM prior to the last day of school – Friday October 7. Our faculty and DP team exert considerable efforts preparing engaging lessons up to and including the last day of school February 7 and these are hampered when suddenly DP students depart early and more importantly these students miss important lessons.
On exercise and diet for teenagers –
On 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens –
On the best way to study – SB10001424052970204644504576653004073453880.html
On Why the IB DP – and
Rick Fitzpatrick, (Diploma Coordinator):
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Early Childhood Preview
Unit of InquiryYou are warmly invited to visit the EC museum on Wednesday October 5th at 10.35am.
  This week we will be making the finishing touches to our museum spaces ready for the summative assessment presentations to the teacher, Primary students and parents next week. If your child speaks another language at home don’t forget to send in a storybook to represent this. Please ask your child this weekend if there is anything else they would like to add to their museum space that is special to them. I know that many of the children have already been taking action and thinking about extra items to bring in themselves.
Last week the children began to explain the changes they have gone through from being a baby to being a toddler to what they are like now. They had a choice of explaining their understanding through books, paintings or puppet shows. We will continue to work on these next week.
EC1 and new students will think about all the letter sounds introduced so far this year. For the younger children this is an introduction to letters through songs and artwork, encouraging them to find out about letters in their name. The older children will play games in order to help them link sounds to initial letters in words.
EC2 will inquire into CVC word families with the vowel sound e.
The children are still enjoying role-play in the class hospital. There are opportunities to write in there too; prescriptions, patient records, etc (it is important to give children reasons to write in real life situations so they understand the purpose of writing.)
- Continue to explore 2D shapes; make 2D shape patterns
- Measurement including vocabulary tallest, shortest, taller than, shorter than, longer than.
- Set goals for the next quarter
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P1/2 Preview
  This week we had a fantastic Sports Day within our Primary section. The children enjoyed taking part in all different fun events, obstacle courses and track and field races. It was a great success. Thanks to Mr Ryan for organising it and also thank you parents for coming and supporting the children.
Spelling book – please make sure that Spelling books are returned on Fridays for the spelling test.
‘Show and Tell’: Group 1 on Wednesdays, Group 2 on Fridays.
Thank you for encouraging your children to bring in Unit of Inquiry related objects. They are very excited about talking about them!
  Just as a reminder, there won’t be any classes on Thursday due to the Goal setting/ 3 Way Conferences. I will include a more detailed letter about it with the homeworks on Monday.
Language focus for the week
It was exciting to start our news book last week. The children write simple sentences and draw pictures about their weekends or special events, such as the Sports Day. It is great to see how much they have improved their writing skills.
Maths focus for the week
We started to dive into the magic world of shapes. The children learnt about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes through some fun games and created some pictures using them. We had a Shape hunt walk around the school and it was an exciting experience to find out that we are surrounded with all kind and sizes of different shapes. Next week we are going to look at some art works and talk about how artists were influenced by shapes.
 Unit of Inquiry: How the world works. Central idea: Understanding how and why living things thrive can help us connect with nature.
This week the children have taken responsibilities for their own learning by researching books and preparing presentations about their chosen plants. The children are very enthusiastic about this new unit.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you feel connected to this topic and could share some interesting experience with the children. Thank you!
This week we carry on revising the sounds, practising correct letter formations, sounding out and blending lots of ‘cvc’ words.
The children are also tested individually on their grapheme, phoneme knowledge.
What to bring to school every day:
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack.
Indoors shoes.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Homework goes home.
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: ‘Show and Tell’ for group 1
Thursday: Goal setting/3 Way Conference
Friday: Homework due in. | No ‘Show and Tell’ for group 2 as the day ends at 10:15.
Have a great week ahead!
Ms Andrea, P1/2 Teacher
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P2/3 Photos
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P4/5 Preview
  This past week P4/5 had a special guest, Mr.Mike who came in and showed us a special piece of software which allowed us to take mapping to a new level. We realized that the satellite images of ISM campus were dated and the students did a walk and logged the coordinates of newer ISM buildings using GPS. We learned that accuracy is important when mapping and felt like explorers ourselves as we were risk-taking trying out a new technological tool.
In math we are looking at following cardinal directions, and understanding perimeter and area. We will also be making our own compasses next week and looking at magnets.

In language this past week we began book clubs and the students made story maps and character sketches which they shared with the class. This week we are looking at recounts and developing the skills to create fictional recounts.
I am looking forward to seeing you all in person on Thursday at the three way conferences.
Julie Bowen, (P4/5 Teacher)
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P5 Preview

This week in P5 we have been learning which natural resources (things of value we get from the environment) are found in different countries. The children used the internet to find out which natural resources are found in Tanzania and then moved on to learning about a country of their choice.
We have been using the book, “If the world were a village,” to learn how food, sanitation, clean air, clean water, livestock and other services are distributed around the world. We have been looking at this information as a fraction out of 100 and as a percentage.
The children have published their letters from “The Lorax.” These will be displayed on the outside boards after the break. They have identified learning goals and written a plan as to how they will achieve these goals which will be shared with you next week at the 3 way conferences on Thursday.
Next week we will continue with our research into how natural resources are distributed and the children will identify an area that they wish to explore further. In maths we will spend the early part of next week revising addition and subtraction techniques.
The week ahead:
Monday: Library day and new homework packets will be sent home
Tuesday: Music, French and PE
Wednesday: Learning goals for the year ahead will be sent home
Thursday: 3 way conferences – no regular classes.
Friday: Please return homework to school. There will be no swimming on this day.
Early dismissal at 10:15 after the end of quarter assembly
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview
 The P6s have had a great week. They enjoyed the Primary Athletics Sports Day and the Music Gathering this Friday. It was very impressive to hear the children rap and sing in rounds.
 Unit of Inquiry/Math – in the coming week, we will be looking at the distribution of some key natural resources around the world. The students will collect data and we will be able to present this information using graphs and pie charts. Our goal for the week is represent the information in fractions, decimals and percentages.
Language Arts – we will begin to put our information together into our report booklets as well as design front covers as well as create a contents page and an index page. From this the students will find out meanings of unit related vocabulary and find out key information from articles and reference books to use in their booklets.
Math – some of the students have been learning multiplication strategies to help them with mental computation. Others have been learning ways to convert fractions to decimals and percentages. In the coming week we will move on to multiplying decimals.
 Gentle reminders:
Homework will continue to the last day.
Students are reminded to bring a hat and a water bottle. It is hot and the children need to hydrate frequently.
The 3-way conferences will be this coming Thursday, 6th October. Your timings will be sent home on Monday.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |