Dear Parents,
Many thanks to our Parent Association for last weekend’s picnic at TPC and thanks also to TPC for offering us this venue. Many ISM families including teachers and also our primary boarders enjoyed the relaxing environment and the pool, as well as the barbecue.
 Last week we also enjoyed the UK university fair and this weekend a group of our students are trekking and camping in the Pare Mountains.
On Friday many members of our community met at the Chinese Restaurant to support the Sparkling Elephant project – more details of this and next weekend’s planned student trip are given below.
Also coming up in the week ahead is our celebration of Peace Day on Monday and the M5 Symposium in Marangu on Wednesday to Friday.
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Peace Day
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Sparkling Elephant Project
  Tumaini our elephant finally got to sparkle this Friday, and shone bright at a successful gala dinner at the Feng Chinese restaurant. As a result, some of the proceeds will enable Tumaini, accompanied by the SEP ISM group, to travel to the Kitenden Northern elephant corridor next week (Sept 23rd – 25th) and participate in the Global March of the sparkling elephants on the 24th, and ‘join’ the global herd. They will camp within the vicinity of a local school, interact and share knowledge and ideas on elephant interactions and conservation with the students.
Tumaini would like to thank all those who made the gala dinner possible and a success. It was a fun filled event and ISM students played a key role in setting up of the venue, entertainment – in song from our music students, a fashion show, presentations and waiting on the guests.
From the elephantastic advocates of the sparkling elephant, we say ASANTE!

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Primary News
 It was wonderful to see so many of you at the PA Picnic last Sunday. This was a lovely event for the ISM community and we appreciate the hard work that went into organising it. If there are any parents who wish to join the ISM Parents’ Association in order to help organise such events in the future, please contact Anna Maze: .
  Over the last week the P1 – P6 students have been completing their summative assessment tasks. The EC students have also been working hard to prepare for theirs. It has been a pleasure to walk around the classrooms and see the children’s work. They are so passionate, knowledgeable and confident when explaining the conclusions they have formed in relation to their inquiries. Thanks to all the parents who have helped with this first unit of inquiry, e.g. by agreeing to be interviewed for homework, by coming into school to speak to a class and/or by sending in unit related items from home. This support helps the students to make connections between what they are learning in class and what takes place in the world outside of school.
As you know, the students have been working hard to improve their skills in PE lessons and sports clubs. Matches start this week with Rounders at Kennedy House School and Football at ISM Arusha Campus. Letters have been sent home to those who have been selected to play for ISM Moshi teams and we wish them all the best of luck. Parents can now purchase green ISM Leopards T-shirts from reception to wear for all such competitions against other schools.
  Monday 19th September is a Spirit Day and ISM Peace Day. We ask that all students come to school wearing blue and white for peace. “It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
It’s hard to believe there are only three weeks left of this quarter; time is flying. We need to start thinking about clubs for Quarter 2. As you know our clubs programme is extremely popular with most students joining the maximum amount. We have had some very generous parents giving up one hour of their week, each week, to help with clubs this quarter. If you think you would be able to commit to leading a club next quarter, please let me know as soon as possible. You can either speak to me in person or email me your club ideas: .
N.B. Primary clubs take place from 2-3pm Monday – Thursday.
Dates for your diary:
Tuesday 27th September – Primary Athletics Sports Day
Thursday 6th October – Primary Goal Setting Conferences – no taught classes for primary.
Friday 7th October – Quarter 1 ends at 10.15am for primary students. All primary students are expected to be in school until that time.
Sunday 16th October – primary boarders due back
Monday 17th October – Quarter 2 classes resume
Friday 28th October – After-school ISM Halloween celebrations – start making your costumes!
Kate Schermbrucker, (Head of Primary)
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Secondary News
  This past Tuesday we were visited by representatives from 18 universities out of the UK. Our M5-D2 students attended the fair and had the opportunity to talk with and learn from these representatives. I was proud to have a few of the representatives tell me what informed and quality questions the students asked. It was also great to see some of our parents in attendance at this fair.
We will have more of these events in an attempt to provide our students with as much information as possible about their university options. Thank you to Mr Daryl Rustad for all his work in planning these events. Our next planned University group will be here on October 3rd. More information to come on the visiting universities.
  On Monday the Student council will be hosting an assembly to celebrate International Peace Day which is on the 21st. I am told there will be singing and poetry as part of this. Students are encouraged to wear Blue and White that day.
In other news our M5 students are getting ready to go to their Symposium on the 21st of September. We also have two OP trips over the next two weeks.
One last note is that the secondary interim reports will be out on Thursday October 6th. Please do check that you can access ManageBac to see you child’s courses and progress in preparation for the reports.
Bob Cofer (Head of Secondary)
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Boarding News
  This is yet another busy weekend for boarders. Students went for usual town trip to Moshi town after school. A number of boarders left in the afternoon to go to prepare the venue for the Sparking Elephant Project. The group took part in a fundraising activity at Mr Feng Chinese restaurant to support this noble cause. This activity ran from 6.30 to around 10.00pm. Those who remained on campus were engaged either at the pool party tournament or attended a pool party organized for the MYP students.
On Saturday the 17th, Diploma students had an outing to Arusha to watch a movie. There were football and basketball tournaments for those who remained on campus.
On Sunday different groups plan to go to various places of worship. School transport is organized for the boarders. We respect the faith of the boarders, and thus encourage them to visit respective places of worship. In the afternoon, a football match has been organized in the top pitch.
We shall break for the end of the quarter on Friday 7th October in the morning after 10:15am. Boarders are expected to return to school on the 16th of October. Kindly send travel details to the Head of Boarding if your child will need school transport to the airport. She can be reached on email address newsletters1617\ or telephone number +255 689 772 346
Rosemary Bango, (Head of Boarding)
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Sports News
Sport is a vital part of student life here at ISM. Many valuable life-long lessons are learned, and there are a variety of opportunities for students to take part and their respective niche or passion for sport. To be successful as an individual or as a team all students involved must understand that they should strive to exhibit the following qualities:
Disciplined work ethic Responsibility Perseverance Commitment to team Teamwork Open communication
With those qualities in mind students must understand, it is ok within the parameters of our Sports Program to change from one sport to another during the season for certain reasons. However, it is never ok to quit the sport entirely! Most students quit for various reasons, such as, pressure of academics, friends are not doing the sport or have lost interest in that particular sport. While these reasons may sound good at the time, these reasons simply aren’t good enough. Research shows students who quit miss out on the overall experience the sport brings, the opportunity to make new friends, to compete games and events, but most importantly their own academic performance may suffer. If your son or daughter speaks to you about quitting a sport please remind them of the positives of sport participation, commitment and seeing it through to the end.
Please click here for an interesting article regarding “quitting a sport”: In the end, after all the talking and reflecting, if your son or daughter still wants to quit it is imperative that he/she speaks directly with the coach. While this discussion will be difficult, it will provide closure and allow both parties to move on.
To other exciting news:
Saturday September 24th will be our first official NTAA sporting fixture. Our U15 Boys and Girls Basketball teams, and our U19 Boys and Girls Football teams will travel to St. Constantine’s to participate in the first round of the NTAA Tournament. Teams and coaches have been busily preparing and working hard at practices to give their best in this important sporting fixture. Go Leopards. Please check back here next week for each teams’ game reports, results, and photos.
Please click here for the NTAA – St Constantine’s travel information form:
Please click here for the game schedule:
You can find the rest of the Season One Game Schedule from the NTAA here:
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent after-school activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horse riding:
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
During the last week Kibo, Mawenzi, and Meru House voted for students to represent them, as house captains. House captain is a very important role for the students to perform as they will help each house to function properly and organize the house for events throughout the year. These students will be meeting this coming Friday September 16th to begin to plan the first few House Competitions.
October 5th – Secondary School Athletics Day
October 28th – Hallowe’en Events
November 24th – NTAA Logo Competition
December 2nd – ISM Fashion Show
Students have been enthusiastic and there is good involvement. We are hoping the planning of these events for the houses goes smoothly. Each of these events will go to awarding of points for the HOUSE CHAMPION.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News. Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
  The Jubilee Tyres Junior Tennis Tournament will be held at the Arusha Gymkhana Club on 1st and 2nd October. For details and a registration form, please see
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M5 Symposium
  The M5 students from both campuses will be travelling to Marangu on Wednsday, 21st September to spend three days there discussing the qualities and attributes of leadership in their Leadership Symposium. We thank Marangu Hotel for allowing them to camp there.
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World’s Largest Lesson
THE 2nd WORLD’S LARGEST LESSON – for the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development
Are you familiar with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)? What of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) set at the beginning of the millennium? Well In September 2015 World Leaders committed to the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development. That is 17 goals to achieve three extraordinary things by 2030 (End extreme poverty. Fight inequality and injustice. Fix climate change). These followed the ending of the 15 year MDG goals that started at the beginning of the millennium – a vision to fight poverty in many dimensions.
The World’s Largest Lesson is a great opportunity to involve young people in the Global Goals. Last year lessons took place in 160 countries with world leaders, government ministers, celebrities and teachers all working together to encourage millions of young people to support the Global Goals.
The Individuals and Societies classes will highlight these Sustainable Goals in class activities in the week of the 18th September 2016 and take part in the second World’s Largest Lesson by sharing a lesson on the goals. See more on this link
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M5 French
 Our first unit is about teenagers and all the challenges they face in their life : healthy living, stress and associated consequences. Students have enjoyed our class discussions and all the mini rôle plays they had to perform throughout the quarter. In grammar, they learnt new structures and also revised some complex ones they learnt before. They have practised their reading skills by starting to read ‘Le petit Nicolas’.
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Swahili Language Acquisition
  “Mtu ni watu” “a person is a person through other people” “Der Mensch ist ein Mensch durch seine Mitmenschen”
A language is far more than a system to be explained. It is people interacting with people. Thus why in Swahili, one of the Bantu languages, one says: “Mtu ni watu”. In Swahili Language Acquisition class, in the first quarter we are learning about “me and others, my classroom and classroom instructions.” This topic aims at developing a respect for, and understanding of multicultural families, which build the ISM community. Students are advised, therefore, to make good use of this intercultural setting in practising their communication skills. At their different levels, they are equipped with a skills base to facilitate further language learning. Swahili Language acquisition students have a great opportunity to practise the language learned in an inquiry-based environment in and outside the classrooms through different activities including sports, outdoor pursuits and service in the community. In learning the language, however, students are involved in various skills such as oral, visual and written communication. The skills, attitudes and knowledge that students of M1 to M3 develop, under Swahili Language Acquisition courses are assessed using specific assessment criteria focused in this semester.
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Leopards T-Shirts
 NEW LEOPARDS T-SHIRTS FOR SPORTS MATCHESGreen ISM Leopards T-shirts are now in stock and can be purchased from reception for 10,000 Tsh each. If your primary or secondary child has been selected to represent the school in a match or tournament they are expected to wear this as their uniform. These T-shirts should be worn to travel to all away matches.
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Hallowe’en – Save the Date!
  Our Primary and Secondary Hallowe’en events will be held on Friday, 28th October. The Primary ‘Trunk or treat’ will start at 3pm followed by a costume parade, dinner and film. The secondary Event will begin at around 6.30pm to visit a number of haunted houses around Shanty Town. Boarders will travel by school bus and day students are welcome to join in travelling in their parents cars.
If you would like to be involved in the Primary event please see Ms Annalee or email . You can sign up in the main office to bring your car for ‘Trunk or treat.’ Google ‘trunk or treat’ for great ideas of what to do.
If you would like to be involved in the Secondary event by hosting students at your home or helping to haunt another home please let Christine Brandsma know:
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Diploma Updates

- Assessments in all subjects take place for all D1 and D2 students and these not only measure their content knowledge but also help in their own personal development particularly in terms of time management. Answering the question asked in a thorough fashion remains a challenge for many.
- A reminder to parents of D1 students – The Diploma Progression Policy states: “At the end of the first quarter of their D1 year, all full diploma students will be expected to have a minimum of 20 points (obtained by adding the reported achievement grades from their six subjects excluding ToK and EE). Any student achieving fewer than 20 points at this stage, or who have fewer than 10 points in their higher level subjects, will be required to undertake a modified programme in consultation with the Diploma Programme Coordinator. All students with 20 to 22 points (or with 10 or 11 HL points) will be warned that they will need to reduce their programme of study if they do not receive a minimum of 22 points (a minimum of 11 points in their higher levels) by the end of the second quarter – this will also be communicated to parents.
- The one-month D1 “drop/add/change” period is over so we are discouraging any further D1 major course changes. Total focus on those selected classes can now take place. After the first academic report in October, there may be additional level shifts.
- Many D2s are moving along to other upcoming coursework deadlines. An aura of serious effort pervades the campus and is great to see particularly during the very quiet and focused evening study time each weeknight.
- DP parents should have at least one parent make the journey to campus for the Oct 7th parent-teacher conference. It is invaluable for you to dialogue with your son or daughter’s teachers and understand first-hand how your son/daughter is progressing in each class. The journey’s cost will be worthwhile. Students whose parents never visit ISM may be busy professionally but they’re missing a beautiful period of their adolescent child’s life.
Upcoming Events1. September 27th – Geography Fieldwork Written Report (Final) 2. October 7th parent-teacher conference. Make the journey to campus for the. It is invaluable for you to dialogue with your son/daughter’s teachers and understand first-hand how your son/daughter is progressing. The journey’s cost will be worthwhile. Students whose parents never visit may be busy professionally but are missing a beautiful period of their adolescent’s life.
Video Review for The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey –
IB Info for parents –
Rick Fitzpatrick, (Diploma Coordinator):
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Early Childhood Preview
 Important notice: Please send your child into school on Monday wearing blue and white as we are celebrating The International Day of Peace.
Unit of inquiry
The children have become very enthusiastic about bringing in items for their museum space. Many thanks for your support. This week we will talk about celebrations as we continue inquiring into our similarities and differences. Please talk to your child about the times of celebration in your family; this could be special birthday traditions, Christmas, Diwali, Eid, Hanukkah, New year, etc
  Please send in an item or photograph to represent your celebration. This could be a candle, a Christmas decoration, a drawing of special food you eat, clothes you wear, just to name a few examples!
This week we will also think about our final line of inquiry, ‘How we grow and change’ and look forward to some special visitors to help us find out more! The children will carry out some science experiments that will help them understand the concept of change.
The children are continuing to correspond by letter with the Arusha campus EC class to find out all about them. This week we will ask them about the country(ies) that they most identify with and tell them about ours.
EC1 students will find out about the Letterland characters f made by Fireman Fred and o made by Oscar orange.
EC2 students will explore CVC word families with the short vowel sound o
 Read stories about growing and changing such as Titch by Pat Hutchins
Speaking and listening will focus on presenting objects for the museums as the children practice for their summative assessment in a few weeks time.
- Exploring patterns; looking at patterns found in our school environment from our pattern walk last week
- Exploring patterns in our music lessons
- Exploring pattern in art
- Number games, puzzles, songs and rhymes to develop number sense
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P1/2 Preview
  Thank you very much for sending in all those lovely baby and family pictures.
Spelling book – please make sure that Spelling books are returned on Fridays for the spelling test.
‘Show and Tell’: Group 1 on Wednesdays, Group 2 on Fridays.
Thank you for encouraging your children to bring in Unit of Inquiry related objects. They are very excited about talking about them!
Unit of Inquiry: Who we are
This week we reflected on what we learnt in the last weeks about our Unit of Inquiry.
We also talked about what it means to be Principled (PYP Learner profile attribute) and practised it in real situations, such as in invasion games in PE. The children shared some amazing experiences of being honest and following rules in difficult situations. They are such amazing teachers to one another.
This week the students have continued with their number bonds. Some have been completing number bonds to 20 and others completing number bonds to 50. We went outside to investigate number in relation to real life objects such as trees, windows and picnic tables. It’s always useful for students to make the connection between maths in the classroom and maths in ‘real life.’
This week we played some fun games practising the learnt sounds by sounding out and blending words and sentences. We used the mini white boards for our ‘Quick Write’ game, focusing on correct letter formations.
P2 were learning four new digraphs: ‘oo’, ‘ar’, ‘or’ and ‘ur’. They used their phonics knowledge to sound out lot of words and write sentences using some of the words. We also learnt about adjectives and collected some interesting ones from storybooks.
Please carry on reading the High Frequency and Tricky words on regular basis.
 Yann, Matilda, Izzy and Niall being creative with the hundred, ten and one blocks |
 Juyi, Swantje, Josephine and Eli:’We are a great team! |
What to bring to school every day:
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack.
Indoor shoes.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: World Peace Day. The children are requested to wear blue and white that day.
Homework goes home.
Tuesday: Library books
Wednesday: ‘Show and Tell’ for group 1
Thursday: PE lesson
Friday: Homework due in, ‘Show and Tell’ for group 2
Have a great week ahead!
Ms Andrea, (P1/2 Teacher)
|  Maxine, Nawichi and Rhea: ‘Our happy school girl!’ |
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P2/3 Preview
  This week in P2/3 we have had another great week of learning. The class have been busy working on their summative assessment for our first unit of inquiry. They have decided to use a checklist as their tool for assessing their summative task. Their task was to design and create a leaflet that incorporated the lines of inquiry that we have covered. The children have also used technology to help with the design of their leaflet.
The class really enjoyed learning more about germs and bacteria this week. It was a wonderful experience for them to have a real-life scientist come into class and share his knowledge and research. A big thank you to Steven’s dad for his visit.
  Reading parents is up and running. The children have loved reading with Kamili’s mum and it is also a great experience to read to a different audience. If there any parents who want to help please email me.
This week in class:
POI / writing:
Our main focus has been the design and content of their summative assessment leaflets – title, headings, captions, bullet points, fun facts. What makes a good leaflet? They have also been working on finishing their personal narrative published piece.
The children worked on solving math word problems. We took their prior knowledge of numbers and used it to solve addition problems. They have been focused on showing how they solved the problem. This is an area we will continue to focus on.
Our readers have improved their reading stamina and are now reading for a longer period of time. They are implementing many of the strategies talked about in class and this is great to see. If possible, please sign or make a comment after your child has read to you. It is an important part of their reading development.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Homework will be sent
Tuesday: Library Day. Please return all books in their library bags.
PE – Please ensure your child has proper shoes in order to run properly.
Wednesday: Homework folder and Home reader
Thursday: Homework folder and Home reader
Friday: PE
Home work to be returned.
 The Week Ahead in the Classroom: Our second unit of inquiry begins.
Unit of Inquiry: How we express ourselves
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.
Line of Inquiry: People use many different forms of expression to convey their uniqueness
Math: Developing mathematical thinking through word problems. (I have 2 dogs, 3 hens and a snake. How many legs do I have?)
Working with pattern blocks to create pictures and designs (using 2 dimensional shapes). Identifying their properties. Guess my shape game.
Language: Poetry focus. Creating their own poems using their individual creativity.
Word work will focus on individual spelling needs.
Long e (ea, ee) vowel sound: when two vowels go walking the first one does the talking.
Reading we will work on visualizing what they are reading: making a movie in their mind. This helps children pay attention to what they are reading and making sense of what they are reading. We will be using this strategy in Math as well with number stories.
Useful Websites:
Have a safe and fun weekend.
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
  This past week we worked hard to finish any ongoing projects and we completed summative assessments in all subjects. We also picked our favourite pieces for our portfolio.
Our special activities this week including cooking where we got a chance to multiply a recipe. Some students took on the challenge of doubling the recipe for us while others figured out how to multiply a recipe so we would order enough ingredients for four separate groups.
  We also wrote out great questions to ask our contact who works for UN women in New York city. She kindly talked to us via Skype and challenged the students to raise awareness as a way they could take action and talked to us about the importance of the UN in protecting human rights.
  As the unit is ending, the students decided to take action by staging a surprise protest march around the school where they hoped to raise awareness of the plight of people with Albinism in Tanzania. Please encourage them to explain why they dressed like ghosts for this event.
Monday we will celebrate International Peace Day by wearing blue and white and presenting a song in Assembly.
Julie Bowen, (P4/5 Teacher)
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P5 Preview
 This week we have reached the end of our unit of inquiry “Migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities” The children have been working on their summative assessment of making a visual aid to explain a chosen individual’s migration story. Feedback on this summative assessment activity will be sent home next week. We have published our migration books and added them to our class library. The children were very excited to complete this project and are proud to be published authors.
  As part of our UOI we have been considering some of the difficulties faced by refugees who have been forced to migrate for reasons beyond their control. We will investigate the refugee crisis further on Monday, when we celebrate International Peace Day. Please remind your child to wear blue and white clothes to school on Monday.
Next Tuesday we will start our new unit of inquiry, “People’s relationship with the Earth’s resources drives many of our actions.” We will tune into the unit by doing some activities related to Dr. Seuss’ book, “The Lorax.” We will identify new unit vocabulary. In maths we will work on area and perimeter. In Language Arts we will write a piece of persuasive writing, in defence of the trees, pretending to be from The Lorax.
The week ahead
Monday – Library and wear blue and white clothes for Peace Day
Tuesday – P.E.
Friday – swimming
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview
  The P6s had a successful sharing of their Summative Assessment. I would like to appreciate the P6 parents and the P5 team for coming to celebrate our learning with us.
This week Monday, 19th September 2015, we celebrate UN Peace Day. Students are requested to dress in blue and white which are the UN peace colors.
Beginning our new unit
The students will be doing their Unit reflections on Monday and on Tuesday we will be tuning into our new unit.
Central Idea: People’s relationship with the Earth’s resources drives many of our actions.
Lines of Inquiry:
i) Limited nature of resources
ii) Distribution of natural resources and human populations
iii) Pros and cons of how we use natural resources.
iv) Conflicts over natural resources
In Language Arts we will continue to focus on punctuation, spellings and capitalization as part of our whole language program. Our writing focus for this unit is Informational writing and this week we will look at the structure of the text and children will use this knowledge to write about their passion.
In Math the P6s are enjoying the website which they use to practise multiplication facts. We will focus look at other ways to represent data and we will look at fractions. Some students will go into decimals and percentages.
Gentle reminders: Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle as it is getting hotter and they need to drink frequently, even during lessons.
Cathy Wambua, (P6 Teacher)
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
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