Dear Parents,
Last weekend many of our students took part in a very successful Pare Mountains trip, we marked Peace Day last Monday, and the M5 students from both campuses camped for three days in Marangu whilst taking part in their Leadership Symposium. This weekend we have large groups from both primary and secondary taking part in various sports competitions in Arusha, a small group of students travelling to Enduimet in north-west Kilimanjaro as part of the Sparkling Elephant project, and a blood drive held in school to collect much needed supplies for KCMC. We are also looking forward to next week’s Primary athletics Day on Tuesday and the parent Open Meeting on Thursday evening.
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Parent Association
  The Parents’ Association Committee will be meeting this Monday morning (26th September) in Bob Horton’s office. If you would like to meet them and discuss any issues with them, please feel free to join between 7:35am and 8:15am.
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Primary Athletics Day

Please note that on Tuesday, 27th September the primary students will be taking part in Primary Athletics Sports Day. This means there will not be taught lessons that day. Instead the EC – P6 students will enjoy a day of fun games, field and track events and a free swim. Parents are very welcome to attend and cheer on their children.
Please ensure children are sent to school wearing their house t-shirt, a hat, suntan lotion and running shoes and socks. They also need to bring a full water bottle, a snack, swimming costume and towel in a bag.
All primary children should arrive in the morning, in class at normal time, when the teacher will take the attendance register. The event will begin at 7.45am and run until 13.05. Clubs will proceed as normal in the afternoon. EC students will go home at normal time, so will not be swimming. They will take part in lots of other sports events though.
I’ve attached a few photos from last year to give you an idea of the event. We hope to see lots of you there. Kate Schermbrucker
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Parents’ Open Meeting
  We will be holding an Open Meeting for all parents on Thursday, 29th September at 6:30pm in Room 6 to discuss our Primary Clubs, Secondary CAS and Secondary Sports programmes. Kate Schermbrucker (who organises all the Primary Clubs), Ingrid Chavez (CAS Coordinator) and Scott Hibbart (Head of PE and Sports) will all be present to explain more about the philosophy behind our various afternoon programmes, how they are organised, and what types of activites take place. This will also be an opportubity for parents to ask questions about these programmes and discuss suggestions for the future. We hope to see many of you there.
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Primary News
  The P1 – P6 students have been tuning in to their second unit of inquiry. The teachers have been assessing what the students already know in order to plan where to go next with their lessons. Meanwhile the EC students have been working hard towards their summative assessment museums, which are already looking very interesting.
We all enjoyed the Primary Gathering on Friday when the P5 class told us about migration stories which they had researched. They had interviewed different members of the community, including parents, friends and teachers and then created posters and books to explain each story. They presented these to the rest of the Primary School students and parents. Well done to all the P5s and their teacher and assistants.
Well done to the Primary Rounders Team and Football Teams who played their best at Kennedy House and ISMAC this week. It’s wonderful that our students are so passionate about sports and keen to play in away matches. Thanks to all their coaches and other staff members who accompanied them and to parents who went along to support.
The children are very much looking forward to the Primary Athletics Sports Day on Tuesday. Parents are welcome to come along and watch from 7.45am onwards on the school pitches. Refreshments will be available from the ISM duka.
We also invite parents to attend the presentation to parents on Thursday evening. In this you will learn more about primary clubs and secondary CAS and sports. This starts at 6.30pm in Room 6.
Later in the week I will be inviting parents to sign up their children for the Quarter 2 clubs.
Date for your diary: Thursday 6th October – Primary Goal Setting / 3 Way Conferences
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Secondary News
  We are fast approaching the end of the first quarter here at ISM and for our D2 students in particular this is a challenge. For them this means a full report and the start of internal assessments. At the same time, they are trying to keep up their commitments to the activities that they joined earlier this year or have been involved with for a long time. Trying to balance all of this with university planning can be difficult, so please have a word with them and encourage them to keep an open dialog with their teachers.
Our M5 students will be back from their Teamwork and Leadership Symposium by the time you read this. I was there for a short while and it was gratifying to see students from the two campuses working together and trying to figure out what makes a good leader or teammate.
Over the next two weeks we have sporting trips, OP trips, a secondary sports day and we finish off with secondary parent conferences on Friday, 7th October. Please do come that day and talk to the teachers. It is a great opportunity to meet them and find out more about what has happened this quarter. Reports this term will be issued via ManageBac on Thursday, 6th October so please confirm that you can log in so you will be able to access the reports.
Bob Cofer (Head of Secondary)
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End of Quarter Arrangements
  In only two weeks’ time we will finish the first quarter and have a well-earned week’s break before returning to school for the second quarter. Please note the following for the last week of the quarter:
Monday, 3rd October: University Fair at 2:30pm.
Wednesday, 5th October: Secondary Athletics Day – inter-house competition. There will be no secondary classes on this day, but all students from M1 to D2 are expected to participate and support their house.
Thursday, 6th October: Primary Goal-Setting Conferences: There will be no primary classes or clubs on this day. As a parent you will receive an agreed time at which you will meet in a three-way conference with your child and his/her teacher. If your child is a boarder, we still hope you can attend but, if this is not possible, your child’s boarding parent will attend on your behalf.
Thursday, 6th October: Reports for all secondary students will be available to download from ManageBac. For D2 students these will be full reports. For others they will be interim reports; full reports will be issued in December.
Friday, 7th October: There will be a school end-of-quarter assembly from 9:15 to 10:15 to which all parents are welcome. Students will be free to leave school from 10:15am. If your child is a boarder and will be travelling home by air, please send flight details to Rosemary Bango on as soon as possible.
Friday, 7th October: Secondary parent conferences will be held in Karibu Hall from 10:35am to 12 noon. We hope that many parents will take this opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers and discus his/her progress.
Saturday, 8th October – Sunday, 16th October: School closed for the October break. Please note that we are unable to accommodate students during this period.
Friday, 14th October: Nyerere Day Public Holiday
Sunday, 16th October: Boarders return to school.
Monday, 17th October: Classes start at 7:30am.
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M5 Events
 Tuesday Sept 27: Personal Project
Students will meet their Supervisors during Guidance Hour. They need to:
Report to supervisor on the research done about their topic.
Present a detailed research write up in paragraph form with references.
Show details of how resources have been evaluated to justify source of information.
Refine criteria where appropriate.
Present process journal entries to supervisor
Friday Sept 30: eAssessment Registration
Last day for M5 students eAssessment. The students’ registration names should be as they appear in their legal identification documents e.g. birth certificates or pass ports. Parents are requested to notify the MYP Coordinator in case the names at school have omissions or require updates before this day using the attached form which can be filled in, scanned and then sent.
David Ochieng Oloo, MYP Coordinator
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Outdoor Pursuits

Congratulations to all who took part in last weekend’s trip to the Pare Mountains. It was a large group of students and all had an excellent time.
Unfortunately we do not have a sufficient number of students committed to the planned Ngorongoro Trip next week, and we have therefore cancelled this trip. We have now proposed to change the level four trip from 2nd to 5th December to go to Ngorongoro instead of climbing to Socialist Peak on Mt Meru.
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SAT Tests
  A number of D2 students will be taking SAT tests in school on Saturday, 1st October as a requirement for entry to many universities in the USA.
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University News
In just over a week our students will have the opportunity to talk with representatives from more universities. On Monday, October 3rd we will have a fair at 2:30pm that includes representatives from universities in Canada, United States, United Kingdom and other locations. Parents are invited as well, so please come and learn more about the different opportunities. On Thursday, 6th October, a representative from Savannah College of Arts and Design (SCAD) will be meeting with selected M5-D2 students to explain what types of careers are available to students in these areas. SCAD has campuses in several US cities and Hong Kong.
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Sports News
Saturday September 24th will be our first official NTAA sporting fixture. Our U15 Boys and Girls Basketball teams, and our U19 Boys and Girls Football teams will travel to Saint Constantine to participate in the first round of the NTAA Tournament. Teams and coaches have been busily preparing and working hard at practices to give their best in this important sporting fixture.
Go Leopards. Please check back here next week for each teams’ game reports, results, and photos.
You can find the rest of the Season One Game Schedule from the NTAA here:
This coming Monday September 26th there will a FULL HOUSE MEETING at 13:00, for all Secondary School students. Locations have been posted for each meeting, and students will receive an email over the weekend providing important information. This meeting is regarding October 5th Athletics Day.
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent afterschool activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horse riding.
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
During the last week Kibo, Mawenzi, and Meru House voted for students to represent them, as house captains. House captain is a very important role for the students to perform as they will help each house to function properly and organize the house for events throughout the year. These students will be meeting this coming Friday September 16th to begin to plan the first few House Competitions:
October 5th Secondary School Athletics Day
October 28th Halloween Events
November 24th NTAA Logo Competition
December ISM Fashion Show
Students have been enthusiastic and there is good involvement. We are hoping the planning of these events for the houses goes smoothly. Each of these events will go to awarding of points for the HOUSE CHAMPION.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards!
Scott Hibbard, Head of Sport and Physical Education
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50 Years of ISM
  In 2019, International School Moshi will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary. This may seem a long way ahead right now, but we are starting to plan dates of events now, so that those hoping to attend can book the dates into their diaries. July 26 – 28, 2019: Special weekend of events for ISM alumni in Moshi.
October 2019: Events for the school and community to celebrate the 50th Anniversary.
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Primary Rounders
 The P3-6 rounders club took part in a friendly tournament at Kennedy House this past Wednesday. There were two teams, under 10s and under 12s. For many of the children it was their first time playing rounders in a such a tournament. The players played with enthusiasm and dedication. They demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and team cohesion. The under 12s fielding ability was excellent and the under 10s determination was commendable. Well done team. Coach Clare Hibbard and Mr. Thadeus
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Peace Day
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ISM Blood Drive
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SAVE THE DATEOur Primary and Secondary Hallowe’en events will be held on Friday, 28th October. The Primary ‘Trunk or treat’ will start at 3pm followed by a costume parade, dinner and film. The secondary Event will begin at around 6.30pm to visit a number of haunted houses around Shanty Town. Boarders will travel by school bus and day students are welcome to join in travelling in their parents cars.
If you would like to be involved in the Primary event please see Ms Annalee or email . You can sign up in the main office to bring your car for ‘Trunk or treat.’ Here are some photos from last year to give you some ideas!
If you would like to be involved in the Secondary event by hosting students at your home or helping to haunt another home please let Christine Brandsma know on .
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Secondary Mathematics
  The Secondary math department has welcomed five new teachers this year, including the head of the department, Mr. Delali Ocloo. Here is a listing of the teachers for each of our classes:
M1 – Mr. Delali Ocloo
M2 through M5 – Mr. David Ochieng and Ms. Erica Wilsen
D1 maths studies – Mr. Jonathan Bowen and Mr. Delali Ocloo
D1 standard level – Mr. Bob Cofer
D1 higher level – Ms. Erica Wilsen
D2 maths studies – Mr. Bob Cofer and Ms. Erica Wilsen
D2 standard level – Mr. Delali Ocloo
D2 higher level – Mr. Keiron White
We’ve been enjoying getting to know your children, mathematically and otherwise, exploring patterns with them whether they’re in M1 or D2, and making their heads spin with illusions like the one above! Here are some posters that M1 students made recently about patterns that they observe in the world around them:
 M2 students have been figuring out the rules that govern maths so that when we are presented with a problem like 2 + 5 x 4, we can avoid a fist fight over whether the answer is 22 or 28. They’ve also been figuring out how to divide 20 000 Tsh fairly among two people, if for example, 1 person worked for 3 days and the other person worked for 2 days.
M3 students just finished researching and putting together a budget for your family’s food expenses for a month, and then finding out how much money they can save you with a discount, and finally adjusting the budget if 5 relatives now come to stay for the month. Some were quite surprised at how much it costs to feed so many people!
M4 students just returned from a trip to West Kilimanjaro, where they explored the relationships between altitude and various quantities having to do with vegetation. They were able to see how maths are used to make predictions using a model as simple as a straight line.
M5 students began with a unit on financial math – credit cards, loans, savings accounts – and looking at how banks and financial institutions calculate interest. It was a good introduction to the realities of borrowing money, and just how sobering interest really is when you can’t pay back what you’ve borrowed! They also analyzed an article on oil consumption, and created a spreadsheet to find out when the world would run out of oil if we don’t find renewable sources of energy… ask them how long we have!
  D1 students have kicked off their diploma years by joining M1s in exploring patterns, but in a bit more sophisticated way! In higher level, we looked at one of the most famous pattern in all of history, the Fibonacci sequence, which begins
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 …
Can you tell what the next three numbers will be? We discussed the many ways in which this pattern can be found around us, from the dimensions of the Parthenon in Greece, to the music of J.S. Bach, to the seeds at the center of sunflower.
  D2 students in the standard level are off to a great start to their last year, discussing sets, probability and logic, while higher level students continue their exploration of calculus. They enjoyed figuring out how they could group themselves to see what they all had in common.
D2 HL students have worked on aspects of integration before recently moving on to the topic of vectors and extensions into 3 or more dimensions. This inevitably brings up the question of what is the 4th dimension, does it exist at all, is it time, or is it in another imperceptible direction? Although not an examinable part of the syllabus, the opportunity to explore the concept of dimension beyond our 3-D perceptions and to analyse four-dimensional shapes (do these exist if my mind is too limited to see them, but I can still analyse them mathematically?) raises questions relevant to Theory of Knowledge.
And finally, to end with an appeal: some of our students, especially those in M3 and M4, still do not have calculators besides those on their phones, which are not acceptable. We’d appreciate your help in nudging – no, pressuring – them into getting one and bringing it to class each day! Asante sana!
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Diploma Updates

- End of unit and end of the academic quarter assessments dominated the ISM DP students’ experience in recent days and we DP teachers are engaged in marking these to record them for the end of quarter assessments.
- ISM DP Parents are encouraged to use ManageBac to see first-hand the DP topics understudy and the assessment results.
- D1 parents should be aware of the application of the Diploma Progression Policy and the grade results for this academic quarter 1 which reads: “At the end of the first quarter of their D1 year, all full diploma students will be expected to have a minimum of 20 points (obtained by adding the reported achievement grades from their six subjects excluding ToK and EE). Any student achieving fewer than 20 points at this stage, or who have fewer than 10 points in their higher-level subjects, will be required to undertake a modified programme in consultation with the Diploma Programme Coordinator. All students with 20 to 22 points (or with 10 or 11 HL points) will be warned that they will need to reduce their programme of study if they do not receive a minimum of 22 points (a minimum of 11 points in their higher levels) by the end of the second quarter – this will also be communicated to parents.”
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Early Childhood Preview
  We are very much looking forward to Sports Day on Tuesday. You are very welcome to come along and cheer on your child. EC will be in the first race on top pitch, which will be a running race. After that we will continue on lower pitch for all our other events. Please remember that your child should be wearing shorts, house T-shirt and running shoes and have a hat and water bottle.
Unit of Inquiry
As we come to the end of the unit we are looking forward to inviting you to the EC museum. Please save the date of Wednesday 5th October at 10.35am when your child will present their museum space to you.   This week we are thinking about the languages we speak. If you speak any other language apart from English at home please send in a book in that language or languages. Some children already have books in other languages inside their box so no need to send another! Many thanks to our surprise visitors for coming into class last week to help the children inquire into how they have changed since they were babies. Issa and Effie and Mums Hope and Jocelyn gave the children an opportunity to see and experience at first hand how they have changed and grown. Next week they will show their understanding through puppet shows, paintings or making books.
  - EC1s and new children in EC2 will find out about the sounds b and e made by Letterland characters Bouncy Ben and Eddy elephant.
- EC2s will continue to word build using the short vowel sound o.
- EC2s will play games involving simple sight words.
- We will continue to read stories that involve growing and changing.
- Speaking and listening will focus on sharing museum spaces, talking about similarities and differences between them.
2D shapes
counting by rote and counting objects
ordering numbers
number recognition through games and puzzles
measurement including vocabulary tallest, shortest, taller than, shorter than.
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P1/2 Preview
  This week we learnt about the ‘Peace One Day’ Movement. Our class had a great success on Monday at the assembly in Karibu Hall. We were singing a lovely peace song and presenting some peace related crafts.
Spelling book – please make sure that Spelling books are returned on Fridays for the spelling test.
‘Show and Tell’: Group 1 on Wednesdays, Group 2 on Fridays.
Thank you for encouraging your children to bring in Unit of Inquiry related objects. They are very excited about talking about them!
Unit of Inquiry: This week we started to tune into our new and exciting Unit of Inquiry, which comes under the Transdisciplinary theme of ‘How the world works?’
The central idea is: Understanding how and why living things thrive can help us connect with nature.
The key concepts are:
Change, and
The Lines of Inquiry are:
Conditions under which plants grow and thrive.
Life cycle of different plants.
The connections between plants and other living things.
How people can affect the growth and development of plants in different places.
The children were very enthusiastic sharing what they already knew about this subject. They have worked in groups of 2s, looked at books and made some posters about what they would like to learn about plants in the next few weeks.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you feel connected to this topic and could share some interesting experience with the children. Thank you!
 Yuji and Levi preparing for their presentation |
 Eliza and Vicky explaining what they would like to learn about our new unit |
This week the students have compared numbers and used the new maths signs:’ <', '>‘ to say which number is bigger or smaller than the other. They enjoyed playing with a partner, rolling the dice and then writing the number sentences in their maths books using the new ‘crocodile jaw’ signs.
This week we have started to revise the learnt sounds so far, practising correct letter formations, sounding out and blending lots of ‘cvc’ words.
We watched ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ story and started to make some amazing crafts for our display board that is outside our classroom.
Please don’t forget to come and have a look.
What to bring to school every day:
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack.
Indoors shoes.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Homework goes home.
Tuesday: Sports Day! No lessons.
Trainers, House shirt
Swimming kit (costume, towel)
Wednesday: ‘Show and Tell’ for group 1
Thursday: PE lesson
Friday: Homework due in, ‘Show and Tell’ for group 2
Have a great week ahead!
Ms Andrea, P1/2 Teacher
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P2/3 Preview
  This week the P2/3’s have been busily expressing themselves in many different ways. They have been real risk-takers when exploring different forms of expression.
They have used many different ways to express themselves in Math, poetry and in reading.
This week in class:
POI : The children have created a poster that helped us tune into our new unit. They demonstrated ways in which they express themselves. We watched YouTube clips of how many people use forms of expression for different reasons and purposes (Haka – All Blacks rugby, Ballet – Peter and the wolf, Story tellers).
Writing: The children began to create their own poems, one about an object they had used and the other about a person they knew. We talked about how Poetry was an excellent way in which to communicate and express yourself.
 Math: The children looked at both 2 and 3 dimensional shapes and compared them to everyday objects using their properties. They also used 2 dimensional shapes to create a piece of abstract art work.
Reading: The class worked on visualizing what they read they created pictures in their minds of their books. We used The Kissing Hand as a tool to develop this strategy. Please check out our display board outside of our class.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Homework will be sent. I will also be sending home their end of unit reflection and leaflet. Please can you look through it and send it back on Tuesday. Thanks
Tuesday: Sports Day – Please ensure your child has the following:
Running shoes
House t-shirt
Water bottle
Sun cream
Swimming clothes and towel
Library will not be on this day.
Wednesday: Homework folder and Home reader
Thursday: Homework folder and Home reader
Friday: PE | Home work to be returned.
 The Week Ahead in the Classroom:
Unit of Inquiry: How we express ourselves
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.
Central Idea: People use many different forms of expression to convey their uniqueness
Line of inquiry: Exploring our uniqueness | Forms of artistic expression
Math: Creating 3 dimensional shapes. Looking into their properties and names.
Look into lines of symmetry and using this information to create art pieces.
Guess my shape game – The children will also play this for homework.
Language: Poetry. Looking into different styles of poetry (shape, acrostic,). Experimenting with word choice and developing a bank of adjectives.
Word work will focus on individual spelling needs. Handwriting looking at how we form the letters c, d, g, the correct way.
Our reading focus will continue to be on visualizing what they are reading: making a movie in their mind. This helps children pay attention to what they are reading and making sense of what they are reading.
Useful website:
Have a lovely weekend
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
  We have started our new unit. Our transdisciplinary theme is where we are in place and time.
Our Central Idea is Discoveries lead to new understandings that provide a link between past and present. Some of the children may have studied a similar unit last year but our unique lines of inquiry ensure they are taking a different route to explore this theme.
Our lines of inquiry are:
Reasons people explore (PERSPECTIVE)
The legacy of exploration (CHANGE)
Points of view in historical accounts of exploration (PERSPECTIVE)
Evaluating the impact of exploration (CHANGE)
In Math we will be learning about mapping, coordinates, angles and scale.
We will look at all sorts of maps this unit so please send in any good examples you have at home (subway maps, maps of airports, maps of cities).
We are also searching for a good printable map of Moshi.
In language we have started up Book Clubs where the students have been working collaboratively to creating story maps where they plot out the route a character takes during the length of a novel. They will be presenting these and character sketches to the class.
Tuesday is Sports Day and please be sure your child comes with a hat, water bottle, swimming kit and with sun cream already applied. Thanks for your help.
Julie Bowen, (P4/5 Teacher)
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P5 Preview
  Last Monday(Peace Day at ISM) we researched the difficulties faced by refugees who have been forced to migrate due to conflict in their home countries. The children brought the Migration UOI to a successful close by presenting their work in Primary Gathering on Friday. The P5s did a wonderful job and spoke loudly and clearly. Thank you to those parents who were able to attend.
This week we watched the 1972 version of Dr. Seuss’ “The Lorax,” and read the book to tune into our new unit, “People’s relationship with the Earth’s resources drives many of their actions.” We have considered the features of persuasive writing and, for our Language Arts focus, wrote a letter on behalf of the Lorax in defence of the trees. Next week we will work on new vocabulary for this unit. We will learn what is meant by the term, “natural resources,” and look at photographs to complete a “see, think wonder activity”.
In Maths we have been learning about area and perimeter. Next week we will look at fractions and use this as part of our work on how the earth’s resources are shared.
Please note that Tuesday 27th September is Primary Sports Day. The children will need to wear appropriate footwear, a house shirt and bring a swimsuit and towel. The children have been entered in a variety of fun, field and track events. This list has not been confirmed yet – I will share the final details with the children on Monday.
The week ahead:
Monday – Library
Tuesday – PYP Sports Day – wear running shoes and house shirt. Bring a towel and swimsuit. You will need your water bottle and a healthy snack to give you plenty of energy.
Friday – Swimming
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview
 The week started by marking the UN Peace Day. The P6s presented a Swahili song led by Ms Kileo the Swahili teacher. We had further discussions in class about the “Peace One Day” film documentary, which was shared by Mr. Cofer. It was very inspiring and we agreed as a class that peace should be part of our everyday action.
 Language Arts – the students will continue to practise the skill of editing texts by correcting punctuation, spellings and capitalization. This week we will focus on prepositions and how to apply them to our writing. The students will also continue to work on their informational reports. In the coming week they will be organizing the first and second idea and collect evidence as well as acknowledge their information sources.
Math – the students have enjoyed learning about different strategies we used to find equivalent fractions and change fractions to decimals. We will continue with this concept as well as reviewing different tools used to collect unit related data.
 Unit of Inquiry – we tuned into our new unit through watching the Lorax and doing a book browse. The students have come up with interesting questions that will allow them to find out more about their unit. In the coming week they will be experts in a finite resource of their choice and using guiding questions they will share information they have gathered.
Gentle reminders: Primary Sports Day: Tuesday 27th September. Students are expected to come in their House t-shirts. they need to bring a drinking bottle, a hat, sunscreen and a snack. They may also bring their swimming costumes as after the sports events they will have a dip in the pool to cool off.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
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